mil ..- ;V,i ' -J-Mtl K M ,1 - 4 ' I ij ft 1'! so .1 S3 ' 'l m 'i .. I ft wi i THE EVENING HERALD daUr. iml Baaear. fcr Um Herald PtWaMfg Company W.,. SeHTS, Ci 1 100 1. 10 au v It UBKIUmOM RATES lr.toMJI.trwr. . . . If, to maa sU amiUu. l.toMlLUrMMiiU. . . 7.trmU.imntk, . . n 9f wrwr. ww MMIIM KmflMflB . turso I clwck m rear loot bank. ntnMT. Mmim Liw o 0anii.-8t MM ot steam f Onto ptmtMm IMI wImmtm w mm jveBBC mwvnr mw " "-- l IHMMH M nr iwnaa In UU 8UU without &t iwllto l Uwwtor. egr mmB to Mm s to a atft. fJl ft; PU MWVMW H rnit to Um MnM ta tom Is seat as. I MARSH LANDS LJ: ABEL Am .L.. . .nAM. .,- ... nmwarda. Easy TcnM. m A J 1 60 per cU vegetable nutter. tOmWt greatest bargains at 20 per acre art nawardi. toy Term. Hu mor THE PEAZEL TREE. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY S5, JWS. It is now stated that If certain conditions arise, President Roose velt may attend the Republican National Convention at Chicago, but under no circumstances will he accept a nomination at the hands of that convention. Th senate has passed the re solution introduced by Senator Fulton providing for a govern ment survey of the Willamette canal and the falls of Oregon IU Hlstsry M Told by th sv. Jaaatr v Naln Plncknsy. The Bet. Jasper Napolaou Ptnckney of Punxautawuey parish used to boast that he couM expound at al-ht aujr text' In tbe Bible. Deacon Kpatulnon da Johnson, who hated blui, oftfti tried to trip blui, but without er feaxlnsj blia fur a inouirnt. A few Sunday ago be aroe In tueetlux. dis played a inallcloua grlu aud eald: "llrVr riuckuey. will yo' be o ktu" an' condetven'ln', please, sun. at tub xpoun' untub u de Item an' de itit teestlc ob de Items tub be fouu' lu de , Fifty-teventh Tialui, las' part a' dr eighth Tnr I Brer Dnckney (lanced at the text , without apprehension, for be bad never I read It before Silently be couned these word: "Awake. psaltery and harp' I I myself will awake early." I 'or a uu . nient be aeeiued puiiled. Tbeu br It if reported that John H. Mitchel. the retiring president of the Mine Workers, 'may be asked by President Roosevelt to' sregatiou cm tn Panama and make a rnort ,D" JJd "' explanation. " , .... .. I "My dealt brudderu an' slstuhs: on laoor conuiiiuiis mere. poiiiMinljr read the text aloud aa tol Iowa: "Awake, peatle tree an' harp I myie'f will awnke right early." Having pnum! long ettougb to let tbe word, aluk luto the tiiluiW of hi. eon Ilr'er I'luokner reiieuted And now they have discovered a contract between Harvey Scott, of the Oregonian and Johnathan Bourne, made in 1903, whereby the former was to pay Johnathan $25,000 for his support in the Legislature for U. S and further if he was elected to turn over to Bourne all the Fed eral patronage. Wonder if Roosevelt knows about his friend Bourne's past history? iing iavM nut a 11118111 limn nu a pow'ful man, but be nux al.o a ti-r'lile bu.y man, an' be batter git up utlgbt) early lu de luawulu' fob tub do hl ttay'a wuk. itft like all de rrt uu u. po' .liittuh. Dein tltne be mil oPti o ter'ble buay be roiildit' play de harp 'eepplit' fit' t'ltig lu tie inowuln,' w'lle de corn jione n-nxjkln' fo" breakfua', an' laa' t'lug at night Ju." Iwfu' be wlul Senator ' tuu tm' a' uu i"' ,""'' occaiioo.. branch ob a bum' ntagujdceut eatel tree wbut grew Ju.' bvalde bla bed room wludub detu mix eitry One tree., dem peazrl treea-be'd up 'n' .ay; 'Awake, peaxel tree an' harp: I myae'f will batter 'wake right early, 'cm I'm ucb a bu.y uiau.'"-!