The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 22, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly RitJ Pap"' ln
Kluiiut!i Fiilln .
. Vt
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat ReaulU .' . :
KkcoSI) Ykaii, No. 481.
Price, 5 Cent.
Contractor Is At
Arrangements for Camps
Pig Body Of Men Workieg On Lest Two and A Half Miles Of
(rade On Other Side Of Dorris And followed
By Track Laying Crew
Mr. rlrlckaoii A Peterson,
tl railroad contractu! Is now al Hurtle
rtlaUtlMilng t ni "ni m lo cowmenc
auik I he "ll" "V' "' "" '
Mil al llii l"' T'm 'W"ly
lulMlnalKirMilcuintnielril mi the
Mil lid" !" lne.
TI. l Ihe "Hurt fl" ! I he mtl difficult im
,,( '
uikoiill.e road M lrr end''"'' Nimip In Iw saiidl.lele andfew,
toll Oil III fowl ,-i-rwi i;
Klamalli r'alle, and lb llniilii nl
tl.ll work early In Ihr season li
sot Indication Ibal there "'I1 '" n"
iu at iMirl, Iml thai lli railroad li-
tri.Ji pushing on In Klamath Falls Ibis
Anliiinirnf lly ol inrri are ru.blng
lU turk mi the U1 Iwo mil a I. all tulip
ut grading on llirollirr side ol lrrl,
snd at Hip ral llip Irark laving f ip al
how stringing tails, lliP load thoutd l
KKUplrted lu IMrls nmetlm In Aplll,
aeeks Ulntr iIip IIiiip pI y lli" clilf I
cooiliiicllon englnper.
A (llngcry Oame
Tli liral gamr ol lkt ball ul Hip
MMmi plajed at Ilia nra Ikmim.
lul nllit llwrrn Id lllgli Kclinol ami
ll H'IiIIp Klar Ipama, Tha lilaxlnv
ill lull ril lnirpr Irom "tail In flnUli
TU rnlliiiilaiiu nl I lip uW-lalora rracliMl
IU lilgliMt In llip prnml liall, mIipii
ntllUr Mp l.J id aitranlagp, ami IIip
Utrt Lrnkp !( villi pnlliiialallr
(iilaui af , Aril one ll-lp anil llipn llie
ullirr, tiinpaillcii!arly lirlllUnt ta)r.
Klill; gixdl Hoik naa iIoiip lijr
ItuKr, Ya.lrn, Hum ami Wrlglil. Tim
Kline rrmllnl In L arnrp of 23 lu V.', I lie
lllgli SIiihiI tiring I lie lrtitr.
lln (i M. Jiiiin, nl I'aUtey, ami lipr
Jauglilrr.Mra. V, II. Hnl.Ur, nl Uk.
tltw are In lli city Imlay. Tlipy will
liav In Hi morning lor 1'otllaiul
wlicrp annllipr imp nl Mr. Jimp Uiigti
Iiti I. ill,
J.V. AJatniaiul wife atr III llm city
loJa; Irom Mtrilll.
. , tWhen the bit cowrience to chirp and P'to"WJgx
ta just warn eDOVaAh to mkc you latlifled with llf then ij when yojr .7 0
SnjL corac ud the tuiry, ineppy pettawi we ire ihowinnn oir
WHY BOTH1R WITH OL FITTING "Reedy Medee" when we
we ready to rmyow every wWet the Miwprtcei. . . ,
Dorrfs MakingrAKKtl WAYS
Stone Declines
Altrr considering Ilia mattiT (or mt
fill weeks (!, K Moiip, Iilnrit attor
ney lot this dblrlrt, lut ilt-clded riot In
br ramll late, (nr llm nltjrn id proMx'tit
InK attorney, In succeed Mr. Moor.
ilr at irturi' has lieen hiotighl tuUar
j" T " " trluied iwiulng
Mlial liae Urn leiideied wllh siuli u
Imlly as hat lint lit Mr Hlorie. I Ik
(pelt, hnwetrr, that he would m making
" '' aaerlflrr. f"f Men II he wprp
1pcIpI lli roiiiiiMtiiiii would (ill lr
li'irl n( reimbursing lilm for Ibe Imsl.
pre, lie would !".
Mr. Hlone la iri-Ofc'tilfatl ainneofthe
ablnt la)cie III 0')' ertluli nf the
tale ami the nuiinei In which he ban
died the Cnrpion rat itrlnoinlrateO that i
be would make an able pi'irutor If llip
vol en of the d ilrift boiiorrd blm with
election. IWring lila lel Irnce here he
baa VUiroundril bliuaell wllll a wide lf
cle ol atauuib filriida and 'the; will r
grt thai he ha derided mil lu be a can
illdatp ami deprlte the la of Ihe opr
lunlly nl proving their lo)alty lu a auU lal manner.
