The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 04, 1908, Image 1

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    v - i" " ?
Mostly Rend 'P0' ,n
Kliiiimtli Fulls ....
Our Advertiser
the Beat Rcfulta ,
Skconi) Vi:a, No. 517.
Pmce, 5 Cum.
Reclamation Ollfcluto To Visit
fdmouH inioLflKeuuiroi
Nctt Week
Alter dulii M'tMcrMo work on tit
Tul ! fullrt lli pi"M "
tfiiip-irniily linlo"rl. A etmp
inslnlainrd fr rel wickt !
number l i" employed, tul Ilia
Hotniy weather during ''' I"11
toftw t!ii rtalluu itl lli me will
not I rr.umr.1 rail the propoeltlon U
ili..rouliiy lutwilgeu-l by the reclame
tl,n (.Iti.laU Mil limtllgethm will
likely If riii'lf ly l!riB,lriri llenny ml
3uf I ,y nril week. II they ehnuld il
,i.l tint tli" ,'"""'1 "? m i" In
tl(Jril."l tlir Uk It la very '
ttil tint !) '" recommend that n
irurut'uii I mad lo Inveitlgat
li tattler Ihuiuughly.
The lures working u inter J. Frank
AiUmt irmovnl enough debtle lo make
n 0-rlllrl )' Irrt dicp, W (rt wide anil
Wlett Ion i! The bottom l till" hole It
cl a day ami lock (urination, with
crick atuui two Indira wlila In It. A
inill itrrain ul walar make Ita t-arap
tliiwij-h ltd owning ,but thonuln open
ieflia lrci "bli.w hula" leading to
audi the Lava lied. Ttile opening la
AM with miall tlirlle which am found
la Ur quantities In Ilia lake. Tlila
itiuai coiiclinluly that thn opening liM
lined lur irai and that lit price ot
llllioi It required tear nt llinr). Tb
dull Igrniativii alto Indicate that at
oca tlir akv wai much higher than
It Ui been during lha aal 43 yeara,
lUlWll formation In the roul ol tit big
outlet It irvrul feel ahuve tha irranl
lml U the water. The lercnlehtll (on
mitim le white, while that In the
roololthe (ning It yellow with age.
Till ''blow hnln" ha the appearance ol
bring tlir owning to a much larger ear the hell forniatluti la not ol a
olid' nature, indicating that there la
nothing Lack ol It lo kite prrasure. Mr.
AJimi think! there la nothing to tha
Decry that the water flow Into a Urge
ran under the Uva Reds. It ll hla
opinion tint the water finds Ita tray
either to I all titer or Valley.
Mr. Ailnui a)i he hat great lalth la
Hie protliion that the onlug ran be
wed In reclaming tha rich lamli In the
Tula ak lot loin. Ileea) that within
radius of ISO yarda ol the wain open'
leg there aie a number ol nuall open
lap tlirouKli which a small amount of
titer It nuking Ita escape, Ukely all
olthtta small openlnge lead Into lhaone
'"is opening which will bt further In.
Trttlgate.1 alter U reclamation engin
eer nnk i hoi r roix.rt on the matter.
Tl a Uva are a mystery that haa
aaaaaaW M
never been iol rod ami the (act that the
water ol the lake li finding Ha way
towanla the many large eaten under
theoi add lo the peculiarity ol that sec
lion, There are lhoe who allll Ulleie
that tho water lluwa Into one ol the
large cavrt In lhat vkliilty, hut thelact
that tho outlet haa been filled In with
laytn ol ahvlla that come from the
lake should dll thla theory. It re
quited hundreds of jvaia for llieeo email
hella lo gather in aumclent iUntlllaa
to block the opening which evidently
paillalljr drained the lake many yeara
Buying Horse
J, Frank Adania haa lieau buying a
uuuiher of broke horaea for a large
lock farm, which la engagnl In tula
farming. They cultivate a large area ol
reclaim! tule landa and uae a great
many Inure on the ranch. He haa
bought al-out li head and wanla about
SO head mire that are Ihoiouguly broke,
II aaya that goxl horaea are ecarce in
thla country and the price la too high to
permit of speculation.
