The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 09, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly ncad ppw ,n
Klamath Fall
Our Advertisers Get
tho Beat Results . . .
mm bfittttrt Mfalh
1 cr' -- ww twwmr w m?kP
4 f B
i i
tcoND Yeah, No. C21
Mil Will No Longer Lay
Over at Pokcgema and
Another cIikiiko In tho schedule go
BtoHtniii"'ro morning, iiwer
biBfxMrr ol llilng Ilia mill will
Ttl'f'' ,""lt 'irr" "'dock III III
loialnf, aiming ai I'okrgamajn time
, ! rji.iirtiluM wllli tli train
(mini f..r Tlnall l II (15. ami arilvlp
iTlrtll it t ll&. Tli new schedule
rotWe lluutigli null tervlrw to both
MtknJ and fun Fran ilsco and does
... .III. iliHilvlivaat I'likmiu lid
brail. The orders of Ihil schedule
I .. ... I
Itrt rrc.ltfl iy I'ottuiatuir Mnnuit
i Mill ICuutf Imiwt'lor K. W. Valll
IboUo'i l llnllabd.
liUlii'tlclllr tli sain service lliat
Im la tflKt Ittt Hummer aJ while it
linoch Wlirr titan tbe service, hail
luring llir Winter It ! nut Ida erv Ice
lit Hilt clljr It entitled lo. Nothing
i jrtt hern learned aa to Ilia lima
lata the tn vice via Weed III be ee-
ktlUhal, l-ut it I ry probable that it
IllIU soon, The completion ol tbe
rrtllru! to m.rrlt will rail fur Iba
UUIiiurut ol a tervlca to that point
It ! ver prohabl that when th
i U luillt tii tint point and regular
lia Mitln Inaugurated that tb
lag In mall roulta will then Uk
mlltee has aurel hliU n Hie printing
of Ida envelop ami limy can be hail at
Vty rtonabla price, In Uct, for lata
money than la usually uilil for atatlon
ary. Tha envelopes will ,e,gnBj
live publicity to ,e opportunities for
liornrarrkara In (lie Klamatli country
Tha fiont of thn envelop will have
printed on It the slogan "Tde Land
Where Thlngi (Ininr," ami Ilia butlnets
card ol tha (Inn tiring It, while on tha
hack of It l m printed atatlitlcal In.
formalin rrgerdlrig tha country and
lull direction at to how to ga there.
ThaconiinltlM It meeting with cue
Cess In getting orders for tha stationery.
and It U to he hoped that erery firm in
tha city will u It It will do much
toward advertising ltd section
Deputy Postmaster at Royston
Has Been Arrested
Price, 6 Cons.
till morning to Identify certain article,
which ho Jiad ecrit to hit folk at Bly,
tiut which failed to reach their dcitl
David Qarrick Again
lit It not rv.ry to again rtcom.
I the romedy ol "David Oarrkk"
lprtsaate.1 l.y Mr. and Mr. Mong and
Bny hat we will predict that
popular pliyen will be again
I by a lull honta wheat they play
i ptifurminre of ihle delightful
lathing liuiUy on neil Tueailay
iHr.aad Mr. Ilaney will ba heard in
rtoaii.MIn Uwl will have new
lily sn-l In addition to thl Mr.
I aniiounco that be will praaant a
' dramatic play altar tha parlor.
lOlHitllUarrlck. Thaaaat ul.
I U opened at The Perfection at law
llock In the morning.
Committee Is Busy
. P. Morgan and John Kilt, Iharona.
KUe pinlcl by tha Chamber ol
aerte in woik upon tha proposl
"oftnaJrirtl.l,,. anvaloD. ara call.
loathe LiulneM man ol the city to
ttiiein to ute the aUtlonery tab
i'V I lie Chamber. The com.
Mlaa Maria McMilllan ha returned
from an vstended Wilt with relallvee
at Chlco, Cat.
H. K. Noel, a lurmrr retldVnt ol thl
city, hut now ol Mount Angel, Cal., will
arrive here tonight to look alter hi pro
party Interval.