(arper'a Weekly. Every Democratic state con vention held so far has gone fcr Bryan.' first, last and all the time If they wool J only select running mate now, there 'wouM'nt be much left to do at .the national convention. Characterizing Francis Heney, special council for the govern ment in tbe Oregon land fraud cateev and- the men associated with bin a-a "desperate gang of conspirators," seeking to in jure his name and reputation. Senator Charles W. Fulton, of Oregon has made a sizzling reply to the charges that have bten aaade against him by Hcney. The reply is made in a straight forward manner, connecting letters and other documents which Fulton claims sustain and prove his assertions. He minces no word but strikes straight from the shoulder. After pay ing bis respects with equal im partiality to Heney, J. S. Smith, Browne)! and Governor Cham berlain, the reply says that dur ing his 20 years of public service Heney is., the first person to bring, charge against his in Dramatic Just aa be claiped tbe twautlful gin In bla great atnmg arm. a atrauge man came out and atood beside them, look ing exceptionally foollub and Idiotic due iHiaalbly to bla embarraaameut. "Pardou me," be ulJ. "Tbe play wright bad more epigram, than be could put lu tbe mouth, of hi logical character, and I've dropped lu Ju.t here to get off a fear of tbttu. I'll be a quick aa I can. You underatand my poaMlon, of court." "On, dear, yea," tbey replied a with one voice. "Don't mind ua. Go right bead. Take tbe center of the atag ana uic aa long aa you like, we've been In aodety drama before, yoo know." Puck. Election of 1908 Keglitration opena, Jan. t. Cloova lor prlmarle, April 7, Primary Klectlon., April 17. Keglitration rropena, Aprils). Cloaca lor election, May 15. General Klectlon, June I, Registration reopen. Pepl. SO. Clow, for election, Oct. V0. Frealdchtlal Election, Nov. 3. Information compiled (or the Imtruc tlon ol the public I. a. follow: Proceeding. Under Initiative. Initia tive petition mint have 7,4(Vi ilgna turea; Initiative petition, iiin.t I Med by January SI; argtiutenl. aductlng iiiea.ure. tniim be tiled by February 3; lnitlatleuieaiiire. mu.t I' printed by the eccretaryol alale by March S; copiet of uiraiuret ruuit be tuallol to voter, by April 7; aecretaiy ol (late tnuit make up the form ol ballot by May 4. Primary Klectlon Candidate (oi .late and diitricl office, to he voted lor In more than one county, and lor cir cuit judge and dl.trlct attorney, muai die with the tccretary ol date, at the time ol beginning to circulate petition, a copy ol the petition lor nomination, Igned by himarlt, a evidence that .aid elector i a candidal lor nomination by hit party. The vole ca.t l) a iiolltical parly in each voting precinct (or reprc eutatio in congrt-. that lt preceillny general e'ectlon I the harla on whiih tbe percentage (or petition thall lx counted, and neeil not exrettl tOu) lg nature. Petition (or nomination to le voted (or in ill.tricta comprining more than on county mint be' .Igned by at lea.t two per cent ol tbe electom redding li each ol at leut one-eighth ol the pre cinct in each or at lea.t loo cnmitirt in the dl.trlct and need nut exceed UX tignert. Petition lor nominal inn lr nirw. to be voted (or In only one roititly, or die trlct, (hall b tiled with the oiimm clerk not let than I'lda). hvlme th lat aet lor the primary election, Wed nesday, April I. TnaTlorm ol primary ballot mint ! certified In by the wcrrtary ol date bj March 30. Canvaa ol vote lor nnminalion (or tat and ili.trlit olllt-r. inuM l maile by May S. rarmers of Moderate Mean) Offered Rare Opportunity An unuiual opportunity is offered lb farmer of moderate means to secur horn In the, Lakeildo Tract located on the North ah -re of Tul Lake. Th land now offered for aalo con.l.ta of 3M0 acres of Irrigable land lying