jUCAN! ,011 COUNTY CLMK .- -rLSS: "" o;k.hkanikniuiiu. II. l-i- hfbjr iW''" '., jji-.L ,, feSluw.." P ""w0Xiwr .pi COUNTY HMIff I rrictfulljr announce my candidacy (or re-election on the lteiuullcan ticket to llio oltlra n Comity Hrlinol Hoiwrln lendwil, mbjKct to Hi nlll bl tli voter at tli primary election. J. 0. WIGHT. Ibrbynn0"nc" ,,,y rrllMN candl. .1 .. ... il.t. lliiiiittU . ii iiiiioii un in" "! W:X! I- : .,u,n '7.r -r,,"TTuWH!ll. Lnbf drtl" ''J"'" "'""''f , of tl trHlimn..i ..". - irr"- rlimlu.,Y. m "-- Kfbfnnt.unfc.iuy ""M" '"' "i:..i..n ol Hli.ilrt o Klamath 2i,flllllwPlmylKlll, rAIW. WM.MABTIW. rM HAT iWATOB Ui announce m) Ml a ranm- 1st Joint srtiaior iii" "! ilea IV cnuniue on "" ' Itlrld. Iill'jrcl to III iirciiwin rrlmary rlccll"". l i, ii ....... ton COUNTY COMMIMIONXR I hereby announce inyncll u candl dale (or the nomination for CowmlMlon. r on Hi tiiulllcM ticket, (or llio con alderetlon of Ilia voter at 111 primary election In Ainll, 0. I. HWINOI.K, lrrlU, Or. 10 COUNTY SURVEYOR i hereby announce mystll a candidate lor r-lecllon lo ttto ufflceol County furs Wanted i I). Wllleon ii In the market for all kind of fur, for which ho will pay ih htghm market prlo. Addrshlm at niumatn ram, Oregon. Hlxlecn-lnch and four-foot wood for aalo In any quantity. Leave order at Heltkamper'a Jewelry Storo or New eom and Underwood' Drug atore. ( asoo Acres Free The Kakeilde company hai 2600 acre ol land undur tlm Adami dltcli (hat It lll glvo IIKNT FHEK lor ono year. Hum)or, subject tu the ooiiilderatlon of i11' '"duile tlm un ol Ilia land a llio llvpiilillran votrtr at tlm primary election. )l. I). WII.LIAMH. 1 FOR JOINT KKWlBrlKNTATIVB To Ihe Itepiilitlceni ol Klamath, take, Crook and Grant couiiIIm: I wlili to liilurin llio llvpulillcani ol KUuialh, Lake, Crook anil (Jraul rourc lie, conatlluliiig Ilia Tcniyflrat ltf lesenlallre DUtrlcl ol Oregon, that my nemo will bo inrsented lor your coinld. ration at tlio primary election to be lield April J7, IKW, asking your aultrag for (election a one of ilia Kepubllran nominee lor Joint ltprentatlir to be balloted lor on June I, ((KM). ' II. P. Itelkuap, I'llnerllle, Urifon. wattr. Tlm renter mint clear and place the land In cultivation. Tl.orenl rgeUalltlmcroibul we ri-crvn Urn right 'i pailurr the Mubblr. The lakealdo Coiiiny, J. Frank Adarae, Manager, Merrill Oregon Frofeulonil Gardi DX. WM. MARTIN Dentist Offlco oyer Klamath County Bank c. r. STONK Attorney at Law Offllc over postofflcc, Klamath Falla, Oregon T mmcut i D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falla, Oregon fire Alarm Districts District No. .T-Weit aide of river. Diitrict No. 4-South of Main atroet from the bridge to Center atreet. Dlilrlct No. 6-Congerand California Avenuei. Dlilrlct No. C-Kwauna Helghta. Diitrict No. 12-South of Main, be tween Center and Third. DIMOCIATIC CANDIDATES . . HW ot M,,n' Ditrlct No. U-North , tween Third and Fifth. ,.t U.ln IV. fO COUNTY BMCairr imtcn Third and Fifth. I rveiwctfullr announce mrll Diitrict No. 16-South of Main, to 1 candidate lor Hie ofllce ol Mieilfl on the ' w,nut between Hflh and Seventh. UiobialtinTimoelo Ihe Ite-I IV.oiocratlc tltk.t, euUoct lo the will oil Oletrlct No. 