The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 27, 1908, Image 1

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    f .
Mostly KcJ PPr In
Klamath Full"
Our Advertisers Gt
the Best Results . . .
coNi) Yi:au, No. 485.
Price, 6 Cents.
iportant Changes are Recom
mended by Directors
mt Annual Mtlf and Election of Officers to be Held at
Same lime. Ihe tanuat Meeting This Year Will
Be on tlM (Mirth of March
Will Q. Steel Here
i . ...t .ntilll. IDMllltsI Of ll Wftt
II -
I'srri A"uel"tlon '" t D,M '
.j..,.n At.fll 4. It protnlsselo I
I tt; w "
inpnilsul meeting, among the things
U ninIJrrel Wing iwiuwiiig
loJrofOlt 10 1 re iywi
fcs Stockholder of the Kiamain
Iter Users Association are hereby
Li.k.i ik. fullnwlitf amendment
Um llylsws of mUI association mill
I Mbmlli J lor irtvir acceptance or
nttlon il the I"" annual meriine; m
(stoekboMers to be htd In Klamath
i, Or., n the 4lh day or April.
, it the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.l
-l .,ln I. Art 1(1 II. of Mid
lUwi, I amanded to road toU
annual meeting of tho stork
i of the aiiocUtion shall b hold
Klsmath Falls. Ort at a plac to
designated by the Directors, and
I In tho notlct hereafter provided
on the fltt Friday bi Jum of each
k at lbs hour of 2 o'clock P. M.
first annual meeting under this
w shall b. held in th yaar IMS).
at Section Z. Artlcla V, of aai) By-
, bs amended to read aa follows :
t aUsUctlona any owner of ataak of
association, whoa titissaiiats
bora fuUy (Mid. U a ouefcasd
r ami shaU bo entitled to oao vow
letch snd every aharo of tho stock
I by him, not, however, to oacotd
aggregate IGQ votes.
at Section 2. Articlo III, of said
llses, be amended to road aa fai
th Director ahall at th lime of
I election bo a quallOod oloctor and
I saner of lands situated In Ihalrrl
i district to which share of stock
this auUtlon aro appurtenant,
shell slso be a resident of tho dm-
at Section 4, Article III of said
llawe bs amended to road as follows:
annual election of Directors,
kmeneing with tho yaar IMS, ahall
Id on ths first Friday In Jum of
tysar, at tho tint of tho regular
al meeting of tho association and
such Directors shall bold thslr respec
tive offices for one ysar, or until their
successors aro oloctod and qualified;
tho Hoard of Directors shall bo oloctod
by ballot, and a majority of tbe number
of aharts voted at tho slsctlon. shall bs
nocoaoary for a choice,
That Section 2, Article II, of said lly-
laws be amended to read a follows;
Notice of such annual meeting- ahall
bo given by publication In at least three
newspapers published weekly within
the Irrigation district; such notice shall
be published not leu than thirty day a
before the date of holding such mast
ing. That Section 4. Article II, of said By
laws shall be amended to read aa fol
lows: Notice of special meeting shall be
given by publication In the same man
ner as for regular meetings; sucn no
tice shall be given not Issa than twsnty
days before the date of such meeting,
and ahall contain the order of the Board
of Directors calling such meeting, stat
ing Ihe purpose for which said meeting
la called.
Will 0, Kteel, of Cortland, arrived on
the boat last evening. Mr. Steel Is one
the principal promoters of the Crater
Lake vmipany, which will provldotrane-l-ortatlon
and accomodstlons (or sum
mer tourists In Crater lake. The com
pany has coiirrsuloiis from the fo em
inent for a hotel sml other cacotnods
tlone In Ihe National park. Mr. Hloel
contracted a severe c1d on bis trip, and
In confined to his hotel but expects to be
out In a short time,
Death of Mrs. Rlggs
Mrs. Frstik W lllgge, "bo baa been
living with Iter son, F. W. Rlggs In the
lllehn addition, died alt o'ebwk last
evening as the result of old age, aged 78
The body will be tsken from the
undertaking parlor at 10 oclock to
morrow. Hsrvleet will be held a( the
Favors Not Appreciated
Band Boys Surprised
Al about fl: lat evening, at tho
members ol the KUmath falls Military
Hand were practicing In Ihelr new quar
ters, they were agreeably surprised by
Ihe arrival ol at-out 25 lady friends,
laden with baskets and psckagrs ol
cake, pies, eandwltchee and other good
thlegs lo eat. The aflatr had been se
cretly planned by the ladies and came
aa entire susprlse lo the boys, as they
bad not the least inkling of the plan.
Tables were quickly arranged and
loaded down with Ihe good things, and
the boys displayed as much ability
handling the Impllments ol tho table as
they do In the nse ol their musical in
struments. Alter supper the band
favored lire ladies with several choice
selections, after which tbey all repaired
to the ball room, and spent Ihe remain
der of lbs evening, until midnight in
Had It not been (or Senator Charles
W. Firlton, Johnalhan Bourne might
not hate been United Static Senator
today, yet Ooiirna is now doing all be
rsn lo defeat Fulton. Gratitude la pol
itics is thankfulness (or future favors,
not past assistance.
