Bflbe tmtino Mostly Rm1 vWr ," Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . Klomnth 1'ulln i .Second Yi:aii. No. 480. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1908. Prick, fi Cento. BIDS ADVERTISED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CLEAR LAKE DAM Hemo. STEVE HERLIHY WRITES HOME Tells of His Visit In , Canada And The Cold Cast EXHIBITSPOTATOES Sa$ I here 1st Only One Place To Live In And That h Klamath County tlinr III IMI'M) ).n Hint I linvf rnj In Cmmd. or llilt xrlliin. m )ihi may I Imagine I filet than I mil iIociIIm' how I tliiilimxlily Mm. Ileilll.y mill m)trll mo' (lii)liK our lili. Wo will probably rrt.h KUnmlli I'nlU lint Hot wt-rk In March, mill )nn nmy ! rille wn will m kU.1 l'i Krl link llific, lur wlillnlio har had yixxl llnif'miil rnj'ijnl every nilti ulr, hp lirtiitlirlni firl that lliciK a uit line lar lliat li a litll Utlrr ,aii)lliliig nr hate ..rn, and Dial la Klamalli Count). Willi, I am, Very Truly Yiiiira, Hitvr. Ilraiinr. To the Public Means The Early Construction Of The Upper Project BIDS TO BE OPENED APRIL FIRST tliat emy '.Hi', no matter what lila partnlayr, or Ma pillion, or hli lolor may I-, li to luvr n arqnre ileal. Ami especially t f, rlitlit Jicre and right w, put Hill Into practice. II the iiolli'y of the irovrinment i rlxlit, mini meet ami aid it II tin- Indian li KlnK I pu'lu-d out lr ttanil iin hi nun fret, gltr him ,1 f.iir chance to iiiiiiil, A kiiiuii' Jval u nil He want I he Good New Will Revive Business Throughout ffcu Entire Let tin- w-.rj, mi.i ji. inii.n ARE BUILDING ANOTHER BOAT County-Very Encouraging To The Landowners Under Government Project lur Jinn Inlniiiintlnii Hill i) tliat thr 1 flltl iMI.ilMtliati-.ul Hock III ll.r h'lam- Y Ksb II, IMJ. ' atli Oil ('oiiiiiy will I xil.l lor rriita Til ml I Wii I""' '" All n( llir Itimlt me logo A.liuuil.r.)nu Ufor. Iraving lot ( '"' l.lnrj ami to I. u.t.l In drill Ihera.llliat I would .llop )cmi a III.. I j '"f ' ''" ry " lf Ibouil.l I houI.I .to o now, though I ""r' ""'" ai.dharalraM.wlhprl. I.sit Urn I1.tr11.llr.: to Jo to lor torn.- "r" "' l""lia.e "' I'""' rr. tnorr. (lint, Wfhsrjut returned Irom Can- Member. n thr,y hate In. J. H'r l.a I a drllghlltil time, though , "l"l tl(" '"' '" U' proi.llluii. II llit mow I the ilrrat lliry l.a. r.rr x""'" " trrl that ) on ran afford that ltd It, and lu kirn what !! mram '" ' ''" r.l jonran. If we find riv th. ll.rrimimrt.r rrglilrrlng furl) "II '.err, It mrana million tooiirrounty. .Iflittt Mo. irro, I tl.llnl llir M " ' '" " ""' ' h.. I,ar,l In t l.rrr I aa lairn, ami (oil 11 J rry , '" ' 1 ... .1 ... ii.r..... ..... ....1 1 litll cliaiu't in mm ami llirn I nii iln.l ll.r tl.rir aiul ilw.tfir InCaiia-la, liy tli lil( -italw I brvufhl aitli lur. I I. ail tlur. tliat lll linm tit. to atttn ( racli. Tliy nrrr tlie Urgnt tiryjii etrfj mm MttWoitM Ml km MUtI ml rot I tut M ttWMM UMM up my Ki utn Ha (.'.. i. Loose Celt tie and Horses ' Warnlni li ghrn II. at l.nrrra, na n. otlirr aiilmaU louml running I(kjm aiilliln llifrity limtta will Ui linoiiml !isl. Till ill ih. thr onnrr 2 tin. Iw i.l.lrt llm trrl. llir.lolai llrrnr la Ill'U lur ll.r comtrticti'in nl tliv Clear lkt Dam arr now Ulng adv.rtiaaxl lor l.y lli Ittclamjtlon Krrtlc. Tht iprci' Dcatlona lur llir. Jam call for tin (.lacing i.f ul.OOOculilc ui rartli ami rock (111, tiitellirr nltli tha Imllillngol rite ary pllUay an.) oullit. Tht I)ka will rniiiru llir .larlnu of aliout 16,000 culilc ill raitli an) rock Oil. Unit 111 t i.