The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 28, 1908, Image 1

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,.,. te
lottly HnJ pr ,n
(Intnnth FnlM ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
m Yi:ab. NO. 480.
Price, 6 Cents.
sa lla!'
Sat will
idatort Already Speculat-
Lg on Probable Verdict
of Pelcrsteiner Jury
. .i - n,.. Il,ir ram ll Utl
k thai "" "
Lpl,U)ed,thoe 10 " b"1
lnt attendant "' ,,,,,, ""
ulatlnK 1 '' outcome. "
. tU .mile general eipretdon on
r,irrii that the Jury will dltegree.
, ulitt Hi" " u wnvk-tlon,
Li., nilmlly teem to think that I ht
lti tide ran eapect it bung Jury.
mte the tl" Irlend ol the de
, claim n (Ciiltul, but li feeling
at one of tli' two committed
Lrlnir, (ml tbe evidence la trongr
nit ivtfMtrlnrr then It wm egalntl
Jn inn yederday Issued tern-
(ry Injitrictloii retraining tbe slier-
elllnf lr the property
California A Oregon Land Com
ahlch wat advertised to lake
lUy In tit (herlff Us aale.
Isjanrtlon will I- In force pending
el l.ratlnR.
bob Continue Business
Jacob, ol Ilia Bnelon Htoff, rt-
I ImI tuning from Han Francisco.
Jtrubt dais that M ! WM Ueabie
itpot r( hit entire (lock ol good, he
Jtd to continue In business, Mid
i (tar lie purchased 110,080 (lock
itldng.dry gondt and (hot. The
) itock liti already arrived and Um
lot the good (f expected In short
the Ladle..
of Klamath Falla
El Inttreittd In flno China, I would
lially Inrlte to call at my itudlo,
day tndPalnrdsy afternoon, to ee
diw lino ol white China and alodlee.
i lor aedding and birthday pree-
solicited. Inttructloe given la
pa painting. Flreing very reason-
Mm. A. 8. Wjtaaox,
lllli Mrs. Ma. Hubbard on I'lna
at. I'hona Tilt.
Voters are Urged to Vote for
Appropriation for State
School 1 his Election
There I) one question In I voted on
t the June election lint It nl greater
luiorltice than any political office.
That U the referred hill (tippnrllng the
Stele Uulvertity.
The clllitnt ol the title ol Oregon ran
afford to maintain their own unlvrttlty,
and tbould hare toi muih liidelondcnce
to beg Irom Kockeldler and Carnegie
lunda to educate, their children ami
bring them up to believe In the natural
and divine right ol financial king.
Hoe; are we to t(cl ritlicru ol luwa
and Kantat, who tnd (our to (It bun.
dred thousand dollara wr )rar on date
untvertltlee to come Into a date where
a traction ol that dim la reluctantly
given. Wxty per rent nl the dudeiiU In
Urrgin high arlio-ile toilay havn entered
the data within the lad Ave yrara. We
want mme ol that kind ul ieopte.
The proposed pproptitlon will cod
tlie people oflhla (tale lr than twenty
flvecente each. The tat will I but
twenty Ave rente per 1 1 000 on thn tat
roll. Would you begrudge till aindl
amount to educate your or your neigh
bora children.
lleepotiam and anarchy prevail
where Ignorance rclgnt while liberty
follow a enllghtment and v.lucatlon.
There baa never nor will he a dollar to-
audi (pent lor education.
II you want the hill to paat, ol.
doe to Lakevlew
F. I. Crontmlller received hit com
raUdon.a Receiver ol the Ukeltw
Und Ofllca lad evening, and will lrae
Satord(y morning (or Ukevlew, to a.
runic the dutira ol bla ollke.
Criminal Cases are an Especial
Drain on County's Finances
Special Term of Circuit Court, Made Necessary by the John
son Murder Case, WW Cost Klamath County About
Three Thousand. Dollars
It U conaervately Mtlmaled tbat the
apcclal term o( Circuit Court, mad oec
eaaary by the Johnaon murder caeet.wlll
coat Klamath County fXXiO. The ei
penae up to ilia time ol commenting the
I'elerdeiner caw, aa cloaa aa il could be
accurately figured waa f IMS. It b prob
able that aeveral Juror, wltneaa and
other claim have not been aubmiltad
yet to the cleik, and thla will bring the
amount to about HUM. Thla la exclu
(ive of anything connected with the
I'eterdelnur caae.
The Corpron trial coat tla county
IM40.1U and li lteuilicl aa (olio was
Wltnettea 337.00
Jurore (ervlng 857.40
Jorora eicoee.1
Jorera board, 14 men
Court reporter , 7 daya
SpecUl Balllff,7 day
Total .... tl46.1
The 219, edlmate o( tbeaipenaeof
Jnroiw wbo wen aicuaed, U fignrad on
tba bet tbat 18 ol the regular panel
were not accepted aa Jurore but held
over dnring the trial, f! a day la be
I lev ad to be low aatlmaU, including
the aalary and allowance (or mileage.
