Ik fin mn n Brfalft. ' Mostly Run! PW '" Klamnlh Falls .... Our Adrnttaen.kt the Bert RMlt'. . . I Second Vkab. No. Gil). CONVENTIONS APRIL 22-3 Nomination for City Officials To Bo Made in Afternoon On I note Days Tl.. I'.Mcr Judse lit t III dates fur lU Wil il Oil primary nomination rontlofi. The convention fur nom Initios Cooncllmen will be htlJ In rtcli wit J en Wednesday April Alb, ami Ilia imrrtl wni nil !" for nominating the ellnrclty clllrni will be htd Thursday Afrit Hi W, el Id Court Horn. Tie rcnvmlk-n on bulb dayi will be calll t iu o'clock anil will adjourn upok crawl lln il Ida butlnet. Tl I'll)' Council hut evening named tt follow ln jiiitcva and cltlktl Flrtt Wtrd Jo,lfrt, Frank Atunlrong, O. A. ftMini d O. Wlikln Clsrkt, Fred Httbttnin and Itoy Telford, rwmd Wird, Judge. S. Langell, Wilbur Willi (nil John Fountain Cltrki, Itoy lliBiktr ami llurga Maton, Tlilnl Ward, Jiidtrt, Wot. Wbllbxk, 0. II. CUtidM,lrig and Will Jlurnphrwjr j Cltrlt, Carry llamsby and W. C. Hare Jetton. For lb City Convention JaJp, I'. 1- Fountain. O. A. Stearns ad Marion IUoki;CIik, K.l. Ilsin oosdaadK.M. Bobb. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 7. 1908, wllbln a month, Tlio chief engineer1! report on the matter Mill h final, .ml liimld llm contracture bn dlmiii-d wild bin uVcl.lon Ihey will hao recourse to Ibu Omit ol Clalma nr pot.,y ,i .. cur an act i.f CmurcM entering the tame. However, both t,0 repreienta. llvrs ol the (Iiiri-iiimriit and i, the con. Iraclott teem in think lint thu dt.,,u of llm cl.l.f vitKlnrvr will l itt lafarlr.ry to ell partlra concerned. Chamber Meet Tonight Tint Chamber cf Commerce will bold a uecllng tonight In Ihelr roomi In the Murdoch building, In which every hual nets man ami iiroixifty owner In tbs clly it rtcially Invited to he prctvnt. Tb mailer . rrornanliatlon will bo taken lift and 1 proiKwed tn make the Chamber a miirh ttrmigrr mganliatlou and Inleretl all thu bti.lnm men In an effort loecurn factorlca and other enter- pllaet for the city. If j-mi wjnt p, , In oil the rcorganliatlou you ahould not fall to be preteul tonight. DORRIS ON APRIL 20 TH Reach Water Early This Fall )1UCE6CEN . HERE NEXT SPRING IN FAVOR or BONDS Council Agreeable to This Method an article of this kind, and It la thli fact which li certain to mako the Invention a popular teller. It it to be hoped that In demand will bo tufflclent to warrant there manufacture In thlaclty and Ihua od.l another Indmtry lo tlm reiourcei of Iho community. Marsh Work Will Be Rushed As ll Is Only Thing De laying Road SETTLEMENT LIKELY Maton, Davit A Co. CUkm in Lime lifht DRICr MLN I ION Drpuly Hieilff C. It. PeLap will .tuft with the election iiippllct jutt at toon aa the ballot are printed. U. A. Lambert Iho Klauialh I'alla It ninta dage man, It In the city on hutl- TUrelta po tlblllty thai lb differ meet Utaren the Reclamation Service tod Maton, Pat la A Co. will toon be astlltd. KnglneerJ. II. Qulnlen, who ll itcLutifyliiK the dirt on ll first ualt of Ibe canal It the direct representative ofChltllInrcr A. P. Deflt, who. ar- cordini to the contract between the rr. tloeatvi lb contractor la to decide In allcaeeioldlipuu. Mr. Qulnton will trmalo here Ion enouih to a-o over Iba enllrecla.alflcatioo In a lhoronh man. wr and ba will then renort to Mr.Davl.. whowlll Um hit conclaalon upon hit rrpoit. Maton, Davit A Co. are renn. Knle.1 by Knullieen Newell n4 Am.. Ml, who are at the aenrlceol Mr. Quln- Ion In rrnderlnii any ateltlanca that he ntydealre. It will be roinembered thai umn ran. pUtloo of Ihell contract Maaon. TV.I. A &- P m clalrot Inr eitra work and for BbUktnclaMlacatbnu"MtlB.??n - W. Tho matter hat beea hanging Ore orovtrayear.but It la n ,um. hl the letilement will be reached For Upper Uke tmliila bv launch call onC. I. Ureiiry A Hon. County Court It In aetilon again