10 - North of Main to i.niin lor loliit Mnatr Iroin the votera al Ihe primary election. High, between Fifth and Seventh. lb, Like and Ciook couutle at II. hT. (JF.O. IIIHIIOI'. Diitrict No. 21-South of Main to try elcttlon to Iki held April , Walnut, bet ween Seventh and Ninth. let I hereby anii'itinre mytell a candidate Diitrict No. 12-North of Main to ,rla ItllUnlly irpreeenleil Ibla on Ihe lemociallc ticket, lor the noul High, between Seventh and Ninth. I latMUH khIoii oi uie M-gie- nation lor eherlrl, lor the comlderatlon Diitrict No. 21-IIot Buriniri diitrict i .-.l .!. u.nlfi,klilii lima. I ..f .!. u.... .. !.... l I.-.!... I k . . ... I umiin iii" " ....-.-...,- .. in mn luiTivai iiiv I'liiuai rirtiinn. eail 01 Main ilKl Ninth. Itio. Inn rotirrurti mm , I iftla aik lur il livoiable con UIm i !e votrii ol thli Mna llJutrlrt, l(riflliilly, OKO. II, MCIIKYMAS. Lk lo date that I am a candidate EfKilllfin nomination lor Joint it rrprrtetit tli illitrkl con I el Crwk, kUuialli and lka II. I. IIOI.UATE, llmanta, Oregon, It.i:. IIUNHAKKH. roacauNTYctatNn t Mi ten ltlMM UIhII. .h.I t(..l.ai. I rei,cirully announce myaell ae a - rji.'triet NV .Vl-Simtriof W.ln,,. .,! NtoocxnTRtAsuna candidate for the olllre ol Coroner ol Klamath Comitv, Oregon, on llio Iein. octatlc ticket, mldvcl lo the approval ol ih voter at the primary election on April 17. 1MM. F.AItl. WIIITLOCK. roa county I hereby declare mjeell a candidate I fnl lli itmnlnAlliiii f.ir (VmiiiIv Aam&mmiir nbiwr.ouncemv candidacy lor , on Hi Democratic ticket, anbiecl to lhe,ll',n Jen r,PiJ '"kee of the bell, (tloa V) the olllre ol O.unly declilon nl the oten at Ihe Mmy ' 'ollowea by me number of Iho diitrict ..... . l " . k.L .L at.. !- I- I . I Lf.L lll airrea Ih Itrpulillmn ticket nu-' cIkIIoii. J, V. I.KB. rUat of Flghth, Diitrict No. .'C'-North of High lo Jefferson, bctwi en Sixth and KighU Diitrict No. 31-North of Jeffenon, between Sixth and Klghth. Dirtrict No. 35 -North of High to Jefferson, between Eighth and Tenth. Diitrict No. 41-North of Jefferson, between Klghth and Tenth. Diitrict No. 42-Kait of canal. The general alarm will be sounded by iktotciilonol the prlmarlea on' in. I- Al.VA I.K.WIH. iprectliilty announce inyicll a ran illdifa Inr Ilia IVmnrrallc nomination detlne nijwll a randldale gnr n. ..ni . r i,MU. .l,Ui in !) 4 socittition cl Cot nty Treaiurerl , ,, ... . ... , .-.in .i l . fi .. .i dec Mon ol ihe voter at Ihe primary Ityeulcan ticket, (object lo the ' ' tiioa ol the vottri at the trl- liWtka. T.W.HTKI'IIKNH. tux nijsoll a randldato lor the m rwmlnitiun Inr the IdCotiBlfTreiiurrr.iiibJectlo lb Mlbivotari at Hie coming elco aprU I'.G.CIUTWOOD. I ra cookrn Autisoa "Iranaouncetnyrell a a candl- DOalnitlnn nn ili u.K..I.H. LkxCoaatr Aweunr. nl k'l.m.n. IfiNbJNtio ii. declilon ol Iht I ltbarlmry .lection. BfcKTK.WlTHKOW. 7aoaMe mywll a candidate "laatlon to th ofllco of i")Nltoll,e declilon ol Ih nownaltlie primary elec- K. W. OOWKN ,BCUIW0 ATTOMIY ""wysell.,, candl. 'Ull DftlU.li.n ,t..L... . . .. bin i.. .v:;:" '"" ,ur Iiku . mw"" "i,,ricl At- UuT.1 .i ol ",u 0,r - 'Mion, FUK1). II. MII.I.H. Bi2ft,.,?.,taw. tk. .,, ' ",0 ottioe ol fUtOrnav. .i.i.. . .. . . asut.,1 ' . K ' w, '" 4..0IlIl, coumM d'V!kuyke.ndau. b'lWruiJiTu.oDf, lenHM .. i. . rairio7i ' c,nrt,1to rWfa,lor Cou"y 'ol LT",iWrtncmi.i.i...i . Ih. prl,.,y-i,4: .1 n UIm . .