w1 II; 1 THE EVENING HERALD twMd dattr. nmt EumUr. tr !) HaraM Publishing Company ricnest sou. W. 0. SMITH, Wttor MARSH LANDS wgons n n. ,k viable matter. Klamath greateat bargalna at f 20 perwreand w r upward!. Eaay Tama. ABEL A Dl! K8S: SUBSCRIPTION RAT13 nail Tt. . n&u kirn month. , maU, tkn month imonii bynn (Mil, month, FTlTt tS.00 1S .W .18 1 REPUBLICAN smrtmBmasam CANDIDATES .if FOR COUNTY CUXK I lioroliv announce mjsell as n candl- iir to rmht.-SoI ltum wwr,""'. ,u. lr i,om nation mi Hit' Kepmuican SKSr'SSS. ticket, torComi.yClork, at tho cumin NawtranM UW or OawoN.-Prtkn SSM o ,,rmilry elocttoil 55KSWK S-T5ut,SJl.5"Ju5SS ' ( JnilLNnKNIU7,t" 'BS!5fiiJSCJ&"33S '' JU "" CA,,a!'IMp mm shall mmw aam.t sort . "J" far t, nomination (or County Clotk on jm m... - ' - ., i...i,i .... iiMcM. niiitvt In inn lift rislonol the xoteuM llio primary oleo lion. ' . IVUi. It k Mnl or not. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I heroby announce my ciidMcy lot re-election to Itw olllcc "I County Treasurer on tlm ltcnili1ii'un tlrkal sub Joel in ttto decision ot tlu primaries on A,,rin7' .J1AI.VAUSWW. I lioioby doclaio iii)mOI n candidate tor llu nomination il Comity Treasurer on the Hopubllcan iK'Wct, subject to tho consideration ot the otm at the pit man tlrclloii. T. XV. STItl'IIBSS. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES for county tiuirrr romieolluliy announce inj" N SATUMUYFKIIUTAKY 15, l'AW. W. C. Hawley has Med his petition with Secretary of State Benson for nomination to suc ceed himself ns Congressman in I the First Congressional District. The Washington Post, by no means an ami-1 ait newspaper, for county sheriff I hereby niinounrc myselt as a camll date lor llio nonilnt Iton on llio liepuhli-1 cmi ticket lor ll.o oilioo ol Nicrm 01 1 .,..., .1... liplllltv ..lection J FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR i I hereby announce inisell ai a cnmll ilnlo (or nomination on llio Itcpubllcitii llckvl. tor County A"or, o( Kl uimtli Cuiiiitr. nibleel to llio doeilii ol candidate; lor tlm oHlcf til Hlii'ilt! on tho IVmiocratlo ticket, anbject In will ol till' votota l Hi" iili'.v llo' 11. st. ulo. uiHiior. I hereby announce myscll a candidate on tlm IVniiH-iillc tick!, lor tlm iior.lL nntlon lor .lurlll. lor Hie mliliillM n( iliv olfi nl tlii iilmy rlrcllon. It. i:. HUNPAKtill. tin Klanmlli ooiinty, tilivt to llio tlrtlilon ot tlio i-oiniiiK iitimary vlro lion. , W. It. BAItNCS. 1u.11 n:. wiiiiuow. I liotuuv JocUre in lor llio olllcc o( licrlff . ... ,1.. .i.. Ai... Tr. lorin Mys empnaucaiiy mai win ,, o lllf t,.,,ubiican voter. tttic boom is on the wane. It declares tl,iln..v .i.-ition. I the field will be against Taft.nnu that on the fourth ballot the field will combine nnd nominate Gov ernor Charles P. Hughes, of New York, for President. FOR COUNTY CORONER I triH?tliilly niiimncti uiU M CAinliiliiii' lor llio iilltr" ol Cotonnr ol KUinnlliConnlv, iHcisi'ii, onllm IVm .Kratlv IU-ki-1. nlii.l lo llio prifl ol llir otri m tlm oiliniry tlrclltm on I lu'tihv iiiinomuv my ruinllilacy lor . Aptll 17, HH, Afvor ol KUnutli Conntv. tnlijecl to t.Mil. mu.w mcII n imulliUle I the notion ot tin- IUuMU-in ottr nl I it lor Hi ronflil-1 llio ptiinary .to. Ilo i o! April ir. IWW FOR COUNTY AUES10R I!. I,', row 1.1.1 . ( .Ciy ,lrcUio iiiiwll cliUIJle fAicllA. IVb. 1. 1'th i.,r il... noinliintloii lor Connlv Aior East End Meat Market CRISLER 6 STILTS, Proprietor. Prime; Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Krmh nixl l!urr,l Mi-l mi'l HinK' t nil l,m.v V hmllo our tut-! In ttiu mint iimiltrn w) it -,ft. line, ami urniunillnK, Try mnl wi' will U 1 ,0,t iiiy lo linin ymi fr ru ir lrn II. I . rr ll.S.CiliKlSllY. 1 ,, , .,.,.,. i, tint IVinoceatlo tlckrt, .utl In lli 1 IWIUJ-lll.oi...ir ,,.. .............. ,.. . . ,, ,... .. . 1..