. M. A. aWiu SicAN CANDIDATES - rAtiirrv CLKftK . . if m a citiill i,i,r "'" -"'. m.;mb , County Oltrk, it th. coming Lryflcclloii' lllliNI..Slm,,. II, I. !" " 1,by -IrcUrs mll ",',u, iihf '!' '" nrl"'rr elee- 0. H. Pi'lap. ro coumtt wamr l.re..y rfv::,!,?u ":::!!: ft", lor the offlc. l HberMcl ' .a. I . a.. ll.M iImmImIh. nttli roimly. "')' '" "" . conilnnwlnwiy "" uu W. , ll llii r.o. , .IrcUr. tnyMll a candidate .-..,, nl listlfl lor lit comW. 0II ol ili republican roltr at tin iir election. II, n. iimunuii Ltby announce uijr candidacy for ftonilnallun ol """" " - i.i.t in ilia action ol the ra Eicln inters at Ilia primary election, klKllilW- WM. MAtWIJl. MB BTATI UNATM brltlt announc Biyll a candl- i lor HMl "Bitot irom Mamewi, l I'.li ruunlle OB til Kv cn tlrsrt, subject to Um decision ,. prlinsrr election. l, r . .M...U. L .. ...It in nana la th K llcsntottrs lor Jol' ,ruro btili, Us u,o1' wuniiw ei Crlaiiiy election to b bd April 1W. . ... irinf liltlilnlly represented tin ild la lb ! Me- .. ....I .Inr. ilia evnatorehlD tlM. this term, ln conceded lo Kla- h inln ail lor Hit lavoranl con- tallon ol Ida voter ol thla IJIUlkt. lttpecliully, (1K0. II. MERKYMAK. lalili lo Halt that I am a candidate lb Republican nomination lor Joint Lor to represent ilia dlatrkt eon lai ol Ciuob, Ktamalb and Us kllet. ! - IIUMiATK, UonaoM, Orfon. K COUNTY TKASUtn beitli announce mv candidacy lor latllon to tlia offlce ol County nMf an tl, lUoulillcan llckal tub to tbt dKlilon ol ilia prlmarUa on hi it. I.. AI.VA LKWI8. Ilxraby JkUh ntyaall candidate lit nomination ol County Trtaaartr km nnl,llfn llckal. atlllkMt lO tilt feUtrtllon ol Ilia rottra at tlia prl litttttlon. T. W. HTKPIIKNH. Iianounct mrMll a randldata lor Ilia tblican nmiilnallon lor I n a ol County Trtaiurtr.aabkKtlo tlia lolllit otri at Ilia coming tlaa- la April C.O.CIHTWOOD. roi COUNTY Ibtraby announce royaall aaa candl I lor nomination on llit Ktpnblicatn I, tor County Aimaar, ol Klaaath loty, tubject to tba daclaloai ol tha at Hit primary alactlon, I1KKTE.W1TIIK0W. Ilurtby announr my candidacy (or Ntor ol Klamalli County, aubjacl to I action ol Hit Republican toltra at I primary tltcllo.) oi April 17, W. bra1li,r'tb.lli90. I haroby annminco myatlla candidal lor llm nomination, on Ilia llapiilillcan lliknl, lor County Hrhool Hiifliitpin. mil, ulijrctto Ilia (ImIiIoii of llio volvra at lli I'riuiary tltctlon In April, J. II, II0IIU9, ' Merrill, Ori)n, roil COUNTY COMMIMIONU 1 livreliy annonnco iuyll at a candi date for Um iiiimlnalloii fnrCoiiiiiiliin r on III republican tlcknt, for Ilia com lilaratlon of Ihn voleri at III primary alactlon In April. 0. J. HWIMUI.K, lirtlla, Ota, FOR COUNTY SURVKYOR I litiiiby aniioiinc" inycll a cnmlldato for rt elect Ion lo lliu olltie of Comity Hurveyor, auliject to Ilia coinlderatloii of III lltpublitaii vutett at Hi primary tlrctlon, l. I). WII.I.IAMH. FOR JOINT UKI'ltKHKNTATIVK To lli Itepubllcana of Klamalli, Ijike, Criiok'and Orant countltt' I with to Inform Hie Itepulillcani of Klamalli, Lakt, Crook aiidtlrant conn-1 lira, lontlltutliig His Twt-My.flrit l(fH reiilatlf Dlitrict of Ortgoi'i tliait my nam will Im pirteiilfl lor )our coinid ration at the primary flection to t btld April 17, IWW, aiklnn your auffragt for atltcllnii at on of llit llepubliran iiomlntti for Joint Iteprrwnlatltt lo be balloted for ou June I, IIWH. II. I'. lUlkoap, I'rlnevllle, Oregon. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY UURUT 1 rvtitl(ullr atmouiir ui)ell at a candidal lor the office ol -Minlf! on the IKimocrallc ticket, aul.Jecl to tha lll ol lli olera at the primary election. II. KT.dKU. IIIKIIOI'. A PERSIAN SERVANT. j l Ha Waa Paatleal Rvan If Uaalta'- Olahanvat In on way Fatata ramlnda om ! ly of EncJaod, for Umn tra t-ith (klaca aa dlfflculttaa with' MrrafM ! tu Tthtran. Tb autkor ikimkmi'oM of ba aertauta, wbo, aa k kad bn lallnr, wm Incompetent to 4a anything but atw ou huttonj. Tba tMB pro tected, "Wbat will bacoBM of im bow that I bave brii tatlnf jrovr aalt for "iico'a long tlmt and am driraa eat Into the atre-tar II waa reakMtod that he bid only been employed tut fortnight. Un anawared that kf fWt rt had been for year. Ilo waa told that lit wai no good, but Ida rolublllty on ly Incrtaatd. "flow can I b no goad after having etayad with yout Can you forget wbat Ha'dl aald: 'A piece of clay hating fallen Into tb tlamman from my Iwloved'a band Into mint, f aald to II, Art thou muik or ambergrla that I am drunk with thy perfume; whlck catcbea at toe heart y It an awtrtd: waa but a worlhleaa plac of clay, but I waa In company with a roe for a moment. Thla companion lilp tranformd me or U I abould till be lb tame piece of clay Ibat I waa.1 " On ran pity tb atata of an BuglUh wlitrtea confronted with auch an ar gument. Tb author kept bta terras! another week, am) be remfrka dUcon aotately that la that tint b dlacorr d that If tk tailor waa a pott k waa alto a thief.-London Qlobt. lrof ikratl Cardf DK. WM. MARTIN Dtatllt Offlca orir Klamath County Bank c. r. STONE Attorney at Law Otitic oror poatofflce, Klamath Falla, Oragon TaiarrioMS t D. V. KUYONDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Falla, Oregon DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Hank & TruiHCo.' DuIUIdr Mclntirc-Straw Stage Line j In Connection With ' Klamath Lake Railroad trai Pokegama Line. Stages leave Klamath Falls daily at 7 A. M; and Pokegama every morning. Sure Connection at Pokegaaa 1 Watch Sick ADVERTISING. 1 hereby announce tnywlf a candidal on the Iemocratlo ticket, lor the nor.il- neiion lor eneriii, lor me caui.iuereuoii of the voter at lb primary election, U.K. IIUNHAKKIt. hereby announra my tall a candidal tbt nomination to th olflc of ir, iiblect lo lb drcitlon of th nbllclin totera at the primary tire- K. W.QOWKS rot raoocuTOrO attorniy bartby announce mytolfaaa candl- ion me iteimblican ticket lor th llMthilorlhaomcaal DUlrlct At. for Klamath and Uba "cooatle. M lu tht decliion of the otera at primary election. KIIKI). II. MILL8. FOR COUNTY CORONER I rrtpeclfutly announce myeelf at a ! candidal for III oRlc of Coroner ol Klamath Counlr, Oregon, on the Dem ocratic ticket, ub)ect lo the approval of lh voter at '.he primary election on April 17, 1MM. KAK1, WIIITLOCK. FOR COUNTY AUKSSOR I hereby declare wyerlf a camlldaie for Hit nomination lur County Aeeetaor on th Democratic ticket, tuhject to the declaion ol the volet at tb primary election. J. I. I.KE. fOR COUNTY TREASURER I rectfully announr tnyaelf aa a candidate lor the office of County Treas urer, on lh Democratic ticket, (Object lo derl.lnn of the voter at tha I'rlmary election. CLAUD II. DAdOETT. The MIMl.it Fatter In the Mrn Rutin WrW. ' "Adrtllng U today tk aUcktheat factor In the bualueta world." writ) Truman A. I Weeee In yattai, tk lligazlno of Uuilnaaa. "It la an vo lution of modem Industrial compvti tlon. It la a bualneta butldar, wltk a potency that go bejrond human d atrt. It la aomelblng more than a ' M rummer knocking at tbe door of tb ' consumer, aometblug more than aner i aaleaiuanahlp on paper "Advertt.lug U a poaltlv creatlv fore In builneea. It bullda factorlta, ikyacraptra and railroad. It makee two blade of grata grow la tba but! neaa world where only on grew be fore. It multiplies human wanta and InttnalOe dettre. Tbe result U that II force man tu greater conauBjptiuo, bene stimulate bla production to keep up wltb bit buying desire. "Bfor advertising waa developed Into a One art and before It becam a factor