1 ;: IHE EVENING HERALD tasaa 0t. aieast SaaJar. nr 0 hVM PublfeMfif Company sUsaaaUu, nanus. I loo w. 9. smw. itf uaaaupnoN katbb Orir,hHl,iw, LtfcMB bmiu. . . -rr I tw MnW. .11 uiwa oT-srTMnoaalclMckoa roar local bank. ! aria, or cornaar. Nasnraraa Law or Oaaoo.-etki IMot tkaaMTS or orarm Brmaai inai mumrm mnr iwniMMliM amnsaw hn mU mcb luii.in - in um In tkU Stat without drat lawWaa- "r Umate. nth iwwspwwr shall S ltobalft.aMnodMorooiia- iwa shall afciw asalast tack asnon. Jh m!3 aaiaar l rantraa tor taa panoo to bn ttlasantaraa. . . a MARSH LANDS mESLiS ABEL m TT. . -mi Howards. Easy Terms. ""- -t Ts J . at . B a at amAaarlltlMB KIT 71a. B naVW " " . vegetable matter, wamaiirs nree Pnnio i r 50 per ceit. TUKHDAY AfKIL 7, 1W8 Traaa In Church. The parish church of Row. la Htf fm!hlre, 1 remarkable for two fln elm which grow betide the pew for aerlr occupied by the famous Joho KjtIc, tlia "Man of Ho." Tree were ecmrc around Rot In hU time, ad tree plantlns became part of bU p.tlaataropr The atory foe that 1 ruthleea rector of Ro cut down ome tree Kyrle bad planted near the caurrb. whereupon' these two vim forthwith sprang up by way of pro tect. Several other country churche hare tree growing Inside. In the eJatacel at Kempaey, Dear Worcheiter. . aa been preiervM a bone cbeitaut that springs from the beautiful tomb of Sir Edmund Wylde. ' An Irate peda gogue tnrvw a cheitnut. with which at caught one of hi icbool children playing during rrlc. apon the tomb, where It took root and ha flourished. Westminster Oaaette. "Oan t the 0vil.H The old Inn of England hare been rtapoaslble for the origin of many itiamoo sayings. An Instance of thl l the proverbial phrase, "lie ban cone to the derll." On Fleet street, Loudon, near Temple Bar, was once a tavern which was known by the strictly old fashioned name the lvvll nml St. Dutistau. It wa famous for Its fcood .dinner and excellent wluc and rv celred a large iatronage from the law )ra of Temple Bar. It wa familiarly known aa The Derll, and when a lawyer left hla of 6c to go there be usually left a notice a hi door, "Gone to the Devil." There ware some who patronised the tavern to the neglect of their business, aad the notice wa ao regularly exhib ited on their door that It Anally came to be ued to characterize the man who wa losing hi grip and going to 'dertructlon.-St. Loul Republic. Two f Kin. A welt known clobmau In Ne if York Ilka aotblag better than to hunt "big game" la British Columbia. Durlug hi . last expedition to that region be wa la camp with friend from Minnesota. Toward moral. ay the Kw York er, be awoke ablrerlng with cold. The In "waa very low. Ill companion -waaftaaleep. It taa't nice to get out of a warm blanket to roll frosty log to the fire. ao the wily New Yorker gave hi friend .a kick and then pretended to be asleep. There wa no response, and presently the man from New York tried another kick. At thla the westerner broke Into a laugh. "I did tbe same thing to you twenty minute ago," he explained, "aad that's bow you cam to be awake." Then of coon both turned out to tMaar. All AftwtM VNVI bv0Mv An atra l)aa any, that aa Bok moa on day waa coMHlttag with hla graad vlalor. the angel of deata ap peared and cast a torching look at olaiaw ' companion. The sUrtled -Ular launedlately begged the great king to lend him a certain magic rug oa whkh whoever aat could be trans- ported la an Instant to the remotest part of the .earth. The king graatad the r4Bt The vlslar atepped upoa the Tag aad bad It traaaport bias to the catrfer of UM deeort of Arabia. It uora nam away lnsuntly. The angel of ',4jeAj4oaaBl a aaoasent In Ida sight to at to aVaosaon: "I looked at that ai' ao cloaely because I wa eurprla- ad to' tad him 'here, aa I bad been coasjaaaded to aummon hla aoul and, waa told that I should find ulm In the "caster of the great desert." Then the ' aagal paaaed oa and a moment later (met the vlxler la the appointed place. ' A tart ef Hsbit They were on the way to the church when the prospective husband obaerr. fed: "Molly, the laat time I waa married I lost the ring before I got to the par aoa'a. -But I'm sure of It thla time." "Watt I It, Jobnr sue asked. "I'T got It In my mouth," ha said. "I'm aura