The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 14, 1908, Image 3

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To the Public
niMinmiclnB Petiriirarjr 10, I00N, ami
jtlimcliiK iliilll (urilier nullcn, llio
ncli I'm aim will Ivave Ilia Klamath
a Navigation Co'i. dock at 10 a, m,
IIVti-gAina connrctinif at Keno with
Oregon A Callfimila Transportation
ilaiiia (or rukriceine, carrying pin-
ere, U. H. tiinll atnl eiiireaa. rare
Itnatli Mle ( IWgama, 1,G0
lliln line III eavn yim 't nillm of
liiK nml from two u four lintin rlile
r hail ronna.
V. It. Davie, Onrral Manager,
Buy a Home
ilnliiK the now UlrKfoiiiul; two anil
hlmtf Mere or worn, Iwet ol garden
L, Two ami one-lmll acrre U equal
eighteen lull fiOalSO Irci. II llmce are
hi fir bail you ran alwayi make a
at III Inn f roiti ll. I'rlrn iraamialile,
I Irlina rimy. H
l J.M'OHt.Oaner.
prmers of Moderate Means
Mfered Rare Opportunity
In iinuiual opportunity la offered the
ncr of moderate mram to eecure a
ne In I ho lakeside Tract located on
i North li to of Tula Ijtkv. The
I now offered for aale comltta of
I acree of Irrigable lanJ lying under
i Ailami canal, a rt of the Klanv
Project, and admirably located
1 1 ho ahora of the laka, It la r.:h
la truth and graie latxl, part of It
lug In cultivation. It will b eold In
kcta to ault purchaaere ami on aatla.
ttory lerms.
ror pariicuiara ran on or auuraii, J,
nk Ailami, manajrer I-akulda Cum-
ny, Tulo l.akr, Oregon.
lire Alarm Districts
Ill.trict No. SWeat aid of rlvar.
IMitrlcl No. 4. South of Main etrret
m the bridge to Center etree t.
IHitrlel No. f Conger and California
Dlitrlrl No. C-Kwauna Height.
Dlitrlct No. 12-South of Main, be-
kven Center ami Third.
Dlilrlft No. 13-South of Main. I.
irrn Third and Fifth.
Dlitrlct No. U-North of Main, U.
krrn Ttilrd and Fifth.
Dlttrlct No. 16 -South of Main, to
ilnut batwaan Fifth and Seventh.
JUtrlct No. 10- North or Main to
(h, between Fifth and Seventh.
lUtrlct No. 2l-8outh of Main to
alnut, between Seventh and Ninth.
Dlitrlct No. 22 -North of Main to
h, batwaan Havrnth and Ninth.
Dlitrict No. 23-Hot Springe dlitrlct
at of Main and Ninth.
iDlitrlct No. 24 -South of Walnut to
um, between Fourth and Hlilh.
Dlalricl No. 25-South of Walnut to
rum, hatwacn Sixth and Kighth.
DUtrlct No. 31 -South of Walnut and
ait of Kighth.
Dlitrlct No. 32-North of llleh to
effermn, between Sixth and Right.
Dlttrlcl No. 31-North of Jefferaon,
llween Sixth and Klghlh.
Dirtrict No. .15 -North of lllirh to
IITrraon, betwern Eighth anil Tenth.
Dlitrlct No. U-Northof Jeffenon,
tween Ughth and Tenth.
Dlitrlct No. 42-feat of ranal.
The general alarm will I aounded by
Ivlng tan rapid alrokaa of the ball,
lllowed by the number of tha dlitrlct
l iilch tha (He la located, which will
runic three tlmea. When tha dia
rict l repreaented by mora than one
iurr, at No. 24, after glvlnc tha en-
kal alarm tha ball will ba tapped twice,
ken u alight pauee, followed by four
kpa with a longer pauae, and than re
lated twice mora before Bounding tha
encral alarm again.
Professional Cards
Office over Klamath County Dank
c. r. STONE
Attorney at Law
Omicn over ioatolllci Klamath Falla,
TiumoMi in j
Attorney at Law
KUmnth Fall, Oregon
Aineilcan Hank A Trim! Oi.'e HiilMlriK
Open Day
and Night
Private Dining Parlor
Oyatera Served In Any Style
J. V. HOUSTON, Prop.
Zlm's Plumbing
Contracting ana Jobbing
KlritclriM l.lno of I'lumli
Ing Hp'clal(icii and flr.t
rlai. Wnrkmnnililp.