&..m'c.ndld.i. ryo7h',eu."eP.uWlt lhia.i I ""Pertniena. ttUeUlonofih,,oi.r. jVT0,?lnAP'' rrl, og0n( election. lorlla, Oregon, OKO. T. CLINK. In which th lire la located, which will bt rung three limea. When the dla rict la represented by more than ono figure, aa No. 24, after giving the gen eral alarm the bell will be tapped twice, then a alight pause, followed by four laps with a longer pausr-, and then re peated twice more before sounding tht general alarm again. I Oa COUNTY TUASUMUt I respectfully announce mjrarll aa candidate lor Ihe offlca ol County Treas urer, on the Democratic ticket, i object to declilon of the voters at the Primary election. CLAUD II. DAOCIKTT. G. Helming 6 Co. Fur Merchants AMrcas atonhfkM, Oratfom or KUatUi raJaf. Or roa county atjut I hereby announce aytcll a a candi date tor nomination to ofllce ol County Clerk aubject lo action ol Democratic voter at the primary election. W. A. DKLZKLL. Treasurers Notice Nolle U hereby given Dial tliero are lund In tlio county treaiuiy (or Ilia re. deaptlon ol all ouliianding con nty warrant protested on and prior to July 0, 1600. Interest on isine will cease from Ibla dalu. Dated at Klamath Falla ihia Slit day ol March, 1008. L. Alva Lewi, County Treasurer. Mmcc te catMTsas IN THE COUNTY COUHT OF TUB STATE OF OBKOON FOIl KLAM ATH COUNTY. ESTATE OF JOSEPH CONGER, DECEASED. Nolle. Is her.bv atven that th last will anil laatanant of Joseph CongW. dwMMd, ha )Mn duly proven and ad. milled to nrobat and that John VY. BltBMi and Chai. D, Wlllaon have been duly appointed a exKUtori tbere- ol. All naranna havlne clslmi aialnlt aslil aatata in liarabv reODMUd to PK- j . ,. , .-.- . ent Uia aame with th proper vouensn. t ... . ... ... i... . .i.i. within ug aontn iron in ubm notlo, totb undralnd at th Flnt NatloMlBankln th city ol Klamath Fall. Oregon. DaUd at Klamath Fall, Oregon, una 18th day oi February, 190i. Tamu W fliavaMa. M 0-10 CuABtaa D. Wiiuo. Executora ol tho last will and tU mnt ofJoNpb Conger, ueoeaaeu. Th Crpeal t a Chill Tee. Tb captain telle story which rnna MteUtog Ilka taki: In caap on asomlng tb flrat sergeant reported tnat Prlrat B. bad a cullU "U It a mKm oar aaked tb captata. "Well, dr. I don't kMW Juat bow eertoua It la, bat Ife a Wg one, for It aseraa to be all over ktm. and be weigh 300 oauada." On aaclug blm tb captain found blaa looking rather blue and to itrocted tb flrat atrgeant to aend blm to tb aorgaon tu chart of a corporal Soon after breakfast tbe captain aaw the corporal and asked nltn how tb aan was galling on. "On. be'a all right nowr waa tha reply. "I took him up to tb boapltal tent, and when I aaw what kind of medlclo tb doc tor gvkhlm I bad n caJU too." Army aad Nary Lift. Fehn Wind. """' Ttt Joomal of tbo Meteorological Society of Japan contain an acconnt by Dr. Okada of the occurrence la Ko rea of those remarkable winds which lave been called fobn wlnda. Tb wnda to which this name waa orlft any glTM ar warm winds blowing Sown fron tb uowclad mountalna of wltaerlaad and producing itnalv BtlMBga