under the Adam canal, a part of th Klam ath Project, and admirably located along the ihore of the lake. It Is r,:h tagebruih and graa land, part of it being In cultivation. It will h sold lr tracta to suit purchaser and on satls fsctory terms. For particular call on or address, J. Frank Adams, manager Lakeatd Com pany, Tule Uke, Oregon. To the Ladies of Klamath Falls All Interested In Hue China, 1 would cordially Invito to call at my itudio, Tuesday and Saturday afternoon., to see my new line ol whit China ami dudie. Order (or wedding and birthday pres ent ollcited. Instruction given lu China (minting. Fiieing very reasona ble. Mas. A. H. Wjmo, With Mr. Ida. Hubbard o.i Pine treet. Phone 7S4. There 'is always a few good things. mixed with the evil in thisworld, and a proof of this is fourid in the vast array of "initi tative , referendum measures which the people of Oregon will be forced to act upon at the coming election. In the list is included an appropriation bill for the State University, which is justly entitled to receive the support of the people of the en tire ;state. Klamath County is one tot the moat progressive counties in the state ineducation al matters, and a large vote for this appropriation, would adver tise : to the world where we stansl fJHSjfeafjsjSfess; The mult ot the -Hodson-Bai-ley-Beach '"combination to fight Statement No 1 has been to change political conditions con sideMtbly in Multnomah county .and: to tike 'from H. M. Cake ' the men whowere to; have been bis tMmineeal.ia'-tb'e primaries. At fraaent time are only one or twoRepublkans who say they willj run for Legislative r.omi aatttaata featosaeat No. 1. Prelsngsd Dull. "I would Ilk to se the sbriff,M an nounced lb visitor In tbe county eoaitboua." "He's out" replied one of th clerks. "When do you aspect hlra back)" aaksd U visitor. "I don't think b will b back for a week at least," answered the clerk. "A watch, factory failed, and u' wtadiag up It affair." Harper Wkly. Th Baata Wera Safe. "It would pleas m mightily, MUs Stout." said Mr. Mngley, "to bav you go-to th theater with m this vn Inf.", "Hav you secured th scaur ask M UI Vera Stoat. "Oh, com now," b protestsd, "you're not so heavy as all thatr Catbollc Standard and Tims. uslnsss and Sentiment. "I think," aald th rldng young bro ker to the wis young bualneaa wom an, "that you really owe something to lor Ilk mm." "Under the circumstance," replied th wis young business woman, "I won't attempt to deny that you ar a preferred crdltor."-BaltlBor Amer ican. In th Languaa. "Rom on has said that a kiss is th language of love," remarked tb young man la tb parlor scene. "Well," rejoined the fair inald on tbe far end of the sofa, "why don't you get busy and ssy something r"-Ch!ca-go News. Under Dlffl.ultlM. ena io ctiMiMS IN TIIK COUNTY COUItT OF TIIK ATATK OF OltKOON Knit KLAM ATH COl'NTV. . ESTATK OF JOSKPII CO.VOKIt. DKCKASKO. Notice I hereby glten Ihat the lad will and ledameut o( Jiwpb Conger, deceased, ha been duly proven ami ad mitted to probate and that Joint W, Siemens anil Chan. I), Willwm have been duly apoliiti'd as executors there of. All person having claims sgainst said Mtate are liereby-feueeted In pro sent the ame with the proper toucher, wjthin six month (ram the date i( this notice, to the undersigned at th Flrd National' Dank In I ho city n( Klamath Falls! Oregon. Dated at Klamalh Vails, Oregon, this 13th dsy nl Fehrnary, 1UM. John V. Kiemkn, 213 5-10 C'UABLCSD. WltlMIN, Executors nl the last1 will ami tests ment ol Joseph Consjer, Deceased. Buy a Home J joining the new lair ground ; two and one-hall acres or more, lied ol garden laad. Two and one-ball