The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 02, 1908, Image 4

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    I. f
Get the Essence of Satisfaction
By DcalUuJ with Strictly Reliable Houic
When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing,
Optical Work or kindred lines you
want, come to the Leading Estab
lishment in those particular lines,
where you get your money back if
you are not satisfied
Our reputation is pretty good, too, as
the old saying serves as proof,
"Imitation is the Sincerest Flatter',"
so it don't make me mad to have
others copy the simple and upright
business methods I am using
leadlag Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
- - 49li mm mm
own you iook nice ine man
who IS or the man who was?
If tta fanaar, yaal auke it a nit to wear wJy
taflaraa' to wtlaf cktata, tack a wt wiM ke
awfc far yaa ay & V. Met & Ct,, txckmit
mitaaat taitor, af Caicaga.
Taaw faaaaatailan aoaafactore a tmtjuiw
datoktg aat atWace aaly famcats melt to
the iaamaval atcaaarc af tae aua waa wean !
taaw,fwacats tkat arc acver MarauM! aaa Wat
nurdy cajMlea1 fa ! tkat caaats far qttafity,
atjrle, skaaa aaa warbaaatafa.
Tke cart to yaa b bat $25 to $41 At wit er
QYcrtMt, accaralaf to tke datk yaa select frara
5M clef aat fabric, may af which are exckuWe.
At fbe price, taerefere, yaa bare m excate for
waariag aaaatiifactary atora detbiag.
Yeal fiaal awek kala fa ataJyfef JctifMttS,
4M, m, m, Ml,. 493 aa ear aew fukiea
alataa, aai fabrics Nat. 44ML, 4389J, 43S3J,
43SIJ, 4321 1, 43MI, 427CHK fa av Spriag liae.
Cam fa twiij aaa1 lean wbat'i what
Itthurr local rtfCMraUUrt of Ii. T. hkt k C.,
Mercaait Tatters, Chican
wtGMJ..r1, The Pantatorium
Everything that you rnay naed in the
drrgobtU line may now be found at the
JtoatOB atora.
Efarytbiag guaranteed at Winter.
for tlie lt Hit In tn n call at the
Mammoth Sublet. I!. V. .Straw, Pro
prietor. Try Zim for plumbing. !
Son bracelet at Winters.
n. M. Boiler wlllleavo within a few
day tor hit homestead north ot Illy.
He will remain there throughout the
aunt titer.
Nurte, ol i"0 jcnr cipcrlcnce, itetirr
nursing. Mn. E. I.. Nile, Ui2M. tl
T. J. Jackton U down Irom Tort Kla
math. ror Upper Lake point by launch nil I
on C. I. Ureeory A Son.
J. M. Autcn It In the city Irom Uk
Wx. Hi' will letimi there In i Uvt
da) a to locate iermaiiui)tl'.
New Hue of fancy ttaqtvnrr jpoon nt
Frank L. Chltwood, who It iiflerinK
from an nttark ot rheiimatliiii, lene
(or AthUixl In the. itioiiiln, lliliiUi.n
that the cha'iiKo ot clluialo m ) luiproi
hit condition.
To got a hoiuotalk to K. II. Hull about
the Mimuiert-Klnney plaie. Oltur.'.'ml
thior, llaldwln blink.
Otto HeMridl hut purvlioo-l the
Muuaich taloon Irom Ueo, llivhn al.d
taken potelu(i ot the butliieit.
K. It. Ilnll can aril u a line laneh in
the Klamath bathi ut rvmillelli:iiii
and on eay tcriut. Oilier, '.'nil llor,
tUldftin block.
Hie city regitlratlou book tho that
there aro 87 voter in the l'irt ii.inl,
1SS iii the Ktoml, ami 1W In the 1'liiid,
a total ot 42.
Beti Winter lor jewelry.
J. K. Salcldo tUttt lor lilt home at
Lakevlew tomorrow alter piiiilhiit ret
rral day In thin city in the Inlirt-M ut
the lake County directory.
It your watch it tick tend it to Win
ter Hospital.
J. SooU llarritou, ot the luleiior IV
partment, it hero (nun WbiIiImkIuii, II.
C, to 1 1 peel a public tur- made by
It. A. Eminttt tome tew jeataauoliilhe
I'vlican liay tectlon. The nirvcy hat
never been examined by the IVipart
ment. A. Helming A Co., fur miriliuiitt.
pay t tditheit cath pthet for all limit ot
hide and fun. Headquarter! Ameri
can Hotel. jV It
The thow Saturday night proniitt to
be a grand tuccc't. The artort tccurt d
by Mr. Mungare well up In tho aork
and the public will hate an opportunity
to teo ionic flrtt clan iwrfniiiiaiirvS.
'it I not neccnaty to leave jour
watchtt to lonit at Wiutirt, Wo are
row prepared to do your wnk prompt
ly. All work guaranteed for urio ycur.
Luthrr't "Cln Ftt Burg."
In "IDiiini i:tiy Child aiiouM
Know" thero him aevernl liitervttlntr
torlea or Mnrtln l.ullier'a hymn, "A
Mighty KortrrM I Our God." When
Molaticbtuon and hi friend won ex
iled after I.uther'a death (bay heard n
little girl tnir "Cln I'ette llurg" tu the
treet of Welnuir. Melniichthou anhH
"Sins on, tuy child. Ihou little ktioiv
et how thy ong cheer our henrtt."