OT IB snow, aan kMcTUea called 'tw atf." J rota U antlally a phenomenon! of BMUtalaoa wglona. and Wonaa. la Kqtm, wbMO Uy Uto bM oliawrod. la sarrouadad aieept on tao MM b high mountalna. In tkl region tty arc always wasBrly and caw lataor. aallr high remparaturea and emaat SXit. A alaUlar .d la-fttU AMTlca Mowlag, ?? ft $ Boeky mountain has km MM tM cook. bawlnAc4makitM trctlo regions. Blowing miSiii Bldwlnur tby prodaea'a wajarklM cllsaUc paradai. Aa a t-ait ate elevation of ttaparatnr W v. i ma hannaa that aortaan " "y rwr . . - .--i - OrmUnd, taouga wbbt k, wmr taaa wta.frajM, DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Bank A Truit Co.' Uullding Zim's Plumbing Shop CoatractlrtfJ ana Jobbing Firstclasi Lino of Plumb ing Specialtica and flrat cUaa Workmanship. A. O. U. W. Building Xlaauta FalJa THE OFFICE E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Cholceit of Wlneaf Llgnom an.l Mfrrm far- r Catera to th better c!an of trade, with nothing to offend the most critical. You'll notice the difference when you try It. Just tho place to drop In for a refreshing beter age when you need n stimulant. Pure liquors of all kinds for family trado a apeclalty Diitrict No. 21-South of Walnut to' i Plum, between Fourth and Sixth. I l-ar-a ,( n n .a .aa a . . t i isiunci o, Zai-zxiuin or walnut to We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL & SON At lac aVisfc oa Mala Strut CENTRAL CAFE Opea Day andNlgat Private Dining 1'arlora Oysters Served In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON Prop. Klamath rails 6 Wlaena Truck & Transfer COMTANY Furniture and pianoa carefully moved. Baggage wagon and general draylng. All work given prompt attention. Bus to and from all boate. Phone 103 COLBURN S YOUNG Proprietors Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and ' Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye Bottled Under the Supervision of the OoreruuM . . . None Better . . . Sold By C. D. Willson Wholesale and Retail Llqmor Dealer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of Furniture Is on ita way to the ath Falls Furniture House, opposite the America! Hotel. Mattresses already Arriving. "Our aesponslbUlty cada whenever yon are aWlatlad." E. W. GILLETT & CO. Bert E. Witiirow, Vice President AiXaMSLQaa; Secretary Abstracting Mapa, riaas, Btae Matt, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Ingiaaara Don J. Zumwalt, C. E. President If. D. WlLLUM, C E. Traaawmr Klamath Falls. Oresjoa wSavlii MMmMm EamWm?Hte&$mu SiwiSaa ffasl-f-vt3 aaaaaaaV & "V'ti vyi i vVn aaaaaaFHW,-.1 KvVeiBTaByrH v9 ams .a 1 WK Vl m4 1'.vl nyk".3 m"i mm w m BBBBF fiMM Stht gm 4laal H The 19th will be Easter Sunday and the man who is figuring on bloaaonting out in the new Spring Colon will find that we have made great plans to meet his ex pectations, from the elaborate showing of novelty neckwear to the newest shadings in Spring garments. In our clothing section we are making a special display of Friend Made and Alma Mater Student Styles at $15.00 to $50.00 for Suits and Top Coats, Our display of neckwear is larger, handsomer and more attract ive than ever before. Portland Clothing And Shoe Store A. I il v 1 v- . . Uu-tf'