tiftuttij Mostly Hew' p"or ln Klarniilli I'""" ' Our Advertisers Get the Best Remits . . . BECOW VI ML N. ri8. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 6. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. Ilefaio. )t FULTON HITS HIS ENEMIES Talks to Big Crowd at Medford SCOKLS "II" HENEY Unfortimtolltrvt!ryVolcr o IIiuSIoH Cannot Hear the Senior Sunrttor Mmiirnl ""Mr nii'i -er ... . .i !... .i... Jhune urii'i'iir ,. - ipl; l.ei It" i""1"' '""" ! Iirtn txt'- cV of 1'iovculor Fran- ,.;. Il'.te C4ilr with l '""I hrcestiUnau iwUiiinai liualliiti ihtlrTrtr inter In tin alate la li'it prlf ijel lo l-r Onv ' ""I"' senator In iUt """' rub-ran 11 wwii now ,nJ the dale I the I'lluiary Ic.loti. II mate Ins flirt ! h In Jarkson Ooinir at Medford, Mini lay evening, Ltor Istrfe an I repie.eiitstlvu audi. nc lil-tt ga him Uib attention aa ! t-t'a recrlire Hi llllcl al iltrwo Tliaie tint iimcli that wi ns 11 Knlor I ulton'a friend in hi allrwi, luit an atliilavlt which li read tol puUnlied l"r the llr.l lime, waa ot ripscial lltneat, I. it It COIIIpUlcly Blxl tITfCtuillr eimirralnl Senator Filllnn flora coniirctl iii Willi mi Incident which Us Ui Ilia !'! of lit iiiiwt ttclou tlilffl Oiailo agaltiil lillll by lila villi' tilt. IWj-lnhltif wllli lila election, Senator rnlninl. Iiir-I lliu lililury ut III term la Congrraa wait Urn tarioua effort mile in ilifilil )l to Iwfurv the eo f!. lie itatnl that lia knew that rotrplracr lial Ivni at work Uilli In Oirjormil Uaihinglon with a wrll ar tictnl .ol, Imt hn liml misjudge! the aViprraie ami rerklrs character of the campaign nam! agatnal lilni nhtcli wai "UKlrntliily in falsehood and rnla- rrprrscritallnii 'The Hmtli atmy, from lop Iwtlom In rtrry IkIiiio, niadn up and la UIIy l1i mi.l malicious, lleney iw ll aa wliru lid hired a church In Ml it In I'uncll'a allMatlt disclosed lUoll i)atrm u( electing senator, wMcli. tltnV if., w Imvu done away villi In Oregon Senator Mitchell waa m ftlrii.l, but lie wai hounded to hit fare.atil tMnk ,ori ,n against ttan .Inning," lie icnnl with (eel In. lliat iuml liml hu rmered Ilia nmmm i, Hiii".1 I mail" a ho refufrnl to Mltclit It. STORE QS Hoiiilnr Kiilliiu liilil til lila hiving In (oriiimKlovriiiniCliRiiilMiilaliiulHiiillh'a U'liiK a Kiaflur nml el lila aiiiirla at thn il'ivrriiiir nmliliiK ulllilavll oiniint I UK Kullnti with thn hillmry artory which Kullun hail only li-arm! altvr llio ad Juiirninntit ill tlm Irlalatntn, ami urllM th iiovcrnor lor tlm rot tint of lilrnilly acl. Una Imlllril Ilia Itnth ol lliu ac cuaatlou tint hn hail Ucn loyal to fllrnda, ami aalJ that ha lioil heal way wuilhl l. Ilu jialil tiltmto lo (llriiilaliln aa lliu otic tlildat III lliu world worth while. AalilamlTlllnga Dr. Parker Quits Practice I'f. 'Hum, l'irct ha aiitioiiiicv.1 lo lila lltrmla thai ha lll at mira ttilt tlm iracllu ol inmlltlno ami will ahortly leavn lor Alaaka, wheio lu --cta to village In iiiliilm:. Ilnwaver, he will enjoy a wvll friil vacation helnra t lnC Nmlli, ami will leave neit week (or the Klamath Hot Hitltiga anl fur ha n Kianclaou, He will atao iwti'l a (aw wrekaat I'ortlainl with olil Irlrinla ami acinalntaiirea, til. I'aiker came lo tlila city a little over two yeara ft an. I herfan t'le rac lira of iiii-llclfio umler rather ailverae rircumilaiirrf, NotMithaUmliiiK tlila ha htillt ni an envlahla ieiutailon a a phyalclan ami aurti'ti, anil he la rec onlriil aa a man well up In the medical profraalon. Ho leavea a lare practice, ami hia frlemla will l grletetl to learn thai ha hat decided to lake hia depart ure. M otiU he flint condltloni uiiaatla factory In Alaaka and decMa to again take up lila pMfeatlonal work It la rttl He that he may latum hern upjn hi return (mm tho North. BRIEF MENTION Clay Tajlor and Hud Ohenchaln went 14 Merrill today. K. K. Ilunaaker retuinol runday night from Hull valley where he haa len