V ff,.v. "H 'i8 1 il $be betting a Jy Read Paper In , U Oar Advertisers Get the. Beit IkwRi-. -. . .ik Kails . -... - , YBAir, No. 514. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNMDAY, APRIL 1. 1906. Prick, 6 Cents. Ifffalo. T DAY NOTHEAVY .1. ... Cm. (j KU5H w w Registered Iks close at 6 . .. iiii-J Va cilcally the S11- At LA.t Year Ln.iii ii' u bM ' j,. 10 irgt tot Iheeljy sloe- w;u.!,trllltl"M " L ,r Jim.i irsWleflng WW L,Vi rW promptly st ,..!,.. ire not registered i!,jr.l lu vote as ' charter L-ori'lr f'ir raring I" oU . I... nol lM much election Ul, Li-.. Ilia irgl.liatlon ly L . lot jeir ln ' L.I U volrii. the r'evond 11. "! ....i im In ll.r Plrtt ward their L i .ium iw. "" " haoastdirhuw decrease. Al rtlntk thi elleinnon the rrglltre Li miomi w " t tftl Tl.lrJ H2. i flirnrv itfoi ttiow lbs correct tf.,f,ti-i In ibe tUr "ny fed In reiiMe. "" " caring . Ml.tii lelng lu Imiy, end many blue here during !' rrglltretlon , TUrv re li ''K number ol iirxlrii li" I'" ' Klamath Fall ll ruclhi ! ra-h )ear, but who iDbtlifr ri'sof " county. rt tut tn nothing of Importance Irl In the city, campaign the ean- i li4 hive announced Ihtmar Ire LlMlim n' their Irncei, while Ilia tblllix unannounced candldelee nil trllre In tl.rlr behalf. It ia opriict lli tlir corilctl for llifl ciltj will W I'lclly waitn. Ncwh l:rom Dairy il. 0. bam a ralUr al Dairy ijr taJ bumUy filing acrjnalatad llx lotrri. if. (.'-il tt, I'lliicli! u tU Uotianta il,at In Uif Saturday. Ill n- a rl Inltitit lu K-yjl atBo- m l'ul, 0. II. McOumhcr. Manual iodicn float lliuuoarf4ol rBataray. ilallvartd lur Ilia lomulallon ol I, K, Davlf nw itorv ImiIMIuk. Mav, Barnm watkol (roin Uonima lo unwell lo th Dalryltr Hunilay. Ho la good nlir ami ilttcrm a largar at tendance lliau tliat ol luat HnnJay, John IllliUtt Maiilallvvrlng iIiIukIk lol, r. IalMlJyi lli cuittract U for I BOO. Prof. 1 1 all went ipoMIng on Bwan fko Uainrtlay. lit liam'l lolJ ui nliit luck It ba4, and for that ttnon a tblnk h not Uucktd. A good ld bunch ol Government horava imI through Dairy on Mon day. Wt lakt Ihlt aa an Indication that Ihty will aaon b put to work on tba dlUh. Rat. Ilarnti will irtach In Dairy 'April 6th. Kmjrbodjr Invltad. Ha. IUIiim will tirtach In Dairy April IJlh. Coma avaryhody. Mra. VUra and thlld hava bacn qulla akb with gilp, hut am Improving. Mr. and Mri. ttlnrtnan, ol Ituninu, war vltltlng at II. H. Udtna Hunday. RURAL NEWS OF INTEREST Interesting Items From Lent gdl Valley-Voters Slow to Register EVIDENCE IS VERY STRONG ii Mesne i Nad Considerable Money Whert He Left biker Lake MUEr MCNIrON A.Turwi ilryln ordtr l. They occupy tbi nico. tcatatluui tr mail and Ilia roan LW .ataBLaB geW ..taggge m ggW h gBfc.gnW g PanJohnaon hat g.rf.a to Hly and laJkeUw on land buiineaa. Motor cyrlaa will U ll.a fad In tbla city thli dammar. Thara will probably b ball doat n of Ibaaa macbloaa In ua wltbln Iba nait all waaki. Tallord and aon agpact to go to Odaaaa Ihla wrk lo build a Sofool launch for Dan (InMlb. lo ba uaad in connection with tilt hotel builntaa thli Bommar. Mra. II. K. Ilawklni, rrtldiag naar Otana, fall to th ground hut Hunday wblla galling out of a baggy and dUlo- oalrd her thuuldcr. O. U. Cofar made lha beat gucaa on tba a Jar In ilow. He g auaabar a mwv.w .."