It waa Fulton who defeated C. W.
Hodsrin lor president ol the Senate at
the last scMlon st the reqnest o( Hourne
who feared that II llodeuo won tho pres
idency Ids own election to Ibe Senate
would be In Jeopardy, therefore he went
to Fulton and had the latter pull a lew
strings, which sidetracked llodeon and
resulted In Iheelretlorsol K. W.llslnse,
ol Forest 0 nit e.
When HodMin lined up Senator Smith
ol Marlon he controlled Ibe situation,
and his election as president was pract
ically assured. Fulton was the only
man who conld Induce Smith to switch
lo llaWe, and whits there was no love
lust between Fulton and llodeon, yet
Fulton took no hand In the game until
llourne requested liliu lo do the life
.teener eneclalty. Orcein as I'resl-
dent, llwlson would have been able to
defeat Hourne (or the Senate, and It was
this that caused Bourne to seek Fulton's
aid, and the latter affected the change
In Pmllh's support. This little lavor
hss apparently been forgotten by Bourne
(or he Is now working to defeat Fulton
at the primaries by boosting Blatement
No. 1 Nominees.
Pctersteincr Case
Tom Cale, delegate from Alaska, says
that the two men Irom that territory
who will r lo the National Convention,
will neither support Roosevelt nor any
man indorsed by blm.
Do It Now!
WhM it. Ms!. AnssmauM to chtrn and the floweH blossom and the tun
N Juit warn esotAhto TnMtejoti atlifled with Ufethen ! J? wuw jni
gisuittwr rr
lATtrt? Banmwtaswn tinsMf tff VrrTIMfl sUtMrlv IfsUlea WhtU Wt
I HAalsles A -. asU a. .a Aft.. .arawsMasi JSkfMa11saal.
- sshij io mi yov artfj wuni ai iam p"
When Court convened this mornlnir,
the examination of Mr. Johnson wss
continued by the stab. Wis wss fol
lowed by Mr. Hlion and Mrs. Welch.
Their testimony was rotative to the In
juries received by Johnson, especially
bringing out the fact that besides the in
jury to Ihe eye, there was also a swollen
ridge serosa the bead, which caused him
considerable pain. This evidence will
be used In strengthening the contention
ol the prosecution tbst Peterttelner not
only1 ran tbe cue Into Johnson's eye, but
Srst hit blm over tbe bead with It.
The prosecution did not Introduce the
testimony as to tbe dying statement of
Johnson, but it Is sxpeeted that the de
fease will not it as evidence.'
The first witness (or the defense wss
Cowl Reporter Rlchsrdson, who wss
ossd for tbe purpose ol Impeaching tbe
testimony of UEaserson, It was shown
that soros ol bis testimony did not agrco
with statements made at the preliminary
hearing and tbe former trial.
E. J. Hawkins, one of tbe solo player
In the saloon on tba night of tbe trouble,
contradicted Emerson's testimony as to
the number of persons at the card table.
Wm. Mcintlre known ss"Ulsckle"
testified that he was not ons ol tbe solo
players, as staled by Emerson, and that
he was not In tbe saloon Ihe night of the
trouble, but In another part o( tbe town.
A diagram, drawn by Hawkins, wss
Introduced showing the arrangement ol
the interior ol the saloon, and greatly
aided la tho descriptions ol the occur
rences on Christmas ere.
Ludwlg Blehn was on the stand wbsn
court adjourned lor noon. Ills testr
jnoaywM along the same lino as la tba
(orator trial.
At the afternoon session the detente
examined Ludwig Btebn, Hawkins, Br,
Merfynun and George Bieatt, and their
testimony was practically aa that given
lit tbe Corpron trial. Deputy Prosecut
ing Attorney waa than called to the
stand and questioned aa to the state
ments made to. blm by Johnson, relative
to who inflicted the wound, at the time
that Htona was Investigating tho ease lor
evidence. Tbe questions were objected
to by the Bute and sustained by lbs
Attorney Mills took an exception to
the ruling and stated that it waa bis
purpose to prove that Johnson told
Stone that Corpron was tbe man who
run tbe cue into his eye. Mills lnformsd
ths court that ho wished to bring in
testimony as to the statements ol John
son alter his Injury. At 3:46 tbe Court
dismissed the jury until 9 00 In the
morning, (or (bo purpose ol hearing the
arguments and evidence as to the ad
missibility ol these statements.
Purpose of the Federation
Editor Herald: Your editorial on
the action ol the Civic Federation in in
structing Its Exscutlvs Committee to
enjoin tba completion of the contract
lor a fire alarm system does not teem
to me quit In accord with all the facta.
I msy be mistaken In this aa I did not
attend the meeting at w.hlch the action
was taken.