for aUut ten daya looking after lila fvlght team. Tho llolcomh Healt) Company haa fitted up a ery mat ottlcn lu the room with the Wella-Fargo Ktpreaa Co. J n Iga Tho. Drake rcturneil bat night Iron) Poitlaiiil where he ha been fur erial week nn Imal huilueai. Mia Anna Apidcgale, teacher in the Fort Klauiatli achool, I vndlng a week' vacation with Iter paranta, Capt. and Mr a. 0. C. Ablegate. County Court met tlila morning with Judge J. ll.Orlfnth and Comtnia. loner Fre.1 Melhaao In atlemlanre. Tlie only builtiea tranaacte.1 wa the appoint inenlol A. D. Miller aa juatlce of the peace to fill tli vacancy created by the resignation of T. K. Nlcholaa. Thecourt la holding a abort aeaalon thl afternoon to tranaact routine bualnea. Judge Urimth I lmllaoavl and owing lo thla the court ha not gone to the Upper Oap to lew the bridge alio. If it's a hat or nhoo you arc thinking of visit tho atoro that carries tho largest stock-that keeps standard qualities. See our Spring lines of Walk over and Napatan Shoes, Stetson and Thorough bred Hats. SITUATION UNCHANGED Through freight Route From New Railroad Terminu) Yet Undeveloped The transportation alltialiou lis not )el In-eii deteloK-l( and no report ha been rrcelvel fioin the partle In con frrenco at Han Franclaco. Manager W. It. Davit, ol lha Klamath Falla Tranc Hirtalltiu t'ouiauy, waa unable to attend the im-nllng on account of illnea lid coneiipiitly Capt. J. M. Mclollr la tho only local man on the acene. At thla time it la moiible to tUU what kind of an arrangement theHoutb em I'aclllc till maku for the delivery of Irvight in thla tit y. Olio thing only I certain and that la that a through atr- vha will Iweilabllahal and that the 8. I', will ! ilireclly rvionalble fur the ililiirrry of lnUht at the atorthouM or warehouse. 1 lm meichant want a through aeixlce from the terminu of the California KoillitMaleru, and they do not want tlirlr freight handled ofteo- er than la iieieatary. In order to avoid handling the Irxlglit aaveral tlmae tn Klauiatli Falla Trauaportation Co. In. IcUila loading the freighting outfit on barge at Teetera l-andlng and bringing them through to the city In one day. If thla plan la carried out Klamath Fall will have a pl mild freight service a ooii aa the rovl readies Dorm. If I lie height should be brought through to this city by team it will inakuonlya trifle uer one day to land It at tha a tor i' door or warehouse, whU.li .would make, the service very g""d itlser way, by handling tlm (rUhl only tark, Tlie bouthurn I'aciflc will make arrangement wild one of the compan iea to haul the Height from the end of the railroad to tuts city and the com (any getting the contract will lie vir tually In tho imploy of the Kouthern I'aciflc "HEIT" WILL ENTER RACE His Many friend Will force Him to Be a Candidate for the Mayoralty The mention hy the Herald ol O. Heltkemar for Maor ha had the re sult of almost forcing hCni Into the'race, lor ho ha been urged on all aide to al low hi name lo U ushI. He ha not, however, mnrvntod to enter the race and will not unless he I convinced that tho people of the city ant him to be a candidate for thu olllce. A he ay he ha no political aspirations and would oonor attend lo hi business than to late on the onorou laak of caring1 for the Intervals of tho city, but he will lay aside hi personal feeling In tho matter If It appear to him that It 1 the wish of the majority of the people that ho be come a candidate. Tho question ol who will lie the next Mayor ha been n much dlcued ub jeel for the pad few day and In con nectlun therewith Mr. Hellkemper'a name bat been favorably mentioned. If he should conient to enter tlar teld he would undoubtly trake a ttrong race and from preaent Indication would be certain ot election. The name of T. F. Nicholai hai been molt favorably mentioned In connection with the ofHco ol City Recorder