Hchool Muperlntendeiit Wight hae
gine to Merrill to tpend a day vliiling
theechouUol that place and to meet
the votere ol that town.
Dee tha change ol lime of the Mcln
llre-Hrew Htaga Company la connection
with the Klamath Uke lUllroad. Their
adtertlwmeiit le on page two.
Jiuiloe ol the I'raca A. I). Miller plac-
ad the flrtl rate tince hi appointment
on record jeetrrdey, it being a civil
action tiled by Attorney Keeeee.
The Tennl Club have Iliad np two on Klamaih Avenue, andlndleat
Ion are that the game will ba vary pop
ular throughout the Summer.
Tha II Club will give a 4ae ba Ibe
Hand hall neil Batorday night. If the
clubflnda condition tallafactory it la
probable that the hall will ba engaged
lor all future dantca.
Hoy Tabor la in the city from Dorri
on butlnea. lie eaya Ilia people in the
new town are tiemmlng accuttomed
to the thrill whittle of the locomotive
and no longer atari for tbe tall ea(e
brutb when It la beard.
The Mleaea tiulla and Mabel Camp
bell entertained a company ol aliteen at
tb Oerher home yeeterday evening In
honor ol their coutln Mia llankin.
600 lumlthed the amueement lor
the evmlpg and a dainty luncheon waa
Fiihlng on Link Kivar la aUII vary
food and tha many Wa! Ionian who In
dulge In tha aport aia uiually anccaatfal
In landing aevaral nice ohm. With tha
approach ol warm weather iba flah will
leaa tha good flavor and eolld Oath that
they have during the winter month.
Furnished houae for rani. A Dole at
tha Mcjntlro Trantportatlon Co.
Oa Instruction of latpector VaWe Bert Regan and Wife Are
Under Arreet-PettyLarceay Charge Preferred to
Hold Idem for federal Officials
Langell Valley News
Rev. J. R. G. Ilayne preached Sun-
(day at the Lorelia achool houw.
I Mr, McCall, of Portland, ia vlaitlriff
! at the home of her coutln, II. O. Urn-
The authorltle ol Una County bava
nolltled the therlfT ol Uke County that
limy have arretted a man who partially
antwer the deecriptlon ol 01 lie Hamil
ton, the Hllver Lake murderer. The
man wat arretted 33 mile from Eugene
on the road acrota lha mountain to
Kattern Oregon.
Tha auiiwct ald hi name waa Mar
tin I'clerton, and that he had been at
Hhanlko,llnd and other Kaatarn Oregon
town. He denied all koowledge ol
lha murder. He had traveled acrota
the tumuilt ol the Caacadte on loot,
through eight and ten mllea ol enow,
and wa nearly eihauded from eipoa
ure and fatigue when Ilia officer came
upon him. The iberifl It inclined to
think he 1 not the man wanted, and
that hi mh d la affected or he would
not have iterled on each a perikra
(ouroer afoot. Officer at Lakevlew
have been ciramunlcatcd with and the
man I being held awaiting the further
deecriptlon ol Hamilton.
The man arretted tpent eereral nlithtt
In the open air aod mow. and one night
not being able to And enough wool for
tin, aet up aod kept awake by run
ning around In a circle.
The Lane County authorltle have re-
leaaad the man and are now looking for
another Hamilton. Tho fellow ther
arretted I tllghtly demented, which
account for hi undertaking audi a
perilou Joornry. Investigation dliclot
ad tbe fact that he wa employed by
Cba. Grave at Odell fer a abort lime,
and that although he acta peculiar he
I perfectly faarmleta and waa according,
ly turned loote altar being ;ln cuttody
lor lew day.
Precinct Should Have Been
Divided Last Fall Bat
Holidays Prevented
MEN'S . .
Panamas - Split Straws
Fine White Manilas
Mackinaw Straws
. HATS . .
$1.00 to $10.00
The Hact to Buy Your Spring Hat
Klamath County today haa but twelve
precinct, however, after the November
term of County Court it will have 14.
