I .ft " CHE EVENING HERALD tsuais SaBr. MMBt 8aar. br Um Herald PubHsWofl Company W. . SMITH. Masr gUMCMRtON RATS Uattr, br smU. a rw. . . . Uallr, by mll limonlhi. . OtUr. by Mil Uim months . . Dstlr. br MU. a month. . How TO IUIT.-8nd rmtaAe moiwy otdrl isms. rT. pfnsnnl ckk on roar ferml bank. lm cwn. m ... Niwarasaa LAW or oMON.-srtton sax 01 I too tto 1.25 ,M J bank. thoMvioT Onkw Drakka lhat whrnmr wi mnt eontroUlna nwMwr sball mill such nnm to any lnon In Ihlt 8UI without rmnwasw so any ixnon in in Bona wunoi nrst rmvlrlaa' an ortr thartfor, rack mtotoi haO b dssaMi to b a lift, and bo dbt or obttrs. Hon shall Menw antral sh pnvn, wnvthrr ukl iiniMM rrcrlnd br tb. phwi to whom It I Mnt or Ml. SATURDAY A I'll II. II, 1MB SELECTING A HUSBAND. Caatura Him While Ht It Still Youa Dscil. and Plastic, lleraust It la Ilia July of itrrr wc man to marry imho nun It lijr no mmus follows tbnt the It deprived of the privilege of runklug acute discrim ination. On tlie conlrarr, to fulfill tier mtasloi a completely ni potslbl arte alioaM eiercNe the rrtstet onrs la teloctlai: n mate. Time was when stss had no tar In the matter, and In some countries the bat little or bone today, but la this happily clrlllted land sb till possesses and trill undoubtedly hold fur nil time the right flrat tn cbtMne ami then cnsitaiv. It la no ble prerocntlre ie. In our Judgment. that ahonld lw nppreclnted and cher lahed above all oilier. And jet. nt we have obaerred. It ahonld be excrclaeil with caution. I.et nothing be left to chance, at I'lnto would have bad It srlien he decreed th.it pairing kIioiiM be done by lot While not ovvrnlce, lie at leaat particular Id ortler that the nue choaen may feel honored hr the dlttlnrtlon ronferred upon him and no l the more readily Induced to bow hl undying gratefulness. Mitch that waa thought and written year c on how to cboo n arlfo vrna good enongli tor the time, bur tin- re cent iwtTMl of the relative attitude of seeker and aoitght reudera It value less. Nerrrtbelesa, deaplte the fact that In eonalderlng the polnta to be headed nod the precautions to be ob aerred by womankind we find our aelree In a fallow Held, certain gen eral principle may be regarded as Uttatksd. It to beat for example, to captor a husband while be U atlU yoang. dodle and plaatlc. Preferably also be abould be In lore, lie may tbeat be waloed after the manner beat cab-slated to serve the convenience 'of bar for whom thenceforth be mutt aad should toll. George Harvey In North American Review. MARSH LANDS OSalJL!Si- SO per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest bargains at $20 per acre and upwards. Easy Termi. ABEL A J)V OUR LARGEST SCALES. The Manatee Weighing Machine In the Washington Navy Yard. The bbjgeat scales In the country are In the navy yard at Washington. They outweigh the largest railway scales, by flfty tons. The latter are not to be assessed at for tbey easily weigh as much as 'a heavily loaded car. Ibe navy yard sea let are ao ac curate that they come within a pound of (he exact weight Railway acalee are considered good If they coroo with in ifty pounds. All the large ord nance manufactured for the navy la weighed upon this machine, which is soma tan years old. The scales look Ilka ordinary hay scale. The delicate mechanism is Invisible, tb saoet Intricate parts being In a broad pit below the ground. The plat form la forty-eight feet long and twelve fast wide. Beneath the power ful maeWsery la a cement base laid upoa long piles. A solid base being on of the prime requisites of a pow erful weighing machine. It waa found necessary to use a pile driver to se cure a stable foundation. The machine Is regarded as the Bn est of Its kind In tb world and la a epleadid achievement of American In genuity. In order to show the ac curacy of the scales an official picked up half a brick and toaasd It upon tie ptattscm Ha than consulted a long brass lever aad found that the brick weighed Justine pound. The capacity of the sea lea la ISO tons. Two twelve-Inch guns lying on a forty-elfht foot car truck can be welshed a the machine without tax lag Ita eapecKy,-Wasblngton star. , l Trust You." "I owe my salvation to three words you spoke." be wrote. "When all the world waa against, me you said, 'I trust you.'" If every boy or girl who baa made mletakes and gone astray could bare such a friend a great many of them would latum to a normal life. The feoUag that somebody believes In us, truss us, uo matter what others he llers or aay, touches the heart Crim inate are sometimes totally reformed through the consciousness that some body still believes In them, no matter how low they may have fallen. Could we realise how much this trust and coaldenc would do for a man when everything else has failed w should b snore generous of our confidence In ourfHows.