and Police Judge, but he atate moat em phatically that ho will not be a candidate and will not aerveil elected. Mr. Nlch olaa I eminently well qualified for the position and It will fee a matUrof much regret to hia friend that he to positive TEACHERS ARE CHOSEN Prof. Butcher, of Oklahoma. Is Elected Principal of the High School The corpa of Instructor for the County High Hvhool for the ensuing year ha been lelected by the county board. There will be but one change and that I In th prlnclpatahlp. Prof. John T. Butcher, a graduate ol the univenity at Lawrence, Kama, ha been elided to thl position, lie come very highly recommended a an educator and form erly taught in the university ol Okla homa. Th last year he haaapent In achool "at the Kansas university from wbicli be U a graduate. The 111(1 Hchool teacher a elected are Prof. Hutcher, I'rcfs. Faught ami Howard and Mira Ilesslo Applegate. It lacor4 of excellent Instructor ami give aMorance that the High School will have very (ucccaaful year. Enterprise Qalore It I pleasure to note the enterprlm ol our neighboring town, I.kovlew. They are beginning to do thing in thai Utile city. Borne one mentioned a Soaring aalll, and Immediately a com pany wl organiied arid already the ma eblnery ha ben ordered for a thoroughly intdern mill. Tho director of th new company tay they will have the mill in running order In time to grind thl year wheat crop. The county I alao going to do exten he adtertiting and the commercial body reatfyfauiaed la an active-tan-tor In doing thl. Lakevlew eem to jm wide awake and If the county (rat 1 removed from there ll will be hecnure a lively fight could not prevent It. Bud Obenchaln arrived Saturday night from llogue river valley whore he had spent aoveral week with relative. MURDERER IS CAUGHT Lake County Authorities Just Think They Have Captured Notorious Hamilton According to the Lake County Exam iner It I very probable that Hamilton I now languishing In Lake County jail. The fellow told about In the Examiner, which la printed herewith, may bo another Hamilton but It i not likely that he I the man wanted at Slher Lake. Following I the account ol the Important rapture: "A man came Into Plush Tueaday who antwered the description of Alee Hamilton, but who gave another name. He aatd he waa not Hamilton but refut ed to glo any account of himself, fur tber than to tay that he had been at Silver Lake and left there about a week ago. Tlie man wa arreatea mere ana Sheriff Dent and Deputy C. D. Arthur went there and took charge of him. They brought him to Lakevlew Wed neaday." Cannot Loan Beer An exchange tlatea from authority that a taloonkeeper must neither bor row aor lend beer In quantitlea equal to or exceeding Ave gallons, either In keg or bottles. It Is the practice among talooaksepers in small towns remote from wholesale houses to loan each other beer until new stock can be secured, when tb beer Is paid back. This prac tice'! forbidden by tho government. A saloonkeeper who borrow or loans beer In quantities, either In bottles or In olf llablo for the penalty of (ailing to take out a wholetalara' licenie. A re tail dealer, ao naya the authority, can only borrow in inch quantitlea aa he can ell. lie cannot tell (he gallon or over without wholesaler' licenie. A Strong Company Houitom Opera house wai crowded Haturday night when the Slong Com pany preaentcd the play David Oarrlck. A number of additional sella had been provided for tlio occasion, but many of thou who camo lata could find aland' Irtg room only. Tho play throughout wa well received by the audience, and every member of the company gave a good account of themaelve. Mr. Mong a David Oarrick wa up to hi high standard and portrayed thl difficult character well Indeed. Mr. Mong a Ada Ignot did not disappoint the audi ence, out pleaij tier many aumircn Immensely. Paul Harvey, who I well