Thetpeclal venire ol 1G men la placed at
an aspenee ol IS a day or a total ol 45.
Thla aJowtS2a day (or thoee who did
not lerve and an average ol II lor
Notes on Spring Styles
an Griffith, the hotel manolOdeaaa,
It down ltd evening on a thort bud'
County Conimiaaloner Albert Walker
arrlve.1 In the city yetterdey to lie here
at Ilia commencing ol Ibe regular term
ol County Court Monday morning.
The third nl thn eerlee ol haakel
ball gamea will be played Friday
night at lloutlon'e opera 'bout. The
game will be between the High Hcbool
nd the White Htar teame, which played
aucb a cloeo game lad week.
It your watch Ueickaend It to .Win
Urn' lloapltal. We will give It the beet
ol treatment. All work guaranteed. I
"Fathon It marching on In her uaual
way thla tprlng and to thoee wbo know
and ran ee ahead (he la leading up to
an entirely new type ol woman," eaye
(1 rare Margaret Ocmld.the (unoa edi
tor, In tho March, the Hprlng (aehon
number ol the Woman Home Compan
ion. "The change i to be a gradual one,
however, but More long the Uthlona
Ida woman will have banlahed lor good
and all the etlravaganlly large hat, the
huge ponidour, the frllla and the fur
twlnwa nl her bodice, and the lull akirt
The new tendency la all toward Uie
dralght up-and-down type ol flgnrt
doping, tleiider hlpt, pulleibback, tight
akirta trailing on the ground, plain,
AiimI mill, and alccvee of the old-
(aahloned tight-lilting eort which ding
to the arm Irom ahoulder to wrriat.
"Thla la what we are coming to, eo
the authoritlee wbo make the (utilona
tall ua, but aa vet we have Uken only
ateportwo on the way. Tbla aprlng
many email Ixta will be worn; the new
coraet effect givea unutual dander ( line ;
cul-ln-one dree( will be laahlonabla;
mouaqueUlre elcavea which -abow tba
outline of the arm will be favored, and
akirta will have loit their loll effect."
Tax Sale Today
Tba aale ol delinquent tax property
by tba iheriff, oecured at tba court
bouee today. On account ol the tempo
rary Injunction preventing tba aale
ol tba holding ol tba California
A Oregon Land Company, there
waa very little valuable property left
lor aale, the greater portion being
Whlulaka City and Dwffy'a addition
Iota. Tli la provea tbat property In
Klamath' county la too valuable to allow
it to be eold lor Use.
Mayor Says that City Council
Treated Committee With
Every Courtesy
Do It Now!
Wham H.. klJ. ..... .(.! arul that flnWAMa blOaSOM aUld thC Mil
'JM warm cnoolaiM atlfil& with ilfetheii 'toniMinrt
' mm in tune wiim BaiHt a Mm MP W1" " nic " " .' 7, ".
SJ., Come Ed IStUiSiffnmJ ! wf wowing In .our
WHY BOTHER WITH !OL I1TTING "Rat4y Madea" when we
wady to flu yow arey whim at the awie pricei.irT(3t
Election of 1908
Kegiatratioa opene, Jan. 0.
Cloaaa (or prUnarlaa, April 7.
Primary Election!, April 17.
Kegtatrallon reopane, April 31.
Cloaaa lor election, May 16.
General Election, June 1.
Regiatration reopena Sept. 30.
Cloaaa lor election, Oct. 30.
rreaidential Election, Nov. 3.
Information compiled for tba lnitrne
tlon ol tba public ia aa lollowa:
Prooaadlaga Under Initiative. Initia
tive petttlona mutt bare 7,465 algna
lurea; Initiative petitlona moat bellied
by January 31; argument advocating
meaiuraa mod be Iliad by February 3;
Initiative aseeauree mut be printed by
tba accrelaryo! data by March Z; cople
ol meaaarat meat be Bulled to votar by
April 7 ; eecretary ol atata mutt make
up the form ol ballot by May 4.
Primary Election Candidate for
atate and dlttrlct offleea, to be voted lor
In more than one county, and lor cir
cuit judgea and dlttrlct attorneya, moat
file with the eecretary ol atata, at the
time pi beginning to circulate patitiont,
aropyol the petition lor nomination,
tlgncd by hlmtelt, aa evidence tbat aald
elector la a candidate lor nomination by
bit party. The vote catt by a political
party in each voting precinct lor repre
sentative In congreaa that but preceding
general election lathe bed on which
the percentage -for petltiot.a tball be
counted, and need not exceed 1000 tig
Petition lor nomination to be voted
lor in dUtrlct ooeaprltlng more than
one county mutt be tlgned by at lead
two per cast ol the aleotof teeMlng in
each ol at leatt one-eighth ol the pre-
clnct la ateh or atleaat twp'countie
in tb dittrwt and need not eiceea eoo
Petition (or nomination lor office to
be voted for in only one county, or dlt
trlct, ahall m" AM with the county
clerk not leea than IS daya before the
date t tor Um primary election, Wed
nesday, April 1.
