The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 02, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Rcl Pn"or ,n
Klamnlti Full"
Our Advertisers Oct
the Best Remits . . .
Sf;CoNi) Yi:aii. No. filfi.
Puce, 6 Cents.
Consider Bids On the
South Branch
ntifc Ktt.1 imntlan Project
Will ' Inspected By High
tar,' :",""!r " c ,l'""''
,r,C..n.uHi.g Knglmer J. ILQulnloii,
o!lUll-iiil"" ,'',i arrived I"
U,(ty jialinUy on Nali.ra Connect
,J ulili ii. hUmalli l''Jt. They
ii b l.rt ( --tl data, and ''
iitiiiiniil-ri.1 thing ihsl will rume
Op Itff ". LleMlluli, I'M il'l'l aiming
ILmcUIuU' action, hi Hi bid "
frlml in. Mi- ""ili mam li canal, flu
IJ.stic p"-d l'ilUn. and bM
tvj rf "Mill " Hene
altlfl t- Hi- I"--! olll-o I' lie. flic;
tiieai loi-. t
UI!j A Co., of WlM'finueia, Sev
li, achrdul .So. I, IIU.IWj Nil. S,
IIJiW, . II.IIIS Total, NW7.
Mtliui' lliua., ill fall Kiamlaco,
.vholul. .V. I. lI.WHj N. '-', adl.Urt:
.Nj.J, tUA-i li'l.l. '."I.WI.
Tl,rwl"lt Hl Vv r-tihiultlcd li Ilia
Kirurr 'I the Iiiicilnf fr final'ii.
Inn the cilnti ul (lie rc
rlrr '" depend et-tlrely U)n Ilia
rrruUilurlidatM'iia made by Mr. Heilliy
J I'l.Jr. I I nglneer Murphy.
Tli iilil l''iijx- III Ut cuiialdered
tj- )lr. llcwiy ainl Qiiliitun. Tl.ia
LlOltilii( lliry ii.r.tol Ilia Keliocatial
ork, xlirir a Ura'-' (nice I now at wink.
I'nleia a cli' ahuiiM be made In Hie
Ul) lOr lllla r.ll'. Willk ti Htl( ul
lU piojril will Im) mil alvahCMl by
ml Till
In i-kiiif ul ilm Clear J.ake ilaru
Mr Ifrniij ilm tho hlda nu Ilia
urn miulJ U unil ut Portland on
It lilh, and II II o nmv were rraauu
U a cmilracl would be toi. 1 1 eaye
llnl In tl.v Upper I'rujoct inucli de iijoii (lie landowner who litre
not ilitnid their lamia lor Government
Irtl.atiun He y tinilt Ida required
pucviittf ill I4111I1 U signed up Ilia
rtifke cannot K"fin wllli lbi ark.
r'Tliere ate lurid nn hand (or doing
1 work Dili season," aehl
lit will co
Mr. Denny . H,At f,,,, . ,,
store G
1 mi I ra lora In the fluid, nml In all parta
ol Ilia ivmntry several hid aie received
whitnimr dveillcl fur. J to think
llial Ilm lacl that Klamath I remote
limn all lamit cllle account for Ilm
fact that no more hid aru received on the
project. Howtter, In- tlilnka tint thero
will be aevvlal bliN nn Ihu Clear Ijiku
Tim liarmnrijr now I'levallli In tlilt
irnrct U auiirra ul niitt ilmturti to
Mr. Iluimjf, mih my that lla tiinllnu.
anro It tuitnlli tu milk kikkI for thv
limJiHt. lit ainl Mr. (Julntim will U
ham for avrrral ila)t amt will rnaka a
tlimi'iikh Invrtllgallon of Iha ,iio)rcl,
III uiclur 10 Ullur itnlvniiiiii) ujiyn tb
tiMwm'a mk.
Will Build at Once
W. A. Vlnttt arrlvc-l In tha city
taut night Iruiii hit oM home at I'tro
ak)r, Mich., wliuir ha ha brcn iliue
Ut Fall, lla will leave ilia fr ila)a
for Lakcvlvw lo brln anrk at nnra on
Ilia nrw court Iioum. Mr. Wlnnale hail
chargw ! the alun ami brick a ink on
Iha llunatita achool Imu.r, tml lll
Itavo charga ol tha amn work on tha
1 15 ,000 court hi'UM that Lake county
wlllbolM tlili jrar.
