ssstd ,011 COUNTY C1JWK .....It .a candU M'l'1,"1!: .miANIlKNIlUIKI. V . . ...,...W m mmlMlte Ml COOMTV BHUWt ...W randl tt.rtb!"'""""0 '!"' 7, . '""," ' . ..!, ..I Hherilt ol P 'rt ...... . ..i.u-iiiiUmiInUIii Ihmt-r ' mJ'1" rcindlJV, IJI'rflfctiriHiUlr.i.wl.ri.Hli. surf "rt,on' u mtHlHHY. If' - - Ik-,! announce my rlllecy '' MfV" . . ui...m ..( Itlanialli U)CM ,.. .-. -':iiw auibiiw. ''" rot nAif wwatob I ... ..... f Ifl.lnBMl. blsr W senawr " "- k. ltd Crook coimllri on III U Mia tWkel. suiijeei iimiw ' ' I V U'll.l.lTH. IS " - -- ifasawtfr lr Jolnl emal.r '""" . . . - l ..U.L ,..intla .1 iBllb, Use '" """" '" T srisiirr tlftllon lo l liM A.rll IW. lirlH WlMnlly iei.rreente.1 this rktta !! Ut kmIoii i-I llie legl" .,i .... I s. sii.rtl Its Rift IBM IfrWi ivii ..' -- it., I vln (or it Uvor bU ron ftUM W IW 1VIW ...- r . 14wUkl. Itrcllully. OKO. II. Ui:ilKYNA. IsMitotlslellistl tut candidate iURnitllcn nomination fir Joint r la rspirwnt iii ilistriri run i el Cra.k. Ktsiuslli lil l-ke iIh. II. U IIOMIATR, llonania, Oregon, I resctiully announce my candidacy (or re-election on ilia Itepulillcan ticket to tlin odl in ol County rVliool HiiiMirlti-teiidi-ni, suuhM-l lu tin will ol tli votr t tliu primary election, .I.O.WiaHT. rOI COUNTY COMMIMIONXR I jiitmliy minoiihcp inynollm kcirull lint lor Ilia noinlimtlon lorCoiimiltdon. r nn tli rvpubllrn ticket, (or Ilia ron Iclrmtlon ol tlm vutari t tint primary ulntlon In Airll. U. J. HWINdl.K, txirolU. Um. Furs Wanted ti D. Wlllwn In In the mirkot for all k tid of fura, for which ho will pay tht hltchwi mark! prlc. AdJr.hlm at Klamath Falli, Oregon. 2500 Acres Free rOR COUNTY IURVIYOR I I livruby announce inywll a candidate lor rw-elrcilon to the oltlceol County I Hurvoyor, iiIiitI to tlm couilderallou ol , the Itepuhllcan rnlerr at the primary .rlrctlou. M. I). WII.I.IAMH. Tliu Uketldu company hat 2J00 acre ( land uiidur tho Adami ditch that II III Klvo HKNT FHEK lor one year. ThU liiclodn Ihu uce of the land and atr. The rwnter miml cli-ar and place the land In cultivation. The rent er iceta all the crop hut we reterva the rlyht to patlure the atuhhle. Tliu jikclil Cuniaiiy, J. Frank Admin, Malinger, Merrill Orrgon, FOrt JOINT IIKI'HEHKNTATIVt: To Hi llepuiillcam ol Klamath, Ukr, Vlt"'. ..... h.l ,... , 1-wUli U Inform the Itepuhllrami ol ",n "nu "niK-rwoou a uruif atorc. 1 j Hlxtii-lnch and four.foot wood for ale in any quantity. U-ave order at lloltkemper'a Jewelry Store or New- Profeiilonal Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentin Office orer Klamath County Hank c. r. STONE Attorney at Law Omic over stofflf, Klamath Fall, Oregon T tumoxr It THR OFFICE .. D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law i Klamath Falli, OrcKon E. H. DuFAULT. Proprietor Cholceat of Wlnei, Llquora and Cljari t Catcra to tho better clam of trade, with nothing to offend tho most critical. You'll notice tho difference when you try it. Juit tho place to drop in for a refreshing bever age when you nevd a atlmulant. Pure llquora of all kinds for family trade a specialty Klamath, l.akr, Crook and (lrant cun lie, constituting Ih Tweniy-flrst Itep rrwntativ District ol Oregon, that my nam will b pieend (or )our comlJ. ration at the primary eieetion to U held April 17, ItM, asking your suftisgs lor arirctlon as on ol lb Kepubllcan noinlnera (or Jolnl Kpreentalle lo U ballotnl (or on June t, IWM. II. I. Ilelknap, I'rlneville, Oregon. DIMOCRATIG CAJfDIDATXS for county aanurr I reictlutly announce niytell as a t candidate lor theofllreol fhsriffon the i Ikimorratlr ticket, ut.Jrct to the will ol the voter at the primary election, II. KT.OF.O. niHIIOP. DIt C. P. MASON j Dentlat American Hank & Trust Co.'s liulldlng' I I hereby announce mytcll a candidate on lb Democratic ticket, lor the nation lor sheriff, (or Ih consideration ol the votrrs at the primary ctrclion. 