-i.r. on Aj.lll 15. Tlila rural. lie tally beginning cl work ou Ilia Upr I'mjrct imI (a juat what tliti peopla ol the entire county hare liran antluua'y allliiK' to liear. There l.avr brrn ao many iiiilounilnl rumort In regar.l to umL mi the U()-r I'rojnct, that many ol tlio iamlonrt tegan to git illtcouragnl, Imt tlila fji new a will put lile Into liinincn ami Klariiktli'a prntprrta rrrlalnty took bright lor the coming tuminrr. RICHEST STRIKE IN THE WORLD Near Ran hide, Nevada, Where The Snow goose Brothers Are Located G0RPR0N FOUND "NOT GUILTY- Court Adjourns Until Tuesday And Orders A Special Venire for Next Trial I The July on ll.a Corproo milder trial ialMnnli. YLav rouW luirillr llia ., . . ,7 . , . . iluvaml latabl. Mairli It lUir eyra ami mulJ not umlirttaml ' . , , , C. Iih, I'ouial Matter. how lliry ran irma to largo, Tli.ywrrr llceJ up and will I planted In Canada. villi ll.r Iwua. llial ll.o' Hill'Mallrat Sriialor Kiilloii i confl.l.nt that lie ..... l.t. ..u.i.h.1, n(lM lU..ii.rlii,.!..V',"l,u I am adald I H'll '''" " ''y a.lopllon in tliv "" - - ' ,, f JJ men mromona-l. alUr Willi gold an. 1 ii;ihi anu. Our rradrta am lamlllar with lilt rich trlke l.y tie fnogii ljy, ol Ktno, HhoHrtit hi HawMdr, ThU ame trctlim haa uow produerd what llUli.tnl tolr Hi liihrtt goM l.lltcoi.ry In lb woild. t Al Hi fiflv ImI lrtelol tht ItaM oil I John Krartit.rr, Halloon mountain at alter Ulng on tlrat than an hour lt averting riturnnl a verdict ol "not guil ty." Only two ballot Here taknr the 0rat one itandin10 to 2 for arqulltat. Wli.n court conv.mrU morning1 j tUa aacuringof a Jury (or tho lVtentIn at caae waa taken up. aOnl ol the pant I ol 32 Juror only one mau waa Mrlrcted. To court thereupon aJJoumnl nnul 1 Iki and ju Iged 114 a man limply. A man'a a man for a that, for a' that. IIIItAM V U IIITK, Allotting Agent The Legislature Tli it rrprvtrritative ilittilct, connlit. ingol Grant, Crook, Kliimatli and Ijike countlei Hill tfinl Inn ri'.rctrntativea to llir lower hotifnl llicj-'lalr Lrginlaturr. Tl.odiMih't i ttroiigly Hrpiiblican and tint Itrpulillrmi nomination la equivalent In an rlriiinn. Only Ino randldatea have thm far announced themielvee. Dr. II. I'. IMkuap, of I'rlncille, and and II. A. Ilrattaln ol I'aiiley. It it un likrly that other will enter the Held, hut In any rtrnt tlirtn two will hare practically a nnanlmoiit vote of Ktanv It la county. Dr. Iklktiap n-pretented llilidiitrlct two jrari agoaml hi trr-ili-r nrro rni Inly aalitlaiiory. Mr. Ilrattaln la known In have the uallflca liona ncrestary In a gooil Irgiilator and with thnc two In the lower liouio the diitiict It n'rlalnof bcini; well repre vntrd. i.l.t.l- 1'..... a..a..B al ftlf a abot """ ....- .-- lf.l.a T.,.1 ....I ....U-l . I.I llurallyl , " "' " -"- - ' il... 1. ,...K ,......i.... 1-.. . !.. .in Hnaln nf hit ii'tolulluii tlirrctintf llm ! alle will ..'.. ..... '..r vt ,,.. lull M,.l 1 .t-v. I gM.lOHilrcHvi.-KI.inaH. County. ! Alto,...-,-0....rMl In ..ring tult t .'ll.e.ii fnol owning n ore than iaM r Agkf Fof g JJeal - . . ,forc th. l.nJ uia'it law emitting to , ton In gold ami tlUtr, mi king It liy far, int wmirr 111 i(oiiitir nai ieii ani . I . . 1.. .... i,i.,n.. 1..1 11 1. ..ta.. 1 il road and miliary In Urrgon. tli urgeti .. .......7 , out II 1. at alto Iwen v.rr rol.l ! I . . ,. . 