-8uccs Uagaxlne. . . Ha Oeeeratlsn Required. lb was Mr, Hobarfs flrat experlsncs with warns, and ha liked the taste of tfaesn. Wbaa b bad been served twice be, called the waiter to blm snd spoke coseVlaBtlally. "I'm from Pokevllle," he said, "and we're plain folks there. Don't care rasjb for style, but w know good food whan w get W. l.waut another plate ful to these cakes, but you tell the cook she needn't stop to put that fan cy printing on 'em; Just send 'eta along plauV-Xoutbs Companion. msaBtmmmmmmsmmasemmmmmmr Timber Land Notice United .States Land Ollice, Ukevlcw Oregon, February 18, 1W.H. Notice Is hereby given that In com pllanrn with tlm provisions ol the act of ConaressolJiinoS, 188, entitled "An act lor Ihesalool tttntwr lands. In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terrltoty," at extendrd to all tho I'ublla IaihI States by act of August 1, 18.', Charles It. DcLap, n( Klamath Fall, County ol Klamath, State of Oregon, hat filed In thia ollke lilt anotn statement No. -101'.'. for the pitrchatoof the awjjnrf, n.tX,.l ol m-c. 3, tp. 3S 8. range 0 K. W. M and will offer proof to show that the land sought It more valuable for ita timber ur stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to said land hvfoic the Countv Judge of Klamath County, at his ollice at Klamath Fallt, Oregon, on Wednesday the 13th day of .May WW. , . lie nutun at ltne-ea:J. V. Nicho las L. D. Itltchlion, True II. IVljip, A. XI. Jamlion, all c( Klamath rallt, OrcRon. Any nnl all perrons elalmtnii ndvero- ly the nbova described land are rem'l eil to tile llietr claims in thlt ollice on or beforo laid 13th day of May WS. 2-SW .Vl;l .1. N. Wataou, register. SJHPHHeS-SW J.I i- l'-l" Petition for Liquor Licen.se To the Honorable Count)' Court of the Stale Oregon for Klamath Coutily. We the undersigned, resident and le gal voters of the 1'rvcliH-t of Sprngile Hiver, In the County of Klamath and State of Oregon, and actual ri-sidcntu therein and ho have actually resided therein (or more than thirty day Im mediately preceding the ditto of sinning and riling this our H-tlllon, do lierehy respir"11"' jNitltlon your lionoiaMe lioily to grant and Itmo to J. C. Kdsall andT. M. Edtall, of tho firm ol Kdsall Bros., a license to sell sjilritout, vinous, fermented or malt, liquors in let quan titles than one gallon, In the precinct aforesaid for a period of ono year, from the 0th day of May, A. I. 1003. Notice ii hereby given that this - tltion lll be presented to the County Court of the Stain of Orrgon, for the County of Klamath, at the court house In the city of Klamath Kails, on the Kilt day of May, A. I. 100S, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. or at soon thereafter at said petition can be heard. Dated thU 23lh day of March, A. P. 18. ; . - . . O.T. Anderson, L. !.. urimn, i. J. Anderson, F. A. Campbell, W. V. Fin ley, r.. W. Whettton, A. W. Event, J. M. Saticr, Win. II. Garrett, Ld llloom- Ingcamp, John S. Furber, II. J. Lang katn. Itoss tt. Finley, W. W. rimith, James Phillips, W. K. Sutter. It. P. Courtright, II. h. Anderson, C. K. Morlu, Amoi i.unny, Jiai utmry, j. a. Wilson. J. K Freeman, Hpratt. Wells, C. E. Berg, J. II. Boyd, James M. rer- ren, Frank Obencliam, 1- A. Itirriaru on. (ivbnre llloominncamp. Q. M. An derson, Torn Ivory. James Hell, Frank Khamley. J. A. raricer, u. u. jsews, Charles Trupp. CHANGE OF TIME Klamath Lake Railroad la Coucciloa With Mclntirc-Strtw Stae Line DAILY EFFECTIVE APBII. 