Horse Are valuable
IjuI Kalmday (leotge Maiwell aotd
twenty-five head of horaea to K. J.
lloane for I'Alb, an aveiage ol $103 r
heol. Thli l cunalderrd on of the
beet hoieo aaleathat hai taken place In
thla part of the country for some lime.
IVmanra llulletln.
Excess Claims Again
Tha eicrae clalma of llaaon, Davfa &
Co. for eatra work done oa Iheli canal
contract are again being considered, and
(or thla pnrpoa the company haa Kngl
naara Newell aad Oionilahl bar at thla
tlaae. Tim Govern m net la repreeenUd
by I. II. Qulnton. cvoaultlog enginaer
of the leclaiualloa aervlce. Dirt, on
certain portlona of their contract) la be
ing inhuilflcd and other matter are
being love tllgatrd.
To The Public
I wUli to announce that I have eold
my fu'nlture buiioeai lo Sir. V. II.
Dolbcerand would like to thank my
many friend for their liberal patro
nage during the pait Utr joare, and
would tak lhat they extend contlnu
encw ol Iheli patronage lo uiy ucceaor.
II. Ht. Geo. liiahop.
J. F.Ooellerha rrcelied aamplea of
ureeerd brick made of Klamath clay.
They areol excellent quality and war
made b machinery such aa
wlllbouaedby Outlier A Waltenburg
In their brick mamifaclory which they
will caUbllili thla eumrner.
Tl lluloomb Uralty Company ia now
located In the room with the Welle-
Fargo Kxpreaa Co.
If it's a hat or shoo you
aro thinking" of visit the
store that carries the
larRcat stock-that keeps
Btandard qualities. See
our Spring lines of Walk
over and'Napatan Shoes,
Stetson and Thorough
bred Hsti.
Attendance Is Larger Than Had
Been Anticipated
New Board Will Meet Tonight to Elect Officers for Ensuing
Year Change of lime of Annual Meeting; is One
of the Moat Important Matters
Alei Marti, Jr.
0. A. Stearac '
S.N. Aaderaaa
W. C. Halloa
J. C. Slea
(. S. C tt'itfaia
Jaaae Site
When the meeting ol the ahareholdert
ol th Klamath Water Uaera Aaaocla
tlon waa conveiie-l the attendance waa
batter than had been expected, but
till only a very email per cent of the
aaaociale tnrtnWra responded to roll
call. Mutt ol the farmer remained at
home until the lait minute ao aa not to
loae lime from their work which la more
Important tu them at thla tlm thanth
annual meeting, A large majority of
tho to attend did not arrive until
nearly noon, which made it appear that
the attendance waa to be very light.
However, qulto a crowd arrived at a
late hour and the attendance waa really
Horace Mitchell Is Showing
the Missourian
Horace V. Mitchell, one of the coun
ty' moat prominent ttockaen and all
round good fellows, ha been ahowing
hie brother, a recent arrival from the
old Mlaaourl borne, the many good qual
ities ot the Klamath country, the land
which Horace adopted aa hi horn when
he badofarewoll to good old Mlaaourl.
The country haa changed alnce ha flrat
came here. It haa prospered in the ex
treme and Horace haa bad hi there of
th prosperity. He came her little
more than a boy, but he ia natural
stockman and thla being a stock country
he waa In his element. He eeemed to
at the conditions existing here, and he
baa never outgrown them, even though
be haa always had hla full abare of thla
world' good.
Horace I keeping hi brother busy
shaking hands with' hla many friend.
Ill long experience aa a cattle buyer
haa gien him a wide acquaintance
throughout thla entire Motion, and more
eepeclally in Klamath County. Had
Horec allowed hla (Hand to have in
duced hint to enter the raoe for '"'the
nomination (oraherlB on the Bepubll-
can ticket It would hate taken a (ait
runner lo make hliu coat out any way
but on top HI Inula Interests
would not permit hla entering politic
thla year, but tome futara election ha
maybe In a position to awed to the
wishes ol hla friends and enter tht gam.
Horaea hai been taking bla brother
around to show him the stock buslneaa
of thli section ao that upon hla return
horn be will be able tolell th folks all
about this section Irom tht big stock
man'a vltw.
belter than had been anticipated.