1 II. K. HUNHAKKIl. rORCUNTYOSReNKR I rvsct(nlty announce ruysl( as a "candidal lor the office ol Coroner of Klamath Cotwtv. Ormon, on tli Deiu wratle ticket, sulijt lo Ih approval ol the voter at the primary election on April 17, lis. F.AIII. WIIITI.OCK. rORCOWTYTWAlURIR IWrty soaouncr mv camlldary lor rtloo te thf oRIre ol Uounly 1 lha HriMil.lican ticket sub- luikdUlori(if the prlmarirs on air. I. AI.VA I.KWI8. rtky ilftlsir imim-II a candidate 1 toainttlon (.1 County Treasurer taVpsbliranllckel, subject In the nlon of the ro'tis at the rl Jilicdo. T.W.hTKl'IIKN8. Mouse raiM-ll a r.n.ll.Ulv lur lha kblicsa uumlnstlun for I li IMCuantTTrrsmriir, subject lo tli M Iks voter at llie conilnn elec. lUafrll e.c.cumvooD. nt COUNTY AtUMOR Klttr sonounr f ni.. r.n.ll. Ikvaonloallnnon the Kepubllcan Klamath ljMlJctlo ths decision ol tli "" we floury election. "KKTK.WITIIItOW. r1"1fi' in) sell a candidal - Boaiiaatlon to the office of JiMlJrtHolhe decision o( the tersallhe primary elec- K. W. (10WKN "NKUTtNO ATTMinv "''""""'ny-idfasa candl- i7i '. """ xwvX 'or the Ul) I for 1 1. .., ,. , -"-""i" mi insirici At- 'ItKD. II. MUM. SalSt "ri.uwi. NUs .7. ,,IU olOca o SJ "toiwy for hu eecond ,r'T'.M ""''' uu,Mh:u,u" cou",,o d-v!kuyki:ndall. WUINTENDIIIT v r'nuary elec J. n uiu.u - "I, All, blSBh-.. I nii..H.. "' " candidate IbrCooZ'0.? ,!'u Kopobllcan tltQlhadl, 7 WuP"ltna. I JTSA "' M...... .?' -win, Oregon, IXR COUNTY AailUOB I hereby declare myself a candidate (or th nomination lor County Aseesaor on the Democratic ticket, subject lo the decision o the toter at lb primary election. J. 1. I.KK. I respectfully announce myself a can dldat lor the Democratic nomination (or the iilllce of Assessor, object to lb decision of the otere at the primary election. OKO. T. CI.1NK. lorlla, Oregon. fOR COUNTY TRIAIURKR I rcspvctlully announce myself as a candidate lor the office ol County Treas urer, on the Democratic ticket, subject to decision of the oters at the Primary election. CLAUD II. DACH1ETT. FOR COUNTY OIRK I hereby announce myself as a candl data (or nomination lo office ol County Clark subtoct lo aillon ol Democratic voter at theprlmary election. u. A.,. Treasurers Notice Nolle ! hereby alvcn that there are funda In the county Ireatuiy (or the re demption o( all outstanding connty warranU tiroteatwl on and prior to Jiilw 0. Wort. Interest on tame will cease (10m thla date. .... Dated at Klamath halls tin .'isi uay ol March, IIWH. J Alva Lewis, County Treasurer. NOIKt TO CMWIOUS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OIIEGON Full KLAM ATH COUNTY. EBTATK OF JOSEPH CONGER, DECEASED. Notlea la hambv elven that th last III and taatamantso( JomdIi Coilk-r, dcMtd, haa lawn duly proven and ad mitted to probata and that John VY. Hitman and Chat. D. TYIIUon have baan duly appointed aa eitcutora thr ol. All person having claim agatnit aid aatat ar lierby requested to pre atnt the aama with tli proper voucher, within tl nnnlha (ram th data of till notlea, te tW undersigned at the First National Rankin the city 01 Mamem Fallt, Oregon, Datad at Klamath Fall. Oregon, tnti 1 Jth day ol Fabraary, ISM. Johm W. SttMiMi, 2-lfl 6-19 CHaatia D. Wiluon. KiMuton o( ma last win ana isi ant of JoNph Congtr, Doaad. fire Alarm Districts District No. 3 West aid of rlvtr. District No. 4-South of Main street from the bridge to Center street. District No. b-Conirrand California ! Avenues. District No. O-Ewauna Height. 1 District No. 12-South of Main, be 1 tween Center and Third. I District No. 13-Routh of Main, hc 1 tween Third and Fifth. ! District No. H-North of Main, be Iwten Third and Fifth. District No. 15-South of Main, to I Walnut between Fifth and Seventh. District No. 10- North of Main to High, between Fifth and Seventh. ' District No. 2l-8outh of Main to , Walnut, between Seventh and Ninth. ! District No. !-North of Main to1 High, between Seventh and Ninth. District No. l-llut Springs district east of Main and Ninth. District No. 24-South of Walnut to' I'lum, between Fourth and Sixth. ! , District No. Z5-South of Walnut to I I'lum, between Sixth and Eighth. District No. 31 -South of Walnut and East of Eighth. District No. 32-North of High to Jefferson, between Sixth and Eight. District No. .-H-North or Jefferson, between Sixth and Eighth. Dirtrict No. M-North of High to Jefferson, between Eighth and Tenth. District No. tl-Northof Jefferson, between Eighth and Tenth. District No. 42-Easl of canal. The general alarm will be sounded by giving ten rapid strokes of th bell, followed by the number of th district In which the fire is located, which will bv rung three times. When the dia rict la represented by more than one figure, as No. 24, after giving the gen eral alarm the bell will be tapped twice, then a slight pause, followed by four taps with a longer pause, and then re peated, twice more before sounding tht general alarm again. On ThWMrt) Men, flpNO. 