tl i;i 1 ihS Get the Essence of Satisfaction By Dealing with a Strictly Reliable House When it's Jewelry, Watch Repairing, Optical Work or kindred lines you want, come to the Leading Estab lishment in those particular lines, where you get your money back-if you are not satisfied Our reputation is pretty good, too, as the old saying serves as proof, "Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery," so it don't make me mad to have others copy the simple and upright business methods I am using G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leadlag Watchmaker, Jeweler aad Optician MCrUBUCAN BLOCK PERSONAL MENTION Jij jA lloald you look like the man )NHr who IS or the man who was? tiMttti to mitr data, Ma uwiva aave ana far yaa ay Ei V. PHct k Ca., txdaaWe wmAuk taiUn, af Chkaga . ""'-v ,y need In the the .t , Wi : I Mi I w " r m u i f-B'Jf XL A j I 'il w3 ' H r tt 'ABBBBBBBBBBtal tniHaHaHaHaHr flit Jal SWYSBITalg SBS. f H U ! JS drygooda list aaay now be found at H ! ifU Cnetoa store. BIMH M . H II EverrtaNig guaranteed at Winters. IK "l Sn i 'i KT flsl i R : fl Ml I 41! . I if Ifittik Jfj fci aVe9V VSaVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVA " Xl "1 .iRBBHBk rtl" '8 'Si Tlata f umm ta&m anaafadart m nUjHMteW cbtkbf Wt atashca aaljr ganaeata aJa to tiw kWririiaal biimii af tat mi wW warn ! taca,garaMats taat an acrtr aaraaaiaa1 aa ant nrdy eqaalcel ia al that caaato far qaaKty, atyle, aaaac aatl wartaiiailla. Taecetfteytakaat$2Sta$4ltatiakar ararcaat, aecardiaf la tkt data yaa aaltct fraai SM ekgaat fakica, majaf wklcfc araexdattre. At tae arict, taanfara, yaa kare aa axcaaa far wtanay aatatutactarj itort dataiaf Yaal faai BMck kaktia ataJyiaf iaifaa 415, "aUPvp My ""Vy JPla Wil Ml WT MW IBMHWI alatoi, aatl fakica Kai. 44ML, 43HJ, 4MJ, 43SI J, 43211, 43M1, 427SHH k aar Sptkf Bae. Caaw k tetky aatl laan vkaf wkat bththt'totel riemnUMw ef E4. T. Mce a Ce Kmkit TaBen. CUcac,.itiJsWfj-V'; Kor the beet rig In town call et the Mammoth Stable. II. W. Straw, Pro prletor. 4 Try Zim for plumbing. J Now brcoU'U t Wlntvri. O.S. Moore hiretarnd Irom Tort land, where be tprnt the winter. II your eyci are ttWUy, rImkii dont At, imi M'lnter. J. 0. and OJa Cravrn are In the city Irom IVmanii on land Imilne. Nuree, ol 20 yearn exrleii', ih'lrf mining. Mn. E. I.. Nile. IwxSW. tl II.O. nniwy In thi city Irom Langvll vallvy yvttvnlay. Kor Upper LaUe point by launch call on C. I. tirvgiirj' 4 Hon. Klmer Walter and wlfo came down from Konania TiieJay and attciulrd to lmtlneM inattori. Nw Hue ol (ancy oureiiirpuoni at Winter. Harry Oray teturnrd from I.akrvle Turtday and has accepted a poiltlon as chvl in the American hotel. Alienor J. V. Lee ha returni-d liom an extended trip through the cnunly In thii Intertill ol hi catidMacy. To get a home talk to K. II. 1111 about the Kummert-Kinney place. UllU-e, 1'nd floor, Baldwin block. Don't get mad If the little boy get it on you. Juit remember it only conir once a year, E. D. Hall can tell you a lino ranch In the Klamath baiin at rceionahle