The drat matter lo be taken up Im
mediately after roll call waa the election
of a board of director for the enaulng
year. On the call of the aereral die
trlcte tlw following name were placed
In nomination; Lai.gell Valley, K. C.
Cowley, and Itobert William ; Ronaura
and Poo Yalloy, John Irwin and D. F.
Dricoll;.Yonna, Jacob Kueck; Merrill,
II. T. Andereon; Keno, 0. A. fitearna;
Spring Lake ami I'ine Orove, J. 0. Hlcv
enaon; Klamath Fall, Alex Martin,
Jr.; California, Wm.Oalton; For del
egate at large, Frank Adam and
Jamea Dixon.
The new Board of Dirvitore wilt meet
thla evening and elect officera. From
tha ipreeeion of the member it I
probable that the old officer wilt be re
elected without opposition. Kecretary
Cbaetaln haa proven a moat efficient of.
fleer and all of the old membera are
itrongly lb lator of retaining blm.
The unofficial count cf the rote on
the conteeled Director wa : K K. C.
Wllliama, 8311; H. C. Cowley, 4231;
John Irwia, 7060; D.F. Driecoll, 6210;
Jaa. Plaoa,Oo24;J.F. Adam, 5991.
Republicans of State Will
Come Together
U, A. Waatgate, chairman of th State
republican committee, hu laaued a call
(or the meeting of lhat body on Friday
April 10th. Tha committee will call
the etat convention and apportion del
egate. Tht time ol holding the state
convention ia lelt to the committee and it
will be probably held aomt time in May.
Aaide from announcing tht data for a
state convention, the slat committee
will also arrange (or calling conventlona
In tho drat and eerond Congressional
dlatrict. The drat district Is organ
Ited, but the second la not. Tht only
work (or the Congreielonal convention
la to aeltct two delegatee and two alter
natee (or tht Republican National Con
vention, to be held at Chicago, June 16.
Tht atata convention will select (our
delegate and alternate making eight
delegate aad aa many more alternatea
(or tha National gathering.
Aaide from the delegates, the state
convention will also select (our preal
dentlal Electors. There Is no provision
in th direct primary law (or selecting
tht Elector, ao that thla la a matter
which will have to be disposed ol by tbt
convention. A platform, ol count, will-
alto bt adopted.
There It a plan on loot to have a reso
luUon Introduced at the stale conven
tion rvcomnMudlng that nominating
convention beheld in tht various coun
tlee hereaittr. Tneae art not to be tht
old-tlmt conventions, exactly, bnt In
stead ol directly nominating tht con
vention will recommend a ticket to tht
voUrtol tht Rtpublloan party. Tht
pursoet ol thla It to prevent atvtral as
pirant for a Semination making a fight
In tht prisaarle.
Howtotalttt deltgaU to the statt
convention It a qucttlon which ha not
been determined. Thla It a proportion
over which tho state committee will
have the atrugiflo. A tpeilal primary
to telect dolegatct It to expensive. The
ttato committee could telcct them If It
detlrcd to aeert the authority.
An Impretilon prevail In Portland
I hat delegate! will bo 'elected by tho
county commlltw. This ia anlflclenlly
atltfactory, hut gives an opportunity
for thoo who aro alighted to make a
charge of ring practices. There hare
been to many accueatlons of tide charac
ter of late, however, lhat tho county
couimltlf are probaMy becoming
accuttotned to them.
dear Wright went to San Francisco
thla morning to vitlt a few monthe with
hit brother.
Mr. and Mre. C. E. Meldrum have re
turned from their honeymoon at Odeta
and have taken up there residence on
the west side.
J. J. Parker, the eipreet agent, re
portt a big butlnett tbla month. He
taye the thipmentt are increasing aa the
tcaron advances.
Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Wattenburg en
tertained a number of friends yetterday
evening at their beautiful home. A
highly enjoyable, time la reported.
A number of Toe valley rancher art
represented at the meeting today.
Rome of them are Ceo. Maxwell, Dick
Roaa, 0. C. Lee and Fred Egglington.
