$&e rfald. Kottly Rend l,Per ,n Klimath Fall . Our Advertise Get the Best Results . . . Prnfno d 11' oMD Year, No. 622- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL JO. 1W8. Price, 6 Cents. IECREASE IN RATES Intire Secures Joint Rate With Southern Pacific fHROUGH SERVICE FROM DORRIS I Go Into Lf feet WRM lunnei i own necomet lerm.nal ftkl-Httf from Portland and San Trm -tiico Will Be the Sim to TWa City (Waiih Fall it no ewured a lower kl rsu !"' ' wu ' "' t-1"0"" atom I vitrmlrJ Ui Dorrle and , rsrittr iraln kmIo li eetatiliehed, ... . t il..il I.... lfM tall ""' ' " pni'M""", "" i are Hut It will nolbtlalsr i Mir II. Tim roed will rveli Dor. irUwow Un" Hit ""nib sod than l( tiltUktt ! 'ur the company M ftl tlit rrpilir erlr telabllebtJ. CfC J, M. Mchilir ha rrlun4 Irsn Bes r rinclico, microtis ni ueen U embraiice ultli tht 8. P. oftVlal, senate lint he ! nJt arrtMiB nil villi the company lor a through (night smlce to Dili city, whereby be Uaa ill tlimuih freight between lliartt Fail and IKirU u Joist nil I coMfctlon with tbt Bootbera Ms. All frvhjhl shipped on the isrsajk schedule 111 reuilan In charge altstfootlxrn Pacific until It Udell- I it lb itur dif or warehowet. ITteUroofb Rttlco applies Irom either esitstlbs rste on exports front thU Idtf asvsaot jet teen aatsbllehed. Ts as Irtlshi rat III be the Matt ItrsafarUiodtnthUclty M Irom Haa p, and It It loser on every class mm Him vis Thrill and Puksgama. TaafUe tint III go Into effect when iWbiUxrttce li riublltliwl to DortU MhWIowii ftst clu. r e t.. 12.20 J 2nd, ft 00; IHM1; 4th, 11.7ft, 6th, l.63; cUm VIIjU; "II" per ton,17.j "O," p.iD,"K.Wj"K,"t.50. Tss old rate via Thrall ait a lot bet, laeclaiic bring in tbt MM order MtasMBhot: I.M, $3.30, 2.U, $1.91, It, .k), .0O, 130.70, .70, 121.10. Oa MfttMring the ralct II will bt ems! that there li rvduclloa oa mrrtUMollrtlglit. Oa let class lib SnsUptrcsl., 2nd,Slcnte; Sd,M ta,lt 6th, IS j -A," JR. B," tlJO; "C."7J0; "IV 13.60; E," 11.19. tatlsrttiisliho Mclntlre Comnaav aMtmitdlhi srrsnecmsat with tba 'Cosipsriy practically glvse It coa Wtt lbs freight bnilness Into tbUclty hafHDorrii remain thtteranlaaa ""ssinllroed. Merchants can ihlp to bat whan they do tbli they will bt forced to pay lb local rata on tht railroad aud It would likely prove more tfptoalra to abli uriJar tba through rait. Death of Mri. Wampler Mra. W. II, 'amiler dlad tbla morn, leg at 4 o'llurs altar baing ill lor aararal day with tlxl polaonlng. Tba paat faardayahtllngerrl Wtwaan III and death, both alio and her family rralli lug that tha and waa ntar at band. Kvtrytblng that byilciani could do to rtlitrt bar lultailng waa doot, but all hopt lor hat racorary waa abaadonad two daya balort tbt end cama. Iuiat (lllaiora waa born in Knot County, InJlana, NoramUr 10, 1170. Hba waa married to Marlon II. Waaap laf, and in 1903 ha morad bit laaaily to thla city. Dataaaad U aurrlrad by bar hoiband and lour children, oat girl and threw boya. Wlnolt, tbtoldaat ollbt abildrva U aarantttn and tbt yonafttt boy la 7 year ol age. One child died acteral yeara ago. raaaral eerrice will bt held at tht rftidanct at 2 1. M. tomorrow by Ber. I'ralt, ol the I'raabytetUn church. Tbt aarrlcea will be In charge ol Proaperlty llebtkaii IoJge ol which deceaeed waa a member. Pbt waa alao a member ol tba Hoy a I Neighbor and tbt m a in lie r a ol tlila lodgt will atlaud the lunarat in a body. At the grave the Kebeiahe will conduct their Impreealtrn burial ceremony. Zim Haldwln baa recently completed a modem plumbing Job lor W. I. Itboadt at Merrill. The Job Included tht InitalUtlon ot a bath, lolltl, two laeatoriet, two alnka