The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 11, 1908, Image 1

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jlatly RnJ VttWr ln
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Klimth Fall .
Year, No. f.23.
Price, 5 Cents.
Irrigation System Being Put In
Condition for the Season
W. Smith Has Contract for Repairing Part of System-
. . a.. Ullt ft irrlnattxl IhU Yar Them
A iafjrer - "
Was Lafet Season
E W.Fmltd, III railroad contractor,
teal canst In Ihe Hot Hprlng addition,
IM rasd itnr"""u with the opera
tiotWllBisliilfiiicedpsrtiiint ol the
.i. tL,n Krrvlcii to rlr " Auams
ttML Thl branch of th lirlgatlon ty
ik.lfhsrtol W. II. Hellinen, ami
(VxtrMtof fmlili "HI work umUr lili
tutnWon. It will rnpilre about Hire)
teritlo pal the canal In condition lor
ill Mion, in I ,"u ,I,X ,orn l,J
t itUf btsJ el horses w III Iw on Ihe Job.
TMMMl will be "'r '" ,, delivery
jUf by the tl c ) monlli.
Tkt Irrigated area will bo contldera-
Ur Imp tali JMr '"" llM raon """
Ifct feet water will l turned In the
e4kemal"lil eck. Tit Govern.
alUreaiylnlnriilih water (ur V,
MMneolltnd, but tint Irrigated area
IflMtMtsUw than this aa all ol Ihe
UW aadtr the nulu canil n J onWr
thtvUdltclir ariilrrl ti tho Govern
MatUootfrfljr fur water. Ul year
Oh Irrigated arc aggregated about 10,
ItalctUW tit lint every rancher ho
Mt ealtr Ihl year will um it M thf
met ire for dry tuon, making
kstsstttry b Irrigate In order lo (row
imp. Uit irtwin dry fanning wat
IWjMCMMful, but Itili year the rondl-
UM SttlU clilDKnl. TIlC lk ol mitt
a)wlafrtaieln population through
) valley will augment Ilia number
(WMliulaJrJ In the Irrigated area.
Tkt Irrlgitlon ijitcm Iim been put In
rUptlor the in m and aa aoon m the
filtr It turned into ilia rami ilia farm
MMOtrtlitillicliran lgln watarlng
UtlsUiMch nrc already In need ol
Mails Wilt Go by Way of
Dorrls and Weed
Raise Nursery Stock
J. Funk Admit hit received Iron
IVaberaBataon, ol Talent, appla and
lawaitdtwlth a request that ha
mat lo th production ot nurterv
. Mr. Bceson It ol the opinion
utttat toll and climate ol this county
"fully adapted to Hie nrotluctlon
""' H he li correct In hit deduc-
tlont Ike experiment will on a new
Industry lor llilt rounly wdlcli will
pmv highly rsrniinoritUe to those who
angagaln It at them It a stroll denimd
lot nuaeery tlorka all over the Pacific
Coaat and thl demand la gradually
Nothing hut branched ttocki can be
grown In Kifue river valley and uiott
ol ihrae are uier tire at the climatic
condlllona are not favorable to the In-
ituatry, Moat ol Ihe alotki utad In the
United Hiate are grown In Franca.
Topeka, Kanaaa, Pall Uke City and
Utah are Ilia only placet In the United
Hatee where flrat data ttwkt have bran
turccatlully grown. The former place
la by Ur the motl favored lor the Indue
try and about nlna tenlht ol all the
tlorkt groan In Ihta country are raited
at that placj
$12.70 Per Cow
I. . Datlemelvedlhia aaoaith from
fkinania creamery lor butter lat turned
In during March from three cowe,
fMXf. Tlilt makaa an averaga of al-
moat 115.70, eiactly 2Jtt. pf eoar, ear
month. It there any proal for tacb ra-
turna. IWeldea In thlt raw, tha eowe
werfltmli Ihe flntol Hie month, and did
notaaveall therollkaa It U tkown by
the wrrkly riorl which glvra 40 Iba.
crram Ihe drat week, 67 Iba. tlio aacond
wrek.Trt IU. Hie third weak, 73 Ibt.
Ihe fourth week, and 78 Iba the latt
week. Dunanu Bulletin
When more of our farmeri leal Its tha
profit In the dairy bualneat, more ol
thtm will be mom comfortably Indepen
dent than now. (let In farmera and
luive your there of thla golden flood ol
William A. Carter, candidate lor tha
nomination of Itallroad' Coinmlaaloner
from tha KlrtlCongrcetlonal Dlttrlct, la
making hit campaign on tha principle
that transportation companlce thould
not be permitted to dltcrlmlaate In
freight or paeeenger ralet between In.
dividual, Induttriet, or local It let, but
that every thlpper great or email ahould
be given an equal chance and fair deal.
When Mall Koule Inipector P. W.