to- day Uenaacllng rrnithie mtltrrt. A tkatlng rink will U oined thorllr In lite Hchallurk warehouie on Klamath venue. The place It now undergoing repair, and I Mnit filed up to thai It can be uttd for tkatlng, It la nnt neceataiy to leave your walchee to Ions at Wlnlert. Wo ate pow preiMircl to do your wrk prompt ly. All work guaranteed for una year. P. J. Van ricyoc, of Oakland, Cal It now connected with the local nlflce of the llolcoinh llcally Co Hpring line Panama and Hlmw lint at the KKK itnre. K. A. Dunham la K'clllng hla auloino. bllea hi ihaio for the icaton, L'd ei pec It to do a w hoUtalo auto-litory but- Inett tlile Summer and he already ha a number of iiantvngrtt fur the Crater Lake trrp. Ment Panama llatt KKK tlore. C. T. Oliver hat had a number ol Im pruvomenta made on hit bath houto at the Hot fining. Tho lent hat been walled up and equipped with a door which hat a padlock attached to ll. MrtfO. II. Drown and Mrt. M. Ilallcy leave In the morning for Twltp, Wath., where they will remain indvllnitely. The altitude la to high for the former and the change It made on account of her health. .. MEN'S . . Panamas Split Straws Fine White Manilas Mackinaw Straws . . HATS . . $1.00 to $10.00 KKK STORE Theriice to Biy Tour Spring Hat II. P. Iliy, chief engineer of the Ca. Ll'iitula Northeatiern, arrived in the city cttcrday accompalned by lltnry Cro. by, who hat charge ol the etUbllth. ment of watering placet along the rail- loaJ Hue, Intpetklngof thu railroad extentlon .Mr. Ilney mi, that the road will Iw rompleleil to Dorrli by the 80th of Ihla month, and that there it no reaton whatever why ll ibould not be at the oaler front tl.lt Fall. Ilu aaya the oik on tlw"ihoo I!)" It progrruing nicely ami the grade it already more than half flnlihe.1. Ilo tata the delay I" teaching tint city will be In rrotilng the inarih. The company It not alto gether tati.flcd with thlt branch of the woik and tomethliig will ho done at once lo exiinllti. the oomtruct'on of thlt paitulilivioad. Jutt what nctlon will be taken Mr. Iln-y did nut Mate but he aid tery emphatically that the marah work would If rinhed from now on. When atked if it wat pottlhle that the road mitlit g.-t here thlt year Mr lloey leplled that he thought it tery Imnroha bin but he frit tore that It would reach the water in thn early Fall, lie would not exprvM an opinion aa to what lime Iho road inliilit be completed lo thlt city, Myltig that Hie entire matter hlngi-d iik)ii the dike acrott the marth. He .i) a the hrldv will caute no delay lit they ran l put up in a abort time. He did not my ihal kind of bridge the 'coinpiny proposed utlng In crofting liaigablechannelt. Mr. lloey at III ha lilt office at Ilray, but will mne up Iho line juat at toon at the regular ten Ice it eitablithed to a point farther along. The road it now completed to a point a few mile beyond McDoel, and ildctrack ate nqw being put in at both Mt. Hebron and McDoel. When tlilat woik it flnlthed It la very probable that a regular train tcrvlcuwlll at onco bo inaugurated to McDoel. The time until the road will reach Dorri it to abort that the other town along the lino will bo tho terminal for only a few daya, while Dorrla will enjoy that dli- Unction until Hie road It completed lo tho water. Tho labor tlluation it very favorable lo the early completion of the road and Mr. lloey ttatct that he find it unnec etiary to advettlie (or men aa he hat all tho application! he can handle. Mr. Croiby it making hit flrtt trip over the route of tho proposed road, but ho already hat a force at work drilling wella at Jit. Hebron and McDoel. He it very favorably Imp retted with the country and etpecially with the Klam ath bailn. He tayathia city hat a great future, and it at nicely located ai any little placa that he hat teen. PROTECTION NEEDED Property Owners