Miture and on ey term. Office, '.'ml llixir, Baldwin block. The Knljht ol 1'ythla will give a aoclal dante at Handervon'a hall on April lit. RveryboJy Invited. Ditnce, Including upper, ft. 00, The Pokegtma itage will Und eleven paitcngera in tho city tonight. Trael and Irelght (hlpment are both incrra ing over thli line. They alway pleato becauie they are Juit what I wanted the artlitic walal at the Hlllt Dry Uood Company. Dlit I now flying on the Keno cam), A number of horse were put to woik yesterday and the force of men ii being increased every day. fitctton and Gordon hats. You can Und them in all the lateet shade and shape at popular price at the Boston Store. .Mr, itisrtdorf has reua4 tlreasaiak lag at WMBasJMWHM 4fttJ SMtr- -ir i in - ni n&a2tXu I ' ". 1T 1 ."i be a grand ucceis. The actor eiirrd by Mr. Monger well up In the woik and the public will have an opportunity to see tomt Ont clas performances.' II your watch In sick ioiuI It In Win tern llonpltal. Hpeclal jirlrw lor the next tidily dnys at Hulie' itudlo. ' i For cream and milk go to Mr. 0, A, titoattii. I'linne b'tt. The Still Piv OoimIi Compnt l rhowlng tho prvllii-t lino of wll eir brought tu Ihl city. 'Ihey nre dlncl fiom the eait, Thi lliilnuuli lliHliyl'iiinpany mIII hurtly iniive Into the rixini now u pltxl by the Well Kmpi Ilxpres Co, Thu iiMini will bo iK'i'iipled J' Inlly by the Ino i'(iniuiili'. Election of IU08 Iteitlitriilliin nvn, Jim. 0. (,'lnn' (or I'rlnmilci", Apill 7, I'llmary Klii'tlnm, A pi II 17. Itrglnlialliin teoK'li, AprlU' Cli'tr lor rlrcthm, Mny 15, Oenernl Clrcllou. June 1. ItetElMrallon reopen Fept. 'At, OIiuh-k lor elnllun, Oct. 'Al. I'reKldiiitliil Klivtlnii, Nov. 3, ftaf Jk VfiraV Ssw XjJ;r A HI PM II I f WM i. Petition for Liquor License I To the llonnrabte County Court of, the Slate Oregon fr Klninnth Oninly. Wi the tindrrltned, rmlilenta nml le its! voter ol the I'reelnce id SprK'H' Itlver, in tho County nl KUiunlli and Slate ol Oreiion, and ticlunl rerMent 1 therein and who ha arlunlly rroldel therein fur itinte than thirty U) liifj iiiolUtely preceding the ditto nf liiiiliig and tiling thl our H-tltln, d,i heivhy reNrtfulty iTlllli'ii tour linnntHhle body to iruiil anil lo In J U. I.Mll andT. M.'Kdiall, ol the linn of IMmII lln,, n llremo to ell pliitoua, vinoti, ferineiilnl or limit, tupior In le i)un ' llllei than one gallon, in the pn-clncl ' nforeald for a eriial uf one year, from the Gth day of Mny A I" ll". Nntlcn la he'eliy given that thla a- ,t.iA.. .. in i. ... i ,,. ,,... i... IIIMJH nil, 1 I'lr'inril if ,11. V'HIIIIJ Court of the Mate ol Oregon, (or the County ol KlniiLilh, at the court hoiiae In the city ol Klamath Fll, on the f.lli day ol May, A. II. IW1, al tho hourol one o'clock I', .M.or aa a, mil theiralter o M iwtillnu can u lit-nnl. Hated Ihl 23th day of March, A. I. IW. O.T. Anderanu, I,. I.. Crilllti, I. T. Amlereon, K. A. Cuipl-ll, W, W. Kin ley, K. W. Whrlrton, A. W. Kvnn, J M. Saner, Win. II, (Urretl, Kd lllooni ingcamp, John 8. Kurher, II. J. Ijnig. kam, Itoa . Kinley, W. W. Smith, Jame I'lillllpi, W. K. Sutter. It. 1' Courtrlght, II. L. Atvleraoa, 0. It. MorlK. Asaee Luitily.