-. w-. isrrT- : . f . - " ' miwrr plant tha UttrtlMt ' foundation wai practically compiled lait Fall ao that tba building will I arreted at once. Indication! ara that tha K. P. dance I the Kanderaon hall will be largely attended tonight. Elaborate prepara tion, bare been made for tba orcaalon and large crowd la eipec led. C. T. Ollrar haa arrctod a temporary aanltarlum on the Hot Spring tract and baa arrant ed It ao that he can Uka Lot Bind hatha which lie thlnka will ba a aura cure ior hla rheumatism. A aura Indication that Ppriog I at band, ia that the Pellcana are migrat ing. Urge flocka pa" "" " citT 4aily M route to tba tUhlng placw on UjaVpaar Lake. Mra. A. D. Miller and daughter, Con i. will return tomorrow froaa Port- . where tber have laan for aavaral --k.. called tbara by the Ulntae of Mra. Miller's mother, who la now tery much Improved If it's a hat or shot you re thinking of-vWUh. tore that carries the largest stock-that keeps standard qualities. See our Sprint lines of Walk over and Nspatan Shoes, Stetson and Thorough red Hats. From what we can learn tbera will not be 50 per cent of tha members ol the Water Uaera Anoclatlon from tbla valley attend the annual meeting to ba held In Klamath Fall neit Saturday. It Utbe duty ol every member ol tba ateoclalion to attend thli meeting, and to ak for the early completion of tble project. On tha other hand II wa ara not Interested thu Government la not going to force thli oon tba people her but will help thoae project where tba people are iuterrited and clamoring for thli money. It'a up to the people. There ara a good many in tbla pre cinct who have not yet regletered, and if they don't rrgliter before the Tib ol April limy will not be able to Uka part In the primary election, which la of more luiirtarico thin the general elec tion in June: UiMei It wlU deprive them of the piuiphtete eiplalalag the different tneaitim that will coma before tha people for thclrconildrratlon. J, U. Hwan, atplratil for tba nomina tion ol cuunly Khool luperinteudent, wai lu the valley lait Friday. Mr. Hwan 1 a a try pi-aunt man to meat. and Judging from the iland and the In terret he ha taken during tba lait Ave yean in educational line demomlratea hla ability beyond doubt to handle the wPeeSSTSje ew aeegajTgajaaj There is bow little doubt hut that 01 le Hamilton legality of the murder of Geo. Meaner bis farmer traveling companion. The facta-In tba case, ai stated by a party Juit from Silver Lake are that hut August Hamilton Induced Meiner to leave Mirer Uka with him, tbelr destination being Aihland, where they were going an land builneii. .etorr bad cjwdepoelt at the Chritman store and bwfcre starting ba drew out 809 ol tbla amount, which he took with blm. lie land Hamilton left there headed for ktaaaatb Falli.but the Amer ican hotel eagliter shows tt-1 only on man arrived" bera and be went by tba name of O. Meaner, regirterlng from Dummolr In one place and from Silver Uka in another. Pome monthe later Hamilton returned to KllvrrUke. He wore Meeaee'a watcb and when aeked about tba Matter said that ha bad bought It from blm. Ha also bad money and paid uphli old accounte which he -ei unaMe to meet when be left there with Meener. Although' eereral attempt! have been made to Snd Meaner nothing hae been learned of hie whereabout. Tbeiup poeltioB bow Ii that be waa murdered by Hamilton enroute to line city and bis body left lo some secluded place whara It rimilni unlound. - '- r?. ' apal(jl to (he commlnloncr and ao the final decision will be at least one yrar In coming. Another thing that tin greatly in- created the amount of work in the Ukerlew nflice Ii the fact that tha peo ple of thli section are engsged In the contest business on a whole ssle scale. Every homesteader who has not com piled with the lawe governing inch en- trlee, tbat ii, compiled with them In every sente of the word, finds himself confronted br a conteit, which Increases the work of the Ukevlew office. CAMPAIGN IS QUITE LIVELY Candidates in fight To Win Keno Items J. L. Padgett has sold all of bis Keno property but Ave lots, which