Tha law provide that whenever a pre
cinct hat more than ISO voter it be
come eubjrcl to dlvltlonr- Tha regis
tration for the primary election ahowt
that Llnkville precinct baa 7S3 votera,
enough to make three precincta. Tha
Fall term of court la tha lima aet for
the creation o! new precincta. and con-
aequently Unkvllle will remain intact
for both lha June and the Presidential
Tbe division aliould bava been made
last year, but tha holiday during tha
financial itrlogeney made It impossible
lor tha court to take any action in tha
matter. As It ftanda today Llnkville
precinct lacki only M votea ol having
one ball ol all these registered. Tha
nait largest precinct In tha county ia
Tula Lake, with 900 vote.
Federation Will Meet
A regular monthly meeting ol tha
Civic Federation will be held Thursday
night at the court houae. A lull atten
dance (t desired.
Lane County Offhwrs Picked
Up Demented Fehow for
Cba. Graves, who waa in tha city
eeveral daya this weak, la feeling Jubilant
over tha railroad prospects In hi aec
tion. Ha aaya that tha survey lor tha'
B. P. from thla city to Natron croetee
the survey for lha Oregon Eastern on
hla ranch at Odell, and that ba feels
aura that the placa which waa one a
wildanwiawhaa ha first located Intra
will one day ba tha greatest railroad
junetloua In Central Oregon.
W. B. Devla. manaaarai tha Klamath
.. j,
Falla Transportation Co., arrived In tha
city to tttantl a mealing ol tha directors
ol tb company tomorrow. lia says ha
knows, nothing about tha freight situa
tion, tta- naa Been etca ior aavarai
weeks and tttll howa the aacta of It.
The recent visit ol Mail Route Inspec
tor Vallle to thla aection has resulted iu
somewhat of n sensation as be has raused
Die arrest of lha deputy postmaster at
Royston on the charge ol robbing the
United States) mail. 8. A. White is the
postmaster at that place, but be doea
not reside there during Iba Winter and
bad Bert Regan looking out lor the of
fice in tha capacity of deputy. Mr.
Regan waa assisted by his wife in tbe
performance of tbe duties of the post-
matter and aba too haa bean arreeted.
The warrants were aarved yesterday by
tha Bonanaa conttablo and tho parties
brought to that place, where they will
bavea preliminary hearing. The charge
upon which they have been arrested la
patty larceny, this betug done to bold
them until the federal authorltlea ar
rive to take them Into custody.
It seems that for several months arti
cle have bean lost In transit between
this city and Bly. Home months ago
VT. P. Read eent a watch to L.Alva
Lewis to have it repaired. Mr. Lew It
Hied the watch and mailed it to Mr.
Reed, but It failed to reach its destina
tion. Tha matter was reported to In
spector Vallle and he made an investi
gation whan ba waa hero a few daya ago.
Tha arrest lathe result ol Mr. Vallla'a
Royston tajt small poilofflce about
midway between Bonansa and Bly, and
nothing la handled there except the
local mail, or what Is called the "way
mall" batwaan thla place and Bly. If
tha mall wavaa Bonanta and doea not
arrive at Bly It la certain that it waa lost
by tha driver or else It remained at Roy
aton. Tha stage driver having no access
to tha mall aacka could not ba responsi
ble and It was up to lha.Royston office.
A search waa made and a number ol
artlaka war found la the possession of
the deputy postmaaUr and his wife.
Roy Walkar waa aummoaad to Bonansa
BORN-To Mr. and Mr. J. A. Stew
art, Sunday, April C, a daughter.
Wa are Informed that a government
agent has ben fnvettigatinir the land
owned by Ben Abbcloos and hat deemed
it necessary to establish the corners of
the land in question.
Mr. Bert Chlldor departed Sunday
with hit family for Klamath Falls to
engage in the brick buiineia for tbe
summer. Bert and his brother Eugene
are Interested in the stock business in
the valley, having ught Mr. MeDon-
ald'a cattle and leased his farm for
number of year. Eugene will have
charge of things here for the summer.