known to the theatre going people ol thl lily, wa given an enthusiastic wel- coma by the audience a wa alao Mr. Ilaruy They are both decided favor Ilea with tlie people of thl city. O. Drisglll, C. Bernard and Miss Leu is weieall good in their part, and the play a a whole wa generally pro nounced exceptionally strong, Mr. Mong lias an excellent company and the people will not be disappointed by attending the performance. One of the best hlta of the night waa theapecialty "I'm Afraid to Go Home In the Dark," by Mr. and Mr. Harvey. The other aprcUlllee went very good and were heartily applauded by' tho audi ence. Registration Closes Beglal ration lor the primary election close ars-o'tlock. tomorrows Otwrlr Chaitaln ay the registration will be approximately 1400, or perhap 200 more than last year. Hn I very busy getting out the election lupplle which will be dclitered hy the sheriff this week. J. P. Uonham and E. V. Muller, pro prietor of the Singer Sewing Machine Agenc), wish to inform tlie public that they have removed their entire stock ol Kllson phonograph and records which hate been on display and (or tale at Winter' Jewelry tore, ta the 8. K. Noel building on Main St., between Seventh and Eighth, where they will be pleased tn sene you and respectfully ask for a (bare of .your patronage. Five candidate lor office attended the dance at Fort Klamath lait Friday night. Two of them danced, and the other wanted to but could not, D. V Kuykendall, F. H. Mill and Bert With row. Judge L.F. Wllllu and W. A. Delzel were tho candidate who attend ed the dance and mixed with the voter ot Wood rler valley. ktiG&fo Makes doors easy to keep clean Roberts Phone 173, KawajaanauMf' I iSv-JSw-S' f't V$nsaVHltisl-mTflBffaffaffaBaul MEET AGAIN ON JUNE 5TH Water Users' Take Adjournment OFFICERS OF BOARD Attendance Too SataU to Pass Amendaieat Cnaaf ifMj Meetlnoj Time The Water Uters found it Impottibhj to finish their work at th afternoon inn and an adjourned meeting waa bead In the evening. Th attendance waa not a large aa In the afternoon and owing to the imall number of aharae repre sented It waa Impossible to take action on the amendment to change th Urn) of holding th regular annual oaeeilag The matter wax laid over until th next meeting. The evening aeakion wa abort and after it wa found that th fffpod amendment could not be oonltrd tb only motion acted on wa by A. H. Naftxger, expreeelng lb AaaoedaUon'a appreciation of tb offleeri and director. Th motion waa carried by a taoanlaaoB vote. The mealing waa adjourned until June 5 and it ia th uaderataodlag that a farmer' Inililut be held at that tlaae and lb matter will be taken op with the Slat Agricultural Board at att. It la thought that th attasxlaoc at tb adjourned meeting will b quit Urgat aa it will be to tb InUreetofevtttyraMher to attend tb iarmm' iaatMat. and aa 1w?aMa Bfa ajjjawaYajpffjjajBjjn will turn oat in large aaaabajn. Aa at Umpt will be mad to bav a rc4tabl InttltuU ao a to get to peal of tbU county more lnUrwarted ia ta prodactaoa of tb variou kind ot crop which can be grown occ(ulr. Th new Board aaet Saturday night and at once proceeded to tb electloa of officer for the catalog year. Tber waa no ccntett for any ot tb oSce and the following were elected: Preeldeat, Alex Martin Jr.; vice president, Jacob Raek; ecreUry, C. P. Chattala; ttaarr, G.W. White; attorney, K. 8. Smith. Hanks-Caldwell Relative and trie nds ol tb groos la thl city bav been advised of tb aaarrt age of Mr. Jest, Hanks to Mis Edith Caldwell at Roeebarg on March Slst. Th groom I well known ln this city, it having been bl home for many year. Th bride is a popular young lady of Roteburg. They .hate taken up their horn at Canyonville Oregon. The Most Perfect of Floor Paints the horn sanitary and attraettv. & Hanks buia Block , ly refuse to bo a candidate. keg, ol Bv gallons or more lays him