be hold In reserve. He has movul to Ashland where he traded for some town property. If he should not like Aihland he will re turn to Keno onto hli reserved town lote. Mn. Pratt le having a good run at her hotel. II. Hnowgoose ii offering three floe young breeding Jacke for lale. Brice McCormlck bad a itroka of pa ralyse on the left elde of hie face, but is lntrlv linnrovina. The Foret postoSice will ba diicon tinned April 1st. Harry Wall ha taken bis teame to Mt. Hebron to work. R. W. Tower, Sam Padgett and U, E. Reader have each bought town lota of J.l.Pedtt. These lot are wsll lo cated. John Dyer ha gone to Asblaad on a visit, BfKCr MEN r ION NO SURE SHOT BETS tavwsiaf CoMNty te Mar- view Voters Is feejad Exaeeaive Parte) There la one thing that speaks ex ceptionally well lor the manytandUatee for county omcee and tbat la that tba campalfa ao far baa baas) dean, a4 tba oppoilag eandidataa bam aaalatalned (rlendly relations la all Instances. Keaty man seems to ba worklaf far bfaBaaU, bat always at bis ownaapeawa. Beary candidate urgea hu owsaaeaw, wat all seem to speak weU-afeppoaeats when ever they ara mantioaad. TTbe aipiranU for tba Rejmbliea noas ination for sherll aad aasassar am saak- ing tba moat lively campaign of aH aaev dldataainthaSeld. TbaSgbt to-ilwaa cornered in each inetonee aadltkraa , Impossibility to pick the) wteasew. Tkts caadldataa far tba abarbTa aaaaa ara on tba most friendly turn, and eearyeeta of tha trio say "I haw ta beat tweVjreT' -nod men to get Ua noealaaUeei." Tha candldataa for thai oafee sesjstlssaa travel la pairs, be notwIthstaadlBf the frieadllneeaoftbaSabt for tba nosaJa It la hard foecbt.aMteat. Tba i' V -i JJI W'-i IBs" iiijjrj conilderaWe lescln aad Improving this spring. J.Frank Adaim, the horse buyer Irons Merrill, was In tlio valley hut Friday aad took out a number ol horeee with him. Mr. Adama I a good Judge ol bone, a nU-o man lo deal with and bo paye good prlcri. 8. A. I'cuney, who baa bad tba F. W. Broadsword property leased for a num ber of rears, tin leased Mra. Wilson's farm, al tha aoulh vnd of the valley, and has moved there to live. The Udlee Aid Koclely met at the home of Mrs. Wiley last Thursday. TU ftucletyie steadily loeraaeiog la mem bership and doing aome efficient work. A. R. Campbell aud eltter, Stella, ol Klamath Falls, spsnt Saturday aad Sunday at lbs borne of their pereale at Urelia. Ujrry Stilt, the Klamath Falfa butcher, was In the valley looking at eoroe cattle last week. - Must Clean Flues plentiful in tbat eeetiow and tbat tba prstaBlaa; peieaaara not tba beet. Tha market la not as awed aa It waa a year ago and thi atoekmen Uve held on to their beat. Ha says Creek la wall eupplled with stock ol all klnda aad that very likely ba wUI mike aome par-masea. Tba crop prospecu ara not encouraglBg aa every thing la vary dry, and rains must soon coma or damage will raeult. Will View Site la order to avoid Area from Suae burn ing out the Council will be asked to maka aome sort ol an order requiring everyone to bava their flues cleaned. AcUon on Ihla matter will ba taken at tha neat meeting ol the Council. Several Urate during the past Isw months tns alarm ol Are baa bean sounded ou account ol flues sot being kept clean, and the order la made to decrease the danger ol Are from tbla ource and also to avoid theee obm-cm- sary alarms. KKK TnfcsTJ , v!f .wN-f ,.SJ"I, - 'saBmBaflilsaasasaV BBBSBSajllJIJIjlH)rcs(lJsr a1saTaF,saaBaHUBjaVggaja BWwa's': -,. Babe Vlusou, the daughter of Dave Vinson, died at Boaaua Monday sjbjbt. una waa about slgnteeo ysars al sVmad waa wall known la the Upper Mutry. Tba rsaulniwsrs laid to reet Toaay to tba Banansa cemetery, Ida on tba South