1 .1 .. .i 1 . ... . .Thrrrtoliillori. a. Intr.lucnl It atla. ol.Nevada, II not In ll.e world. i.ptn onr t llrurt. Kuln at low at 1A ilriir.Bt I. ' 1. . ,,. . , ., , ... ma r.l. HUH uort llllt D'HI I!. II II . . ... ,-, .1. . 1 l.l.l.L. . L. .!..... 1.. I... .. . . .. .. III... which jiiiihm huh rviiami riuii.ii ' , 10COOU and lalwlneimeiMoaBrapiuiyi failmv In ll.r Drilmmt ol Jutllce, lla a." Thr pipulatlon ol llawhlde ha gror. .hal tun air havllur In Klalllalll, The . 1. ,1.1. 1 . 1 . 1 iniM'aratlon, altl.oogli rontriilloii pi tl.rir ill in. I apprrcLlr what,' ' ... ... Uniiinn t)f ,.vr at liums ami item nilciii to riireiltwhere. Vll,il tliiy will lain my a.Mcr llir) Hillic-. uuln In k' (...... ....I .... ' "" " ' j........ i..i 1.11..... .1.. ,.1.. great, rrnnwr 1 i,hi, ii-nuir. ! "" Jrcllun Hill I hi withdrawn ami the irtiv 1 In il.n ui'iirrul ili.lialn tiv Toraktfr. Nelaori ami llriliiirii, lm ay that ruit may l Inatltunil by thr iiiirtmrnl nl ijiutli'n Hlllmut llia illiectlon ol ton- 1 nun. Wr rirct In Iravo here in a lew ilaya (or Waihinginn, I). C, and Iroin there will ilait for the Tall, Hopping al a ' plactcon tho way. It la th Ant utlon adoplrd. Now I thr. lime to get tome nice plat Innm plmtoaTaphi. Thi prico will nur rltn you at tho llultr ttudln. rnnvr) ance can cany fortune-aetkara to the camp. The ore to all appearance la In place The vln loriu a contract hi-twtni the main backbone il Uallooo hill and adjoin the country rock to lb wrat, which la altered porph)ry. The gangue la In . moderately olldlfled kaollnUed rl.yolltec.rrlng alwut 3 In gold to f 1 In tllvor. JlBlBBBBBBBBBraBBBBBBB.faBBBri BaVI"jraHrv9HCl?tyV- ) JVirfw Do It Now! . , . When the blrdt commence to tunaytanmum 1 jut warm enough to make you atUfied with life then to,KYfob 0 get In tune wlthntture ind totfup with a nice suit or two. .gfj JJ tong-Come and aea the'itaffry, inappy.patterna we are ahowlngln our Pnng lultlnga. WHY BOTHER WITH ILL FITTING "Ready Madea" when we we ready to fill your every whim at the aame prlcea. GET THE TAILORING HABIT KKK STORE KLAMATH FAUS FAtHION SHOP It utm to me that we, In litis por tion ol the writ ought to lie a little more 'rue to our prlnclplea and loyal to the (lag under which we march. II we 'e going to build up a great and proa peruut community, we tuiiit, right hare, y down tight foundation, and deal with the element (airly. Not long ago a cat waa tried In your court, where . white man waa accused ol etealtng hone Irom an Indian. The evidence waa very clear and con clusive a to the guilt ol the prisoner, so that the lawyer on both aides, and even the Judge acknowledged he waa guilty. Yet the Jury relumed a verdict ol In nocence. It I aald that one ol the Jurymen raid, when he waa being ex amined, that he would not believe the word ol an Indian. Now what la an Indian to 1I0 it he cau'lget Juttice loom comlt; Ithecan't I vet a square ileal. ' It U the policy l tho goiernment to . era to upholding tho Indiana upon their I rrtinalltm, but to allot them, and open the rv.t ol the lands to settlement. To puth tlnin out tnitand uron their own ' frrt, ami In tight their own in thu long ! stmggln ol llfu A great many of us that this is the beat way, and are most hopeful as to the ultimate out come. Cut what can the Indian do II he does not have a (air chance. II tht words .ml acts of an Indian are not to be taken and considered as the words and acts ol . man. Our government Is