of It now." ' Bat when they stood before the . prsaahir the latter asked: ' "Where la the rlngV . The groom gulped, choked, (tottered aad aaalry exclaimed In despair: i "aWarea, If l ain't awaUowed itr New York' Firemen. Vlach aa they admire the men of. their ttw tfbtlag force, comparatively few Maw Yorker an familiar with the Mfta of the Are department. The xwaatta aad a are the latlgnla of taoSotr. The trumpet show that the ream la a member of an engine com baayjaad the axe that he belong to a book and Udder company. One diver trumpet' or'ax designate a lieutenant; two tmaapet or axe are the mark of It captain; two gilt trumpet crossed at warn by the chief of battalion; that gUt trumpet croeed; Indicate the Hak of dtt7bk)f aad ar trumpet mated aJtV.wVbrltha1 chief. The tflar tremen of the rank wear the ruuiiar Utltete cro.-Nw York 3300 Acre Free The Lakeside company has XWOacrtt of land undf r tho Adams ditch that It will give RENT FREE lor one year. This Includes the use ol the land and waUr. The tenter must clear and place tho land In cultivation. Tl.o rent er gets all tho crop but we reserve the right to pasture the stubble. The Lakeside Company, J. Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill Oregon. Pasture For Rent - 1 1 t awaagaawgwEgg" ' ""- 1. I C. C. Low has teased tlio Hot Spring lsture, comprising S00 acres, and will lake a number ol slock to pasture l fl.60 tier month. Timber Land Notice United .Slates Land Offlce, Lakevlow Oregon, February 18, II1W. Nollec is hereby given that in coin nliancv with lli provisions ol the art of Congrvso( JuneS, 18T8, vntlllrd "An act lor the sale o( tliiilwr lands in the states ol California. Omton. Nevada and Washington Terrlloiy," as extended to all the Public Und States by act ol August 4, 18.y, Charles It. DeLap, ol Ktamalh Falls, County ot Klamath, State ol Oregon, has Hied in this otflce his saotn statement No. 0V2, for the purchaM o( the swHnetf, n4''e.'f, ol sec.3, tp.3S8. range9K.W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land ought Is more valuable for its timber or tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land Iwfoir the Countr Judge of Klamath Com ty at tils office at Klamath halls, Oregou, in WcdiiesJay the l.ll Inlay ol Henameaswitnefes:T. F. Mclio las, L. D. lUtclitson, True II. IVLap, A. M.Jamison, all ol Klamath Falls, OTon- ..,,..... Any ana an persons tiaiuiwijt uui. ly the above descrilwd landrereo(ust ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 13th day ol May 1908. 2-91 5-13 J. N. Watson, register. Petition for Liquor License To the Honorable County Court of the Ktate Oregon for Klamath County. We the undersigned, residents and le gal volers of the Precinct ol Hpraguv River, in the County of Klamath and Htate of Oregon, and actual residents therein and who have actually resided therein for more than thirty days im mediately preceding the date of signing and filing this our petition, do hereby respectfully Vtltlon ?oar honorable Imdy to grant and issno to J C. Edsall and T. M. Edsall, of the firm of Edsall Pro., a license to sell splritous, vinous, fermented or malt, liquors in less qusn title than one gallon, In the precinct aforesaid for a period of one year, from the 0th day of May, A. I). 1MMJ. Notice I hereby given that Hits pe tition will be presented to the County Court of the Statu of Oregon, (or the County of Klamath, at the court house In the city of Klamath Fall, on the 0th day of May, A. D. 1908, at the hour of one o'clock I. M.or a oon thereafter a laid pet II ion can ue ueaiu. Dated tills 2Slh ly ' March, A. D, ions O.T. Anderson, L. I.. Griffin, I. T. Anderson, F. A. Camplwll, W. W. Fin- lev. E. V. Whetaton, A. W. fcvani, J. M. Saaser. Win, II. Garrett, Ed Itloom ingcamp, John 8. Furber, H.J. Lang kam, Ro V . Fintey, W. W. Smith, James Phillip, W. E. Hutter. R. P. Courarlght, II. L. Anderjon, C. R. MorlS, Aroo Lundy, Mt, Lawry. J. A. Wilwn.J. E Freeman, hpralt. Hells, O. E. Berg, J. II. Boyd, James M. Fei ren, Frank Olwnchain, 1- a. iHcnara Iuav.a ttlwi.nlnupamn. O. M. An derson, Tom Ivory. Jame liell, Frank Shamley, J. A. Parker, G. O. Dews, Charles Trupp. Klamath Lake Railroad la Coaacctloa Wlta Mclntlre-Straw Stage line