In 1870. when tho I'miieo I'ruaalnn w-r
wai u. thin grent tleriuiui hymn mrnlti
nrouted the lieriimn uitlou the "lug
Ing of thl h)iun lm lxen mnde the
grouuil for ninny liuprUonuteni t'ne
roup of men nrreated for "liming It
finally exenped nnd went to Kuglnnd,
where they fell In with the great Wei
ley, and their lutlueiico upon lillil
nened to bring about tlin extraorill
uary Mvthodlit ivhnl
A Qraelout Abttnet.
The hllf hour In I lie drnwlim nxim
tivfore dinner win nil liiti'tvatliik' "(liTt
tuiprenalou" of thnt huli'crlbiiblo com
bliintliu of nnrmtti iiml frott kn'owu
a n London tiotteit I'urtlitr eiperl
eticu taught me that Mr. Marchtmuk
wo n tjplcnl one
The l.omlou hottctt' lurnrlable iniKle
of procedure It n tuihteu Inordluut
gilth of uelcoine, followed liuiiuill.ite
ly by nu lc) ntniv lly the time yon
hiUc xilltel) nopoiiileil tu tln welcoine
your luwleHt nu lorp'Men your exini
ruci. .Vny, tnorv, alio k-i-iii nlm itt to
bare fork'uttrn her own She I ugiie
telf atworlx'il uml unite ublttloiu to
your exbleiit1 I hnte heard of n
litttjr with n grncloim prewnce. The
tendon ho'e l-et decrlltfl by a
irrnclou ntwonce -I'utiiiiiii'fi.
Purify Your Blood
Sn&mfrnH Hark $
Cascara Hark
Kalamazoo Celery Compound
.'nines Celery Compound
Clnrkus Saraaparllla
Ayei-s Sarsaparilla
nootl's Sarsaparilla
Sarsaparilla with Iodides Sjiecial
Heef Iron and Wines
$1.00 ",,
The Myrtle Warbler.
Such t' ty n he !'
He wtnr a little yelluw cap
Two yellow fide pnlihe are hl
Another jeViw patch U down on hit
UN rent It of n Imely blue Mate
He Ihe irt of tho nnrhlera to l-e
pevn In lb "flnir
HI annrt aliade from
black nlxtvn " white
lie pitie Cie hefteil wnwn from
northern Wv I'nghind uorthwnnl.
Though w on tho IMclfte coati.
lb! loelt I'fl prefer rnti rn North
Thl wa'b 'i (h'a nmro than a lng
er) will n-'u ii from Cnnndn In the full
In time to la'l upon tl myrtle wni
lrrle St. bull llepubllc.
s. s. s
.r'0 lb
.fill "
1 Ol) "
l.OU "
1.(11) "
1 (III "
I III) "
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Savei You Money
Nursery Don'ts.
Don't hnw fnvoiillnin.
, Don't Ind'jlse llicm fooll.blj
Don't re!vl their little conrlileiice.
Don't " ymir temper with them
i Don't Ket Impatient eicn nt their
nurtt unaniwenible itmiiii
IMlll't islre way lifter jotl have ilefl-
iillrly tnM tbem th-y mutt tint di nny
I Don't forgit to tiicoiiMKe tlmn nnd
pralte thflr little eCfurt to plefi jou.
ay Home ('tint
'I I I J
" M' A
invented tho ilinmKruli.
lie initilo it nu onliTtaincr
for all. It id iniimifnctuml
nt ii price which evervono
can niroril, and we noil ft on
tho tuny payment tilan, wo
no one need lie without It.
Have you henrd and aecn
the New Model.
We Want Your Trade
Satisfaction Cnaiantccd
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Mi W V. Nt In. i ii ia. taken rhatiin
nt the Anirtir-iii diiunj n-mi which
Ii been ri tliolrleil. AH xiilnrll nxk.
nturiiiphirtd. Ihl It the place to (jtt
the lrtt liirahlu tuMi. Il
You ihould Buy yoj
Watches from m
1st -
W have the Larilcit ultuti
Watdwa In Southern crrN
auyi4 Watchta tint dob kfftl
quaauiKS, we can tflvcyoatht
lowctt Market 1'tlce for
Good Good
Wt have an Catabllihed
and here tu ity. If w
Watch got wrunri)oawtt
haenv where to tlndu
H. J. Winten
Lctdinrt Jeweler
Watchmaker and
II ymir eye. ate It
111, M-e Wintert,
(luiri im
The Store That Is Doing The Business
Never before have the women of Klamath Falls been offered sue
complete stock of attractive spring and summer dress goods to selecygMf
positive pleasure to select your dress from among so many exclusfljHI
surprisingly moderate in price as those you find in our dress goods iBIIn.
Our stock is complete in the newest all wool German Plaids, Sublimes, Cor
duras, Serges and Panamas Silk and wool novelties in stripes and plaids.
In silks we can show you all colors in Peau de Cygnes Taffetalines and Crepe de Chines in all
shades fine line fancy black silk, yard wide, strictly guaranteed.
Mercerized Novelties Marguerite Tissue, Soiesette, Ingomas stripes, Salome, Mercedes and
Croyden Baptiste.
Lawn in all the Latest Summer Shades and Patterns
i 1.