-.I ... .1... ...!.. ... ....... - -.--- -- - I lieirlir announce my cnn.lnlacy lor . .....i... ..1 ... ilix'llni. Klamatli niM'UHir, Milij.'d In llio ili-cition ol llio llrubllclaii olfii nt llio primary fire-1 tton. ' II. XV. I'.OWK.N ' J.l'. I.KK. Ill iinniiimlloii ol SlivriH ol County iiiliji-ct to tlio action ol tlio rr imlilican nti-t a ilir itlmary vlrcllon, Aiml Kill IWW. XV.M.MAltTIN. I OR DISTRICT ATTORNEY I licroliy atinounco in)frlfitn onmll- 1 lioicwilli nnnoiinro mycll n oamll- .Utonu llio Itopubllcan ticki'l lor lln .laic lor joint vnator from Kl.tinntli, miniln.itlu 1 tor llio ntliceol llMliitl At- ., mn..!h. onMi in ml.lilinn In Uko ainl Cnxik .counlioi on llio He-' turner tor KLimatli nml Ijtlo tininllr - ....I. !..... It.... Allltl.u.1 ,.. the two Zeppelin sky cruisers, Determined to possess the world's most powerful aerial fleet, the Kaiser has ordered two new airships of 10.000 cubic me- FOR STATE SENATOR I , Wl'"' 'l"""'" ' - " IIFIIIV IVI Itlllllinill HUM 1- "'llllll - publican lickrl, .iilijccl to llio ilori'lon ludj.xi to llio ilo.'1'ion ol tlio .itom at respectively of 12.000 and 10.000 meters, and the Parsival craft already in course of construc tion. I Ml Judge George H. Burnett of Salem is now receiving the con sideration of the Oregon delega tion as a possible United States district attorney to succeed W. C. Bristol, and the indications are that he will receive the united support of the delegation for the appointment. ol llio primary .Kviiou. I.. K. XX'II.I.ITS. llio piiiuat) oloollnn. FIllUi. II MILLS FOR saiOOL SUPERINTENDENT I tioroby aiiiiotimv mrl( it 0 .null. Init io r tlm immlnatlou (or I'ountv cln. Sili'riiilonJoiit, (or llio couinloriilion ol rrpublloan olori nt tlm primary Hoc- J. li. XX'.N. 1 lirri'dy sulmiit my name to the Ito publican voters for Joint senator from Klanmlli, liko nnd Crook counti.n at tho primary election to bo liclil April 17. 1903. Having faithfully roprrsontnl thli'tion district In the list seaslun of lh let;l-1 laturo. on! slnco tho senatonhlp has. 1 ' niollully annonnc my c.iioli.lnc, for this term, beon conceded to Klarn-'''" "-election on tl.o liopuMiinu lltket ath. 1 acaln ask for tho favorable cor." to tlio oilier ol Viuiily S.Ihm.1 S.iwtin sideralicn of the voter of this Sena-' leiulcnl, Mibjoct In llio will ( llio nloi- lorlal district, llespect fully, ai me primary oirvuon. J. ti. XVI (IEO. H. AIRRKYHAN. 10 1 IT. (OR COUNTY TREASUEU 1 ui.oct(nlly announce myll a a , cjtiillilale lor llio oltlco ol County Troas, I uior, on llio IV-mocrallc llckl, aubject ' In ilooinlon ol llioioteralllie Primary election. ii xrnii. iiAfionrr. TON COUNTY C1ERR I lioroby niiiMiiiiiro nun II a randl ilalo (or ii.'iiiiimtloii in nltlcw ( County Clcik ulijr.l lo nilicoi ol IViiiKtalio nlriK nt tlio ptlmai) rlrclloii. XV A. IlKL.LLL. $.10 (teuard I illa) llio nl.110 rrarl lor tlm artrtt ami coin lei 1.01 . pntly or paitiet I nlm inliUil ami Liitn.il my .Into on lb iiiotniiiK n( J.iti'iui I Mil. L. Ala I.I.HI.. Both Fulton and Bourne seemed to be surprised when that Heney and U'Ren xvere urging- Judge Bennett for appoint ment as district attorney. "I J don't know anything about it," said Fulton. "I had presumed the matter was settled finally." "I never heard of it before."' said Bourne. "If they are run ning it out there I have nothing more to say." The irrigation segregation in the vicinity of Rosland in south ern Crook county, is preventing settlement through the hold it has on a large tract on the upper Deschutes River. These lands are sub-irrigated and would make fine farms without surface irriga tion, although they would doubt less do better with it. Rut the difficulties of obtaining tho need ed capital to improve lands so far from transportation arc sc great that no progress is appar ent, thus far. In view of the fact