1( 1.000 men were to coo fa ban tad each on eat a dollar's worth. I would bav Just f 1.000." eald tbe man agr of one of those restaurant wbara each praon beli himself. "On U other haad. If I should feed 1.000 wo men and allow them to pick out lbtr own checks I might poaatbly hav KOO, but I doubt It. Every woman la a natural born cheat It aeetut to b a alith use lu ber niakoup to try to awt ahead of the person who provide ber nasals." The woman to whom tbe horrify tat revelation bad been made walked way trying to evolv obm plan for etnaDclnatlag ber set from th web of dlahonest propensities In which they had becom nmebed. Outside the restaurant h met a man friend. "I've Just lieen down there for lunch eon," be eald. "Ulorlou place; cheap loo. If a fellow kuowa bis bualntea It la dead eaay to get a fifty cent meal for a quarter. Tbey never watch the en. but I tU you Ibey keep a close eye on you women." The woman with an ambition to re form her sex looked back Into the reetauranl. "One thousand men, $1,000," an aid, and amlled wlekedly.-New York Time. Zim'8 Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing Firstclass Line of Plumb ing Specialties and first class Workmanship. A. O. U. W. Building KUmath rail We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At the Bridge on Mala atreet ThuneV In Varleus RegUn. Java U aald to be Ibo region of th glob where It tbuuder oftenett, hav ing thunderstorm uluety-eoven days In tbe year. After It are Sumatra. ih .iei.ev.aix dan: Illnduatau. with flfty-atx; Borneo, with flftyfourt the Sold Coast, with flftytwo, and Rio de Janeiro, with fifty-one. la Suropj. Italy couple the tret place, wit thirty-eight day of thunder, whfl France and southern Russia have ale teen day. Great Britain and iwlljer Uad bav each eaves days, sad, frar way has four. Thunder te rare at Cairo, belug beard only three days U tbe year, aud eitremely rare In north ern Turkeetaa and th polar regions. G. Hetalig, ft Co. Fur Merchant! Address Msrehfleld, Or, or Klasasth lllOreoa CENTRAL CAFE Opea Day andNlgat Private Dining I'arlora Oyitera Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klamath Falla fi Wlnema Truck & Transfer COMPANY Furniture and pianoa carefully nvivcd. Baggage wagon and general draylng. All work . given prompt attention. Buaa to and from all boat. Phono 103 COLBURN & YOUNG Proprietora Elvvood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elvvood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hunt The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the Supcnrlsloa of the Oovenuacat . . . None Better . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale . and Retail Liquor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture Is on Its way to the Klam ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the American Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. "Our Responsibility ends whenever you an Satisflcd." E. W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Withrow, Vice President Abstracting Maps, Plans, Blue Mats, c. Awm Slosh; Secretary Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers C. E. M. D Klamath Falls, Oregon Don J. Zumwalt, C. E, President M. D. Williams, C. E. Treasurer lav Y SaVraaawtf -VYrV a Mv m Vmt.j saStkaW.vT'.Yvtei'l -Vs fMM mbbbP' law1 ' 1 "w $tyz-r&F swif A li ' I'-l aaa-'M m-i aaavf-i J, li Hl e4.-ra9w R V hVmss Vk LF Cv3 s gasBal tlt fVXH The 19th will be Easter Sunday and the man who is figuring on blooming out in the new Spring Colon will find that we have made great plana to meet hit ex pectations, from the elaborate showing of novelty neckwear to the newest shadings in Spring garments. In our clothing section we are making a special display of Friend Made and Alma Mater Student Styles at 15.00 to $5a00 for Suits and Top Coats, . Our display of neckwear is larger, handsomer and more attract ive than ever before. Portland Clothing And Shoe Store ' jtA-