-Mat-'Uwt.f iAi C.'B'sWt.T.'lf;tWydl'Jas',M;,feir ren, Frank ObencLain, I. A.' Ttlrliard, ion, Oeorgo lllbiiiiinirr.iiiip, Q. M.Aic dcrion, Tom Ivory, Jann-a llrll, Frank Slumley, J. A. I'aikcr, 0. U. Io., Charlei Trupp, PHONOGRAPHS EDISON invented tint pltonoKrnpli. Ho iiiikIu it an ontortuinor for all. It in munufucturcd at n nrlco which evuryono can nllonl, and wo hoII (t on tho oa.iy payment ulan, so no one need bo without it. Have you, heard and aeen the New Model. We Want Your Trade Underwood's Pharmacy EVERYTHING IN DRUGS SMlificilon Ouaiaitlctd Klamath Falla, Oretfoa X 9-.' Ltuitzoru ,'. Stveelfeadcccf , l,i arcaiiwalt Swat r., .,,",, RIEGEH IMS aaltltaiita PiiruMi. fc. ?l aa Ujm aaaii aa lanhM ,.,, H eaaMaiaaaaiaaaaiWf ,im, f Mt aaia la Wm aaf 11. M, ; : tiwt aa aal Hlar. ' aa fi U anl i. ,t, ,, a. vaata rt aaa aM aa it. m,i a.i.aiw i aa, aaia a.a aa. n. ta aaaaH am mi M. ia ia . ,h.. """ aaaat ,i, iha aa aa af aaaaaM. .i,tcaaai MamwwMn (MBtal4tSlw STAR DRUG STORI -n$ Btorc that livci yUii h W. E. FOLSOM Public Auctioneer At Hnrrinon'H Second Hand store, Sixth Htreet, or ndiln-sfl care of Box 110 Klamath Falla Oreajoa Mi. W, V.. helium hsi taken charge of the American dining room, which ha been rerno,lrhl. All women rook a aroemplo)rl. Thla la the plr to get tho In-at iiiralaln Ion n, tl Shx for men, women and children. The laigeat and moat up-to-date line In the city. Coma In and for journlf. The llostori fitnre, A.rieliuliig & Co,, fur merchant. yi highest c.ih )ice for all klndi of Mdea'e4 fairs. ;lia4ittsiter Amerl iTr'- h It I not tirceaiy to Irave your watches i long at Winter, Wo are ror prepared lod,i your W'irk prompt, ly. All work guaranteed for ono year. THREE REASONS WHY Tou ihould Buy your Wat chef from Ui -1st Wt have U lanUn ttltctkn t WalchM In Bouthcrn crcnoa 2nd- ayia, Watchca aa wc do la brfi sajasHMtea, wc can Uvcouti LewtM Market I'rlcc for Good Oooui 3rd Wt have aa Eatsbllihrd Ilutlua aaa-bare to stay, if jou Watch oca wronii you wui kaow whereto tin Jui H. J. Winters Leading Jeweler, Watchmaker and Optician KLAMATH - FALLS The Store That Is Doing The Business Tfl: OPPORTUNITY Never before have the women of Klamath Falls been offered such complete stock of attractive SDrinic and summer dress dnnr. tn Ait feadit positive pleasure to select your dress from among so many exclusiviSenis, so surprisingly moderate in price as those you find, in our dress goods section. Our stock is complete in the newest all wool German Plaids, Sublimes. Cor duras, Serges and Panamas Silk and wool novelties in stripes and plaids. In silks we can show you all colors in Peau de Cygnes Taffetalines and Crepe de Chines in all shades fine line fancy black silk, ywd wide, strictly guaranteed. Mercerized Novelties Marguerite Tissue, Soiesette, Ingomas stripes, Salome, Mercedes and Croyden Baptiste. Ia wn in all the Latest Suinmer Shades and Patteiro THE BOSTON STORE .