The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 07, 1908, Image 4

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Get the Essence of Satisfaction
, , -; By QMllatf with a Strictly Reliable Rouse
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery,"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
Watcwnaker, Jeweler ana optician
he one best bet
around this town Is the fact that
very man in it can wear tailored-to-order
clothes and be neatly
dxesscd-lf he wants to be.
Just walk into our store and ask
us to take your measure then
make your own selection from
500 handsome Spring and Sum
mer fabrics, pick out the design
you prefer from our exclusive and
original fashion plates, and tell
us to send the order to Ed. V. Price
c Co., Chicago's great exclusive
merchant tailoring eataoiisn
ment. The suit or overcoat they make
to your individual order will cost
but $25 to $40, according to the
cloth and style of garment you
prefer, but after you've worn the
first one and proved its superior
excellence, you'll forget ready
made clothing ever existed.
Call today and ask to see Fabrics
No. 4404 L, 4398 K, 4361 J,
4320 I. 4306 L 4276 HH, and
"J. style designs 493, 490, 439, 491,
for clever ideas in clones.
WeCiaroteeaftt The PantatOliUItl
dijjjl TV
Jee Winters lor Jewelry.
Jark Klrobnll hot returned from a
trip to Lkelew nml to the tlmler.
It your tch U lick send It to Win
ters Hospital.
Tlicro Is blu illr among the candi
dates tills week. The primaries
drawing near and most ol the lltlcl
asnlrantsaro making the last discount.
Thono who are not Retting out over the
county are lending out Inro qnnn tltUx
nt campaign literature.
New Hue ol fancy Somcnlr on at
To get a homo talk to K. It. Hull aliout
the Summers-Kinney place. Olllce, 2nd
lloor, HaUlwIn bliK'k.
Household goodo (or eulo, lurliidliig
dishes, bcddlntf, carcts, ete.
Apply nt Mm. I'lnkerKw.
A. Ileliiilng A Co., fur ineichanta
payi highest caih ptivei lor all kinds ol
hides and lurs. Ileadquirtvri Ameri
can Hotel. tl
New bracelets at Winter.
I can locate you on a homestead. I
can sell you a good ranch ol 440 acivs In
Langell Valley, at a price that "III suit
you. II. W. Keesee. tl.
Fltllny Thim For Boclsty.
Ono inornlnR William "lerk, Hr UL
trr 8cotl's closest friend, found some
of their Intimate dally associates niuonij
the young comiseloie of the Scottish
fcar. all convulsed with laughter.
fliiMslmr the cause, he coiapwlnea
dial "Hun 8cotns" hid been foretnl.
Itiig him In n irood story which '
told him privately the Mny before. lis
ndded. plalntUely that lit friend had
not only stoleti It, hut dlcguHwt It.
"Why." nnswered Heutt, skilfully
waiving the main charge, "this Is al
ways the way with the baronet He Is
continually nliiR Hut I chance hli
atorlcs. whereas In fact I only put n
cocked hat on their heads and stick a
caiio Into their hands to make them (It
for going Into company "
"The conscience fund t n curious lu
stltutton," said the stronger
"Ves," answered. Henator Sorghum,
"and if oil the money that Mohk
there onuld I olleilcd the K""'
meut would lime enough to run with
out collecting nil) tes for o long
tine"-Wsblngton Hlor
fine soap scraps ale sometimes put
Into on o.-nte pun, i.iwrvd llh water
ntid euofcid slowly In n moderate oreii
for on hour or two to Jelly In n eo
ered Jar this Is always In demand for
washing delicate laces, eiuhrolderles
and liaudVcrehlcfs which should nsrrr
tw rubbed In soap
I "Yes. I sleep In the garage now, and
j the chauffeur sleep tu the hou. "
"What's ror?"
"The chauffeur U troubled wlta :u
somula, and the midnight rides he took
1 In uiy car in orar " r" "w
j time were altogether too eipul. -CJsielsnd
t'laln IValrr
Purify Your Blood
Snsmfrns Hark ? ,50 lh
CiiHoarn Bnrk .go'
Kalamazoo Celery Compound 1.00 )
i,.ln.a f?ilnrv CnmDOiind inn
Clnrkes Snrtmpnrilla 1.00 !"'
Avow Sunuipnrilln 1.00 i
Hood's Sareapnrilla 1.00
(..u ....... ..III., tirttli irullrlmi .Qtwwttnl
OUIMlmnnn .. wii.i.iiii ,(, i
Beef Iron and Wines 1,00
S. S. S. UX) k 1.75
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Saves You Money
Not Hia Altitude.