to tbe commercial world tb butlnet of lb manufacturer and mer chant waa tu supply lb normal Bd and desires of the human family: mer chandising viae buuaded by maa'a M resettle and by bis meager knowledge of tbe luiurle which be deemed with in bta reach." If w ae-nd It to our hos pital and w will glv it th liest of treatment. Our "watch doctor" (a from th "old school" and he un-' deraUnda hia huaineaa. Mail order promptly at tended to. Try a and be convinced. H. J. VVDCTIM, Watckauker a Jeweler You'll Know It We mean Chaa 4 Sanborn'a Seal Brand Coffee. Ifa the heat and we are the exclu sive agenta for Klamath Falla. VAN RIPER Broa. sis KR COUNTY CLERK 1 lierehv announce tnvstlf as a candi date for nomination to office of County Clerk eutijecl to ail Ion ol ueinocreuc voters at tb primary election. W. A. DEI.ZELt.. 1111 bo a candidate lor tha Kannbll .vuiiiiauun tor ma one oi ntlnf attorney for tha aaeond Utt attorney district el tha ttete ion ConilaUni of lha eauntlaa UdKUmatb. . ' 0. V. KUYKKNALI tlCBAnt tr r VlaHII4aMleafffMIC fatby uteiaM y.U & MoMitlt) Ua nomltiAll.n l n A O.l I k ..v iwr vwubit rsnooi IfBUflftM im Al 17... . RMIoao voter., th prlaalry' Mao e,U, BJTTAIV,' Uim?11' M0"JBy Mdldaejr rHww tka ayMMui Uaket J.O.W10BT. tire Alarm Districts DUtriet No. 3 Weal aide of river. District No. 4 South of Main meet from th bride to Center treet DlatrictMo. 6 Conger and California Avenu. Dlatrlct No. 0-Ewauna Height. District No. 12-South of Main, b twM Center and Third. Dlatrlct No. 13-Soulh of Main, be tw Third and Fifth. Dlatrkt No. 14-Norti. of Main, be tween Third and Fifth. District No. 16-South of Main, to Walnut between Fifth and Seventh. District No. 16-North of Main to High, between Fifth and Seventh. DUtriet No. 21-South of Main to Walnut, between Seventh and Ninth. District No. 22-North of Main to High, between Seventh and Ninth. District No. S3-Hot Spring district est of Main and Ninth. District No. 24-South of Walnut to Plum, between Fourth and Sixth. Dlatrlct No. 26-Bouth of Walnut to Plum, between Sixth and Eighth. Dlatrkt No. 31-Southof Walnut and East of Eighth. ....... Dktrict No. 32-North of High to JaCanoa. between Sixth and Eight. DUtriet No. 84-North of JeRerton, hatwaaaSUtk and Eighth. JettMtvi, iMtweea akghtk and Tenth. Dietrkt No. 41-North of Jafferaon, baiwaea Eighth asd Tea.Uk . DlatfMt If fa aw, . Thigeaeral alarm will be aounied by giviac tan rapk. etrokee o'W."". liKiirid k tka auasber of tbe dlitrict la whleh the ire la located, which will k- -,mm , ikM. tlaaaa.1 Whan the trletU'repreaeated by more than one cure, aa Na.se, Kr giving i .ui tk hall will ha tanned twice then a aught gaum, followed by four Ufj nll a IwisT'r r" aaithenre seated twUa aora before aeaadlag th liiml rtana agak Hint ef Untldlntts. "If tou eiit tu itudr human n hire lust try Iwlug a aalreman la a department store for even a abort time,' said tbe chirk over hi evening meal. "Tbere Isn't a day but I bar a quiet laugh uivr lb remark of cue tomtr or, more frequently, would be customer Today, for Instance. 1 waa approached by a wrll drtaaed elderly w.ani.n wilt, the rmiueal to ahow her aotn cu and aaucer. She did not! want china ouee-eometbtng in porce lain, for 'common everyday uee,' abe aald. 1 brouicbl out aamplaa, and Anal ly ber choice simmered down to a plain white and tbe other a white wttk a dull grayish green figure. A If to ac count for ber decision abe aald to me In a moat confidential tone: 'I gueea 111 take lb gray one. Tby won't aaow tbe dirt eo aeon.' "-New York Preaa. A Pufnatletie Rupee. When V. R. Beaton, the actor, waa training two armlea of "euptr" for a katiu ha had aosaa dlamcultr In ner- auadlng tb weaker aid to aubsslt to be conqaered. Even at tne nrti per foraoanc tba vanqulaked force, which iBi-imiad a aoaoawkat Duamacloua Irlak- man, wko may be caUed X., upeet tra ditional ueagee by evrly maullag It victor, ana in piay mua nave aoi fared U tk bint of on of the warrior bad not been taken. -Look a-btre, Mr. Benson." be aald. If you want ua to be beaten, you moat put X. In tka other army. Tkaf a tk only way."