You do not take Into account that th
Federation does not meet oltener than
once each month except on special- call
While that organisation hat delegated
Its power to th Executive Committee
to a cerUtn extant, between meetings,
that committee are rather conservative
men and do not rush ,lnto such matter
without considerable Investigation.
The committee appointed to confer with
tbe city government, met with snch a
reception that tbsy will not likely max
furthsr augftstlont to thkt body unless
especially Instructed to do to.
Another point which you do not
appear to consldtr ; this Federation was
large. organised to bring about abetter
enforcement ot law. We wish th laws
that do list to be enforced. If these
law art not good thsy should be strick
en Irom, tbe itntutet.butwhlle they are
Infer ty should Unobeyed, rn
sosinneiat about th oecttract for th
il aJnfa, ajaSjtj latfaf li WM nud
Land Company Thinks Value for
Last Year Too High
Complaint Filed by AltoraeysNofand , Smith, for CsfKiia
ft Oregon Land Co., Cletimes Large Portion of Land
is Arid and of Poor Quality
contrary to law. Ths city council wss
evidently divided on this queetlon and
the vote (or the contract was decided
(or the mayor, so that tbe queetlon of
overstepping ths law lies with blm.
This ha been done before, but that la
no reason (or Its continuance. This is
the first instance brought to our know
ledge since the organisation of the Fed
eration, and if the committee acts on
the resolution sdopted It will no doubt
do so rather because ol tbe reason set
out above thsn because ol the effect on
the city finances. Of course this is a
personal view, lor I have consulted no
one In writing this, but from my know
ledge ol the views of the members of
the committee, 1 (eel sure sll will agree
with the statements.
Ons reason of the city's present finan
ce Is that the Council lsst year, (ailed
to levy a las. Under this condition, it
was absolutely necessary (or the incom
ing council to creato liabilities beyond
the legal limit or allow Ihe city busineat
lo be thrown Into tbe cbsoe. This waa
an emergency (or which tbe present
council was not responsible and I am
sore no reasonable man finds fault with
the present expenditures that bare be
necessary in tbla direction. I certainly
do not.
John Griffith arrived last evening
from Portland, where he has been on a
visit. He will leave in tbe morning (or
R. A. Emmltt, the newly appointed
Postmaster, received his commission
last evening from the President and will
assume charge of the office, commenc
ing Sunday, March 1.
George Offleld of Merrill Is in the city
today paying bis taxes and attending to
other buslnsse.
Horac Mitchell who is recovering
Irom an ateack ot pneumonia is able to
be out again. He wss In town today
lor the first time.
Mike Doohsr and 0. H. Dusenberry
who have been associated in the cruis
ing and locating bnslness, signed paper
today dissolving partnership.
A complaint bat been filed In tbe Cir
cuit Court In thie county by Nolaad 4
Smith, attorneys for tba California A
Oregon Land Company, and OfegM
Military Land Grant Company, s gal net
Klsmatb County, relative to taxes for
1900 on the holding of these et
In this county. '
Tbe complaint seta forth tba fact I
these lands were assessed for tho yaar
1906 on a valuation of from $3 to ffi, and
"that each and every parcel ol taid lead
Is assessed beyond it cash vain, taking
Into consideration tbe (act that tbe
country where said lands are situated is
wild, uncultivated and unsettled, and
that th greater portion olsald land
are arid and ol poor quality, and far re
moved from any transportation lines.
public roads, and that there are no local
advantage, ol any kind or ilnrrlpSlssi
That lands of a similar character hs
other adjolnlnjeounUesars vmlaea em
the assesment ot fifty cants far Mr.
That this aassemeat wa made by the
asseeor fraudulently, crosprlciowsry and
arbitrarily, taid asseeor not having visit
ed said lands or havlag taken taeaaa te
entertain their tree vain, an required
by taw, but that said lande www aa
sessed at fully six to to tan time their
true cash value.
That th Board of Equalisation re
fused to correct said error la vsJuarioa.
ol said lands, and well knowing that th
Isnds in th same locality, and of Use or
greater value, were not sseeeaed (nor
than one-fourth of th value put upon
the landa ol said California A Oregon
Land Co., entered an order la tbw
County Court Journal, refusing to put a
lair valuation upon th said land, and
confirming the taid valuation of the
That tbe taid lands for this year (WW)
were as d and aqnalktsd at th
ot seventy-five corns per ner, and that
the assessment prior to th year IMS
placed a valuation upon laid land tour
er than th valuation ol W06.
That tbe shsnfl haa dvrUd th
said land lor sal for tax I on th SUh
dayol Fsbrurary.
"That lor th yaar lew.
(Concluded on hut nagjt)
Attend! the lemaa ttat
Fly Hooka, Spool Baits, Xtcla,
Lines, Reel and Baaftboo Re.
They axe constricted for aclat
tlflc flaaing and no nutter how
Mklllad the ilasrnuiMCCtMa
will attend itoittoriliUwm
omr tackle. .. .. . .. V.
Roberts & Hanks
lone 173, 1 Block
Xt A.-