fear fire nd Demand Larger Water Mains J. P. Donhain and G. W. Muller. pro prietor! of the Singer Sewing Machine Agency, with to inform the public that they have removed their entire itock ol Ed lion phonograph! and record! which havo boon on dliplay and for tale at Winter' Jowelry itore, to the S. K. Noel .building on Main St.. between Seventh and Eighth, where they will be pleated to aerve you and reeptctfully atk for a thare ol your patronage. A. Wallam. who formerly rtiidcd herv, haa returned front the eait and 1 looking after hi farming Intereati. At the regular meeting of the City Council Itit evening there were preient Mayor Illthop and Counchtneti Maaton. Catlel, btiltt and Bandcrton. After tho reirular billa were read and allowed, tho petition of projKitlyownert for attieet light at the corner of Main ttreet and the L'tplanade wat granted. A petition wai read tlgned by a large number of retldentt owning proiierty In the neigh boibooj of the public tchool, atkfng the Council to Intlall a fire hydrant on a all Inch main at the vomer of High and Tenth ttreett.near the Methodlttchurch. At there It quite a territory in thlt vi cinity without adequate fire protection it wat decided to order the water com pany to put In a tix inch main and con nect a hydrant. The petition ol Forett Hetty for a liquor licenie for the Log Cabin liar wai granted. A aoramunicatlon aigned by Geo. T. Ualdwln, at aecrctary of the Water Worka Company, wa read before the Council, The communication waa pre vented at the requett of Fire Chief Oli ver, who had atked the company to make an ottlmate of the cott of a tya tern of bydranla and new main cover ing Klamath avenue. Tne coat of In stalling the new pipe waa glten at 11.23 foot aud tho cott ol two ttylca of liv drama wat given, the cheaper being 135 each. The tout cott of the ijntem wat between 13000 and C000. Mr. Ualdwln ttated in hi communication that a the company'a Irancbito expired in about four year they would not be juitided in expending tbi amount of money on new pipe, etpecially when they already Lad a Hue covering thlt territory. He made two propoilliou, one in which the com pany agreed to put In Hie new pipe at a certain yearly rental and the other that I be city pay the cott and the amount to apply on the purchate when the city took over the plant. No action waa taken In the matter by the Council a tho Mayor and member dated that no morn money could be expended until the iwople thould take up the matter ol bonding the city. The esprenion were all in favor of bonding the city and eventually municipal ownership of tho water tyttem. Henry Itoivln wa alto present and presented an argument lor larger malm for tire protection on the hill in the vicinity of the High School. The dray ordinance which ha been before the Council nearly all Winter had tobe.lald over to another meeting a Councilman Matton had tolenxo before action was taken on It and tho meetiiiK wai therefore without a quorum. Tho main protection desired by the dray men, aa dated by Mr. Kenyon, ii for hauling lumber, and there li some ob jection to'thii a it would prevent con tractor and mill men hiring any but li cenced team to haul their lumber. Buys Large Qradcr At a tettion of the County Court tbi afternoon a large road grader wat pur chased for the county. The machlno will cott f 1200 and la one of the mod op to date road graders in the market. The purchate of thlt expentlre grader gitca atturanre that tho roadt wilt receive contlderablo attention thlt Spring and Summer. Mail Stage Runaway The outgoing mall ttago had a runa way yetlcrday at Parvlt Hat. The ton- guoofthe wagon wat broken and the harnctt badly damaged. One of the hortet got away and haa not yet been found. The Mcfntlre Straw daze was lillowlnirthemail ttage and took the mall on to I'okrgama. George Porter. the