It ntnn thai tha Ukv cuuntf author-
illra no amluui that the bulMliiK
! Itkuii I fore a vole can be taken ou
Ihvrrnioralof the county ct, a mat
ter which la nn U'lliK agitated. Moat
ul thv material for the atructure la al
rvady mi Iha grounl, ami aa Iha county
la hiring all Ihu work ilone by the day
It U rrady to bugiii ufieralloni aa onn
M the workmen ran I aecuml.
Special Council Meeting
Thr council met In iwclal aeaaloti Utt
night, theie Ulng rotne niattwra that rv
qtilrr.l itiitnrdlala ronl.Uatlon. The
regular meeting will he held Mcnday
Tim city attorney waa loitructcd to
draw ui an ordinance covering the flue
rlraiilng order, rtilainei In yealcrday'a
fleo, It. Hum wn granted iuilaIon
totx-ciiiy a ottloiiof r'ilth itrert with
bta itoio building while hU nev brick
block wai Incouraeol contlructlon.
The matter of granting a llccnie to J.
K. Melton waa again considered, hut a
asotijn to grant the llcrnao waa loat.
Olio Heidi Ich waa granlod a llcviiee.
Ul)H rrqneit of the (lie chief the
council aulliorlml the purchaae of aix
Iiom and hydrant wrvnehea, the lire de
triment paying half the coat of the
J. V. Newell, an engineer In the em
ploy of Maaon, Dala A Co. la In the
city on bualncaa connected with the
clalma of llio company for additional
vay fureitra work dono on their con
tract on the Klamath I'rojcct.
If It's a hat or shoe you
are thlnkinff of visit the
store that carries the
largest utock-that keeps
standard qualities. See
our Spring linos of Walk
over and Nanatan Shoes,
Stetson and Thorough
bred Hats.
Preliminary Plans for Draining
Klamath Indian Marsh
Practically Finished
I.'iiglmer K. II, Henry nrrivid In the
cily lint night from tha Klamath Indian
lleaervalloii, wher hn ha been fur aev
fral montha working on the aurvey fur
the roM-d reclaination project. He
haa the prrlliiilnarv work practically
completed for the drainage of the
uiarali, which will reclaim approilmate
ly tajXK) aciea of reaervatlun Und.
Moat ol ihia vatt area la now practically
worlhleaa aa ll I Inundated mot of the
time, but the plana of Ihe department
ate to drain Ihe maiah n that the land
will lie fit for agricultural purpoae.
Mr. Henry at.d hia atalitinta will
coiiipti-tu ihe aurte) In aUmt li wreka
ami the tame will then I aubmltted to
ihedeparlmi-iit or Ita approval or re
Jeclioii. If llie aoney la approved it la
veiy probable that aome of Ihu ptellml
nary work will bu done during the com
Ing aummvr. The actual conatruclion
work will lie done by the Klamath In
diana ami will furiiiah employment for
them timing aeveral yeara.
Tlila vaat area of inatali Und la wholly
within the UiiimUrlct of the Klamath
Itearrvalluli and Jit t what dlapoalllon
will r madn ol it when the allot
menu aru complete! and the rcaenre-
tion thrown o-n to aelllcmenl haa not
IhtIi determined.
On Wild Goose Chase
Word waa teerUed al the abaa-UVe
Are- that a crary man waa wandering
through the aagvliiuah near Ihe Aran!
ranch, hheriff Obenchaln and Deputy
Kchallock aurli-l out at once to find the
fellow. They droc out na far aa the
(tap. where they found a laborer pack
lug a roil ol blanket ami a good ailed
Jag, the latter he had acquired trutoia
He explained tu the odlcera that he
had gone Into tho country to get away
(ruruboote and to await Ihn unlnic up
of the canal work. No arrcat waa
News From Dairy
Harry Craw ford was in Dairy Monday
and will atart to Ukevlew Tuesday to
make final proof on his homestead.
Chas. McCumbor went to Klamath
Falls Monday.
Wo had about an Inch of the beautiful
on the ground Monday morning and as
It U aomew hat out ol aeaaon wedun't like
it a bit.
A son waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
C. Lee of 1'oe Valley, Tuesday.
We hear that Grandma Teter is In
very poor health and not liable to lire
much longer.
Indorsing the Aap.
Id Uormontel'a tragedy of Cleopatra,
rtpreeented lu the Theatre Krancale.
when tho Ugyptlau uueon waa about
ready to commit aulcldo eue bald In
ber banda n mechanical aap of cun
ning workmanship devlaod by Vatican
on, the moat Ingvuloua uecbaulcUn of
bta time. This venotuoua reptile reared
tU head aud before plunging Its ap
parent fauga Into the arm of tbe ac
Creaa gave a shrill blaa. A spectator
hereupon arose and left tbt bouae wttb
tbe aluiple but expressive restart. "I
an of the aame opinion as tbe atf."
