Wm fttfJIHUt Hefltla. Mostly Rnd P"Pr ,n Kl'imath Fulls . - Our Advertisers Git the Best Results . . . Skco.ni Yi:aii. No. 47H. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. WILL ENJOIN JTV aCO! Illlll Ll xAFUIlVIL To Slop Payment Tor -I NOW life Alarm SyStCm - MEETING OF CITIZENS .... .. r...i..,..il Alt... (innntitV '"' Government Water Tor City Irrigation ' feetly Imfioaaible to develop any Mini of H,r i- Kedeiailmi l.eld I water or other ayatrma without tha In-luiiim-l Hireling lest evening at lit I eugurallon of a now financial ayitem i.iuil Iioiiw end " I1'"' J"ll,r,l '') ii.fiiili"'l I'" I'liamUr "I 'iinnipfr .Juli'tn tlrflatlrii; r'nUration that Ihe l.tilalireol rlly war. ..i. in i.at mriit o( the lire alarm ait Win ih.iul.1 1- rn..liie,. Thla ., .U.teil ami irfnir.1 lii Ihe rireiilhe V Wllle W H Wor.lni E. ( inltr of coat. fUna ml olhrr dc- .lagrd 1. 1.1. Pyn and Johnson replied: 1 doltie. Thla i-niicluded ihe atate'e '" '' ' r' ' . ' .' " ,' '1U bul "' " l,,"w "'ll ''"' "Wliyyoii .11.1 tlutnr" ll .11.1 not Irll . " Afiiilraftti h,I nllirlf Ml Mmil III all I I " , , , ,,.ll..Jl"", ' f"''ly H'i'J "'n hrr aUiut M irrj.ililr with KchmMt j inTlwrm tun naioak irr iHtcii'MM " iPifani lin'iifnniiin ' ...,.,.. ..,.. i I cHrLiMifiiHl Ihr Di.ai.iUl mn.ll. ''"' ' M')ilr.llyn.l financially ' ,,., (P (M ,,,..! (nll, , ,.wn ,0 Tl flwl nlliirt.r.llr.1 l.y ll .Irfrnir ' I u.i.lm.lr U.l...l.lcr.U rr. - -l.-r(..r,ly .otvr.i lt, ,roU,m .k...,iL ,. ,1,..,, . wi. Ir.ylng ' ., .IMtlnrll, who leMiflnl a-tin 1 ' W can lirofll liy thrlr txamiilr. If wr. IVlrtitrini-i hit Mat over I hi- hra.l. '!.. .1. i ,.. -...... .. .!. .a .i.itHaajtB aa a at siiaa.aiai I. li. ItM IliM MIIM. Ill IIIM " """ ' '.. .Wl"ll II (III llir 1. ... ." .... "-..-- --. r""""lllr' ovar any part of it or to undertake In Acuiiiniuiilralimi irertml ll"in i (ur,h the forty water rlj;hta thrreun Mayor lliihop, In anaarr lo "" "'' tj,,, ,( ,t unlll the tame coul.l le liunoltl.eV.lr.all..na.kli,uhlm H . Iv.nt.Keoualy lnr-ori...rtrJ int.. Ih. pWUt .!.!!. hi. ...ll... .... (he pub. b u.m lie uialtrra U-lnn roml.leml, ami .Irnul. ! inMillllr.irt. In haea coiiiniHlee Any water which could bo furnlthcil t)ilnle. l I. Mil t'lcll inat'ela Ulor to the city hy the Keclainallon Srrvlce Iht C'ounrll hni ill aeaalon I'll ae. I would be for Irrigation purioaea only, connt i.l lark i.l apne e are nuahle to' j rrfur0 untuilable for the com IKililUl. Ihe c.......i.nlcal.i.i tolay, "" ! ,,ctr ,y,t,m wo recamm.nded There III dl . In the t.eal laane. , ., ..,.... ,.r i., .., nl.i.t, The Cumintltre apla.Inlrd at the maaa .... ' , mtallim tl..iBM M ' llhm l..l. ii . i,i ...... ,i ttwer iuriaea, the only connacllon It loaliia' rri.iil, which aaorderel nll ' ' ' ' pulll. I,cl hi Ihe 4ra On r'tbrurary H, ItKiH, tU cltlttma of Klamath Kalla held a matt meeting at tU court houe for tha tro of ilia- cuaa.1 e Ihe qiietllnn of muilcll Iril ' We b.lie lhat pure water. nmp!e Itllon A commlllee of three waa p. for all pur-aM can beat curd by the tainted with Inalrurlloiia to confer 'city withth. I' S. Itaclamalloiiolllclalt audi Wa earneatly recommend that coin to collect other data, and to report at a I pleto data be collected and ctreful and uluequriit mrellni; In la called by Ihe onhauitive atudy be Kivrn every phaie chairman uf the aublect to the end that a coin- V. Il. 1WV. mralh.iM.1 raammltlr. ! ! blC leave to reirt aa folluwa; Thai, after Hive .illation acrordln; tol tha aimve Inttructlona, wo are In favor or the inalallallon by Ihe city of Klam ath Kalla of an in lependenl water aya tam uilKne. for U.lh domeatlc ami lr rlfttion purp.net, deeming a double Hem Ian aatiafactnry and more ex peruivt. Any kind ofa ayatem roiti