Breach oaaal wars oneaedatPortlaad at if o'cleek taaay. Tbehxalomoe has reeelrad ao advtaaa Mea-dlna tba Mm. It u aadentood tbat several bids war submitted. Every lady admin tb . style of our laraa IIa ol - waltu. Tfcay alao admire the pHeel SUlu Dry 0a Co. County Judge Orlfllith aad Commissi ooera Melbasa aad Walker wUlgo to tha Upper Gap nest Moaday to view the site for tba proposed bridge at that nlaet. It U aejaerally reeoolesd Uat a bridge le needed at that place, but .lbs one beretofor considered was too aspen alva to warrant It eooetrweUon at tbla time, aad tb County Court baa con Mnilad to never tha around to see if it lanotpoeeiblatoflndaiitela that Im mediate vicinity, where a bridge oaa to pat la for leas money. Court convene again on tba Gtb ol April, and at tbat time sosae deSalte action will to taken an tbk matter. It U very probable that tba bridge wUI bo built tkla year. Bishop 5e4U Out B. St. Geo. Btebop baa sold bU Urge lurnltur store to W.'H.Dolbsor, ol Seattle, who took Msssaslon ol tb beni- nee yesterday evening. Mr. TU-Jun will net aoaan to any bus toss until alter tba primary election, and U ka skc-uld reoeive Um democratic bobUmUob tor sbself Uwlll the make aatsoHOaapaign to be elected to the J.G. Pierce and family returned Mon day night from tbelr uteaded vWt throaghoat tba East. . Tbey report a very pleaeant trip, but navanhalasa are pleaaed to ba at borne again. Malor C. E. and W. 8. Wordon bare relumed from Baa Francisco, where they were on bualneee. Tba former to purebae supplies for tto bank at Dorrts aad tba latter on railroad buainees. Two sis mole freight teams belonging to the Mclntlre Transportation Com pany left Pokegama thi morning for Klamath Fall. Two mora will leave there In the morning. Tble I tb fleet large shipment of 8prlng freight. The Hamilton bono will bo atartod to Silver Uke tomorrow to be returned to tba owners, Duneaa A Son, from whom It wus stolen by the murderer. .The saddle baa not been fooad, bat Deputy Sheriff Schallock expects to maka an other search for it. Bee Winters for Jewelry. The tared the primary earns to win, and tba eoetost for tb noaahsa tione fa totoresisag fioarn the sisstanr'i iteadpotou TlteslssaHasasefthaaan. palgnsaakee It a pretty mew, but one devoid of sura shot bet. The primary sleet fan fa yet a faag' ways of, bat already asest of She easjsM dates who bava oppoaftleai far the aaasi nation have eaavaassd tha aaUm ewemty and are bow sitting on tba aaafowa ami awaiting tba weak. All have beeaemt mora or laaa monev. and sseet all have found running for oetee i pastime. ' Partlea retaraiac from Portlaad re port bastaeas ceadltlona faspiwvlas In the metropolle. The isoraaalaeS ! HMBkl hoatness aad eonfldaaee baa beta reieored. UbeecenlagmorepleatUal.so that the coming year bids fair to baa prosper oos OBS. I ttM..iw' "iaaaaaa--TlTaSjr Jt ( -Z-iAaTsaTsiTaaTaaTaaTaaBl ; MSSRSSWx&mlr'f ( . a A V-TLaaBsi 'fWmWkWmmmmiMi.liii gmm HtomimBmi ir-tmmm: vmi xSkeUIXSwraiiBw" Tfmf ill f'Wr! iieaL-Jf m JV 1 c1 ansmmmm laMSBrBBu- IZ.aaavZWeA Ar?K BKBBaaTal3B, aviCje I w3tM9sjmmtskmsfmmkmi T-. mm0;Z'.3miim'-9'r-r vJnsnsw . -Ruth Is Still Op The Ukevlew e4 la Ull to a rather soaaeetdeoadlUoa..a a result e tto Iwdooenleg last fll....y tto hwlsemirsWod ea aeeaant Bft SUOael sa4eiohsyeBe bee bad ato U weHisjyilshliail . Ve.efaaa; up tM sei,V.-llwaT al them will be ssmtami m w-w-ay rri tT kw TtUem V4f-4A PrfCt Soriob-amint p efaaa-tto heeae isanary a4 ?&& pew Hanks ?'ls -. fm in, . - t-vJwK -iA -. r m v-.a 'Afi 4 vvj aamwamnmaaBBmsmr . , '$ -rV-'i.' v' rV w.SlweTSlK-w'y' '-j""y, ", 1 p j. ' V- .v. - xtosmmi J" 4 - Y$&wx :..? .'Emimzwmz&aS h; iLm4&0 -toC r-4 tfP, f ' . jc