U.l upon the (act that all mm are free and equal. It Is our boast, in these western con.mun Itlss, that every one has an equal chance, II he' la a man, and hat tht tltntnta of manhood In him, he can coma right hare and have a (air show. Ont dots not gtt much advantage hsrt on account ol bit position or hit pedi gree Lack aatt. Mo, It it the feeling ol our people, and the iplrlt ol our, time, The president has signed a procla mallon creating-addition amounting to O,O00 acres to the Modoc national (or nt, In Northeastern California. All tba land put within the forest by this proc lamation are In Modoc county, except a email air a In the northern part ol Lis- aen county. - The Illlnoia Republican State Cental Commit Ire has adopto I reiolntlon en dorsing Joseph Cannon (or the Presi dency. Win, Wagner is laid up with a very severe attack ol rbeumatiim. It is not expected that he will be out (or some time. Jas. I.. Gordon was driven down from Kort Klamath by K. S. Iloyt. He la on his way to Rogue River where hlimoth Is seriously ill. 1 no outgoing mall and passenger stage ol the Oregon A California Trans portatlon Co. now leave Klamath Falls at 7: 30 in the morning. Tho service on the launch hat been discontinued. A man in Seattle waa sentenced to serve one minute in Jail, and then it' leased (or good behavior before his sen' tence expired. Fort Klamath Men To Operate Swift Steamer RUN UP WOOD RIVER Handle Passengers And Light Freight Between Thss City And The Tort J.II.C. TatVr and' M. F. I'aiker, are building, near Hanks' Landing, a fast traveling steamboat for service be tween Klamath Fall and Fort Klamath. Hie boat w III Iw M ,'rvt long and 12 loot beam with cabin arid pilot house, and will be equipped with two 12 horse power engine, and twin screw propeller. The kifl has been laid and the frame up and the lumber Is read (or the aides. The boat will be ready (or use by May 1. The regular round trip dally' ran between this city and th. Fort will be Inaugurated about June 1. The steamboat is especially construct ed (or uic on the river and will be able to make the short turns nr.caea.ry, which are imoibl lor boat the tit ol tlm Wincma. It It to be need lor eonneylng passengers and light (rejgbt to the Wood River country. Will Run Hotel J. A. Houston, ol the Houston Lodg ing House, is flttlng up a big dialog hall on the ground floor; ol hit block on Main and Second streets, with the In tention ol opening op a bottl the first of the month. The ate executive committee of th. Republican party in Alabama, at a meeting held In Birmingham, patted resolutions condemning Presldtot Root. velt and calling on Coagrttt to Investi gate the "pernlclont political activity" of office holders in Alabama. W. S. Slough, of tht Arm o( Mason A Slough, announce, that tbeir flrsowlll bring eight famlllet Into tht Klamath country this spring Irom Kantat. Three lamlliea will start in abont a month, the flvt to start latsr, wbtn they will vary likely be able to come aa (araa Dorrtton tht railroad. Wright's condenced smoke (or coring meats at the Star Drug Store. GOOD LUCK Attend! the Fisherman that uaea OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka, Spoon Balta, Reela. Llnea.-Steel and Bamboo lode. They are constructed for aclen tlfic flthlng and no matter how unskilled the fisherman aicceaa will attend his efforts If he i our tackle. .. .. .. .. Roberts & Hanks Phone 173,Imma Block d