i m Get the Essence of Satisfaction . . By Dtllaj with Strictly Reliable Home When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where you get your money back if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old saying serves as proof, "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to have others copy the simple and upright business methods I am using . G. HEITKEMPER, JR. WMCJunaker, Jeweler and optician RKNJBLICAN BLOCK PERSONAL MENTION Nurte, ol ifO year caperlcncc, detlir nnrtlng. Mr. E. I. JJHet.lxaSM. tl Mutual Hlp. The rue of mankind would perlli did they cc.i-0 lunt.1 will uihr. mj tat Urn Uit the mother bind tu .aii.ii. i...a mi (tin moment tlmt torn ' kln,i ...i.tniit wine the death damp Uert Wlthroa-leaves In tho morning' fronl , l.row of tln dylWJ ""' lie Ui not Mlt wltiiout BiHiun ""!' " therefore, Hint nceii aw mh " he one best bet round this town is the fact that every man in it can wear tailored to-order clothes and be neatly dressed-if he wants to be. Just walk into our store and ask us to take your measure then make your own selection from 500 handsome Spring and Sum mer fabrics, pick out the design you prefer from our exclusive and original fashion plates, and tell us to send the order to Ed. V. Price & Co., Chicago's great exclusive merchant tailoring establish ment. The suit or overcoat they make to your individual order will cost but $25 to $40, according to the cloth and style of garment you prefer, but after you've worn the first one and proved its superior excellence, you'll forget ready made clothing ever existed. Call today and ask to see Fabrics NOS. 4404 L, 439S X, 4361 J, 4320 I. 4306 X. 4276 HH. and f-2"rftw style designs 493, 490, 4t914l, &Tm2J25T for clever ideas In clothes. di,jjj1 W wamr WHWIIIimMIM mm 1 AT k II I 1 Mi for Donanta and Langell t alley. making a lively campaign lor the now luattou lor aMcttor. For Upper Lako point by launch cull on C. P. Gregory A Son. The freight rate from Uray to thl city will lw loaned Ihl week a tho roadt aro much better and It It llmo fur the Inauguration ol tho anting tcheiltilc. See Winter lor Jewelry. O. II. Alien wat In thin city Sunday Ironi Merrill. II your watch I tick tend It to Win ter, lloapllal. II. I llolgatoandl). V. Kuylen.lall mill apend the next eeveral day among the vuteii ol I.ako County. New lino of lancy Souvenir tpuun at Winter,. J. S. Ilulablrd, ol Ciarainont, O.il., It III the city. He li the engineer who I Id out the various tuntitltca along the lino ol the California Nurlheatltrii. To get a home talk In K. It. Hall about the HutnmerAKInney place. Olllce,2nd door, Ualdwln block. Alfred W. Pcullen, of Kugene, It In the city vlilllng hi aunt, Mm. J. C. Smith. Iluutehold goodi for tale, Including dithet, holding, carpet,, eto. Apply at Mr. I'lnkerton. Knglneer Ifenny and Murphy went to Merrill ycttcrday on butnc connected with the project. They alo Intended to ak It from their fellow mortnl: no on who hold tho poner of granting t ran refute without gum -ecu. Juvtnlla Diplomacy. Ta." Inquired lreddle. "what I di plomacy!" , . ., "Diplomacy, my boy," retpouded I h old man proudly, "I doing exactly tlw right thing at exactly thu right iuo- mrnt." "Then I ued diplomacy lat night "What did j on do. my boy J" "Why, I heard miimiuu ay that all" wa going to glie m aoino cntor oil Now, )uil knuw. J genernlly tleep on the outtlde of the Ivd. but lat nlghl. wheu I lieanl uiainma coming upttatr. I pushed Johnny Into my place, and Johnny had the doe of nil " Hrdllry. VUicviit wai altogether too garnilou In achoul to pleaie hi teacher. Such puuUlinieut a the liittltutlon allowed to bo meted out were tried without anv apparent effect mihjii Hi boy until it lout the hc.nl maiicr ueciueu w m tlon the lad' tiiiill upon hi monthly report. So the next report to hl father , had then word. "Vincent talk n great deal." 11ml: ratnn the lepnrt by mall duly lined, but with Ihl written In rrd Ink under the mintneut: "Vou ought to hear hi mothc." School