The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 17, 1908, Image 3

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    Election of 1908
Iteration nn, Jan. H,
llici (or irlninrlo, April 7.
'tluiary Eleotloiii, April 17.
(titration reopen, April 21.
lute (or election, May 16.
rneral Klectlnn, Juna I.
legislation rcniK'tii Hp, 20,
lloe (or election, Oct. .
rrndc ntlal Klci'lluii, Nov. !l.
ormnllon compiled (or llin initruc
b tint piilillc li (ullotvm
eroding Under Initiative. Inllla-
plllliini mtiat Into. 7,4il.' ilgii. .
j iiilttnilvi) pclllloilt mint ImlHcdj
Miliary EH) aigumeiita advocating1
hue until hfl flint hy l'i binary !l,j
ktlvemeaiurr iiiiiii hn printed by1
ecrclaryol latc by March '.'; cnple
tamirr mil'l I mailed In vnlera liy
17. rcretiy of tnln hunt innko
ke (mill nl Illicit hy Mm)' 4.
Iiimi) Klecllon Candidal; (or
I mi J illilrlrt nltlce, lo I volnl (or
lure than 011c rotuily, and lor ii.
Budget ami dlitilct altornc), mint
tllli lli secretary n( itate, al Oik
nl beginning In circulate petition,
by nl llm wlllloii (or nomination,
h liy himself, evident e lhal said
or U candidate (or nomination liy
srty. Tlia tuts rail liy a political
' III esch voting precinct (or rrr
lllr In contrm that lad preceding
bral o'ecllon It Ilia haala on which
lrrrntaao (or tltiona shall be
Ited, ami need mil eicenl IMO tig
rtltioua for nomination In l wiled
In districts comprising morn linn
Iromity mini be signed liy at Irast
I Kr rrnl ol llin elcctnra milling In
1 u( al least one eighth ol the pie.
I In rarli or at Iran two 100111I
Professional Cards
Office over Klamath County Bank
c. r. STONE ' j
Attorney at Law
Offllce over iwiitoMlcf, Klamath r'all. '
TrirriioHr 11
Attorney at Law
Klamath Pall, Oregon
Ameihan Hank A Trml Co.' Iliilldlnit
E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor
Cholceat of Wlnea. Llquora and Cigars
Cuter to th better claim of trade, with nothing to offend
the moat critical. You'll notice the illtTcrtnce when you
try It. Just tho place to drop In for refreshing- bever
age, when you need n itlmulant. Purr liquor of all
kind for family trade 11 apccially
Buy a Home I
A Jjolfiltiat llin new lalrgmund', I no mid '
nuchall acres or iodic, liesl nl garden ,
land. Tarn and one-hall acre U rual j
lo eighteen tola MUILI) (ret, II tlimaarn'
good or dad you ran alay make u
(owl lit Iiik (10111 II I'rlii. rniMinahlf,
ami Irrmseasy. rV
I. JACOMS, Ownr.
Farmers of Moderate Means ,
Offered Rare Opportunity
Bennett's FeedStafele
t Next to Martin's Mill
! Now Open for Business
, The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
getting their fii!l, has been installed
Plenty of Wagon Room
Elvvood Steel Fences
We Are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in al) widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hum
An unuaual upimrtunlty i offered thu
farmer of moderate nivalin In secure 11
home In tho Lakeside Tract located on
t he North h rt of Tule Ijikc. The'
land now offered for sale consist of'
SUM acrea of IrriKahla land lylnif under
the Atlanta canal, n pari of the Klanv
alh I'rojeel, and .admirably located
atonic Hie ahore of Um lake. It r.:h
MKetirtUh ami ira laml. tiart of it
I lieliitf in cultivation. It will be mild in'
'leilUttlrt amlliee.1 not ei-re. M ' tracta to aull punhaM-r and on w.ti.
laciory ivrma. 1
L.I. I.... I I .I-.- I... ..Ml.- "' !- '" "...-......., .
rii.t.i.v .... 1. ....ait1.. li'. ..iiiiib i. .
Died (or lii only on county, nrdit
hall m fllnl with the entity
; not li than I, day. brlore llin
1 t lor the primary idertlon, Wrl
ily, April I.
lio (of m o( primary ballot mii.t l
llfle.1 In b) Hie aecrrlaryol lale by
rli 3D.
anvaM nl vntr lor nomination (or '
and ill.lilct iiiricra mint I- made I
lay S. I
Frank Adami, manager l-akrlile (Vim. I
(any, Tule Lake, Oregon. '
iteiKi 10 cm mots 1
is tiik couxTV roi'iiT or thi:
Notlro i hrrvby iilven tint tbe latl
Mill and lelainiit ol JuaefJi Conger, '
dn-rateil, bat ln duly proven and n. ,
milled to probaie and Ibnt John .