-London Standard. Margaret'a Alphabet -thiu u.ra.rat was havlna diffi culty with th alphabet, wbkh waa be ing taugbt ker la tbe good old way. Tbe letter H waa a desperate pitfall. II aha COUU not rememoer, au ui mother aald. "lee. Margaret. It look like a gate." That waa an Inspiration. Now Margaret U In clover. She never forgeta, but thla to what abe aays: A. b, c, d, e. f. g. gate. L etc. Her mother a at II I harder work ahead In making tbe little maid torget.-Waak-tngton Iter. Prevtd. De MUUob-I must say I am very ua dlaannnlnted hi TOIL YOU told me that when you were nurrtod you would ptov tut you. aaa bum ability. Oa'.Porely-Well, aw dear . I did orore that wkea I aarrled year daughter.' . Deean't Agree. ' "Yoa abould never 'take anytklng tkat doeen't agree with you," the pay letoa told Mr. Mark. -If X had alwara foUowed that rale, Maria,1 h remarked fo hit wife, -"whore weald you her Carved HU Name. rtaybor-Tkat boy aOreun eeerna to oe a bright oak. BVU cut out a aam for kJamekf 'eeese day. Fajder OuagrRyli -ne'e 'aaaev tt . already -ear new slaaol Zim'i Plumbing Shop CoairactlM ana Jobbing Flratcuw Line of Plumb ing Specialtk and first claaa Workmanship. A. O. U. W. BalkUag An Up4o-Date NEWS STAND Many have been the re marka about our New Stand. Strangers coming into Klamath FalU have remarked about tb conv pleteneaa of thla line of our bualneaa. A moat complete line of Mapa. Ckarta,Book,Maglne Nawapepera, eta. Ankcny's CENTRAL CAFE OpeaDaj aid Night Private Dining Parlor Qyitera Served la Aay Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. Klaaiatli falla 6 Wlneata Truck ft Transfer COMPANY Furniture and piano carefully geaecal SaymgT iAU work totdrreaaaUboau PbonelOl C0(IBTJ1K S YOUNG - Proprietora aHalmiliift Co. Fur Merchants Aaarey' saWsjV : 0ra, or Klamath Lake R. R. Trains Leave Thrall daily at 3 P. M. and arrive at Pokegama at 5:05 P. M. Leav3 Pokegama at 6 P. M. and arrive at Thrall at 8:20 P.M. S. P. Tralnt at Thredl North Bomnd Soath Bond 6:05 A. M. and. 1.32 P. M. 2:25 and 6:55 P. d KLAMATH FALLS FURNITURE HOUSE Opposite Aawrlcaa Hotel LET US FRAME YOUR PICTURES A full line of NEW PICTURE MOULDINGS and MATTING jutt arrived. We alao tail ready framed pictures. E. W. GOIITT ft Got THE OFFICE E. H. DnFAULT. Proprietor Cholceat of Wlnea, Ltgaora ami Cliara r Cater to tb better claaa of trad, with sjoUaaa; to i tbe moet critical You'll notice tbe duT try it. Just th plac to drop in for a refr hlng hateev ag when you need a atimulaot. Pure Bqaora el aH kinds for family trad a specialty A Pioneer Route A Pioneer Train The pioneers of early days, on their way to the Pacific Coast, blazed a trail acreas the mountains and plains. Although they are gone and in many instances forgotten, the trail is still there. But no longer is the ox team a means of transporta tion. The old trail is now marked by the flash of the Electric Lighted OVERLAND LIMITED A Southern Pacific LUXURIOUS express train which is now the means of quick transportation between the East and the Wast. It" iaequippedwithfirenic)rUbUsUid-. ard Pullman sleeping can, dining car ' with aarvica a U courta, Ubi,:d club amokar oDaarratkm car." No extra fair, is chvrgad on this triin.? A flrat-cksa ticket and a ticWj'Icf berth art all that is nxiaary.,f Muw reservations for berth, sUtroom, or drawing room through any agsnt.' ' ff COMPANY M ai -Je t n , - a. - t "rv U J w.-'