acre it equal to eighteen lot. SOxISO fret. II times are loud or lul you rait alaay a ool livlnn (lout it, Price reasonsble, inn term ea-y. S-n 1. .IACOHS,0ner. Loose Cattle and Horses Warning 1 gltrti that horse, rows 4iid other animal (.Kind tunning loot within the city limits will be impound ed. This will cod the owner 2 One Iw ide the leew. The dog tax llranse is duesnd payable March lit. C. C. l-ow, Pound Master. W. E. FOLSOM Public Auctioneer At Harrison's Second Hand store, Sixth street, or address care of Box 116 Klamath Falls - Oitfjoa lUasMtk taS Pw'.SctaVrary Th Klamath FalU Public Library 1 open every afternoon from 2 to, 6:30 o'clock and each evening from 6:30 to 10 o'clock. -A cordial Invitation is en tended to all. We Make Little Fuss But there is always something doing at our place in the House Furnishing line. We carry the largest stock of House Furnishings in Klamath' County. See us for a Square Deal. VIRGIL a SON At the Bridge ea Mala Stmt Heavy Freighting a Specltltjr. Baggage Orders Are Given ProaiBt Atteatloa 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano tracks we solicit yoar fine piano moving, PHONIS KENYON 6 THOMPSON. PROPRIETORS Office 871 Bara 671 ResMcacc eS "I'll te'd you, Bepp; writ him a real Insulting Utter!". -Ob, tkafs aall'.aaM, old woman! And I don't even know bow to spell 'ooundrll'"-Fiino Blatter. Klamath. Falls: :: :: Machine Shops TECK 6 BERKT, Proprietora We are now prepared to do machine repair work of all kinds and guwanUe''alFwork 'first class and prices lvajonable. East End Meat Market CRISLER & STH.1S. Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages uf nil We handle our meal In ihiwnust modem way In clean lines and surruunillims. Try us and we w III l,r tixj.t happy to have you fur a customer, r'rrc Dellvrry Incorporated November 28. 1900 Statement of Condition .. of Ihe Klamath County Bank Klamath rails, Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES Ixn anJ DUcminU $340,530.80 Uonda and Securities 03,5254 Real Kstatv, liuililitiKH uud Fixture) 14,745.18 Cash and Siuht Exchanuc 166,247.69 9585.04B.51 UABHJTIES CaplUI Stock, fully m!d Surplun and I'roflLs Due Other iianki Depoalta $100,000.00 21,753.11 32,000.94 431,295.46 $585,049.51 I, Ale Martin, Jr., Cashier of the atiovenamrd hank, do solemnly swear that the ahote state ment la true to the heat of my knuwlode and belief. Al.tX MAItTIN. Jit , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this dlh day of January, lVun. ISealf C II. WlTMliow, Notary 1'ublir fur Oregon, OFFICERS ALEX MARTIN President E.R.KEAMES - Vice-President ALEX MARTIN, JR. Cashier LESLIE ROGERS - Ass'tCsshlcr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inven tors bought; since that time vnlucs havo Increased materially. These Lota are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is uvury reason to anticipate on advance in (trices. Remem ber these lots ore FIITY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep-more than doublo tho area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE 2lP'J: APPLEOATE' Office oa Ftftk Street FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. The Cream of the Beat Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye F. F. V. Rye aoiiitd ondtr the Supervision of lac Oovcramcat . . None Better 1 . . """"""sssssaaaaaaeBaWsjiBsaaaaeaplBsaaaWB SoM CD.Willson Wholesale aad Retail Liquor Dealer Every good book seem to have been written esoecially fo$hinta or woman who is reading it. Every good. a4 I VeHisaSiiiM will havo vm,isu .,. - o'.....v W .. . .n "T"i "ywswwuuK W UUSIJUHIliy, flsJC Win, of the store-ads. today appeals to you most directly.