that xve are half way through the session of congress without any legisla tion to straighten out the finan cial situation, and are apparently getting along pretty nicely, it is amusing to look back at the time when a lot of people xvere urging an immediate special session of the national legislature as the only possible thing that could keep the country from going to the demnition bow-wows in double quick time. Seventy-nine organizations are now included in the'Oregon De velopment League, the latest be ing the Oak Grove Improvement Association, and all the active ones are working to secure new people. The $30 rate'for Winni peg, St. Paul, Kansas City and STthe Middle West is good on all railroads from March 1st to Afiril aoth. with proportionate rate from every station in the United States and Canada. Every letter that goes out of Outran ought to make mention of this, and the fact that the low fare applies to Ashland, Salem, Baker City; Astoria or -any other point in Oregon just as it does to Portland,' but' people afternoon from '1 lo G30 I lih to state that I am n can.li.Ulo FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR (or the liopiiblican nomination (or .lrlnt I 1 lioicliy aniionnro 111) i l( it .-nmlilato Senator lo represent tlio district con 1 (or re-oleollon to the .lllr.fi( County n.W-io1 ltli2 ol Crook, Klamath and Ijkei.wuneyor, subj.-ot to the onn-Mcralloii ol, o'clock ami each evening from 6 M lo illlWMTU. . ,, , ,.,.,,-.,. ... . ,, ,,.... . .. . ,. ',......... 4 ll.l lul,..l.. I. coiinue?. ii. 1. jiwi.ii.tir., .1110 jiepuinir..ii iiuri m tno primary 111 11 ciih-k. ,1 i-ikhib. .n,., ' , n, llonania, Orcicun. I election. .M 1. XXII.I.IAMS. Undod to all. kUmata I alt PalCc lrr Tin- Klamath Falls I'ublic Library Is open i'rry Incorporated November 28, 1900 Slttrment of Condition of Hie Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES ljans and Discounts $340,030.80 UomlsMHlSfcurllii'S . 03,525.84 Real Kntatc. IluiltliiiKH and Fixture 14,745.18 Cash nnd Sight Kxrhnngc 160.247.00 $585,040.51 UABHJ1TKS Capital Stock, fully imld Surplus nnd PrulU.t Due Other Ilnnk.i Dt'NlsitS $100,000.00 21,753.11 32,000.04 431.205.40 $585,040.51 I, Air Martin. Jr., Caihlor of lltt; alKixrnainol Lank, tin aulemnly surrar lUt the Imhi. athlt ment I Inielolhe ll of my kmi.ilce an.lH.rl AI.KXMA.C1 IN. Jit. Canhlcr Hubsc rlld and awnrn In l-forc tno thia nth ilajr uf January, Itax I .e I C II Wltlinnw, Nolary I'uMic fir Oirmi orncEKs ALEX MARTIN President E4R.REAMES Vice-President ALEX MARTIN. JR. Cashier LESLIE ROGERS Ass'l Cashier Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin The Land Where Things Grow! ill fc s PHf-"?! nS - r "tz!"1 : 'I ) r wtzmib mi . L-JUJUJUJ i i lj J I'rfl if U I Buy Lots in Mills Addition raters --"-'- - xiSSseS I r r i ju- k-t.T 1 1 Jrm9tfmm I ftPrT 11 Nvl 1 1 tt --rv rvc 1 r- i r r .- t.S CS. Whea Dectdlng Upon a Hone or Making an InYetlaunt Tou Should Choose the Best (Opportunity la Knocking at Your Door Pay oaevftftk Cm h 910 per Month Until paid up and you can own Choice property Milli Addition Lota Are the Bargain Buya of Klamath Falls Particular attention iH called to the location with ref erence o the Yard location of the California Northeast ern Railway, Depot location, tho Macadam Road, Main Canal, and soil and physical situation that mean good streets, splendid lawns, unfailing water supply for irri gation, and easy accessibility. It Ii Your Chance to Make Money Call and make inquiry of A drive over Mills Addition !?r!Sk,T.VW . greets will cost you nothing ttpt. O, , C. AppLagatt, v Jbut a few moments time and. MIM Ethel McCaalay. convincayouof itsadvantages FRANK IRA WHITE Hiiraireei BMW ARMfUl DtlK ft TTHSt COMHRy BuUtHag LAND ON THE LAND IN KLAMATH LAND!! meat ask for tickets to the point aettrea when they buy them.