ffl BR m mi THE EVENING HERALD taaaae Tlv. aaaaet laadar. kf the Hwatd PubHtMng Company W. 0. SMITH, Mt- 8UIWCRIPTION RATES Mir. by saall. mr. . CWU. fc mall alx month. OMIr. W imU. thra month Dafty, Mr "an. at la.00 tu lt Math. .W allr. eaHrarart br nmW.i wa.k. . .! HOW TO HMMT. Dona IWWW MM17HINT, espraas enter, ponanl check on your local tank, atampa. rata, or currencr. Nswsrarea Law op oasxxm.-Srctlm ssttof Dm lawa of Oitna raMaa that whntaTrr an HIM eontmttmc a newseaprr ahatl mall rack Mm H any pmon In lata 8ut without rat raratrtac an araar tbmfor, auk nwiaaiwr alMll to aamfd ta ta ttrt. nnd no oVbt or oM lea nan hall accrue aealiut rath prnon, wkatfctf an Mwapapar la mtalrwl by tha paraon to whom MARSH LANDS Oregon's richest soil. AML . 50 per cent, vefletaoie milter. luanuins greaicii uarkjau.. ., rv. M - -r - - MB"B"S" Itlaaaatoraat. Election of 1908 Itcftlatralion open, Jan. rt. CI ok (or prlmarlva, April 7. 1'ilmary Kleullons, April 17, Iti-glalralion reopens, April '.'I, Cloaca lor election, May 15. ticueral Klcctlon, June I. Itrglatratlon reopens Sept. M. Cloaca lor election, Oct. SO. 1'ivalde titlal Klectlon, Nov. 3. , Information compiled (or the liiMrtic ' tlon o( llie public I as follows: Proceedings Under lnlltallve. Inltia ' live petition! must have 7,405 alitna- lures; Initiative petitions iniut l filed by January 'J ; arguments advocating Lortly put gown uu (lie reporter and ! measure nutii bo Mod by February 3; c,rr"- .iiitllstite measures must be pilule.! l.j Shower balba will be uaed by thethe HNfl.,.rvo, Me ,v March 2; copies Cleveland police to aober up drunks , , , ' , before trial. ol mc n",rM muai i maiieu to voter uj Between Jan. 1 nud Nov. 1. 1007. the April 7; aecretaiy ol (tale mint make flr loes of tbe United Static wa up the (orni ol ballot by May 4. I190.7d5.30t) compare with WH.-I00..' ,,...,. vi..,i.,rJn1ii.u,M . FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. UW SHORT STORIES. Of all calling the waiter's show the greatest mortality, S3 kt 1,000. Tbe Connecticut supreme rourt will Farmers of Moderate Means I Offered Rare Opportunity An unusual opportunity la offered the ' farmer of moderate moana tu-sveuro a home In the Lake fldo Tract lor ateil on tho North h iro of Tulo l.ak. The land now offered for aalo conaNta of SfiOO acre of IrrlRable land lying umlr the Adama canal, a part of the Klam nth Project, and admirably located along the ahore of the lake. It M r.:h Kbnikh and grata land, part of it being in cultivation. It will bo aold In tract to auit purchaaera and on n.t la factory term. For partlcutara call on or odilreaa, J, Frank Adama, manager ljtkt'ilU' Com. any, Tule l.nke, Oregon. naMPBana1 NOtrCt 10 CMMIH3 Buy n home A IJolntng the new fairground; tan and one-half acre or more, !! ol Kntil.n laad. Two uiul ont-liall mn' la rtpnl ! In .l, ....... .,.!.. .. .(1.1.1 ".' nMi-v. .t i.num- iiuvM.vira, iiiiiiirnaif A father mid toother left tbclr baby nn.l dMilct ofHcw, to be voU-l for ,ro.).l or bad you ran. aU make a on aatrvet car In Clee1nml. Tbe child ' in more than one county, nnd lor cIr-Kool litlng (rom It. I'rice reasonable, rode to tbe end of tbe Hue mid aiCuU JiiilraandilUtrlct attorney, muat , ami termi ea.r. Pee .M.1 fnf. fill fh Vnfl rulKaw .wIm.1 ' ! 4 . .. .. ,. . I HI" wltli 'be eorelary vt atate, at the Tb tarkawauna Railroad rotnpnny ' haa Uaued an order to tbe clerk nt timeol brslnniiv ti circulate petitlona, Scrauton, Pa, that they mint not ' a cop) r. tbe vlitlu (or nomination, aneete on their books. u tuUrvuloaU lKnel by liliuarll, at evidence that aaU may be tranamltted. , eifdor la a candidate for nomination by Flr recently deatroyed tbe tuiuae In ' Ida luirty. The toteoaat by a ollilral Mat reorla. Ill, where ,,.rlv In rarb intiiiit i.nvlnr-l for mm. tbe town of the prima donna Emma Abbott llrst sang. Recently tbe building wai ued for a dwelling, but It naa formerly u fcboolbouav. A girl wai ao lutereated at a dauce at Rlreralde. N. J., that abe ill.l nol know that ber arm bad beeu broken by a fall ou tbe floor. A aureou ajtd It wai tbe worat fractured flUiw be Ter treated. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. aentatlw in concrna that laat prrcedinn urnerul e'ectlou lathe lii on whiib the 'rreniiie (or ( 1 lliwiia aball U counted, and Mvl not exctv.1 lOuU aig natiiret. l'elitioiia (or Humiliation to be voted (or in illstiicla cimpriaiiiK more than one county mual lw rlgneil lyat leaat two percent o( tbe elector realdlng In each ! at least one-elnhlh ol the pre electa In each or at leaat two countlr In the diatrict and need not exceed J00 Zlra" ' aigner. I'etlllona (or nomination (or office to be voted (or In only one county, or dia trict, aliall be filed with the county I.. JACOIH, Oanrr. I.N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OHE00N FOR KLAM ATH OOlfNTY. ESTATE OF JOSEI'll CONUER,, DV.V.t ASKl. i Xmlco la hirhy given that the lat will and tratament ol Jo-pli Conger, drccaeed, baa lieen duly proven and ad mitted tu probate anil that John VV. Piemen ami Chaa. I. Wlllaon have Invn duly apotnleil ai exnutor tin ti ol. All iron haUtK claima agalixt aid tilate are hereby rrtiteateil to pie aent theaame with the prowr oiicbrrr, within all moiilha (rotti the date ol llila notice, to the tindertlgneil at Ilia Flrat .National Rank In tho city ol Klamath 1'iilla. Oregon. Ialrd at Klamath Falla, Oiegon, ibN Ktlli day ol February, IW!t. John W. Hitutsa, 2 1J . 1 t CutaLu I'. Wuuom, Exrcutora ol the laat will and tfita metil ol Jnaepb Conger, Iteceatnl, E8St End Meat Market CRISLER a STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry t Cicali nml Cureil M cut a iiml KnuaK'' of nil klinli. We hutidle our nirnta III tl e mint Inmlein wuy Inrlinn. lineal mul aurroumllngi Tiy na nml m will be niu.t happy to bnr )ni for il riiatomer I'ne IMuiry Maaaaik lata Pa. fa IVWarv The Klamath Kail l'ubllc Library la open every afternoon from 2 to C:30 o'clock and each evening from 0:3 J to 10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation la en-' tended to all. Florence Roberta la playing ou Um road, and the U doing well. Herbert Kelcey ami Effle Shannon are reported to be doing well lu tbelr new piay, -Bridge.' cerk not lea than l.ldaya More the Frederick Paulding haa written a I dale art lor tbe prlmarr election, Wed play. Tbe Oreat Question." In which I eday, April I. Jeaakt Boustelle will appear. The (orm , prm,rr ,, nm Xtr Madge Leasing has one of the lead- certified lo be tbe secretary o! state by lug roles In Tbe Prince of PIIon." March 30 uowtelng produced lu Part. . ' " Canvaaiol votes (or nnminslions (or William A. Brady U to produce a I alata and diatrli I offices tnual be made uew political .lay, called Tbe lutrud-l")' May 2. er, by Tbompaou Ilucbauau. nrace Van Studdlford, Cnmllle D'Ar i llle and Helen Bertram are aoiue of! the singer now appearlug In v.tiide-1 villa. Harry B. Smith has been engaged to writ tbe book for tbe new musical play In wblcb Ham Bernard will be tbe star after tbe expiration or bla contract with Charles Frobman. Lilian Albertson. tbe stately beauty who attracted much attention as the governess lu Tbe Sliver Girl.:' 1 to be toe star of "Paid In Full," wblcb wa orlglaalljr Intended for Annie Bus- ell. Ralph Delmore and BattJe Bus-1 ell will be lo the cast The Cream of the Best Old Continental Whiskey Normandy Rye t. F. V. Rye BtMtLttl Uatfer the Supervision of tar Oowamem None Better . . . a a Sold By C. D. Willson Wtaoleiale and Retail Liquor Dealer Incorporated November 28, 1000 Stolrmcnl of Condition of Ihe Klamath County Bank Klamath Fulls, Oregon DECEMBEK 31, 1907 RKSOUKGKS Iawus mul niecmnitit $340,530.00 lioml-s mul St'curitH'.t 03,525.84 IU-nl