It waa difficult to hire competent or
even Incompetent help tu Kdeu Center,
and the commuter lu that Idyllic spot
bad learned resignation.
"James," sold Mr. Crawford. "I
haven't seen anything of that man
who was to mow our lawn. Where
do you auppone he Is) There. I heller
that' be uow over In Uowo's orchard!"
"I he standing)" Inquired Mr,
"Yes," said hi. wife, "h' landing
under one of the big trees looking tit
want our house."
"That cau't be the man." said Mr
Crawford. "He'd bo sitting or lying
down." You th'a Companion.
Everything that you may need In the
drygood Us may now be found at, the
Cotton tort.
For the best rig In town call at the
Mammoth Stables. II. W.Htraw, Pro
prietor, t
Evmtbinc guaranteed at Wlutert.' I Try Zim for plumbinjr.
I Teld You So."
Aunt Dinah was latoritig over the
wasbtub In the aide ynrd near her
cablu when suddenly and uosterloml)
a little negro, a If fallen from the
Bkle. sprawled upou the gras near
by, picked himself up nlowly aud bo
tan to whimper.
"Hey, yo', Ramr' cried Aunt Dinah
"Didn't I done severely warn )o 'bout
datr Dldu't I cautlou yo' elaborately)
Ain't I done tole yo' ter quit fool in'
eroun' dat uiule)" Judge.
"I'm afraid." snld the aoubrelte,
"that I'll not I able to npear to
night. I havo n sore "
'Don't let that worry jmi. dear," re
piled the prima donna. ".ohlng could
luuwn to your throat lb it wouldu't
I'.. II. Hall can sill uin flue lamhm
the Klamath lulii nt HMwiwWe llgun-s
I and on ey Icnns. Hillce. i'nd llr,
' llaldwln bl.icl.
. KUmntli Ult l'. hi librr
j Ihe Klamath Kails I'jbllc Library Is
oK-n every nftern'ii from 'J to CM
j o'clock and each evening- from rt.lo to
10 o'clock. A eonlhl invitation Is ex
tended In all.
riectioii of IU08
Itegistralioii nin-iis, Jan rt
Cloe l"r primaiies, Apltl T
I'rluisr) Klecllnii.. A pi II 17.
I!rgiatistln recipeim, April 21
C' lor rlecli'iii, May 1.1,
(ienernl election, June I.
Iteglitration reins Sept. Si).
CIom's lor (lection, Pet. SO
I're.ldelitUI Election. Nnv 3
G. Helming & Co.
Fur Merchants
Address Marshfleld, Oregon, or
Klamath Falls. Oregon
invcntt'tl tlic iihonnKrnph.
Ho m:i(lc it nn entertainer
for nil. It Is umnufacturitl
at n price which avcrvono
can nlfonl, and wo noil It on
the payment tilan, to
no one need he without it.
Hove you heard and seen
the New Model.
We Want Your Trade
Ollifactlon Giiataattcd
Klamath Falli, Oregon
Mis W. V. heehorn ha Iskrii rharge
ol the Ameilran dining loom, ulilch
hss lrli ieiin.lrle.1. All ollirll cooks
areriiiiii)nl. Till la the plant to gal
the brtt intslilu tnu, II
Tou ihould But '
Watches froa
We havt the Urgcit
WaUiwaln SoutMnnnayjl
aWy4 Watches u wt a la I
ajotuHltUa. ve csa tin mi
Umeit Msrkel ttkt kt
Good Oooli
Wt have an UtsbllaM I
aad hre to tuy, H
Watch tfoes wroatg
know where to rai
H. J. Win)
Leadlnii Jewell
Watchmaker a.1
II your ejri nn lillr, (Uasil
fit, U Inleii
The Store That Is Doing The Business
mm m fl I k I
i IBaamlV
Never before have the women of Klamath Falls been offered such I
complete stock of attractive spring and summer dress goods to select from. Ift
poiitive pleasure to select your dress from among so many exclusive patterns.
surprisingly moderate in price as those you find in our dress goods section.
Our stock Is complete in the newest all wool German Plaids, Sublimes, Cor
duras, Serges and Panamas Silk and wool novelties in stripes and plaids.
In silks we can showyou all colors in Peau de Cygnes Taffetalines and Crepe de Chines in til
nauc unc mic lancy uiacn. sua, yarn wiuc, siricuy guaranteed.
Mercerized Novelties Marguerite Tissue, Soiesette, Ingomas stripes, Salome, Mercedes and
Groyden Baptiste. .
Lawn in all the Latest Summer Shades and Patterns !