Strang Part.
"You soy your brother U with ail
ajiajra company uowr
Tea, ma'am."
aa be a atronf partr
"Tat, ma-nuv Wby. be'a one of tbe
feUera that bit tbe auvll In tha uvtl
hom."-Youkere stataamaa.
11 1
Fatal Henora.
Jlmaon-Wbat became of that bub
who bad twenty-seven madala for tat
Ing people from drowning Dick
Worker-He fall In oaa daj wbeaj ha
ad tbem all on, aad tha weight
as auk htm.
Agricultural Department Will
Fstablisfi Station Here
This Summer
The Agricultural Department will re
claim the experimental farm in the
marah at once if arrangement can be
made to carry out thla plan. The work
of reclamation haa Uen delayed by the
railroad. The dike It la building acroaa
the marah la to be uaed a one of the em
benkmenU forencloting the farm leaaed
by the Government. The railroad haa
lie dike practically completed and the
Department ia very deairoua to experi
ment with the marah landa in order to
determine how the declamation Service
had beat treat them.
riuperrlaing Knglneer Ilenny, of the
Klamath l'roJecl,atalei that it la the In
tcnlion of the Agricultural Department
to begin the experimental atallon at
once and to continue It through a period
of at leaat twenty yeara. Probably not
more than forty or eUhty acrea of the
farm will be cultivated the drat year or
two, but It la necraaary to U-gin the ox-
iwrimentlng at once ai It will determine
the manner in which the marah will be
treated by the Iteclanutlon Bervice,
Tb Urge power plant under conaldera.
lion by the Service may alio plar a
prominent part In the reclamation of
the marauea. It may be found necea
aery to do aome pumping and aliould
thla be the caao the power will beaup
plied by the propoaed plant. The man
nerof treating the marahea will not be
fully determined until after theeiperl
mental atathm haa been eaUbliahed. Tt
will be remembered that the land for
the farm waa laaard to the Department
by Mr. Ady without consideration.
Investigating Field
C. K. Evans, of the Weed Lumber
Company, la spending a few daya In this
city making a thorough investigation if
the field for his compaur The Weed
Company rralisea that there will acxn
be a big demand (or mill stuff In Kla
math Falls aod they are keeping poind
on the conditions here ao as to be able
to aupply at leaat part of tho demand.
The flrat freight shipped into Mt. He
bron waa building material (rum the
Weed mill. Tbe care were'loaded await
ing the completion of the road to that
point. While the Weed Company dora
not expect to ship rough lumber to thla
city it la looking (or a big business in
finishing lumber Just aa soon aa the rail
road reachea here.
Filins; Closed Today
At noon today tbe limn for filing petl
tlona (or nominations (or county offices
closed. Two 'petitions were filed this
morning, that ol Geo. Chaatain forcom
mittceman lor this precinct and tbat of
It. I. Kllgore (or Uonanxa precinct. Tbo
former ou tho Democratic ticket and the
latter on the Republican. Tho petition
ol 0. T. Oliver (or Republican com
mitteeman (or this precinct was filed
several daya ago.
Francis J.-Bownels In the city from
Perry Whitney and Geo. and Chas.
Wllsonra county seat Visitors from Mer
rill. i. II, alma U In tho city from bis
ranch near Merrill. Ha recently re
turned from California where ba spent
tbo winter.
Louie Brsanan, Oscar Bunch and Ora
Engle are In the city from Fort Kla
math today,-
Tha coming ol tha Pelicans 1 said to
baa sura Indication that I. A. Duffy is
comlnghack(romU Aafelas, and tha
coming ol Dully U a aura Indication of
Hprlng. The 1'tllcana are here. Watch
for Duffy.
The Ixrtt way to learn that the traffic
into tho Klamath country li exception
ally heavy for thla lime of tho year ia to
visit tho hotel and lodging houaea of
thla city. Mont ol them will be found
pretty well filled after the arrival of the
ataip-f and boat.
The 'v. I', dance last night waa large
ly attended and waa a highly an-ceaafu
affair. The preparation for tho oocaa-1
ton were elaborate and everyone was
made at home, making the event one
that will bring pleaiant rerollectlona to
tbote who attended.
A number of young folk enjoyed a
itry pleaaant time at the home of Mr.
and Mra. C. J. Swingle yeatcrday even
Ing. Muiic, game, conversation and
refreahmeiita afforded the evening's
It Is Astenlshlng How CemparaalveJi
Fw Thay Are.