Vallle wat here a few week! ago ha
itated that he would recommend that
the mall route via Weed be ettabllihtd
temporarily whenever the atage com
pany would agree to carry tha nail at
the regular rata allowed by the Depart
ment. Ilefore he left the Oregon A Cal
ifornia Transportation Co. practically
agreed to carry tha mall attheettab
llalied rata at aoon at the train atrvlce
wat Inaugural I to Dorrla.
Mr. Davit, the manage ol the com
peiiy, liaa wlre.1 Mr. Vallla that the
coniiany wat ready to begin the tem
porary tervlceal once, end it now await
ing hla reply. It it probable that the
tervlce may be ttlablitbed beforo the
traliit begin running to Dorrlt regularly.
According to Mr. lloey the railroad will
reach lorrlt about the KHb of thlt
month, and according to thla the regular
train aenlre ahould be eetablllhed by
not later than the lat ol May.
Mrt.J.M. 1'inktrton left thlt morn.
Ing fur Wolle Creek, Orcgoo, to Join her
hutband who It lucaled there.
. . MEN'S . .
Panamas Split Straws
Fine White Manilas
Mackinaw Straws
$1.00 to $10.00
The Place to Buy Your Spring Hat
Lotiq Lake Co. Will furnish
Lumber for flume
Campbell ckllufTman.thn firm awanled
the contract for lbs connlriiclion of th
Lott river flame, hat enlere into a con
tract witli the Long Lake Lumber Co, to
furnlth all of the lumber needd In the
conttractlonoftho wood work. In turn
the Lumber Co. haa leancl Ihe Odemn
aaw mill and will ttnrt the tame on
about the 1Mb of thlt month. Tim con
tract callt for 740,700 feet of lumber,
which la to be cut Irom the foreit ro
aerve In the Immediate vicinity of
Udceaa. John llaghet, chief logging
agent ol the Forestry Department, hat
been here lor tome time to determine
where the timber necessary for thla
etnoaat of lumber ahall be cut.
In company with W. O. Iluton, man
ager ol the Long l.ake Lumber Com
pany, he tpent a few daya at Odcua to
make aelectlont and to decide upon a
method for logging. According to the
contract tha Long Lake Co. manufact
ured the lumber and delivers It at the
flume ready for use. The Odessa mill
will be kept running to Itt full capacity
until all of the lumber for the contract
It tawed.
Oregon Military Road Company
Sells 300.000 Acres
The Oregon Valley Land Company Has Purchased TMa Im
mense Tract of Land in lake and Klamath aad WW
Sub-Divide it hto Nearly 12,000 Farms
camp are running, tight locomotive
are In ure on the railroad, and thl box
factory, sash ana door factory and plan
ing mill are alt running to their full ca
Determine Productive Qualities
of Klamath Land
Many Varieties of Oraiaa aad Trees Are leiaf Tested This
Seasoft-rarmers Short Co-operate With CorvaWs
Experiment Station
Local reclamation officials are doing
co-operalleeiperiment work with the
eirlmental station atCorvallll. W.
II. Ilelleman, who haa charge ol the
maintenance and operation of the Irri
gation ayttem, hat begun aeerieiofei-
perlmenU lo determine what varlellet
ol graint and trtet ae beat adapted to
Ihu Klamath country. He secured from
tht Corvallls Institution als varletiea of
barley and oaU, which he haa given to
farmert residing in different parte of tha
county. J.Frank Adamt, K. I. Apple
gale, Frank Ira White and the Reclama
tion Service are eiprrlmentlng witn the
graint a that the Beaton will demon
strata in what locatitlea the beat crept
can be grown.
Mr. Ilelleman aaya the people ol thlt
eectlou ran derive much good by keeping
in touch with the experiment station at
Corvallls, d he haa been at work lor
atveral monlhi endeavoring to get the
man In charge ol the atation to vitit thlt
county and conduct an institute. He
aaya their tuggetllont will be ol great
htlp In carrying on experimenta In thlt
basin. One ol the main experiments to
be made thit year will be with tugar
beets in the varlout parti ol the county.
Another will be with shade and orna
mental tree. While In Washington
taat Winter Mr. Ilelleman tucceeded in
getting aeveral ol the bureau! Interested
in experimenting In the Klamath region,
and from tha Bureau ol Forettry he got
600 treea ol different varletiea. A large
number ol tbeaa have been act out on a
tract of land owned by the Government
near the head gatet.
The efforte ol Mr. Ilelleman In the ex
perimental line will prove ol great ben
efit to the country. He la alto about to
eecure a toll survey ot the Klamath
basin, and ahould he be auocettful in
thlt It will be a big help to the farmera
In determining what klndt ol crop will
do bett in different sections. It may
lead to the Introduction of new crops,
the cultivation ol which would be highly
remunerative. He Is thoroughly fami
liar with the various kinds of toll, hav
ing had a great deal ol experience in
that line ol work. Upon the establish
ment ol the experimental station he will
work in dote conjunction with the partr
in charge ol It.