A. O. U. W. Building
KUmath ralU
You'll Know It
We rnran Chaao & Sanborn'
Seal llrotid Coffer. It' the
lieal and Mr ntc the rxclu
ivn ucititu fur Klamath
rtione S10
Watch Sick
If v) arnd it to our hos
pital and mo Mill give it
the licit of treatment.
Our "watch doctor" li from
the "old choo"onil he un
Icratmula lila builnraa.
Mall ordrra promptly at
tended to. Try un and bo
Watchmaker S Jeweler
All framed and unframed
Slctiret at half price until
ebraary 22, except Klter
Paotoajrapaa which will be
25 per cent off.
Star Drug Store " -" yw MMmr
To the Traveling PubUc
Reports are being generally circulated by inter
ested parties that no passengers will be carried by
the stage company handling the mails on the route
between Pokegama and Klamath Falls. The same
is being done for the sole purpose of injuring the
I stage company, for passengers by the mail wagon
have one-third -less staging than by any other line,
the distance between this city and Keno being cov
ered by a fast and comfortable launch. , .
E. H. DuFAULT, Proprietor
Choicest of Wines. Liquors and Ciders
Cntera to tha bettor claim of trnde, with nothing U ofTrnd
tha moat critical. You'll notlco tho difference when you
try It. Juat tho placo to drop In for a refreshing bever
age when you need a atimulant. I'nrn liqunra of all
klmla for family trade a apeclnlty
Elvvood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
Fence we send out
Geo. ft. Hum
School of Dramatic Art
A thorough course of practical instruction in "
Elocution, Public Reading and Speaking
embracing artistic execution and technical
knowledge of stage business and
Iiessons to a limited number or especial
attention to juvenile classes. P. 0. Box 261
The Cream of the Best
Old Continental Whiskey
Normandy Rye
F. F. V. Rye
Bottled Under the Supervision of the Government
a a a NOUC Better a . .
Sold By
C. D. Willson
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Bennett's Feed Stable
Next to Martin'a Mill
Now Open for Business
The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stock
getting their full, has been installed
Plenty of Wagon Room
The Eldred Company
F. C. ELDRED, Manager
Bonanza. Oregon
Saddles. Harneai and Supplies
We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed,
hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles
have an established reputation.
Orders From Everywhere Solicited
YOU are the pilot of your own purse, and unless you
read the advertisements you will freqeuntly steer it up
against the rocks of high prices.
Klamath Lake Railroad
In Connection With Straw-Mclntire Stage
Line, Between Pokegama and Klamath Falls
Effective Thursday,
January 16, 1908
Stages lonvo Klamntli Falls and Pokeg
mini ovory morning.
K. L. Train lonves Thrnll Daily at
3:00 P. M., after arrival of Trains in and 1U
from North and South on Southern Pacific.
Arriving at Pokegama at 5:05 P. M.
Loavo Pokogama at 6:00 P.M., arriving
at Thrall at 8:20.
Southern Pacillo Trains loavo Thrall for
Portland and Way at 6:04 A. M. and 1:32
For San Francisco and Way at 2:25
P. M and 5:50 P.M.
Passengers who miss connections at
Thrall by reason of delays on above Stage
Lino, or K. L, R. It. will be entertained
free of charge at the Hotels at Thrall and
Pokegama. -
Rates of Fare from
Klamath Falls to
Thrall - - - $5.50
Hornbrook - 5.65
Ashland - - 6.75
Hedford - - 7.15
Portland - - 17.05
Montague - - 5.90
Weed - - 6.75
Dunsmuir 7.50
Red Bluff 10.50
Sacramento 14.20
San Francisco 16.50
No Other Line tWill Give
You These Rates
Telephone for Pullman Reservations FREE OF CHARGE to Agent
r; v
K, L. R. R. at Thrall, California
Manager 0. 6 C. T. Co.
vtaSafiItfipaS3orw -
- A .