iiaa9laa1vLjei aalaHaA' , , When the bird commence to chirp i and the flowers JS!? ?l!neJS5 ' Just warm enouih to make you aatlaffed with life then .1 when you wlUwrj 0 get in ImiSfulmEsW up with a nice ault or two. M wait too long, come Tand S!t 1 tlw ggery; anappy patt?rna we are allowing In our Spring Sultlnga. WHY BOTHER WITH ILL FITTING "Ready Madea" when we F aail -. auaa a.a -a tb aama nvifMM . acaww iu im j out every GET KKK money. Thirrfiira jour attention It called In llm iiiiautlafiicto.y financial condition of the rlly nnd the urgent nee- r'1''5' uf l,r,"nl'1 application of Imslnesa principals to the government of It ef- full!, Without wllllh It I Uull'M III II II- ,,gr,,,1""",y k"'of'wo,,m.f.t We huvv atcerialtied that ll' clly'a warrant Indehtedrieti it approximately SIU,!'), which amount apprara to lt e3Vi In excrsa of Hi.- limit preacrlbed liylnhirtrr. Tula Is In addition in n."w water un.i. -u which v, in interest has already been im ' Ar.mly no prnvl.l.m I... been mad. for Ihe payment of the principal And whn wh rontlder the clty'i disgraceful lack of tanltatlon ami unsatisfactory 1 afreets and other conditions, It ! manl- .for the rlly Wr havr not hail lime look Into1 want ll, It ! oura a. "ThrIMrrl a ay." 1 will thtr It a w Ci.ncrmln Ihe Ankviiy ranal i ,rrm u UI1H lg fr the rlly to lake1 1 lirovtrnmrnl w . m cater can I furnlaheil for ! ohiM hava In thla ayatem would be tol . furnlah the electric rnrrKy developed , by a iowtr plant initalled by the ifoy. I rinaril Itmrtit jlitetuand comprehetiaUc water tyalem I be develop..! for tho cliy of Klamath ... cmprrhrn-Ue .lrr .y.tem' "",- Hclfully eibtniltiil. Chaa. Worden K. I. Applcgnttf 15. W. White Klamath Kallt, Orrtfun. February IK, IM. Do It waim ' THE TAILORING HABIT STORE DEFENSE'S TURN NOW State Finishes Its Evidence In Corpron Murder Trial JURY EXAMINES INJURED SKULL Witness Says I hat Mixon Was On Sunday, The Day Of Ihe Operation-Did i Not Accuse Corpron Of Deed On rrca examination Mra. Johnaori ' tralifled that when hrr huahand ram home he. aa latioimlt that aha railed fir. I'arket ami when became he aakel i liliu lit giti- him 10111111111 1 to relieve hla i.ili, Dr. Parker atkl hlui who Inn. . kHI.oiiI any .n.illon. Kliv fuMlivr j lratillr. lliat hrr hnl.att.l nerr lohl l" "'' -''"l'"" '"' I'" ,""l " ' ! """ c"" '" ,'1' ,","' CI! Ivl.ai mi thru pill on the Uml f.ir the p.irp.ie ( hrinxin the liver, taken Irotii J.ilina n'a rr, inaa eU.lfine. ('unit Ihen adjo.irneit until llorlnck Wil 1'ee.lay. Coutt ro.iii'iir.1 al 1 ncliH'k and Mra. llatlle Wllxiii am the Ilrt raltel. ' The lliealer pall id her IrMlmony wa ruled by theCiiiiri, on ihe tfrnuud that It in aiaieinenlt nude by J..liiinn prior t funda). Uf.ii.-i.--ialion. Mra.ti. A -,...) wa. the n..,t wit-' I .I-i.... il.n U,i Hut .1,. walte.lon Johiixin ibirin hit Illneat. , ( , ,r,rj.lM,. She wai loll. oantbyhir b.i'biud. wh.i'it leatlinony sua almitf I In- rami' line. The rullini: if Ilia murl itll.urtil all altteiin nl aalnliiiwJiihntonwaal.iJnre.Und who l..tllrl..l Ihe injury, male prior In Sun- ,liy.prev.-i.le. the .lute Item tiriiniiK fiom IheU-lloiir will. net any teatl mnny ol alne. Themoaliiiiiraoiiie part of the entire , trial came duilnic the teallmony ol Dr. Mem man, who the laat wllnett lor llm .late, u a ino iiiiiuu.n.ui,. t that portion of llm noae and eye 'wicket that waa bioken by the cue. for llm .late, ll wat the Introduction , When thla wa held up forldentlllcatlon liylhed.K-lor, ami lor inspection ityine , , .i.mlder patted Ihrounh th..avfc- r ' . hyilie .Whir, and for Inonectlon by the talora and the ladlet who were pretent i -Acd with horror. Dr. Mernman tettlfled at to Ihe now In ol Ihe aulopay on the body of John .n, and further aa In Ike effect ol ueh Now! KLAMATH FALLS FA1HI0N SHOP T Not At Ihe Johnson Home a wound mi the atuleof mind f a r """J "'at would rounder n man rational ll.ree or four ilava after tho In- J'"y. "' ""' wiml-l I irrational perioda, Imt In lucM moment h would understand what hit waa miIiii I ... atata, ta)lna; lie a. Inilrurtr.1 wanl Ma uiall loOakUml. to fot The delenta tl.tn a.knl that Ihe leill inony (Ivcn hy I)r Maaton at the Coro- nerV Inqurtt l rrail to the Jury, which pr(Hveilln( wia chjectcl in by the Mate Alter arytiment by Ihe atlorni-ja, the court lererteil lilt ilrclalon until the afternoon teuton. Harry Knrle wat the neit witnerr. ' He teitllled llial on Chrialmaa inoiiilnii j he dellverl lo Mn. J.ihnton the park jaifool trlnkela found at ttietatooii; thai Ihe doll lutimy wat Udly broken; that on the en I of one of the amall piece, he MH oo,i- 0n crn" -"ln.lfen. I.e . '"'d "" "" "' '" H-I. ibbu.t and unbroken; that Ilia I.I.n1 waaall around tliealkk. Cniitl then adjourned until 1-30. When court nnvrinsl alter dinner. "0,'"' Vt-y elld for further Cfo '"ndnallon. for Ihe iMirpoae of "" ' -"" '. forpron in- "ic"a ,m' '"ir' lo hieje, but wilneaa "' reH.emoer cieaiiy, Dr. I'arkcrlben took Ihe wltneaa chair '" ' "P". tcetlmony at lo the force necrtiaiy to penetrate the eye laorkel; Ilia effect of bacteria and how long thereafter . peraon wou'd I Mra. Welch wat the next wllnett. She tealifled that HUon wat not at - - ...., ,nc lrallnn wat pel formed; thai Johnton laald: "retertteiner hltmawiil. -.. .. . ..mue on inn nunuay the aid : "I'eteritelner hit me with a cue.1 then ho hetitaled a little and added: "Ho it urk the cue in my eye," not in dicating whom he meant by be." Thit testimony waa a turprlte for the reaaon llixon tettlfleil he waa there that Sun day forenoon and heard Johnaon ttate how lie waa inurd and who tJI.I It. Thla la llieonly eildenre before th Jury connection Curpron with the actual in Ulctlon of Ihe Injury, and would tend In aliow that HUon eaa miaiaken in the day. The cut t here nil.-. I tl.al Ihv teall mony given by Dr. Maaton More the Cornner'a Jury could not bo read to the Jury. The defenao then Introduced hit testimony given More Ihe Jnatlce'a ci.uit. Thin related tn Ida slate of mind alter Ida Injury, which he slated waa Ir rational. Normal School Notes Thirty tno students from the Normal toak the examinations at Jacksonville last week. Student Body meetings were held dur ing chapel period Monday and Wednes day morning.. The object In having that meet logs was to flnlah adopting the liy-lawi. Th meeting ol the boys "Congress ional" Literary society for thla week waa postponed until Friday, Febrnuy twenty first, when Joint meeting of the 'Athena" and the "Congiestlonal" literary octet!, will '-e held. With Glenn Con well as leader, the subject "Worldllneas" was discussed In. th Y.M.C.A. sseetlng held last week. Itev, J. N MiConnul, the Kvangritl, Kavo a very lntorratln talk on "The i:cntlala of a Womtnly an I a Manly Character" In chapi-l Thursday morning III lh V.M.CA. meeting held laal Wedneialav Ihe uliject dlii-uried waa "Lincoln. Wmk for Ihe ftlavet," ,M by Orn I'atrlik, The dl-riiaaion wa. fol lowed by a voeal .oh In OiHirgla Whyte. The itu.li'iila jeicl very iiiiirh that 011 account of lllii.-., lii Di.vl.ly, the Malory ti-Hiher, waa mal.lto attend hrr cla.et laal Week. An Alhclellr micllii .n hi-ld bit Tuexlav, when they .V.-llel to meet the Hifh .'-1 In i,l link ai.d haiel.all learns. A committee of three was appointed lo ronlcr with the High f-cbwil In nvard t having the jrame May firal. I'teald'-nl 14) ne ua n. .