The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 08, 1908, Image 1

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IMoitly RnJ Pflpor ,n
KUmalli Falls ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Vkaii. No. 620.
Talk to Chamber
of Commerce
... n u:u PflfAM.
(iyfly! ""
ltd large Sum for Net
YearN Work
apmldn- Knglnwr llrnny, of the
ni(l'n Sendee, probably rt pleased
wllio rrtlrmly tloie llm Chamber
loo.rr.rrte lasl evening, In regard to
llllnlf luaaid the Klewalli Tro
ll, lie has l ny '" during hi
UU ll ' " " w" "'' """"
ItreilfJ I" ll I aiilcular nJct ami
i nuil eiiilnn to make rwomiiieit-
on lor ! appropriation (or liril
kt'i work. Ha ld that when tbe
Lrd met llils r-ummrr lo determine
I lOfk l I undertaken halt veer he
nil probably l kil by lb Chief
lnw,Ut would lw Hi mallel
cat tli Klamath Project could get
i villi. II promised that hi re-
Iwosldb that Klatnalli muM not
kbilllia .mill amount but would
to In? id large! amount poael-
lie fuitlur stated lliat It wanted
ofpiiit anJ co-operation ul lb
abr anl the lanil owner under
I project lo sreur a larger percentage I
signer under tli upir Piojfct.
lio to Mi UUmnle lb thowlog
i by tli Unci oanri who war alii
Ncor water list yrar. tra not a
M it It nunht to have been, anil
tact would have considerable ln
ilrloi the itritniant In deter-
alag lututr appropriations.
Reitw, Mr. Iltnny stated that 11
laad ovnert suhtcilbed sufficient
I lo tic U r Project and made a
showing wheie the ditch was at-
My completed, he Ml confident that
6uM I aliv to mure plenty ol
In null U woik, but Tn II
ishoalng was not maila li u de-
Blued to du all In Ma power to gat
i an iiroirlitlon a poealble. Mr.
nut's remark weremo! favorably
vlvtd by the Chamber, a It wat evl-
hi tUt ID a (lliiKM! to favor till
ofr! ami alter dla add ret be waa
t aarrnly thanked liy president Dl-
II and liven the assurance that Ilia
ambsr a a bodv waa leadv lo viva
any assistance ,e night suggest,
I would (miliar unit with Ihe Water
n Association in ura-lu tli land
owimr lo make n good showing Hil
Hiiinliii-r, xi that then, will hn no (uith
or delay In llm wink.
News From Dairy
Mr. Hrlini'iin nin'ln tier rriiiUr lilp
to Ilonanra Momlny,
Mra, Ji.lin KiiiIh-, Inini UhkiII Vl
Ivy, wai trmllnit In Dairy Knliinlay.
John Waul, (rum llm Connor ranch,
waa tmrchailini M-rd outi (rum IjiiiI
Hleill Miinday,
Jai, Colahan, 1M Awry ami Clamlt.
Clonton look 'I'M hrad ol ratllo In llm
rraarvallon lor Irillin and .iluiu.
Ml Hand I'llcli wat llirimn (rum
horto Ul ornliut and had her collar
hone hrnken. Ir. Johiixin wai callrd
lo attend Ilia 'llcnl,
I'rtk Had Il-iy a In Dairy cIIIiik
paint Wnlnrivlay. We tliotiM lmi
diad lontt ar. " wanlwl to pitlnt
ml, hut wmiMii't tiand It.
Mr. K. M. lU-rinrir, who ha Urn
M-rloiiily III (or Kiiiirllinr, i now ri
portnl liiiifolnjj(, and mine hoiri arr
now eiitrrtaltin) (or her rtTutrff.
TlminUr I'. II. dray niorvd hU lam
lly In Dtlry Iroin I'iw Valley, Slurr
that time Mr. Ilray ami lour ol the
children hare U-rn ery lick wild itrlp,
hut they arr aoma hftler.
Omi. Hitler y their dam ! leaklnir,
aalhi. dirt ha not had lime toieltle
nfflclrnt lo hold ocd. Other are
watchlni; thl dam and II It proiea a
auorr there t III likely he more ol them
built In Yiinn dltlrlcl.
Th Kllit grade I taking the teach
er flnal eiainluatlon, preparatory to
th filial alale eiamlnatlon In May.
TliMowhoarr making ttrenuou effort
to get by the fit at line of educational d"
Irnae are Mlr Pla Andrreon, Klrle
OiUn, KlvaTurnage, Zrltna hnlge, and
Wal.l (Vlen.
Crorge (Hay rntenxl arhool Monday.
He make Ihe eighth memher nf the
troni; Ctli grade clai. Under pror
condition and llmull thl grade could
be held totfethrr and be enlere at tde
high acliool In a clai. All are ol it(
flcietil uieiilal rallhr to lake on a good
Price, 6 Cents.
Tim her tocaloi aie illll doing con
Iderahle tulncM atnl a iiumler of
partlc hate iricntly tiled on clalina In
the vicinity of Illy. Mott of Ihe claim
that are Ulng located niehoineitrad re
llniiulilimoiiH. The fact that It I hard ing.
All of Kldmath Tails School
'Teachers Will Attend
Saturday Institute
The Teathera' Inttltuto at Morrill on
next r'atiirday promNa lo l a hljlilr
iicccmIiiI alfalr an an excellont program
haii U vii prepared for the orcaalon and
liidlcalloim aie that the attendance will
I rtcrpiionally larife. Klamath Kali
lll le repreicnlrd by tho cnllr tfach
Ink forcv of I In city, a well a by a nuuv
livr nf ex priliKOKue and Jiollllcal api
rant. All of tin- randldalia for county
dioot tiiKiliiiendcnt lll be In attend-
I'lofo.or hoan will pvak on the nub-
J.-ct,"lhe Sch.nd Outlook;" I'roferaor
Irunhar MllluUit a talk nn "Arllhme-
lie;" Mix Mi-ll. 'nmpMI ill ipeak
on ih eiidj.Tt, "Nagging;" I'rofemor
Cail'k will kIi- a talk on "The Home
and Stti.-il ;' Ml,. Illchef, of Merrill,
(till ak on "Digllidi In the Grade;"
Mm CalUhan, of Merrill, lll ipeak on
"Primary lhadlng,"and MlilConn, ol
Merrill, Mill k on "Primary Oe
oaiaph." BRILr MENTION
Mr, ttoli. rt Ciirrlii in lulling rela
tive! In. Lanitcll valley.
Merle lluuttoii arcornianled the Mong
Company to Merrill and ISonanra.
A force ol Morkmen are railing the
.Mnnarth iI'iii huildiiig and will put a
kine foomUtlou under nine.
Mn. Jiii" Ivory who ha been vUtt
Ing nllh Mr.. J. II, llulic, left thli
morning for her hnme at llm J K ranch.
Olrn roiiuUln caiuo In from Poe val
ley yvilerday wlure l.ohai been for two
month following a plow and doing
other heavy work.
John Johnion ha returned from
takrvloM and Illy where he ipent fcv
eral ilay nn land liuilncii. He left for
the tlmlwr today.
Dun Holgate arrived lait night from a
two month lait to Cortallli and Port
land. Accompanied by Hoy llamakar
liu will leave for Merrill, In tho morn
'or a pcraon to homrtead a timUr
claim I canting many of them to let go
of good claim for a conililcratloii of a
few bundled dollar.
Qoeller A Wattenburg have ordered
Ihe machinery fur their brick manu
factory and eiwct tho aine to nrrlvc
hortly. They are now Morklng on Ihe
plant making preparation to Initall Ihe
machinery Juit ai loon u It got here.
Panamas Split Straws
Fine White Manilas
Mackinaw Straws
$1.00 to $10.00
The Mice to Bay Your Spring Hat
Hell Chllderi ha moveJ to the city
from Ijingell valley and will at oucc
engago hi the manufactiiro of brick.
Ho will have hi kiln In the tame place
where he burned brick two yeaia ago.
Tho law mill of the city w ill begin run
ning In a few- week and the crew are al
ready rmplojcd. Them will be a ilrong
demand for lumlier thl Bummer and
tho tnllla are Mug put in nhajw for
big run.