C. K. Brandenburg, of Klamath Falls
who is out for the nomination of county
clerk, was in the valley the first of the
week making friends with tha voters.
Mr. Brandenburg ia a bright young
man and no doubt will make a good race
for the office he wants.
Will Campbell and L. Gerber. re
turned from California with one of the
finest Jacks ever brought into this
country. We are informed that tha
price paid was $800. Mesara. Camp
bell and Gerber are Interested In to co
aideroble extent in the horse and mule
business and realize that it paya to im
prove their stock with the beat they
can get and with the interest the peo
ple of the valley are now taking in thla
line demonstratea that them will be aa
fine horses and mules raised here aa
can ba found in tha atate.
We are informed that Mr. Williams
was elected director of the water users
association to succeed himself, to repre
sent this part of the project Mr. Will
isms is very much Interested in the rec
lamation work and will advocate the
interests of the people.
B. S. Grigsby, one of the republican
candidatea for the nomination for aher-
iff, apent Tuesday and Wedneaday in
the valley. Mr. Grigsby Is one of the
heavy taxysyers of the county and a
plain every day business man whom
the people of the county are glad to
meet and talk with, aud if it ia left with
tha people of the upper country to de
cide who will be the next sheriff, Mr.
Grigsby will surely serve tha people in
that capacity.
Publicity Given to Klamath
Has Brought Many Desir-
flWe Citizens
To get a homoUlkao E. B. Hall about
Ibe Kummers-Kiuney place. Office, 2nd
floor, Baldwin block.
The Klamath country ia beginning to
feel the effects ol the adrertlalng dona
in the patt. The Chamber ol Com
merce and in my of tbe real esUto deal
ers of the city are receiving a large nom
berol inquiries from Eastern peopkMud
not only are they receiving great deal
of correspondence, but scarcely aJav
passes that some man from east of the
Rockies doea not come here to Investi
gate conditions lor himself or bia friends.
Frank Ira White states that in the past
week liis office has bad calls from partiea
from Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois
and North Dakota. This goes to show
that the Klamath country ia becomlag
known through tbe various channels of
publicity that have been used in tha
pail, and shouid'also act aa a atlmutant
for an active advertising campaign.
Mr. White atatea that every man com
ing from tha East comments upon tbe
lack of information possessed by rail
road agents on how to reach tna Klam
ath country. They say it ia almost im
possible to learn what placa on tha rail
road ia tliu proper destination. This
lack of knowledge Is in large meaeare
due to tha fact that many of tha rail
road employeea have never bean outside
ol tha atata In which they work, and
they cannot conceive of the vaataaaa ol
Iba territory embraced in tha West.
Tbey think Portland ia all there la to
Oregon, and that tbe part of CaMforaia
outside of 8an Francisco ia not worth
The railroad agents through! tbe
East should be posted on bow to naeh
the Klamath country, .and Mr. White
suggests that thla can probably be done
by inning some attractive card upon
which is printed all neceeaary informa
tion and aending one lo every railroad
agent in the farming belts of tbe East
and Middle West.
Tho Klamath country ia at a derided
disadvantage in many respects in gat-
ting settlers, and especially on tb true-
portatlon matter. Tb rata are too
high lor Immigrant. Lower rata ara
being offered to Canada and Taxaa.
which take many ol the young farmer
ol the Middle Weat to tboe countries.
Klamath need a low round trip rat
from points in the East. II thla can ba
secured than tbe lands of this aection
will soon ba densely populated.
R. E. Guthrldge, of tbe Mclntire
Transportation Co., haa bean transferred
to Pokegama.
11 l QBBSC- --77-nM.?"i'"'e'a, naamsBwaswaKimSmjsgjgjl
BaBannMagJBjamJiraKWftTVY 'SjflmmjaaaAtaSi-aBSnaJgflBBBBj
Make floors eaey to keep clean
Jtfaef y
e Most Perfect
Floor. Paints
tt horn iMkisvy vat! ftMntttvta
fie Hanks
Phone 173, lauaa Block ,.
- ,,
V '