V riMJCAN CANDIDATE! ab COUNTY ClIRK ..(.tV mioouiMW mjrMll "ndl- Xo ll"""'u 'uu"n it. lor Cuuiiiy OIrk( at ! xn.lng Bfjr liwn. .-,, I;, IVi liln" i uakll ratittldata 9,,ll.,.ill' Comity Clerk on "'"... ...i.l.i .i.l.Lwl In ttm ! Ilrliiililiri" iM " mi county saiairr lll,,rl(y.I1noun.nyM. .,,.!. '".,.. .1.. ..mm ol Hl.erllf of t ....iv. iililix.'t In the declalmi r mum --' irr..mlKl""""J"',!5,l",!'..u VI. li. nnnnpiii . i .. .11.. iull candidal I. .... ..i .i.Hrlfl lur lln coneld. HIV llllliv w. -.- Lion ol On republican votera at tht u. rlrctlon. ,1U1(1U1V l, O, UOIUDWl. I.rr.uy announce wy candidacy lor """' . . ui...m -.1 VI. ...!. i nomination ui duii v. .--... i.t.ri lu the action ol III r- Ittl ITlti IWM. WM.Mn. FOR STATE IINATC utttllliennouneinH a eandl r HmI aenalor Irom Klamalb, i, and Cfimk countlee on the Bo bllcinll'k". aubject tolbt Jtcltlon uilmarr election. ' ' v urn f itu i.. r i nliy ul"l 'y "" to ,n" R, bllcan " 'or J0'"1 "ur ,row kiaitti. U " Crook eountU ! ipiluiity election to bo htld April lltilnt lalll.dilljr 'represented thl kricl In Hi e" " "" " Lrt, and tlnce tbo teustorahlp Iim, k ...i. ..mi laan conceded to K la- Lb, I ln aak lor Ibe favorable coo- Ltllloll ol lilt VOtef Ol MM MM' ill dlittlct, linpotuuiiy.1 UEO. II. HKKKYHA.1. I .i.i, i.. !! that I am a ramlMatt fibt IUuMlran nomination lor Jolat Mior lo lepieetnt lb aumei cvn Uu l Crook, Klamath and Uko UUa. H. I- HOUIATK, Bonanu, Oregon. roi covimr TUAMmn I beitd; announce mv candidacy lor election to Ilia oBlc ol Uiunty Mtortr on lb Republican tlcaei euo. t to tht declaion ol Ibo primaries on ill 17. I- ALVA I.EWIH. I dliv ilrclara anveell a candidal tht nomination ol County Treasurer the Republican ticket, tnbyKt lo lb nUtratlon ol lb voter at Ilia prl- Uytlrcllon. T.W.HTKI'IIENH. I aanoanc iurnll a candidal lor lb nabllcan nutnlnatloa lor lb l Cunnty Triurr, abloci to th Uoa ol tht voitrt at lb coning alex ia Arlt 0. 0. CHIT WOOD. roicotnmr I hirtbjr annouac icyavll aa a candl- i lor nomination on lb Ktpowlcan ktt, lur Cvssiy Ator, ol Klarsatb ant, tubjwl to lb lUcUlon ol lb .Hit tht primary tltctlon. 1IEUT K. W1TIIK0W. I btrtby announr my candidacy .lor or ol Klaoialb Couaur, ubict to i action ol lb Ktpubllcaa trotora at i primary lctlo.i o( April 17, IBM. It. 0. COWLEY. fill, Ktb. I, ltO.. I hrrtby announc my!! a candidal let nomlmllon to th oftlc ol or, mlikct to lb declaion ol lb Ipabllclan ottra at lb primary ! E. W. (10WKN 1 101 PIOUCOTDW ATIOIMtY I btrtby announr myatllaaa eandl' on Hit Ktjiubllcan tlcktt lor lb nlnatlMlorllwofflcool Dlatrict At- y lor Klamath and Uka coubIIm. wt lo Hit dtcltlon ol th otara at primary tltctlon. FltKD. II. MILLS. f lll be a cun.lldate lor th Etpobll. nominition lor th odBo ol KUtlna: attoma Inr !! umnit Kutlng attorney dlitrlct ol tht itiU hod coniltilna ol th mumUi wdKUmatb. : . D.V.KUJgEypALli. ilkimaat. i ii m rrjT'JTTT'! r -r'vr aooounH ayaalf Madldata JHcantoUrtat th primary Uo J.Q.BWAN. I rMpxilall ....u. - jui njWloooB tht'lapkWUM tUkt 5iSWJtt I hnroby announc inytiill a randlilal lor lb nomination, on tbn Kcpubllcan llrket, lor County Hrbool HtitM-rlntoncI tint, ilhjvut to (ho ilfclalon of Ibo votiira at lb I'rlmary fltttlou In April'. J. II. IIOiHIH, Merrill, Orison. OM COUNTY COMMIMIONW I btrtby announco my ml I an a eandl data lor tlio nouiliiatluii (iirCmiiiiilxilon. r on tht republican llckxt, lor lbs run Idtralinn ol the volein at tlio primary Iccllon In April. 0. I. HWINOIX, Iiroila, Oio, OR COUNTY IURVIYOR I bvitby announco iiiycll a ramlldatn lor rv-olrctlnn lo llm nlllco ol County Hurvnyur, mlijrcl lo Ilia tonaldurallon ol Ibo llvpulillian nlrif at llm primary rlrctlon. M. I. WII.I.IAMH. KOU JOINT HEPIlKaKNTATIVK To lb lltpubllcana ol Klainatb, Ukr, Crook and Grant countlta I with l liiloriu Ibo Itrpubllcant ol Klanialb, k, Crook amlOrant roun lit, contlllutlui tlio Twtiily'tlrrt l(r rtMnlallv Dlatrict ol Orjtiin, that my nam will b prrttntl lor your contld ration at tbv primary election to be htld April 17, HJH, aikliin your tiiniagt lor arlrcllon aa out ol tlio lltpubllran nomlnrra lur Joint Iteprrwntalhr to lw ballolnl lor on Junn t, HUM. II. )'. Ilclknap, I'rlnrvlllt, Orrgon, DIMOCIATIC CANDIDATES rOR COUNTY IBUUT? 1 rrtiMllullr announc myacll at a candidal lor lb ornro ol Minid on w Itumocratlc tlcktt, tobjrcl lo tbo will ol lb voltit at tlir pilmary ttrctlon. II. hT.IIKO. IIIHIIOI'. I hvrtbjr annnuncv myacll a candidal on Hit Driuocratlc tlckti, lor tht noul. nation lor alirrlff, lor tht continuation ol lb rotrrtat tbt primary rlvclion. II. K. IIUNMAKKlt. FOR COUNTY COIONKR I I rrtiectlulljr announce mytell m a candidal lor lb ofBc of Coroner ol Klamath Countv, Oregon, on lb Dem ocratic ticket, tubjert to Ibe approval ol lb votert at '.be primary election on April 17, IVXH. KAItl. WIIITI.OCK. l0R COUNTY AianaoR I hereby declare myaetl a candidate for Ibe nomination lor County Ateettor on tb !mocial!c ticket, aubject to tbe dacltlon ol tb votera at tb primary tltctlon. J. I'. LEE. roa county trkaiurxr I reapectfulty announce myarll aa a candidal lor the office ol County Traa urer, on Ibe Democratic ticket, aubject lo ilecliloii ol tbe toleraat the Primary election. CLAUD II. DAGOETT. roa county curk I hereby announce myacll aa a candi date (or nomination lo office ol County Clerk aubject to action ol Democratic votera at Ibe primary election. W. A. DKUKIX. Hre Alarm Districts Dlatrict No, 3Wtt aid of river. Dlatrict No. 4 South of Main atreet from th brldg to Center atreet. Diatriet No. B Conger and California AvanuM. Dlatrict No. O-Ewauna Height. Dlatrict No. 12-South of Main, be tween Center and Third. Dlatrict No. 13-Soulh of Main, b twan Third and Fifth. Diatriet No. 14-North of Main, be tween Third and Fifth. Dlatrict No. 16-8outb of Main, to Walnut btwn Fifth and Seventh. Dlatrict No. 16- North of Main to High, twtwtM Fifth and Seventh. Dlatrict No. 21-South of Main to Walnut, between Seventh and Ninth. DUtrict No. 82-Norlh of Main to High, between Seventh and Ninth. DUtrict No. 23-llot Spring dlatrict aat of Main and Ninth. Diatriet No. 24 -South of Walnut to Plum, between Fourth and Sixth. Dlatrict No. 26-South of Walnut to Plum, between Sixth and Eighth. Dlatrict No. 81-Southof Walnut and But of Eighth. Dlatrict No. H2-North of High to Jaffenon, between Sixth and Eight. DUtrict No. 84-North of Jefteraon, JMtwSlgtkandEJghth. .... MrtrietrNo. M-North of JHgh to Jafferacei, between Eighth and Tenth. Diatriet No. 41-North of JelTeraon, between eighth and Tenth. The general alarm will be aounded by axWiew ten; rapid ttrokei of th bell, roMovred by'thenttinber of th diatriet in which the Art I Voeated, which wlU be row: 'three tlae. When the dia triet U represented by more than ona lma, M N, 84, after giving the gen Al akratlh bU wUl be Uppedtwlee, tkea ji Uf nt o,.fc4low4 by four neated twice ghew ,WBdtaartb9 THE MONEY QUESTION. An Inqulaltlvt Ytuniatar and an In atnltua Pathtr. "Papa," bfgan Qunatou junior, "wban tbt gortromtnt of th United SUM Ugau to coin gold and allrvr nooky It waa ntctaaary to buy th gold arfl liver, waan't lir' "V-a, my aon," roplled Ouiwtou atn lur ratbtr cautluualy. "Of rourav, papa," rraumtd 0' youngattr, "you'll Ins a bit to tall m Vfbrru tbo government got tbt taooey to buy Iba gold and tllror." "Wby-cr-of courn'," atamtBtrad Uunaton aculor aa bo put down th pa. pt-r and gatrd Ibouglilfulljr at tbo boy, "Now, It! m underaland you. Tbt gutcrunitfit wanted to coin mouy, and In order to do o It na iiK-ratnry to pitrcbaao gold and allvtr. You want lo