and adoubtt ce ment laundry tub. Tbt ayatecr, U con nacted with a 900 gallon Una tht water (or which la pumped by a windmill, and Urge ceaa pool. Tht gutter on tha north aide ol Main atrtet, ntar the lloalon atort, la being repaired. Tbla it an improvement wblch hat been nettled (or tomt tlmt aa tba condition! tilating thert.wtrt a die- grace to tbt city. GOODS ARE IDENTIFIED Several Parti find Lost Ar- tidea In Pt)Meatlon of Regan and Wife Roy Walker relumed Irom Bonanaa yeaterday evening Where be bad gone to I lenlify certain artlclea that he bad tent to Illy, but whlah foiled to reach their deatlnatlon. It waa thought that tbt artlclea mlghi be amoog tbt tblag louad In poaaeatlofl ol tba deputy pott' mailer ol Koyaton when the raid waa made. Itoy waa unable to Identity any ol the artlclea, but a number ol other partlea, who bad loat thing in the mail were there and idenlifled aeveral artl clea. Miia Ada Krb, the poatmUtrtta at Illy, waa poaitlre In the idenliflea lion ol a number ol artlclea, while Mr. L. I'ankey, Mra. W. A. Walker, Mr. Hmitb and Mlat Ida Howard Idenlifled certain article that tbey bad eenU It aeerna that lor eereral montba It baa hreri iuiiectil that thlnga wart not tralgbl In the lloyalon olBce, and a number ol complaint ware made to tba Department, but no Inveatlgatlont wart made. A lew daya ago W. A. Walker an I J. W. Drown arcured a aearch war rant and wrnl to lloriton to aearch tba Ragan home. Tba aearch recalled la Hading between SU0 and SOD pooada ol merhautllie ablcb bad bee) -takaa Irom Ibe mail. Rbmt dlfflculty waa ts perieaced In making tba aearch aa Mr. Ragan objected lo it in a rather forci ble manner, and the oflcara are makleg another aearch wblch will probably re veal a number ol oilier artlclea tliat art mlaelng. Kagan and wile are) now bald at Bo nanza awaiting the arrival ollh United Bute Marthal, who m on ble way hart Irom Itoeeburg. He aent word to hold lb partiee until bla arrival. The operatlona ol the Ragana were carried on In a bold way and on a large acalc. Tbey hare been at Royaton dur ing tbe Wluter and in that lima tbey accumulated large quantitiet ol dreee good, wearing apparel, aboe Jewelry and Ulnketa ol all klnda. It haa been learned that aorae ol thee artlclea they aold, whilt othera tbey worttbemaelve. Tbt boldntt ol tba metboda employed la what led to tbt aearab warrant and to I heir undoing. WILL MAKE NOMINATIONS Civic Federation Decides To Take a Hand In the Mun- kipal Uection Tbt Clvie Federation held Its regular monthly meeting laat evening at the Court llooae, about (orty member be ing preeent. Tht queatlon ol attending the bound ana ol tht city waa decided upon, it be ing agreed to aubmit tba proportion to a vote ol the people, by meana ol tbe Inltatlve and referendum. A committee ol three waa appointed to take necea aary atepa to arrange lor a rote on the queatlon lu a legal nay, aald committee eonalatlng ol Frank Ward. W. 8. Hough aud C. C. Brower. Tbe permanent committee on Waer Happty waa appointed aa follow : Maj or Cbaa. E. Worden, Elmer I. Apple fate, Harry Caden, J. U. Maaon, Frank Ira White, W. T. Hhlre, R. II. Dunbar, Frank Ward, Ueo. I). Grlnle and J. W. 8lemna. Tha coming election waa dlrcuned and it waa decided to hold a cloecd matting ntgt Thuraday evening tor tbe parpoeeol coniideriag tht nomination ofeaodldatee lor tha city office. It waa clearly undentood that politic ia to play no part in thla meeting tbe aole purpne being to eocure tht nomination of competent, Uwabidlng citUeot lor the variooa offioa to bt voted npon. tforotbe meeting a chance will bt giv en all cltlaena who are In favor ol