Certain great food ample bave prov
ed IhcmHclves within the age long ex
porlenre of buiunnlty to poscaa a tar
grr amount of nutritive value, digesti
bility and other good nualitea and a
smaller proportion of underatrable
properties than any others. Tbese,
through an exceedingly slow and
gradual proevss of tbe survival of tba
nitent. have come to form tbe staple
of food hi comiuou uso by tbe human
race all over tbe world. It U really
aatonlablng how comparatively few
there are of them when we com to
consider tbem broadly tbe flesh aad
tbe milk of three or four domesticated
animals, the flesb of three or four aad
tbe eggs of one species of domesticated
birds, three great (-rains, wheat, rice
andTmalxe. and a half dozen smaller
and much less frequent onea. a bun
drrd or ao aficclea of flsbea and abell
fish, two sugars, a dozen or ao starch
containing roots and tuber, only two
of which, tbe potato and the manioc,
ere of real luteraatlonal Importance
twenty or thirty frulta. forty or fifty
egetablea-mnke up two-third of the
food anpply of the Inhabitants of'thr
Instead of wondering at tbe variety
and profnenc of the human food
aupply the bloIogUt la rather inclined
lo ejaculate with tbe London footman
Immortalized by John Leech, who.
when told by tbe cook that there wordd
be mutton chops for dinner and roast
beef for aupper, exclaimed: "Nothiak
but beef, mutton and pork pork, mut
ton and beef! Hln my opinion, hlfa
'tgh time aome new banlmal was hv
Rainy Day Place For the Children.
Ratsy daya often mean trouble la
tbe household where there are plenty
of children, and aome one baa aoggest
ed that tbe mother of each a brood
would do weU to provide herself with'
a rainy day cupboard.
To It will Snd tbelr way special play
thugs reserved for state occasions
pictures, acrapbooka, paate pots, sehv
sore, old magaxtnea and paint boxes
anything. In fact, that can provide la
door amusement. When tho rainy day
comes round tbe cupboard may ha
opened and a distribution of Its
Superintendent H. Q. Wilson, ol tba
Klamath Indian Reservation, is In tha
city on business.
ii-ju-- i.niPui35r
SK.Sf. The Noit Perfect
tke&Am 0 Floor Paints
Makes floora aaay to keep cUan-tha home sanitary aad aWaesJva.
Roberts & Hanks
Phone 173, laaa Block
Says Aity. General
Will Add ApproxkiaUly $00-
000 to Assessable Prop
erty of CotMly
II tbe decision Just rendered by At-tomey-Oensral
Crawford la pat into
force when tba next assess want is mads
the result will be aa locraass of aot Wee
than $100,000 In tbe aisasssd Taloattoa
of tha county. For tbs iaformatloa aad
benefit of a candidate lor asssasor la a
Southern Oregon county, Attoraey-Oea
eral Crawford gsvs aa opinion la which
he hold that all county warrants art
aaacssabls (or tha purpose of taxation
under tbe sute laws. While aot asked
to paa upon these questions tba Attor
ney-General also ssya, orally, that aot
only county warrants but those of stats,
achool districts and municipal cities, aa
well aa bonds, are not exempt (rota tax
ation under the state statutes. Hereto
fore It baa been generally supposed aad
many brokerage Anns bars adrsitlssd
that tbe negoUable iastrurasata wars
not subject to s see serpent aadtaxatioa
and much revenue has doubtless beea
overlooked on that account.
The indebtedness o( Klamath county
and KUmath FaUs asgregates mora thaa .
1100,000, and moat of tha beads aad
wuranU outetandlag are bU by local
parties and caassqaeatly aaa tatahta la
this county. If tba ruling of tba Attor
ney-General U enforced it will add a
considerable sum to tbs county's aa
aessed valuation.
County and city paper haa been ia de
mand heretofore aa it lias alwaye been
considered non-assessable. Tha new or
der of tilings may have a tendency to de
crease the demand, and make long terra
warrants a drug on tba market.
K. E. Wattenburg haa been awarded
tha contract (or the erection of tba Hare
block and work on theaama will ha
begun shortly.
Toe band Club rooms will shortly be
eqnlpped with pool and billiard Ubsss.
The rooms are now nicely furnished aad
indications are that tba band boye tea
ture will be highly anccsasfal. There
are now thirty-one associate members
in ths band club, aad these together
with tbe band boye makes a aaamhsr
ship of mora tbaa illy, enough to amain
tain the splendid clnb rooms.
1 -rV. IMIFPMFgaBi
t . !