Memeni and Chit. I. WIIImiii ban
been duly appointed reciitom Ihcre
nl. All -rom bating clalmi agaln.t
ail i-tate are beirby n-)tii tel In pre
The Cream of the Best
Old Continental Whlakey
Normandy Rye
F. F. V. Rye
Bottled Under the Supervision of the Government
. . . None Better . . .
SoU By
C. D. Willson
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
The Eldred Company
F. G. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza, Oregon
Saddles, Harness and Supplies
We make (Especially of first-class, guaranteed,
liand-mnde Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
To the Public
iiamrncing r'ebritrary 10, IWM, and
(Inueing until lurlher notice, the
heb Kwana will leave tho Klamath
la .Sulfation i.'o'i. iliirk al III a. ni.
IPokMitna n,iiiiMlin. at k'.fw. Iil.'"lt the lne llh Hie pmtr oitcher,
IImmi A r.llln..iU T,..,..-i..i.. WM nil l miilillK iroiu Hie Hale ol tin
To the Traveling Public
Reports are being generally circulated by inter
ested parties that no passengers will be carried by
the stage company handling the mails on the route
between Pokegama and Klamath Falls. The same
is being done for the sole purpose of injuring the
stage company, for passengers by the mail wagon
have one-third less staging than by any other line,
the distance between this city and Keno being cov
ered by a fast and comfortable launch.
Manager 0. 6 C. T. Go.
tli(rt (or I'okrgima, carrying pat
ger, l H. mall and eiprem. lain
imalh t-'nlla In I'okcgama, WM
lii line will ma you 1'.' mllr. ol
lng and (lorn tao f.iiir hour i Mi
ll bad road.
W. II. Davit, (leneral Maniger.
Watch Sick
liollif, lo the iiinle rilitncl at the Klr.t
National llank In Ibe city n Klamath
ran., urrgon, K'atimth l-'allt, Oregon, tblt
nib day ol rebruary, IlKM '
Joiik V. Ni UKSa, ,
'.M.t l'i Cium t ll. Wn ij.o, j
Ksrcutnrt d Ibtt la.t will and Into. I
men t ol JoMph Conger, '
A Pioneer Route
A Pioneer Train
saaaaaaaaaaaaaMeaaaBsa .
The pioneers of early days, on their way to the
Pacific Coast, blazed a trail across the mountains
and plains- Although they are gone and in many
instances forgotten, the trail is still there. But
no longer is the ox team a means of transporta
tion. The oldjrail is now marked by the flash of
the Electric Lighted
A LUXURIOUS express train which is
now the means of quick transportation
1 between the East and the West. It
K, is equipped with fine comfortable stand
l ard Pullman sleeping cars, dining car
with service a la carte, library and smoker observation car. No
4Jr extra fait? is charged, on this truin. A
v first-class ticket and a ticket for a
berth are all that is .necessary. Make
reservations for berth, stateroom, or '
drawing room, through any agent.
Southern Pacific
If vi M-iid it to our lioi.
pital niul up will give it
the beit of treatment
()ur"ttatrhdoctor"lii from
the "old chool"nnd he uu-il.-rtandi
hut huiincM
Mnll order promptly at
ti tided to. Try un and bo
Watcknuker a Jeweler
You'll Know It
We mean Chain; Sc Sanborn'
Seal Brand Coffee. It'a the
bout and wo are tho exclu
sive agent i for Klamath
fkOM 818
Zim'8 Plumbing
Contracting and Jobbing
Klntclam Lino of Plumb
ing: Specialties and first
claaa Workmanship.
A. O. U. W. Building
KUauth raUt
An Up-tc-Date
Many have- bcanOta re
mark about our NavyA v
Staod. ' S tranfcri coming
into Klamath Falla have
ramarktd about tho com
platan of thla line of
our bualneu. A moit
compWto Una' of Map,
Chart, Book, Magaiina
Nawapapan, at.
There is a right way to do things. There is a large
amount of profitable business to be secured by the
right kind of advertising without increasing the fixed
The advertiser, in the preparation of copy, must
consider what will appeal to the interest from the
reader's or the customer's point of view. It will not
do simply to put down what seems to the advertiser to
be interesting, without putting it to the test of wheth
er it will be so to the public as well. It must contain
information that the public would either like to get at,
or which they could be interested in by a suggestion in
the shape of a good striking headline. What the pub
lic arc after principally is the goods at right prices, so
that good descriptions should be included in nearly
every ad.
Prices are invariably of interest to the.customer,
and, whether the method is reliable or not, form one
of the principal means of judging of the desirability
of the goods.
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