muni cipal Improvement and the inlorce- meat ol tba law, to become member ot uh ofgaaieaiiiii. WINS VALUABLE LOT T. M. Rolfe Hokto Lucky Ntim- ber in Drawing for five Acre Tract I. O. O. P. and Rebckaha MEN'S Panamas Split Straws Fine White Manilas Mackinaw Straws . . HATS . . $1.00 to $10.00 KKK STORE ft Flaca to Buy Tour Wftin$ Hat You are requetted to matt at tba lodge ball at 1 o'clock to attend tbt fun tral ol Mr. M. II. Wampler. PERSONAL MENTION C.T. Oliver wtat to Merrill thla marnlng on bueineee. fort Flannel baby ahawl Friday Srd. Finder pleat return to K K K atort. Ltwla Otrbtr baa Juit recovered Irom a aavtra attack ol Lumbago. He will leave ahortly (or Southern California on Block builnee. For Rent FurnUhad room to rent rtaaonable. On Fifth Street below Wal nut Avtnue. Mra. Coi. 4-16 Patron wlihlng to uaa city water lor irrigation purpoee, ar hereby caution ed to conform to tht rule governing tbt tame, at non-compllanea will bt cauae for dUcontlnulng tbt atrvlo. K.F. Lt. A Water Co. It It not neoeaaary to leav your M.,ka an loaa? at Winter. W art now prepared to do your work prompt ly. All wow guaranwea iw " Tha make up man on tha Htrald got matter mlitd but ulgbt and trana. Doted two of thabeada. It teamed rather .mag to reader that tbt arrwt ot a auppoetd Hamilton ntar Eugant ahonld have anything to do with robbing tna nulla azBavatoa. It waa another one ol tbega jeiatafcta that aaem nnavolJablt Since W. 8. Worden ha flniabed hi work with lite Soalbern Pacific Com pany, ha baa takaa cbargo of tba town Ilea along tht naw road lor tbe Kla math Dmlowement Co. Ha I now devoting bla time to tailing Ml. Hebron property. Tba method ia rather nniqua a It glvea everyone purcbalng a lot a chance to win a Ave acre tract adjoining the townatlt. The tract are valued at 100 per acre, and tha lota art aold at S0 and S6aacb. Whenever a lull block la told tbt parchaaar la given bla choice ol a five acra tract. II the block ia aold to aeveral partial then a drawing ia held, each lot being entitled to one chance. Tba iretof theee drawlnge waa held yetttrday and F. M. Rolft, who purcbaaed lot No. 0 in block J waa tha lucky winner. Tba following are the partita Who pur cbaaed lota in tba block mentioned and were repreeeoted in tha drawing: Harry Ackley, Claude and Harry Kirk Patrick, Fred and Will Houalon, Dr. Geo. H. Merryman, J. F. Goellor, D. A. Kenyon, R. E. Iluntaker, F. M. Rolfo, J. E.Swanaen, Roy Walker, C. P. Chaa tain, J. Ebladen, John Elite, Henry Bolvin, Van Riper Broa. and D. B. Campbell. A large nnmbtr ol the purchaeere ol Iota wtro preaent when the drawing took plat, and a toon a tht conteat wMdtcbM Mr, Rolfe tout out (or a bos ol tbt battelgaraln the city and a pita ant amokar loHowtd, There it every Indication that Mt. Hebron will make a lively Uttl town. Ilia iltuated at tht footo! tw railroad gradt, and Ltwl Otrbtr, who bj authority on stock mat tan, aayt that Mt. Hebron 1 dtttlned to baooaia tha largest stock shipping point la Northern California and South. em Oregon. eHoek loaded atthat place need wot bt unloaded until It reaches Saa Franciaoo or Oakland, where a If It STILL AMONG LIVING Man Found Dead Near Redding Not Mills LAST HEARD OF IN OAKLAND W. J. MHI9, of Wright-Mills Company, Who Left Here Laat September for California Not Dead As We Quite GeneraNy Supposed it loaded in Oregon it muit be unloaded at Sacramento, which Incura a Urge ex pense. It iaalM aurrounded by a large area of meadow land ao that bay will be plentiful for alt Block that i driven there for ihiptnrnt. Three of the largeat and best ranche in llulte valley are tributary to Sit Hebron, and th'eee embrace 10,000 acre. The ranche are the Boyce, lea ther and Mela. Tho IJoyc ranch i al ready belli aubdlviJol, and there la every aurance that the other two will be cut up In the near future. Thi will make tbe territory aurrounding Mt. Hebron lupport a large imputation and the town will grow In proportion, in creasing tho value ol Iota in It. BRIEF MENTION The Mclntlre Transportation Com panybaa added aeveral wagona to its Urge freighting outfit. A 4-horse load ol teaehcra eUrted lor Merrill tbla noon. Tht is a sore In dication that thla place will be well rep resented at the meeting tomorrow Jack Kimball haa gone to Pokegama. Jim Pel ton is down from Fort Klam ath on bnitneas. Tonight's basket ball game Will be between the Naughty Five-and tbe Amazon!. Admlaaton 25 cents. Pro ceeds go lo the High School piano fund. The director ol the Oregon &. Callfor- nU Transportation Co. had their regular monthly meeting today. Dr. Geo. II. Merryman, Jay Manning, W. E. Bowdoin ana E. U. Lawrence went to Merrill today on bueliiese and politics. Dr. and Mrs. 0. F. Demprest are in the city Irom Morrill. There was no school this afternoon in order to give the teachers time to go to Merrill lor tbe meeting. The Klamath Oil Company bas pur chased a plant formerly used In boring lor oll.ln Jackson County. TbepUntis now lu slorsge at Phoenix. The mysteriou disappearance of W. J. Mill., ol tbt Wrlgbt-Mllle Company, on September Oth ol last year, baa been partUlly eolred, at least one thing absolutely certain la that tha msn.fouad' dead near Redding, Cat., waa not Mills. ' Since Mills Itft here hi partner, J. . WrUht, has bad communications with Mills' former wife rteidlng la Nsvadi, and Irom his mother, who live la Lake County, Cat., neither ol tbess knowing anything ol bis whereabouts. The first heard of Mills sine) bU . parture was in tbeiormolacbetkforfM which he gave to aa Oakland paMlsb ing house. Tbe check waa oa tha Kla math County Bank, where tho Iras had funds, but tbe payment ot tba check waa atopped by an injaactloa salt brought by Mr. Wright. Tba abtek waa seat to tbt First Natkmal Bank for collection, and when prtssated for pay sunt waa marked "pay meat stopped by order ol court." Mr. Wright exaasUsd tht check, wblch waa on a regular Kla math County Baak blank, aad loud ' tbat tba signature waa nadoabtedly that of W.J. Mills. This cbeek waa dated Feb., 21, 1908. On tha same day that tbt cbeek waa received at tba bank copiaa ot tbt In junction action aad ol tha aotiea of dissolution of partasrshlp wtro seat to tbe sheriff ot Alameda County U ateuru service on Mills. Tht papers wort re urned three week later with tba ex pUnatlon tbat be could not be found. It bas alto been learned through par tie llring in Los Aagelaa that Mills has been in that city slnos leaving bar, but at the present time bit whereabouU art unknown. Mr. Wright received a letter Irom hit sitter, who alao Uvea la Lake County, oa tba 7th ol tbla moath stating that neither abe aor ber asotatr bad beard anything froas Mills since ht left bare. The trtate tbat have tiaaaalrad far- nltb proof positive that tat asaa fouad dead at Rtddiag waa not Mills, bat why ht left hare under such conditions la still an unsolved problem. Hit trip to California was on basinets (or tba Ira but ha never transacted tba and bas nsvsr been heard from exospt j in an inairec. way. iwEsnccrsrii TaskAb ILiBS5MBl SkfiL Th Most Perfect aWsW Of Floor Paint. Makes Boors easy to keep clean tbt home sanitary aad M tractive., Roberts St Hanks . Phone 178, stsuaa Block i T- it i :& '- ..-.?". ffl&e-. ?T5,V, S"i .i ii .., $4,P,LM,5,- inaprwianof.