The form ol primary ballot mutt be
cartload to by the eecretary ot ttateby
March W. . ,
Caavaet of vote for BOmluUon for
(tauajei diMrietoatcea muatbe made
by May 8, . Hf
Editor Ktenlng Herald :
I noticed In lad evening' Herald a
letter tlgned by C. C. Hoitue, and at hit
reraarkt were more or let peraonal,per
mltmetoutea tmtll portion ol your
valuable tpace totay that thit gentleman
It eltbtr inxecuaably Ignorant ol the facte
In tba matter ol which he hat pretaued
to (peak or elte he It actuated by a will-
ful and raallelout detlre to pick a quar
rel with the Mayor.
The committee appointed by the Civic
Federation to ctnfer with the City
Council at their latt meeting wa court
louriy received and not abuted aa the
gentleman' i-emarka would lead on to
believe. Thla committee coniided ol
Judge J. B. Orlflith, Dr. Leonard and C.
C. Brewer and I am (ure that theee
gentlemen can but aay that they were
well treated by the membet ol the
council who were preeent, wbo by the
way did not meet In regular eeealon at
the time of the committee' vltlt, there
lielng no quorum. Alaothe gentleman
pretumee to (addle onto the Mayor the
entire retpondblllty for the purchase ol
the Ore alarm tyitem. He date tbat
the Council waa divided on tblt quel-
tlon and thai the mayor aettled the
qoettlon and the Mayor wat to blame,
now II thit were true at leatt one ball
ol the Council would be aa much to
blame a the Mayor, II there be any
blame attached to the matter ol thit
Now I do not with to ihlrk my part ol
the retpondblltr ol thia purchase for I
waa then and am now heartily in accord
with the action at the Council In the
matter and il the gentleman will take
the trouble to look at tbe record, be will
find that thit purchate wat made by tbe
unanlmout vote ol the Council and not
tattled by the Mayor and It wa not
neceeeary at thit time nor ha it ever
been neceeeary dnring my encumbancy
to atttle any matter ol a lie vote.
B. Et. Geo Blthop. Mayor.
Juror Ira Hanson Taken Sick
Trial WiN Probably Be Con
eluded Tomorrow
The continuation ol the trial ol Peter-
del ner wat delayed today, on account ol
the deknett ot one ot tbe Jeror, Ira
Hanton. Mr. Hanson differed an
attack ol rheumatitm yesterday and
thit morning wat unable to leave bit
room. He 1 beiog attended by Dr.
Merryman and it it believed be will not
be able to be In ccmrt tomorrow.
The ladle ol Fort Klamatb give
leap year party at tbat place tonight. A
large number ol candidate from here
bad planned to go np but decided not, to
on account ol tbe condition ol tbe road,
doe to lad night' mow itorm.
W. T. 8blve, who bat been In Oak
land and other California point, 1 ex
pected bome tblt evening.
For tbe beet rig In town call at tbe
Mammoth Sublet. H. W. Straw, Pro
prietor, t
According to the latest report tbe
Americlao Car, in tbe New York to Per
il race, wa ahead. It waa witbla 41
idle fiom Cnlcago and making program
at the rate of one mile an hour tbroagh
the enow drift.
Tbe Oregon State Association of wow
men ha filed with the Secretary of ,
date, ten objection a argument In op
position to Woman'a taffrage In Oregon,
which itonepltbe initiative and referen
dum measure to be again voted opon at
tbe coming election.
Tbe New York World aay tbat tit
State ol New York cannot per Gover
nor Hughes that it wants to keep Um
at Albany for Awo year more, Instead
ol letting him go to Washington for leer
or eight year. Here Is a atriUag tri
bute Irom an able and lair-
minded paper belonliog to tbe ospoaiu
party. Tbe World eaya that
baa teen one ot tbe beet Oeveraor
whom New York has ever bad.
The decitlon ol the Jodgee, on Ike
1000 offered by Senator Boaraw for tba
beat eeeay favorable to a escoad elective
term lor Roosevelt, will be aaaoaaeed
March 15. There are very tew maaw
scripts submitted Irom Oregon.
Tbe report that Senator Fulton at
tacked President Roosevelt in a apeeck
made at a dinner given by Senator An
keny , ia denied la a atatemeat made aid
tlgned by more than a doeea eeaator
and others wbo were preeent and beard
the remark ol Fulton.
With both Cake andO'Bea la the) Said
againat bim, Senator Fulton'e chance
ol renomination are practically earn
ed. Every public man ha opaoatties,
but tb Iriend ol Fultoa are el the
most loyal hind. There It no dividing
hi (trength, bat tbe more candidate
in th Add, tbe aarer he U ol eleetiew.
Special price lor th next thirty daya
at Hnlee'e ttndlo. t
Attenda the Fisherman that
Fly Hooka, Spoon Balta, Reels,
Lines, Steel and Bwboo Rode.
They are constructed for iden
title alanine and no nutter how
rnitklHtd tht flrttrmin twrtt?
will attend hla effort if he i
onr tackle.
Roberts & Hanks
none 173, Inuna Block