DAILY Leave Thrall at 8 P. M. Arrive at Pokegama 6:06 P, M. Leave Pokegama at 7 A. M. , Arrive at Klamath Falls 6 P. M. Leave Klamath Fall every morning Connecting witli Klamath Lake Train which leave Pokegama at 0 B. M., arriving at Tnratt at 8:20 P. M. Want 'em in a hurry That'a the case nine times out of every Jen when you need groceries. When you get caught in this Jr dlcament Just call up 516-you'll get 'em In a hurry. Van Riper Bros "Get the Habir-Ust Chase 6 Sanborn's Coffees. Heavy Freighting a Specltlty. Baggage Orders Arc Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company PHONES Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine Dlano movlnit KENTON & THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS Office N71 nam on Residence 043 CIIAS. E. WOKDEN President FltKD MKLIIASr: Vki-President The American Bank and Trust Company CaolUl Stock J 100.000 Open for basinet, -very day In the year .xcept Sunday and legal holiday. Interest Paid on Satlngs Deposit KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON M. WORDEN Cashier FltKD SCIIAl.l.OCK Ans't Cashier WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or K K K Store, Phone 174 JT T?ri7TTi17R Wood Yard and Office lie XUdliUliR Near Cty Hall Phone 84 The Eldred Company F. C. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddles, Harness and Supplies " We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles and Snaps". Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par ties. The largest and best arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. Announcement Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture from B. St. George Bishop I will be pleased to meet all his old friends, and also extend a cordial welcome to the many new residents xf Klamath County. Our line is complete, and lots of goods are on the roail from the .best supply houses in the cities. W. H. DOLBEER Succeitor to' B. St. George Bishop Incorporated November 28, looo Statement of Condition of (he Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DECKMB1R 31, 1007 RESOURCES Immw nml Discount! S34O.G30.H0 lloiiilaniulSecuritlMi . fl3,52G.4 llenl Kutnto, Hulldlnicu and Fixture ... 14,74r.Ui Cosh ami Slht Bxchnngo.. 16fl.247.00 .S0aS.O4O.Ql UABLLrnxs Capital Stock, fully pnld. Surplus nml Profit. Duu Other Hank l)0Xittt S 100,000.00 21,753.11 32,000.1), 431,295.40 S585.040.G1 I, AK'X Martin, Jr.,('a.liler of the aUvrnninrl liank, il" sulrintily swear that tlie alnivn .utr intiit I. true to Hip Iwst uf my knuwl.Hli(a aiul Iriirf AI.KX MAltTIN, Jit., Cutln.r KuliictlUil ami sworn to before me this Gtli iUj of Jtinuary, VJU4. Srat :. II. WlTllliow Notary Publle for Otrun OFFICEKS ALEX MARTIN K. R. REAMES -ALEX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Coshicr Ata'l Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Bnsin MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When block in Mill Addition were olIYml at bnriwin priceH a number, of shrewd tuvot. turn Ixjuuht; incc that timo vsluc.i Imvc increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present price, and there In every reason to anticipate nn advance in priced. Itwiu'tn her tliciio lota are FIFTY feet In width nml ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY KKKT deep more than double t ho ; area of mst town Iota offered to inventors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salcamen. Office on Fifth Street H. BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfitter Klamath Falls, Orego Strictly First-clait Work Estimates Furnished Phones: Business, 390; Residence, 504 Bennett's Feed Stable Next to Martin'i Mill Now Open for Business The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock getting their fiill, has been installed Plenty of WatJon Room JASPER BENNETT. Proprietor East Prime A. Fresh m w. 7f Ilneaa happy End Meat Market CRISLER ft STILTf, Proprietors Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry and Cured Uuli mnA Rauaamia uf H k hanilla on. ...... i .!..'-.. ,.m uilV Ind' , "-.. ww ...vaia ui mjh aawafc HivM.. . and surrounHlmr. Tn, ua and we will M "" -I to hnvo mi fn . ..V.IniMr. Krt'O VtW' yrtbaae. '- rf" " m 1...-WV...-. . sassjjsjBBBiliaaBaBWi