Itnard Journal. K. II. Hall cm aell Vila fine anch in the KUiualh twin at ieoiiahte llgiile anil on eay tefina. tllllce. -ml ll ' lUUw In block. Purify Your Blood SPRING CLEANERS Sassafras Hark ... $ "0 iiy Caseara Bark .flu " Kalamazoo Celery Compound. . l.oo Palnca Celery Compound l.oo Clarkvs Sarsapnrilla l.oi) 1 IK) 1 no nyei a " ! ' Hood's Sarsapnnlln Sarsaparilla with Iodides Special Hoof Iron and Wines S. S. S. $1.00 . io 1 no & 1 ii Star Drug Store "The Store that Saves You Money ,L l I I W l IV I wfk Klamath lull I'u.lic library The Klamath Full Public Library I nnen everv af lernonn I nun . io o .w tovltlt Tule Lake toinvetllgate Iheout-i ,, , . , , r ,., , , , u clock and each evening from 0 l to lei uui owing 10111a aiormy neainer tun not go. A. Helming A Co., fur merchant!. I pay highett cath price for all kind of hide and fur. Headquarter! Ameri can Hotel. tl The reclamation tervice I working j quite a force on the Keno canal and nn , the foundation for the Lnit river tluni". Laborert are plentiful and more men ply for work than the tervice can uio at thi time. 1 10 o'clock. A cordlnl Invitation it ex- ' tnmltail In flit WeGmaraaUeaFlt The Pantatorium New bracelet at Winters. I can locate yon on a homeatead. Election of 1908 Hegiilrallon open, Jan. 0. Cloven for prltnaile. April 7. I'llmary lileelinu, April 1?. Itrgiiitrallon (ri'ii, April 21. (Mote for election, Mat I.. (ienenl Klectlou, June I. Iteglntratlon rcoiivn Sept. ?). Clone, lor election, Oct. W. rredldentUI Klectlon, Nov 3 I. Everything that you nay need in the dryg ooda Una Bay now be found at the Boat en etoye. Ererrtbmi guaranteed at Winter. Kor the beat rig In town call at the Mammoth Stable. II. W. Htraw, Pro prietor, t Try Zim for plumbing. : can tell you a good ranch of 440 acre in Ungell Valley, at a price that will lull you, II. W. Keetee. tl. It It not necettaiy to leave your watchet ay long at Winter. We are row prepared to do your work prompt- ly. All work guaranteeil for onu year. J G. Helming & Co. Fur Merchants Address Marthflcld, Oregon, or Klamath Falls, Oregon PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invented the iihonoffrnph. He inntlo It nn ontortainiT for nil. It is nmnufncturvd nt tt price which uvcrvono ran nttunl, nnil we ncll it on the easy payment iilnn. to no one nerd lie without it. Have you heard and aeea the New Model. We Went Your Trade Underwood's Pharmacy EVERYTHING IN DRUGS Satisfaction Ooaianteed Klamath Falls, Orefoa Mri, W. I;. Hrehorn liai taken rhargv of the American dining room, wliich hat U-rti rrmo-lrlnl. All wonien cook iuurmplo)rd. Thi li the place to gt thu lrt inralilu lon. THREE REASONS WHY Tou should Buy yo watcnes from -1st W have the Urtfut Kkrt, watckea In Southern cftaa 2nd Mii4 Walchrt at we cats I ttMlltUa, we can lUreitnij Lowest Market ttUt far Good Ooods --3rd-- W have an ratabllxhed U4 krc tu ilty. If tog Watehfoea wrong jfl know where io M4m H. J. Wintei Leadingt Jewele? Watchmaker ui Optician KLAMATH - H II your eye are lailli t, fj'trt I fit, tea Winter. The Store That Is Doing The Business AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LADIES Never before have the women of Klamath Falls been offered such a complete sxock of attractive spring and summer dress goods to select from. It's a positive pleasure to select your dress from among so many exclusive patterns, so surprisingly moderate in price as those you find in our dress goods section. Our stock is complete in the newest all wool German Plaids, Sublimes, Cor duras, Serges and Panamas Silk and wool novelties in stripes and plaids. In silks we can show you all colors in Peau de Cygnes Taffetalines and Crepe de Chines in all shades fine line fancy black silk, yard wide, strictly guaranteed. Mercerized Novelties Marguerite Tissue, Solesette, Ingomas stripes, Salome Mercedes and Croyden Baptlste. . Lawn in all the Latest Summer Shades and Patterns THE BOSTON STORE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBaaBaaa V J