-lli-il by III ne, lo I-- abtfiit fiom his duties at the Normal lut Momlny. At thehiat tiieetlme of Ihu "Athena" literary axlily an rl.il ion of ofllcers waa hi-M, Normn Mlnkler Mat appoint el I'le.Mi-nt, an 1 Mna Kame Vice l'ret iilenl, l.u.-y CiiriKin f-'ecretury an I ,Mla lirenar Treasurer. Engineers Getting Busy Theeniilnrelliig (.aitlet located here, ale all huty taking advantage of the good weather, Kiiginrer r-'argenl, of the Iteclamatlon Service, ha lil pail) out on ihe exten sion of the Keno Canal, while I'ngineers (inodwin and Darley have partlea out in the valley III the Olene section. KiiglueiT Chinch, ol the Southern Pa clllr, baa U-en at woik on Ihe flat near thedi'i'it aile, audalso down near Mid land, where the trade alakea were plowed nut last spring. News Erom Keno Conn I Vaoltont little girl who has been seriously ill with heart trouble it slowly recovering. Wolf Otcy the law) or la helping lllacky Hitchcock haul log lo tha saw mill. The Government -Surveyors are Sur veying the ditch from Klamath Kails to Keno. Thoy are giving the gride so much fall that they are liable to fall in to the river before they get to Keno. Every boby along tha line Is dltsatisfled with the survey. John Snowgoose is now offering his entire band of Jacks and Jennies at Keno for sale. As yet but few voters have registered. Those wishing to register ran do so by calling on H. Snowgooso who has the blanks and is prepared to do .the work. Wm. Davis waa in Keno the other day looking alter the stage business. Harry Wall has rented 80 acres of ground of It. A. Emmltt's to put Into grain. GOOD LUCK Roberts Phone 173. YONNA VALLEY HAPPENINGS Farmers Substitute Quail Eggs For Hen Fruit HAS A FINE SCHOOL Considerable Plowing Done During Winter-Ready lo Sow Grain Soon Dairy has tho best school In Klamath county. Dairy needs a blacksmith. The cold weather of the past few nights has caused A. I.. Mlrhael to leave off plowing tut "Brownie" will be there when the frost get off. Considerable plowing has been done In Yonna valley during the winter, our farmer believing the old saying, "The early bird catches the worm" and are preparing to sow their grain earlier than usual. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michael were given a i urprise party by their friends Friday night. Those present say tbey had a good time. E. B. Sedge is keeping bach at his homestead this week; he digs pottholea when he is not slinging flapjacks. H Is talking. a me of sending; to Sear. Roebuck L Co. for a flapjack aliager but we think he can do aa wall right here. Mra. G. G. Anderson returned bote Thursday from a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Arant. Frank Cutter Is building a flu for Mr. Davles in the old Price house. Charles Drew is able to be out again after having had the measles. There are no new cases or the meas les to report S. D. Tooker la the busiest man In the country. He has built a bouse and a barn, besides plowing considerable new land; he is also stocking his ranch with hoga and fixing up in general Ha don't have much to aay about his work, but does It in a substantial manner. This country needs mora of hla kind. W. P. Sedge and family enjoyed a v sit from H. S. Oden and family Son day. These fine daya almost give one tha spring fever. The bell for the new school bousa ar rived Sunday and waa put in place Mon day by Wade Oden and E. B. Sedge and la now ready to toll tha children to (Concluded on last page.) Attenda the Fisherman that uaea OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hooka, Spoon Balta, Reela, Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rod. They are constructed for aclen tlf Ic fishing and no matter how. unskilled the fisherman success will attend his efforts If he i our tackle. .. .. ..- .. .. & Hanks Imraa Block v l" J,