Tho Mong Company left thl morning
for Merrill and Houauia. They will
play two night In each place, patent
ing "The Ciay linker" and "David Oar.
rick." The troupo will return hero for
J, J, Parker, the Well Fargo exprei
agent, ha Inalalled a 1500 pound lafo In
hi olllrc. Ho ha tho exprvta office
nrmnged In a mot up to date maiinor
and hat added n number of convenien
ce to hi olhYe equipment ,among ihein
a telephone.
Tho band boyi have added more
attractive feature to their club room.
A large arch ha bean cut from the
main club room Into the dance hall, and
a poM tablo hai been installed. The
club I growing fate nod there la every
anurance that It will bare a luctetiful
Geo.T. Baldwin went to Portland
yeiterdeyon bail new. While In the
city he will make arrangement (or the
Klamath float In the parade at the Roae
Carnival. Klamath will be represented
at tho fcitlval by a large delegation
and a float representing thl county
would do much towards helping the
Boosters advertise this section.
County Registration Shows
300 More Voters Than
Two Years Ago
County Clerk Chattaln hat made a
summary of tho county registration
book, which iliowt thai lo&O voter
have registered fur tho primary election.
Thl it an lucreaie of moro than 300
over the registration of two year ago.
Th record show that there are V06 Re
publicans, 021 Democrat, 21 Social I itt,
28 Independent, K Prohlbltlonlitt,! pop
ulist and 10 who refute to date their
politic. ' "
The following la tho registration by
Mnkvllle 473 It., 1M7 D 3 hoc., A
I in!., o rfu.ed to tUte, total 73:!.
Tulo Lake 110 it., 84 D., 2 fioc., 1 re
futed lo date, total 2W.
Dairy TOR., 18 l., 10 Soc.. n Ind
total 110.
Klamath Lake i II., 4 D. total 10.
Ungell Valley-27 It.. 20 D.,21nd.,
total 65.
Poe Valloy-15 II., IS D.. 2 Prohlbi-
tlonlil, loUl 32.
lt Ittvcr 81 H., 33 D 2 Pro., 1
8oc., 1 Ind., total 120.
I'levna-60 H., 20 D , 1 Pop., I hoc.,
1 Ind., total 73.
Wood ltlrer-Ott It., 31 D., 10 Ind.,
total 110.
Snow 7 K., 8 D , total 1A.
Hprague (titer 34 B 31 D total 65.
Well R., S D 4 Nc, I lud., 3 re
futed to alale, total 22.
careful consideration, that the article la
worthy of no further diaciiatlon further
than that we wlah to affirm that tho
High fkhool Mudi-nt lio'ly and faculty
aro working together In perfect har
mony." ALcxAsriKcMAirm,
Chairman of Commltteo.
Praar Drl.AP.
Haciui. ArrLtfiATX,
K VixcriT Yaiich,
A. Cihumt Yadc,
Macd Nam,
See. Student Body,
Prea, Student ivy.
Reward Increased
Organization Will Bfi,
More Effective
Jerome Churchill
Jerome Churchill died at his home
In Yteka at anearly hourTueaday morn
ing, aged 84 yeara. He was ono of the
earliest pioneer of t-iiklyou count),
having come there about 1950. He
leave an linmenae fortune, valued at
moro than a million. Hit estate In
clude large land holdings under the
Klamath Project juat acrota the state
He I survived by a wife and two sons,
Jerome and Jetae, all of whom reside
at Yreka.
Big Deal at Bonanza
E. II. Hall and E. P. Morgan have
purchased Ihe MtKendree-Oerber ad
dition to Uonania. Thia addition baa
been laid out for several yeara and a
large number of loU In It have already
been sold- It Is a valuable pleco of
properly and the consideration Is not
made public.
For R. R. Commissioner
R. Robertson, a well known railroad
man of Roioburg, I a candidate for the
Republican nomination for Railroad
Commlulonor. Mr. Robortton not
only atanda high among hit fellow cm
ploycea but It held in high etteem by
Ihe public generally, and ahould he be
successful In securing tho coveted posi
tion will no doubt fill It acceptably to
his constituent. Uelng a practical
railroad man be would be well qualified
for the position.
A committee appointed by the High
School to consider tho article which ap
peared In tbe Klamath Republican ot
April 9, under the heading "Should be
Reorganised," brought In on Ihe nth the
following report, which was unanimous
ly adopted by the student bod,y :
"We, the commltteo appointed to con
sider the article published In the Klam
ath Republican of April S, 1808, respect
fully submit the following report :
"We deplore tbe fact that tbe arti
cle appeared) but have decided after
The reward for the capture of Ollle
Hamilton, the Silver Lake murderer,
Jut been nearly doubled in the past
week. Lake County hat added I000 to
the amount offered and Ihe father of
Meaner, whom It I thought Hamilton
also murdered, ha added 12000. Thl
with the government 4000 and Silver
Lake'a 425 make a total reward of
The fact that Me.ner'a father ha
added this sum to tho reward shows
that It In quite generally believed that
Hamilton is at kast a double murderer.
Kcno Items
U O. Mills has eeKfhl Keno property
to Tho. Grubb.
John Hitchcock and W. T. Otcy are
moving to Odeasa to run the sawmill
at that place.
Sam Padgett, John Dyer ami Mr.
Jonee went to Dorrlt lait Sunday.
County School Superintendent Wight
vltlted Keno last week.
Fred Mill was here last week looking
after hit political Interests.
H. Snowgoote hat registered the fol
lowing voters for Plo vent precinct; Re
publicans, 37; Democrats, 8; Socialist,
3; and Independent, 1.
Federation Will Meet
A regular monthly meeting of tbe
Civic Federation will be held Thursday
night at tho court house. A full atten
dance Is desired.
County Ireasiiiei Lewi baa made pp
his re poit for the past six months and It
shows that during that time warrant
to tbe amount of $00,516.31 were paid;
that there is now In tbe treasury the
sum ot $11,005.43 to pay warrant that
have been called In but have not been
presented for payment ; that the total
receipt for the six months aggregated
$113,333.57 and the expense fo3,840.41.
The county clerks office Is a very busy
place these days as there la always a
rush and a Jam to get out the election
supplies. The county Is so large that
Ittakesalong time to deliver them to
tbe various preclnts and the ahertff la
anxious to get started on tho round.
Chamber of CotiMterce Meet
ing Is Enthusiastic and
Business Is Done
The Chamber of Commerce held a
very enthusiastic meeting Tuesday ev
ening when the matter of reorganisation
waa conaldered. Tbe attendance was
large and everyone present seemed de
sirous ot doing something that wouM
work good for Klamath County. To this
end the Chamber a lo be reorganised
and a committee consisting of A. II.
Naftzger, 11. If. Danbar, Ales Martin,
O. II. Gate and T. W. Stephens, waa
appointed lo draft new by-law. Under
the old by-laws membership has been
limited lo Individuals, which baa been
In a measure, responsible lor a email
attendance at some ot tbe meeting, as
usually business firms have but one rep
resentative In the Chamber and It he
can not attend the meeting tbe Aran U
not represented. The new order ol
things will probably provide for traa
membership so that several Individual
may represent one membership in the
The usual amount ot time waa devoted
to a discussion ot the adverUabag )Me-
lion. Several propoaitioM were east
sldered and a committee waa appelated
to design an envelope for tbe Cfcaasber,
and an effort will also be made to lad eee
tbe buslneee firm of Use city-to aaatiaks:
E. P. Morgan and A. H.Xaftsgerwere
appointed a committee on transporta
tion. The Chamber will take it npon
Itself to improve the freight and passen
ger service Into this city, and this gut
ter will be taken up with tbe S. P. cJk-
ials. Messrs. NatUger and Morgan will
meet this afternoon to decide upon a
method ot procedure.
Supervising Engineer D. C. Hewy
and Mr. Heilman, ol tbe reclamation
service, attended the meeting and spoke
briefly to the chamber. Their remarks
were enthulastlcally received.
Tbe Chamber baa taken on new Ufa
and Indications are that It will .be a
power for good during the coatog sum
For Upper Lake nolnta by launch call
on O. P. Gregory A Son.
I II Ldl ''. iLri1 "jiHfaaipaaJz? rsw SA JTsbsbBBsbV
ii tiiTTM?T'A Kap'vliJamaW
Vgy'rgBfci.".vi.N-''-?jii i J Jf ' ' m leaissMsaWlW
ThtJ Most Perfect
of Floor Paints
Makes floors easy to keep clean the home eaimary and attractive.
""' SWvv?3t$t4jjr3
Roberts & Hanks
Phone 178,