C. W. Thomas returned from Dorrls
Isst night where he had been doing
plastering for a few dajt.
Capt. O. C. Applegste was awarded a
V prize In the Portland Commercial
Clubesiay contest. The arllclu written
by Mr. Applegatc was printed in a pap
er at Kan Jo-e, Cal.
During the month of March the Do-
nanta Creamery paid to 33 farmert tie
turn of 1929.21 for cream, or an average
of 23.1S each.
Mark L. Hums came In from Dorrla
last night.
Sherman f-tout died at the asylum on
April tlth. The notification of hit death
wat received by County Judge Griffith
II. R. Davla will atart lor home in
the morning. He has been in the city
for aeveral daya attending to bntineaa
Tho latt that farmers are rrj busy
in the fiel J accounts for the small num
ber attending to business in the city to
day. About sixty men ate nnw employed on
the Keno canal. The force on the flume
work will be largely increased next
The funeral ol Mrs. M. II. Wampler
thlt afternoon wat largely attendee .
Royal Neighbor! and Modern Woodman
were all represented by large delegations.
A number of the old fashioned prairie
schooner! have passed through here the
latt few days, all ol which It a sure indl
ration that Spring bai come.
Three contractor! have been out to
look over the Clear Lake dam with a
low to bidding on the lame. The bldi
will be opened at Portland on the IStb.
The Oregon Military Road land
Grant hat again changed handa. The
Oregon Valley Land Co. are the pur
chasers, with headquarters at Kanaaa
City, Mo. The new company haa div
ided the 300,000 acrea or more, into
tract ai follow! : 5,974 ten acre farmt,
4,080 twenty acre farmi, 1,020 forty
acre farms500 eighty acre farmt. 400
one hundred and tisty acre farms,
twelve WO acre farmt, tix 1,000 acre
farmt, and 11,V93 town lota In Lake
view, Oregon, and will aell the eeme
under the following contract.
200 for one farm and one town lot,
10 down and 110 per month nntil paid.
The agreement to purchase one or more
farmt and lota etlputated, meant that
wb en the purchaser baa completed hia
payments be becomea the owner of an
undivided InUreat, lor each farm and
lot applied lor, in the land and town
lota offered for aale aa herein above aet
When the contract holden, by them
selves or their representative!, nave
aaaeabled for the opening they ahall
elect Irom tbelr number thro traateaa
who tball receive deed Jot the) forme
and Iota herein deacribed and bold aaaaa
lor the benefit of tht parchaaere. Tbo
Company will lurnlah the aatdtrnttati
plati of the farm and lota and the trus
tee thall appoint an auctioneer, who
shall preceed to auction and aell to the
highest bidder, for caab or upon inch
terroi aa the contract bolder decide,
the tarmi and lott. Contract holdera
may buy at many larm aa they hold
contracta lor and the amount paid on
contract aball apply on purchased priee.
Contract holdera only will be allowed to
bid. The bidding will be open, com
petitive, and no lottery or game or
scheme ol distribution by let or chance
thall enter the tame. The profit, II
any, derived Irom the aale ahall be di
vided among the contract holdera pro
rata. There are 11,902 contracta, 11,
992 farmt and 11,992 lota farm and
lot to each contract. Lakeview Examiner.
Meni Panama Hata KKK atore.
Open More Land
The register and receiver ol the Lake
view land efflcc hare baned notices that
the plat ol township S5B., range SO E.,
W. M. at eurveyed by Rufui S. Moore
and Malcolm S. MoCown, on March 10,
laoi. haa bean received at the LeHvliw
offlce and that the mm ha been ac
cepted by the CommiHlonar ol the Gen
eral Land Office.
The plat will be flltd on June 9, 1906,
and all vacant government landa wll
become mbject to entry, filing and se
lecting under the public, laud lawi on
that date.
Pnnntv Traaaurer L. Alva Lewis went
to Fort Klamath thli morning.
McCloud Mills Start
Operation! were started In all depart
ment ol the McCloud River Lumber
Company on April Itt, though not to
the fall capacity. About 1000 men are
employed whereat the number last year
wu 2000 whenever the company could
get that many. Thla year no trouble li
experienced in getting workmen ai
then aeveral men for every Job. There
la nothlnc In the report that the com
pany will not employ Iuliant thli tea-
ton. The manager atatei that national
ity la not considered, what they want li
competent workmen.
Only one mill li la operation at pre
sent, the other will not be itarted until
later In the eeeaon. Four logging
gMELmgtiafga(a ly gf tltjif MavnnBrT Jl JifN fc&!tlW&fK&PiijK&
BaBBu9aVaannnnnannir' BTv?jEJ'LBW,Vi6leAit'V rB hfJiaawaennniTsw1 tell', n iamaaaarnnir-
The Most -Perfect
of Floor Paints
Malta floora taty to keep clean the home unitary and attractive.
Roberts & Hanks
Fhone 173, buna Block