Ktato. lluildiiirM nml Plxtiireii 14,745.10 Cimh and Silil i:.linnr.e I 6,247.60 $505,040.51 LIAB1LIT1KS ('npitnl .Stock, fully pcil .Stiipltm nii'l JVollt.s Duo OthiT Ifiuikii l)oK)iiit.t $100,000.00 21,753.11 32,000.04 431,205.40 $5(15,040.51 I, Alex Martin. Jr . ('miner of tin .lUiveiininnl batik, ilo oli mul) avMur Out tliu nIhiio atn.li- liicnt l true to the Im nt i.I mi kniMt.ile ai.d belief AI.KX MA It I IN. Jit . t'aalrier Siubacribetl mid awntti to I foil' me 1 1 tl at litli day of Junuary, V.i Seulf ( II WiTMIiilV. Ni.isi) public (.. r (Irtgwi OFFICKRS ALEX MARTIN E. R. REAMES -ALEX MARTIN, JK. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Cashier Ass't Cashier aVajaaataaaaafca Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin aw Ti3T"r't",' OtltHTY TALES THEY TELL Kecretary Shield of the water board la New Orleans baa a spaniel that de UgBta to catch buga aad take them to tha yard for the chickens to eat A Sturgeon (Mo.) man aays be aeut hk overall to a laundry, forgetting to remove hk watch. The watch, be de clare, went through tbe wringer andj continue to Keep gooa tune. Mr. Scboller of Mansyunk, Pa., bought a Ufa else marble statue of Ve nus, which was placed In the parlor. When her husband came borne late at nlgbt he thought tbe statue wai a bur glar, and Venus was smashed. A Oreenfleld (Mo.) cttlxeu says that when bla dog saw two preacher ap proaching his bouse be trotted around tha comer and returned with two plump chickens, wblcb be deposited sear tbe door and then went to sleep. MOOES OF THE MOMENT. Panel of very deep tucks are Insert ad at tbe bottom of evening gown. Tbe plain portion beneath tbe tucks shows embroidery designs. Braid Is seen everywhere ou street and bouse costume alike. Soutache, anu tne oat slltt braid or plain weave are preferred to more faucy kind. Tha return of tbe tailored sblrt waist aad Its return Is assured-beapeaka for the trotteur skirt tbe severest sun Bltstty, a anything else naturally -would be out of keeping. haded aattn and velvet have bean MTlT4.aad are being used for trim slat on cloths, ai alto are cords form at of Mk anS wound Into fanciful bor ate gfed other effect. In black thla ,'ldea-U particularly DleatlM.- York Post Britain' Old Age Pension. A Billionaire will walk for tbe pleas ure of saving a cab fare; any woman would spend ber lat (billing on a tax imeter because there Is no point lu saving one' last ahllllng. That 1 tha British workman' answer to tbe crlt lea who sdvlse him to aare up hi owi o4 age pension. London ClmvaJcle. U yea flee f raete up, caU on Zf a ( The Land Where Things Grow! I, J.tfm t' I i' Prut? ) TTh X a. L 7Ba ' ' mi ' ' ' ' nt v'-X i i-ss" a n as n i i " 1 raHrjrM,;j ii . i FppnaaFii ijiaMatal Sli Jai Tln 'ji. -ilf-i- ' , Q5J 'av i lit rv,l( II I i ! " " xj ' '" l Nv - , i 4 ., ai- .. ,. , ,... . - . j . ' J"' w Buy Lots in Mills Addition Whei Deciding Upon a Home or Making an Investment You Should Choose the Best Opportunity Is Knocking at Your Door -Pay one-fifth Gash $10 per Monih Until paid up end you out own . Choice property Mills Addition Lots Are the Bargain' Buyi cf Klamath Falls ' Particular attention is called lo tho location with ref erence o the Yard location of the California Northeast ern Railway, Depot location, the Macadam Road, Main' Canal, and soil and physical situation that mean good streets, splendid lawns, unfailing water supply for irri gation, and easy accessibility. It Ii Your Chance to Make Money ' CaJlS w!?Linquirv of A drive om' MHs Addition ErJ ft r a. , a . ?treets wiH cost yu nothing' mi!, mli f PIeg!tc but A few moments time and MIM Ithel McCauley. convinceyou of its advantages FRANK IRA WHITE flfta-Strect lldc American Bank 6 Trust Corapa"Bulwing 1AND ON THE IAND IN KLAMATH LAND!! t nit I i . aaaai -ifl-- aaMaaaaaaaaBaBaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaBaBMi