MARSH LANDS ( THE EVENING HERALD ABEL AD' v.fcTtb Ntr aM PKMtktoi GompMy m - -J m afc.naTV KBrBal 50 per catt vegetable Matter. IQtauith'i grtttett bariUIni " , , ... 1 W. fcSairm, k'! vi HI atnacurnoM bats - . I LIS a all tlM. .e a,uiMit, ... i .Mlk. - t aaW A M. .11 kussdHSrssfc Sheif Owi wi "" g mMMlM MRM kB aall SwawMniVtkkiiM wnkMt Mm teas Bar aasiMt mfc m rtssr awnhiSarUwi FRIDAY, FEBRUARY SS, 1908. No atitrfcer. 0 Ta TJte beare had been tnfonaed Skat he moot aa to woct Tell the greet father at Waeblaf aa." he rssaoaSia. lajnn heap read?. "What klad of wotfcr aeked the ach OBCOBrafed. aai bafalo," responded the ttWlBC blO OTOrBSMBt btaB- li art Halle Rube of Hat ft. Italy OTerj tewa of a few tbou tababftaati baa Ita own raloa of K bahsoTse the aatoaM- te tad oat whether ta the per- aaaeaitSee throat which to paea to' la to tan oat to tto left tto right If to deea aot do tbla. to TtbtoI MeaasJe, to start aot i fee roBowlat ta honored Tto FaJee and tto True. Toa aesd aot to ao erltleaJ." said tto potaaa accaeod. 'Yob ear I toro a riaaaary dlaaoatdoo, bat OTery oaa known yon toro oao too." -Isackaowledfe It," retorts tto ae cnaor, "tot aaaae to a geaaiae para cider Tlaegar dlspoaltloB. wklio joara la tto csasaescrlal cocapoaad of sul- ad wator."-Kaaaaa aty ecWMCe el HdJtwf dHfj RtNoiS Offered Rire OtpdrtunUy An uaaaoal opportunity U offered tto fanner of moderate meana to aoeuro a home fai tto LakeeMe Tract located on tho North ak ra of Tula Lake. Tto laad bow offartd for sale conajsta of 3500 aerosol Irrigable lend lying " tho Adama canal, a part of tho Klam ath Project, and admirably located loagthe.nkoreoftbelake. It la rtch sagebrush and graee land, part of it boing la culUration. It wlU bo aold In tracta to suit purchasers and on se.Ua f actory term. For BartieaUro call on or address, J. Frank Adama, manager Lakeside Com pany, Tula Lake, Oregon. Loose Cattle end Horse Warning la gln that horses, com and other anltuala found running loow within the city limits will bo Impound od, Thlt will coat the owner 3 Una bo sldee the feed. The dog tat license Is doe and payable March lit. C 0. 1-ow, found Matter. Buy a Home Adjoining tho new lair ground ; two and one-hall aeree or more, beat ol garden laad. Two and oao-ball acree la equal to eighteen lota 60x110 teat, II tlmee are good or bad you can always make a good living from It. Price reaaonable, and terma eaay. Bee U JACOBS, Owner. Mueie a4 Merale. iBiiaseir ta or can do ua- aaaral atoara. aatwtttotaadlag tto aoaetfleaa of TabMat aad ottor writ- am Tto teaal art to, of coaraa. oao ttot alaya apoa ttoemetteao and ow that gtorafaca may la cortala ladlrld al oaaaa excite tto aorroaa ayatem to a km aMck wt mtiaatty. tot It la too la ctoractar eror to aoatci ta aaaaaat ImmoraUty-llu- WhUlmr, tto lag aad tto Amateur. yaaa artlat tod broagkt ttot or- tatfe. gaalaa, Wkiatlar. to view km Tto two atood torero for aoaae momoata la al- ,-Doart job tklak taw gaJadag k a or a toteraole aktara. kfr. WhtottoTa oyea twtaklod. "What i of a towiBMe eggr to RiiiawJIa PraaHeal PatHetlem. takaa a aracdcal form la Tto aooalo are aotor, thrifty. muiwormmg and la aomdly earaeat rar al ttot caacorao ttobr country. From oarUeot yaar tto children are taagkt toho. aatrlotfc; It to oaa win growth, laciaaol with taeir loa- taaraed la tto boaae dreie Bam Mraaam atria of Vmlaaw toeei aJr.taBa atardy rtrtaiaa with thaw woaiax aeon KTrwaago. w9f vMnio w inVa Mr. Mllai lay. kUrto, wtot tore yew oat that aM Btoeaaaaafc of mo eat aa tto, maatalfer Heayoaa and oartk. that 4oat look aaytklag at all Ilka mo ow." Krai WaSlai"! know It. Beary, bat I raa'aereoa K aa ta tto attic yea- : r Uko to toro It I aaeo la awkf..wtot.yoa aaed to, look Uko yew amaiaa miuiaiiae, Nana ft carjrrts IS TUB COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. ESTATE OF JOSEPH CONGER, DECEASED. Notice la beroby given that the lait will and tooUment ol Joseph Conger, deceased, baa been duly proton and ad mitted to probate and that John W. tjlameaa and Chaa. D. WilUoo have been duly appointed aa executors there of. All persona having claims agaloat MtU eatato are hereby requested to pre sent the name with the proper vouchors, within six montba from the data of tbla notice, to the undersigned at tbo First National Bank in tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this I Jth day of February, 1908. . Joan W., 213 o-l9 CaABtaa D. Wiluoit, Executors of the last will and testa meet of Joseph Conger, Deceaaed. W. . FOLSOM Public Auctioneer At Harrison's Second Hand store, Sixth street, or addrsaa care of Box 116 rauMta filli - - OregVm We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL 6 SON At tto arte oa Mala Street Heavy IreliluJijJ tptcklty. BairMe Ortfen Arc Gives Froapt Atteattoa 0. K. Transfer & Storage . Company HavlMg to-date pliao -- tracks we solicit yomr PROMTS flae plaao avovlai KKKTON & THOMPSON, PROPRHTORS office an am S71 leatacaceMS Klamath Falls Machine Shops PECK 6 BERRY, Proprietor We are now prepared to do machine repair work of all kinds and guarantee all work first class and prices reasonable. wiBojor ra v darea a alaa .SUl'A '".. .l ' iwmmi wj hhmi Wot kmd bt a toy dose yoaae moaaT lfirakaltA alee-quiet toy that eteoaa.aoo.aaagaty waraa, amoko off aiaokk wkmtlo aroaad tto oaVe, play trlokoraetUtornkKktat Small Boy -Gwaat Toaee ooat toyi yenaoi waata a gbl SsaT Clkaaa News: Tto Feel at tto Station. man ateppedapto tto counter la oaaco of tto Colorado fcUd- Dway tbo ottor aftaraooa and tto nokot landkal earn: I, at time can a man" go to Gloa- woodr "At 7 JO o'clock toalgbV replied tto tkke aeUer. L Tkaka," aald the oaa. At tbla point s woman, who bad been atiadtag back a akort dlotaaco waiting tor tin to.aakaoM.quaatloiia. atep ped an. "Out 'a wimai"go,at that tlae,Joor',ato aaked aerloofly-Daa-rar Wat' , Hajeaai rter'Fuaerala,' , noaok frload of mine who. baa tow lravSt1aVnaefar far a -abort date aaMM;raet(towy, &", tto IsJIwfWi of 'ttorcrowd7arfBg of a funeral They do aUi ta IMaca.' Evoa 'la tto apwaed otreeta of Pari every one tot or cap at the eight of a i many oaaaa .the,, onlooker stoAtMfrfeagehas alowfj Myeaek Mead i that la some porta of km a would raa tto tmkrof a aaaaaltai it tto BBiHaaae Newa. PUBLICITY THE PRICE OF SUCCESS There is a right way to do things. There is a large amount of profitable business to be secured by the right kind of advertising without increasing the fixed expenses. The advertiser, in the preparation of copy, must consider what will appeal to the interest from the reader's kor the customer's point of view. It will not do simply to put down what seems to the advertiser to be interesting, without putting it to the test of wheth- er it will be so to the public as well. It must contain information that the public would either like to get at, or which they could be interested in by a suggestion in the shape of a good striking headline. What the pub lic are after principally is the goods at right prices, so that good descriptions should be included in nearly every ad. Prices are invariably of interest to the customer' and, whether the method' is reliable or not, formjbne' of the principal hwani of judging of the desirability of the goods. ifiaj uJjwi-i tjj iu). i ..layJi,;, East End Meat Market CRISLER S STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton. Fork and Poultry Fresh and Cured' Mcala and Hausagrs of i, We handle our meats In the most modrrn way In cWaa, lliiess ami wrruunillnga. Try us and will U try happy to have you for a customer. Frw IMIvwv. Incorporated November 28, 1900 Statemeat of CoadlUon . .of the...... Klamath County Bank Klamath Fall, Oregon DICIMPtK 31, 1007 RESOURCES Loans and Discount .. $340,530.80 Bonds and Securities 03UI2S.84 Real Estate, Uuildinirs and Fixtures 14,745.18 Cash and Slant Exchange.. 165.247.69 155,049.51 UABILITIES Capital Stock, fully pnld. S100.000.00 Surplus and Profits 21,753.11 Due Other Banks 32,000.94 Deposits 431,285.45 S585.049.51 I, Alts Martin, Jr.. Cashier of the above nsmnl hank, do solemnly awear that the above tut rotot is true to the brst uf my knuwlvOtt and Ullrf Al.EX MAltTIN, JK.. CashUr Subeeribnl and aworn to before roe thla 6th diy of January, 1MW. (Seal C II. WiTiiaow, noiary i uirnr lur urrjun OITICERS ALII MARTIN E.JLRXAMIS ALU MARTIN, JR. USUI ROGERS President Vice-President Cashier Asal Cashier Pioneer Bank of KUmath Batin MILLS ADDITION LOTS are) Advancing in Value When blocks lo Mills Addition were olTcrcd at bargain prices a number of shrevfd inven tors bought; since that tima values have increased materially. These Lota are Bargain Buys at present prices, and thsre is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet In width and ONI HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep-more than double tho area of most town lots offered to investor. FRANK IRA WHITII CAPT. O. C. APPLEOATE FRANK WARD Uadlaksmei. Office oa Fifth "'"aBBaBlBBBBBl L The Cream of the Best Old Continental Wills Normandy Rye r. r. v. Rye aottka Vaatr the SbbwUon of Iks Oovcraauai . . . None Better . . . C. D. willson WfcolHale Retail Ltqior Dtaler LH !'ll til, I J .a ?i i v ii -X a,V every good book seem fa kB1u k ,mAan r ''S'fwhoiareading'It. Every good IffWW. MVe SOmtthino- of thVmimHtv. SUe t of the store-ads. today appeals to you moat directly.