10, 1008 From Klsmsth Falls to Has Fran cisco and all points between Thralland tame. Leave Klamath Falls i: A.M. Arrive at Bpeucera ""0 Leave Spencers H: Arrive at Pokegamn 11 : Leave Pokegama,ic.l..n.ll :I5 Arrive at Thrall 1:15 P-M. Ieavo Thrall, a. P. RR. train No. 15 at 2:20 Arrive at San Francisco 0:28 A. 31. SO hours and 28 minutes, Klamath Falls to Han Francisco. Train No. 13 on S. P. leaves Thrall 6:W p. m. arriving at San Francisco II: 28 a.m. Klamath Falls to Portland Leave Klamath Falli as above. Leave Thrall, 8.P. I rain No JO, 1 :32 p.m.; arrive at Portland 7 :65 a. m. 27 hours and 65 minutes, Klamath Falls to Portland. San Francisco to Klamath Falls Leave fian Francisco at 2:20 p. ra. arrive at Thrall at 6:01 a. ra. .Leave Thrall at 0:30 a. m.; leave Pokegama at 0 a. in.; arrive at Klamath Fallt at 6 p. m. Dinner at Spencers, leaving there at 1 p.m. Hhortett time ever. 20 hours and 40 min. San Francisco to Klamath Fallt. No other route does it. This is the cheapest and heat way. Fare fft, either direction between Thrall and Klamath Fall. Want 'em in a hurry That's the case nine times but of every ten when you need groceries. When you ijet cautfht In this prdlcament Just call up 510-youMI get 'cm in a hurry. Van Riper Bros "Get the Habir-Use Chase 6 Sanborn's Coffees. Heavy Freighting a Spcclclty. Batfjjufjc Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your PHONES fine piano moving KENYON & THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS OfflCC N71 liarn (171 Krtldcncc C43 CHAS. E. WOICDEN President FltED MKI.IIASK Vice-President The American Bank and Trust Company Caoltal Slock $100,000 Open (or baalnca. ..very day In the year .xcept Sundays and legal holidays. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON M. WORDEN Cashier KIIKI) SriIAl.l.OCK Am'i Cunliur rmmmmmmmmm Incorporated November 28, 1900 Statement of Condition ,, ,uf the,. .. Klamath County Bank Klamath rails, Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1907 . RESOURCES Iawhis ami Dixcount $340,530.00 IkimlH ntitl SccuHticd 63,520.01 Koul KntlltV, ItulltllllK'll Ulltl Fixturi'rt . 14,745. 1 U Cash nnd Slglit ExcIibiibo 166,247.01) 1085,010,51 UABILJT1XS Cniiitul Stock, fully pnltl. . 9100,000.00 Surphw nnd ProfltH 21.7S3.II Duo Otlior ItankH 32,000.04 Ik'IKwiU 431,295.40 $860,040.51 I, Alex Martin, Jr., ('ashler of tho ativciiim bank, ilo solemnly awrrar that tlm sIhivu Male tlli'llt l true to the brat of my knowUHla uinl hnllrf AI.KX MAUTIN, Jit., Casl.irr Subaciilxil ami sworn to Ixfurc me llila dth day of January, ltaH. (Svalf IU II. WlTllltow, Notary Public fur Omi;"" OFFICERS ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS Prenldcni Vice-President Cashier Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or K K K Store, Phone 174 JT 7ITCTTIFJ? Wood Yard and Of flee . lis rUilJJ!ii Near CI(y nll Phone 84 The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Orcijon Saddles, Harness and Supplies . We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing In Value When blockn in Milln Addition wenolfi-reil nt ImrKnin prices n number of nlirewd lnvoi torn bought; &lncv that tlnio vnluca have incrensod mnterinlly. Theie Lota are Barvjaln Buys nt present prices, nnd there- in every renimn to nntlctpnte tin advance in price. Iteiiieni ber thi'itu lotH nre FIFTY feet In width nnd ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FKET dcepmoru than double the nreti of moat town IntH olTered to Investor!. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. 0. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Saleamen. Office on Fifth Stmt The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largesfand best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. H. BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfitter Klamath Falli, Orego Strictly First-class Work Estimates Furnished Phones: Builncia, 300; Residence, r04 Announcement Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture from B. St. George Bishop I vviU bo pleased to meet all his old friends) and also extend a cordial welcome to the many new residents of Klamath County. Our line is complete,,. and lots of. goods are on the road 'from the best supply houses -in the cities. , '. ' ' r .v: .':: " W. H. DOLBEER Succeuor to B. St. George Bishop Bennett's Feed Stable Next to Mmrtin'i Mill Now Open for Business The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock getting their flill, has been installed Plenty of Wagon Room JASPER BENNETT. Proprietor East End Meat Market CRISLER s WIlTf, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veil. Mutton.Pork and Poultry fresh and Cursd llaata ami Sausages of all Mid Wo handla our maU In tho most modtrn way In clean linen and surroundings. Try us and wa will bs m?t happy to havo you for a customer. Freo DsHvery.