Jas. Harper, who hat resided on the
Van Itiper ranch n -ar Bonanza lor tht
past several years, I In the city en
route to Crania Paaa where he will
make his home.
E. P. Morgan baa returned Irom a
visit to California. Ue will leavt again
within a few daya to be gone (or one
month. Upon hla return here he will
open up hia real estate office.
Among the ranchere (rom the Lao-
gel 1 valley country in to attend the
Water Uteri meeting are R. C. Cowley,
Geo. Clloc, C. J. Swingle, Geo. Deal,
and E. R. C. William.
J. II. Hobbs,oneo( the asplranta lor
the Republican noml atlon f"r county
echool superintendent, arrived in the
city last night from Merrill to spend a
(ew daya meeting the votera of thl aa
J. P. Boubam and E. W. Mullr have
returned (rom Bray where tbey went
after a load of Editor, phonograph.
They will open a s'ore ai soon a tbey
can get a location and will handle tht
Singer tawing machine and a Urge
atock of phonographs and records.
Pasture For Rent
C. C. Low has leased the Hot Spring
pasture, comprising 200 acre, and will
take a number ol atock to paaturt at
,11.50 per month.
IgT Ug&tt E -ZJlK1 1 1 a t f4fcMawV -at i , StwtSmm9Wx'm
EZlaBaaSxSSBaT lt ? ' &?it sV.t ,it '"SffgaTaTaaafjaBJiJ jMEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
SZSf. The Most frfct
WArMt& qf Floor Paints)
Males Qoora aay to keep cUan-tb home aanttary aad MrJrt,
Roberts 6 Hanks
nose 173, buu Block
Upper Project Receives Com
bined Attention of Roard
and Engineers
The board of dlrectora of tbt Klaaaatli
Water Uaera' Association held a meet
ing yetterday vnlng which waa at
tended by Engineer ilennjr, Murphy
and llelleman. Tbt mettiag wat de
voted largely tu a geaeral dlttattloa ot
tbt project, aad especially to tht Upper
Project. Mr. Uenny tUttd that b
will do all in hi power to help along
thl portion of tbt lysttm, bat that It
wa largtly up to tha director aad tht
people It.emael vet. Bid .on tht Clear
Lake dam will bt opened on tbt loth
and II tht contract It let work, will be
gin jot aa oon aa th rtqulrtd per etat
of tb land ar ligned op lor govern
ment irrigation. Tb ptreasit a re
quired U 86 and only 70 par ttat It Bigs-
ed at thli lime. Tbt director will
make a determined effort to Induct
landowner to algn np at one.
Francl J.Bownt watat tht aatttiag
and agreed to algn up hit larga tract
near Bonansa, about 2300 acre, oa con
dition! that tht government ptrckatt
bis water right aad that bt It prottcttS
from litigation bteaaat ot a tartala
option on tbt land. Tha eUrtcttn
agreed to tbt purchatt ol hit water
right and it la vary probabl that thla
large tract will bt aajrutd up at oat.
Tbt Eoglneera and tht board dltrass
ed lolly tbt plan of work (or thla Sum
mer, aad everything I piuty taring at
well at tan bt tzptctti. t Tha beard ad
journed to meat agaJa at tea o'clttk
thit morning whan tha regalar iwatawa
work waa taken up aad tht pitna tor
tbt aftttaoon'a entering arraagad. At
both meeting there wa a (all atltad
ane ol tbt board, and a great deal (
interest manlfeated.
Farmers Very Busy
Tbt member ot tht Water Own'
Aatociation who art ia tho alty mj that
tht tmall attend tact at tb tttiag la
dot largely to tht (act that tht (aratttt
are very buey clearing land aad pat
ting la crop- A large atrtaat it Mag
cleartd thla Spring, tad tha irrigated
ana will bt coualdarably iacrtated thit
Indication art that tht year will ha
dry, aad that irrigation will bt ntttt
siry to tht production of crop. Wkilt
thit would bt hard on tht dry land
larmert it would hart a tendency to imp-tea
upon tbt ptoplt ol thit taction
that it I hasaraout to attempt to do
dry fanning and grow a full crop tvtrjr