Increase UndcrylWotcctlon
ItraVi'K M-rlii III c on ihe Incrraae III
Ihli pail id Ihe elatr, umlrr the pro
terllonol the law which protidr V)0
fine for killing uloiicol tbete Imluitriona
llllte aiilmala. Crreka ami rltcra In
nnrlbi'tii and central Klamilli and Uke
couutlei, pip.lally In llmlwfed tccllont
are bring lakriipiMipiion of by llie !
vera to greater or le rxtrnt, ami In
aome Inilancee I hey aie rauilng trouble
tn Irrlgalionlita by building daina that
interfere with Hip llow nl the watpr
tine colony baa taken oailon ol Ml
ver Creek, about ball niito abnve Sil
ver Uke ami baa built ecveral dama
and houiei, cutting many ijuaklng aap
tapllnja, toinpol which were larger than
a love pipe.
Do It
mil LiiLdi
Many Oregon Cities Adopting
I his Plan Of Increasing
Their Business -
Jlarkel ami talc ilaj are Hi latrtt
liinoTatlori fur eeuiliig hudriPii by th
county trail ami imallrr town ou th
I'aclflo toait. Acconlliig to ruorU
IIipi ilayi art ilrawlng limiipn crowd
In lb lowna frnrn all the aurroundltig
IjadramU li lli laptcily lu adopt
llili inMlio.1. rlatlaflptl Willi llie rnult
nl lli mark! day palabllilipil by lli
1'pinllelon rommrrrlal aiKlatloo that
illy liai ilrcldpil In li) tli Piprlmont
and wltliln Iwn wrrka will liar fnrinil.
IaImI arlB .if iiibiIi.! ilav a!p Inr ilka
... ., I
romlng inlng and nuiinrr ninntli. I
ti.. 1-1 u ..i--in l- !.. ,.,, I
lip adojitiil i att ol llip Uln mountain,
but the high ukii nf tin- lalra at I'm
letou ami pewbere In Ike Inland em
ilr baa illmulalcl llie La Orand com
merrlal iluli t'l ti) Iiip ctprrimenl.
m mmm u m. av aw i
A rtt,ciinitliK of Maik Howard,
Win. Kuocan, Klnier llojl, turn Nor
ton and Jem Knhrtla, who have beM
working on the Title l-ak outlet, have
mid prui'xillon lo Itedamatlow of
Orlala. If the gotcrnnirnl will furtiiib
the looli, Ibpy cfler In work one Yf. I'
nrcenary. In dialulng Tide Uk. II
they are urrrriful In thai lima they aik
I m proving Grazing Lands
In Ita Inn .MKallona for Ihe Improve
ratal of graiii g landa wllblu lb nation
al foreiti during Ih paat year, the For
eitrrrvlce baa found lliat lb range
on tome ol Ihe loretta cannot be utlllied
full becaute of llm lack ol proper
water supply. I'lana bve been made
for bettering Ibeae condition a rapidly
aa poailble.
The metbo.1 to be adopted of cleaning
outmd protecting apring nd other
watering place will reault In ranch
benefit tc lockroen grating on itrlpa ol
range within Ihe foreata.
run unLuum
. mmumm- a ' i
Want A Urge Tract Which Is
Suitable for fruit
Albert Angtrtn)rr wiltpa froai Ala
inula, California, lo plitrlrl Knrrcaiter
Edward A. Iali of lliawpallipr burrau
at Portland, for Information cmicertilng
llia climate, lila Intention lu'lng tn ae
cure tract of l,0U0 acrra of land or
more for a Qerman colony. In til let
ter Mr. Angcrmaverraya lip ilmdrealaml
where It wl'.l be oilbl to grow frulta
ol different kind, the nrnpoaed colony
Intending lo rngage nrlimlvcly In fmll
Home nf the tlioejuiiPii ol iiorllii-rn
Ijike couiity arr iinnlilciliig llip aittla-
Willy ol Ihepurcliaaeol
oldetrrt land wltliln thrlr regular range
for llie tiurpoeeol raiting bay to feed
the bepi In the errnl nf bard winter
or when deep mow i-overa the gran.
Tber hap been caaen In tbejiait wher
inch a precaution would hare ami
whole bamla tc Ibelr owner.
lo bo rewarded with 100 acre of the re
claimed land, If tbey fall their lime and
labor la to be free. It la not known what
action the forvlco will take. Theit are
many other who hare audi confidence
In the poealblllty of finding an outlet to
lb lake, that they are willing to Join
IheMinenkfthegorernmtntacrep'la lb
We Lead ln Cattle
Oregon I the leading cattle atate of
the lS'orthweet : lo fact, all line com
bined, It I the leading live elock Ule of
that aectlon. It hu lee aheep than
Idaho: fewer horte and mule than
Wwhlngton, but I far ahead In it ag
gregate far a value are concerned.
Thlt I ihown by a table of itatlitic
prepared by the Department ol Agri
The total live itock in Oregon on Jan
uary 1, 1908, wa valued at o7 ,739,000 :
In Wwhlngton, f 49,180,000, and in Ida
ho, $33,107,000. I
The organisation of Ihe Portland
Country Club and Llvettock Aeaociation
baa don a much a anything ctae for
the derelopement of thla Induitry. The
movement looking lo the organisation ol
Ihe aiaoclatlon had ita Inception three
year ago, but It waa not until the lait
year that the plan materlalited In apite
ol the fact that .prominent bualnea men
not only of Portland, but throughout
Ihe atate had backed Ihe movement
from Ih drat.