know wticr lb lovtrnmcnt got tbt money lo buy Iho gold and alive.?' Tlmt'a right," chuckled Munalba Junior gleefully, and n great Joy filled till bring aa b thought of bit all Inv (Kirtant aire atruggllng with lb atmpl notation. , "Why, auuny, lb govarumeut almply taauad dollar bill and bought gold and) allvtr with tbttu. Anything lar "Yea," aald Ounaton Junior. "Wbera illd tbe government get money to buy paper for lb dollar bUlar'-Harper'a Weekly. THE HORSE WON. tat Iht Flrat Ltetmttlvt n th I. and 0. rWad. Tb 0rt locomotive on tb Ualtlmor and Ohio had aalla attacbed. Ho did tbo car. The aalla Were bolated wbeu tb wind waa In Ibe right direc tion o aa lo help 'th locomotive. Tb rivalry between tbe railroad ualng locomotlvea and tbo ualug burae waa very bitter. In Auguat, 1830, an actual trial of apeed waa held betrteeu a bora and one of tbe pioneer locomotive, which did not reault li favor of the locomotive. Tbe race waa ou tbe llaltlmure and Ohio, lb locomo tlv twlug one built by I'eler Cooper, who alio acted aa eugluevr. Tbe borae, a gallant gray, waa In lb balilt of pulling a car ou a track par allel to IbAt uted by tbe locomotive. At flnt'lbe gray bad tbe better of the race, bul when be waa a quarter of a mil ahead Mr. Cooper auccevded Is getting up enough ateara to paa tbn borae amid terrific applauae. At Ibat moment a baud allpped from a pulley, and. "though Mr. Cooper lacer ated hla banda trying to replace It, th engine atoppvd and tbe borae paaaed It and came In the winner." Van Nor den Magailiu. Thty Oan't Like funtralt, "If you want to know Juat bow enalthe aome Waabtngtun folka are. llaten to tbe ivaautia ootue of our ten ant give for canceling their leaae," aald a renting agent. "I lent are tb complalnta from rite families who went to move l-rcauae tbey live ou 'fu neral atreet.' A lot of eople. It tee roa, are aeualtlve about that. There ate certain atreeta In lown-thu near cburcbe where many funeraja are held and tbo leading to lb varlout ceme lerte wbKb arv uaualty traveled by funeral partita. Hollar In tboao atreeta are becoming a our tnrratmenL There la more moving from tboke bouae than from any other we hava anything lo do with, and generally tbe mover glte n tbe rvaaon for their dla aatlaractloti the fact Ibat tb light of o many bvarae gate on tblr otrv." Waablngtou Star. Th nrgan. It I aald that tb queer, composite race of people that dwell Jipon tb waterlogged bulka of tb Baragosaa ate, in tb mid-Atlantic, have a pretty theory about death. They believe that tbo to whom tb meaeenger come when tb aun I ablnlag brightly are tranaported atralght away to a heaven of warm frn water only four ft la depth. In which they may wad and dlaport themalv to all tttrnlty. On tb other band, thoee who recetr tb call of death la nonra of darks moat need ndur a probationary pe riod before thty can ntr Into th future life. The Saragoaeaaa are la addition Arm believer la premonl. tlonvomena and foreordlnatloua. ' Inallnate f a Wtman. A tittle girl who had for om time waniMi a do waa taken very 111. Ona day whan much better ah told her mother of her dealr ana Mggea nr to ak ber grandpa to buy her on. Tb mother answered that grandpa did not Uko doge and probably would not be willing to buy one. Then, act ing th Uttle invalid look aadly disap pointed, Bh'eakL "Well, watt till yon gt wall, my dear, then w will ." "Ob, no," answered th child, who few year bad taught bar aome wU dom. "Tb more alck 1 am th more likely be will be to buy It for me." Bichenge. Heerdlng. Hoarding U not only an 'economic mistake, bat an economic ettme a wall. Iti to, la fact n atirtrral of the fl Aava nt -llUtlii It come down to aa from the Una when nearly all goveenmenta were conautr; or wwen conaiaarea lameeeaiv eo; Utied te plunder their iabject. Tba hotrdhtg to toud4 ape ctotruit of the1 government ttatoemen, Calcnttt. Reveree Aetlen. The BMar Matroav-Tov ahaulda't mind the batry crying n Uttle. It etrengthena hla lunge. The Younger Matron-Ob, no doubt, tut It weaken hie father' religion eol-IndwaapoU Journal . If you wettjaSetmw'eJnWttar visit yon twiee, Hgeea) M mm te wSat It telaMa.