driier, had hla leg quite badly butt He Didn't Qo MUST SIGN MORE LAND D. V. Kuykendtll did not go to Lake- view with II. I.. Holgate at wat stated In last night Herald. Mr. Holgate Is now mixing op with the voter ol that County. The Herald wa limply mlaln- formtd and mule one of thote miitaket that will occur. Federation Will Meet Engineer Henny Says Per centage is Yet Too SnmII In Upper Project Engineer D. C. Henny and D. W. Murphy hare returned from Merrill and Tule Lake. In (peaking ol tb outlet of the LaVe Mr. Henny laid It li lapoaai Me U tell anything about tba asatWr at this time and that before tba aaefataaaa ofjt could be determined It would have to be further developed. Mr. Henny leave la tba moralag for Portland after making a thorough in vettlgatlon of the project. Ha seems well pleased with conditions bar. Tba Mds on the South Branch have been submitted to tba Secretary of tho Inter ior and it is now op to hla lo reader a decision on them. The' engineer here have ubmllted their recommendatioae on the tame, but the are not made public at thlt time. Mr. Heney dated that tba anaiuu'i work would depend largely upon tba outcome ol the bids oa tba Clear Lake dam, and the percentage of lands la tba Upper Project signed for goTanuMat water. APPOINT . ATTORNEY KuykmdtM Selected ay SUU A regular monthly meeting ol tb Civic Federation will ha held Thursday night at the court house. A full atten dance it detired. Real eetate men report a demand for Klamath Connty landt and a consider able acreage hat changed handt during the patt thirty dayt. Many of the tran sient! who havo arrived recently bare invested in landt, some buying for homee and otliert at an Invedment. Chat. Gravel came down from (Mel I )ederday to meet Mrs. Graves, who haa been in Arizona during tho Winter. They will dart for home tomorrow tak ing the election lupplle for Odell pre- cinctt with them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Melhase are mak ing arrangements to move to Dorr's by May 1st. Fred Schallock wilt also go thereabout that time aa the new bank will commenco butlnett on the flrtt. The meeting of the Chamber of Com merce tonight will be largely attended at matters of importance are coming be fore the organization. Ladies and Childrena Straw Ifala al every description at K K K store. D'. Y. Koykeadall baa baa attorney for tba State Land Heard lor Klamath County VIcaC. H. Wltbrow, who baa resigned. It will be tba betiaeea of Mr. Kuy kendall to look after tba lataroata of tho board in this county and to paae judg ment upon loan on Klamath Count v lands that may come before tba board. The landowner of the Klaaaata coun try who have listed their land for gov. ernment Irrigation are at a djsadvaatage ' in borrowing money on their land a tba contract for irrigation aet aa a mortgage against the land. Tbia worka a hardship upon members of tba Water Users Association posiimd of Uamlted meant. This matter will ba taken up at the next session ol the taajaUturo and doubtlete a bill wUI be naaaad which will do away with tba chance of incurring a hardship upon many of the Klamath farmer. , J. A. Hootson la getting tbiace in raadineaa for tba opining of tba dining room in bia hotel. Tha placa will ba opened about tba first of tba Month. Usful Invention William H. Clark, foreman of tho con- itructloncrewofibe Kletcrlc Light and Water Company, has Just placed on the market the Ideal Panllfter. It is a de Tlcaforthuseofthesbouiewlfe in lift- lag hot plata, pie, pudding and tauce pans and will uudoubtty prove a quick seller. ( It automatically flu any siied pan and Is positive In Its action. The boos wife who hat ao often suffered from burn will welcome to ber kitchen " " "" " "" MaB Makes floor easy to keep clean tba home tamtary and atsractjvt. Roberts & Hanks Fkoie 173, bUM Block r n .. "VM