A movement la now on fiiot by atock
men of thla aectlon, cant of the Caa
code, toward organlilng a I.lvetlock
aaeoctation, covering Klamath, Lake and
Crook rounlici, and no doubt It would
rMulUn a gmat benlflt to Ihe atoik In
dualry'ol aouthern Oregon.
Fire Boys In The Lead
The vote at last night'a basket ball
game for Ihe disposition of the receipts
ol Ibe Mrl of game wai: Fire De
partment, M; Library, 10 and High
School Atheletlc Club, 20. With the,
vote at the last game this put Ihe fire
boy far tn the lead with 101 vote. The
total tor the Llbrarv ti SO and the High
School 34.
Uln Maud Baldwin Uft Oil morning
for Faktfina, oa her way to Portland
for M steaded vtelt with friends. She
tipeoti to be absent until June.
A Crew Of Thirty
iij m.
unuer loniracior amiin
Working Full Crew and It looks As If The Southern Pacific
Does Not Want Any Delay In The Construction
Of The Railroad
Noland Answers White
In referring to Ihe letter tlgned by
Hiram F. While, published In last even
ing'a Hhiami, hearing npnn the acquit
In! of a man acrmed of iteallng a hone
from Ihe reremllon, Oeorge Noland, of
Ihe firm of Noland A Pinllb, whotle
frmle. the rori Indicted, laid:
"The attorneys for the ilvlenie never
aid he was guilty, never acknowledged
he was guilty and never thought he waa
guilty. The evidence all went to show
that the man was Innocent. I do not
think thai Ihe ju.Ige acknowledged that
be waa guilty, and I doubt very much
whether ho ald o. The juryman he
eaks of never said lip onld not be
lieve an Indian under oath. The jury
man stated that hi experience with In
diana waa unratlifaclory. The juryman
referred to la a good cititrn and a fair
nil mlul man.
"1 regret very much to havo lo notice
anything of thla kind, but I feel under
the clrcuruitancea it 1 necessary. Aa
laraa the Indian testimony Is concerned,
I will ray thai If come of those Indian
got 'their jut desert they would be
prosecuted for perjury.
"Tho Instruction of the court were
fair and the jury wa comprised of the
best iltlrens of the county and ic occurred
lo me that It was as fair minded a jury
aa I ever tried a case before. I think
the action of Mr. White In assailing
the courts and the actiona ol the jury,
to say the least, la unfatr and lll-llmed."
Presbyterian Church-Bible School at
10 a. m. C. E. prayer meeting at 6:30
p. ni.
Morning worship 11 o'clock. Subject:
"Tne power of prayer."
Evening worship 7:30. Subject:
'The failure of Environment."
Lecture Monday evening at 7: 45.
Subject: "The Herod." This 1 tbe
last of Ihe series.
Tbe 500 Club I being entertained this
afternoon at Ihe home of Mr. Ales.
Martin Jr. Mr. E. W. Qowen I the
ow tackle. ,
Fhone 173,
Men and Teams
o -
Tne railroad crew, in charge of Elmer
Smith, li rushing the work on the
change Wing made In the government
canal, on the Hot Spring addition, just
east of Ihe clly limit. The original
course of the ditch would hare neceesl
tated a ISO foot span where the railroad
mule Its crossing. A half moon la be
ing made In the ditch so aa lo give the
road a rnor? direct crossing, with not
over 65 foot span.
The crew consists of 30 men and 38
horses, and Mr. Smith stale It would
be Impossible for him to put on another
hone on the work, on account of the
small space of ground tbey are working
on. At time even now be cannot work
all bla stock.
The fact that Ibe Southern Pacific ore
using all Ibe men and hone, that It 1
possible to work, indicate that tbey do
not Intend to have any delay In the coo
strucllen at either end of the line.
Tbe railroad company plan to build
cement abutment and put la a tempor
ary bridge across the canal. Bail will
bo laid and lb dirt from the cnt, to he
made between tbe canal and Upper
Lake will be run to tho low ground and
used a a fill.
i -.
Services At The Churches
Servicea will be held in tho eeveral
churchea of Klamath Folia toenorrowa
Christian Science Society -Regular
ervice will be held at Klamath Con
servatory of Music tomorrow BBomiae;
at 11 a. m.'
Baptist Service Sunday School 10
a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. B. Y. P. V.
7 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m.
KEV. J. B. GRIFFITH, Pastor.
Methodist Service Sunday School at
10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Subject,
"The Marvelous CbUd."
Epwortn League, 7 p. a.
Preaching, 7:45 p. m. Subject:
"Tbe value of a soul."
REV. P. CONKLIN, Pastor.
Work wa commenced this week tear,
log down Ihe grand stand and ballding
at the old race track, preparatory to
moving them to tbe new fair ground.
the Fisherman that
Fly Hooks, Spooa Baits, Keels,
Lines. Steel and Baaaboo Rode.
They arc coaitrncted for sdei
tiflc fishing ud no matter how
will attend his efforts If he mses
& Hanks
jtauaa Block
l ,5.. 5J .
v. i-