-OgeC. FrofeMloflil Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Deatlfl Offlc ovr Klamath County Bank C. F. tTONI Attoracjr at Law Oflllc over poatofllce, KUmath Falia, Oregon TaLtmoMK If D. V. KUYKENDAIL Attorney at Law Klamath Kalla, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Dank A Trutt Coa Iluilding Watch Sick If w aend it to our hoe pltal and we will give It th beat of treatment. Our "watch doctor" la from the "old cbool"and b un deraUnda hia buaincaa. Mail order promptly at tended to. Try ua and be convinced. H. J. WINTERS, Watcajukcr a Jeweler You'U Know It We mean Chat A SanbornV Seal Brand Coffee. It' the beat and wc are tbe exelu aive agent for KUmath Fall. VAN RIPIR Bros. 516 Ziin'8 Plumbing Shop CoRtrtctiHgl aad JobMatf Flratcuua Line of Plumb ing SpecUUiea and first cUaa Workmanship. A. O. U. W. BuikUajJ Falto Aa Up4o-Date NEWS STAND Many have been the re marie about our Newe Stand. Stranger eoralng into KUmath Falto have remarked about the com pltMa of thU line of our buslnee. A moat comptou line of Mape, Charts, Books, Magasinea Newepapere, eta. Ankeny's CENTRAL CAFE OpeaDay aadNlgat Private Dining Parlor Oysters Scnred la Aay Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. KlamUi laUs fi Wlaeaia Truck 6c Transfer COMPANY Furniture and pianoa carefully moved. Bagnge- wagon and general draylrjr. All work given prompt attention. Suae to and from all beat a. Phono 10B COLBURN ft YOUNG Proprierors 0. Hehtiial ft Co. Fur .Merchants Ca i h" jl Orijia, or Mclntirc-Straw Stage Line In Connection With Klamath Lake Railroad Hgggg meaiMMmmmmnTmne- Pokegama Line Stages leave Klamath Falls daily at 7 A. M. and Pokegama every morning. Sure Connection at Pokeijaiia Klamath Lake R. R Trains Leave Thrall daily at 3 P. M. and arrive at Pokegama at 5:05 P. M. Leavs Pokegama at 6 P. M. and arrive at Thrall at 8:20 P.M. S. P. Trains at Thrall North Bound fovth Bond 6:05 A. M. and 1.32 P. M. 2:25 and 5:55- P. M. KLAMATH FALLS FURNITU1E HOUSE Opposite Aawricaa Hotel , LET US FRAME TOUR PICTURES A full line of NEW PICTURE MOULDINGS and MATTING just arrived. We also -sell ready framed pictures. E. W. GnXETT 6 CO. THE OFFICE 1 E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor Choicest of Wines. Lkraors and ClgVsrs t A Pioneer Route A Pioneer Train The pioneers of early days, on their way to the Pacific Coast, blazed a trail acress the mountains and plains. Although they are gone and in many instances forgotten, the trail is stlU there. But. no longer is the ox team a means of transporfie tion. The old trail is now marked by the flashfof the Electric Lighted OVERLAND LIMITED A Southern Pacific COMPANY Cater to th better class of trade, with notkTntr to of end tbe moat critical You'll notice the difference whan yen try it. Juat the place to drop In for n re freaking bever age when you need a atimuUnt. Pure Uejaore of nM kind for family trade a specialty LUXURIOUS express train which is now the means of quick transportation between the East and the West. It is equipped with fine comfortable; stanil? ard Pullman sleeping cars, dmingcar with service a la cajta,.ubtary:, id club smoker observation car. No extra fair: is charged on tak-traln1, A first-class ticket and a ticket for a berth are all that is nscawafy. vlfake reservations for berth,' feterooxa, or drawing room through any agent.' .StWkO fP "VlrtwWW! 5 J "-"7 WU0I. J..WWtT; jnrtTaa. fl. , "A- i s- -