The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 13, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Road Piper In
Klwnatli Fulls ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Second Ykaii, No. 47!.
Price, 5 Cents.
Johnstone's Guilt or Innocence Will Be
Determined Shortly
Order Written by .lonhstone Alias Nevell Directing I he Dis
posal of Horse After ltd Arrival nt Straw's
Stable Is Introduced by Defense!
Ill lll mlltllHUlliin III lit hula Ileal-
Hit cam this morning, T. r. Nicholas,
puller nf (! rscr, who Hi pr
lltiilnary hearing waa tb" flrt witness,
tin ltl limply il'Cil by tho defense to
ilmllfy the order, which we submitted
awdnre, given by JaeV Nrvrll for
ihehnri 1 li order fril :
Mr JdrssoeriKliidly ll .Mr.
Mllrl.rll have llllln Murk mam I rode
mlii Urn Ihli morning arid hr will pay
lor lli feed Henry Jarksnn, ihr Indian
ulll tH lr irrrl horr. Jack .V'rvell."
the ilcfrh'lrnt JuhnMnnr wit then
placed mi Ihr Ulnl, III aaaqiirallolied
Lilly at In lil miI, fur Ihr piile as
tiled I')' .Mr. .Solaml nl I) log nn lir
ll lilitmy. According lit Ilia trail,
monjr nl Joliinloiic lir dluvo llw Hagr
out ul KrMi lor flvn weeks, inrm.
ter it Ihr rim dcitmrrit In I'orlland
four Moulin. inl trvrral )ran In
Alula, auikrd In Is Angeles, r'nl
Hiilxra, OuMfloM mut Itomi, Nevada,
il finally rain north by way i( l.akr
vlea hi BonariM, looking fur auik Inllie
liny fields. II dm InM lhal llrnry
Jrkou a anted tnrn at Ma ranch on llm
rMemlinii arl nn July , IW Haiti d
lir lilt plicr, an.) mrt lilm on llir mad.
Mr aiiikf.! JmkHiii from llial lime
until lirtiiUr r.ili. In contradiction nl
JiiU'li'i Intlinniiy tin nine tint
tnmla), hr nuried Italph
Jarkann constantly Irom Oclolr 4lh In
llirli'th. Ilaiald that hr a allowed
lli nw n( a hone a lienor r needed ami
ence a an (Urn imliloii u lako a
hour ti kd to lily and another lira tu
KO to llnnanr. That the hore Hiring
field aaiknnan In I a running horse
. knr.1 atiih tiaaaulill horse in
Italph'a tlrl.l. permission lor the iim nl
horns aai always obtained from Matt
Kkecu, aim mm a klnJ nt foreman ami
I'mkcd allrr Ihn horse.
On lila rrturn Irom Bonanta one day
Imlound that Kd. Wakefield ami Davt
Hkren hail secured vv hlskey Irom ome
where ami got Into light, anil aere ar
tested hy Ike Moum, the policeman.
H hail len told that the aaalatatit
agont at Yalnax annli'il linnet two In
swear that lw hail liirnUhnl lliiiuhlikry
ami h tin. I l-lll illri liy Jnrli,ti
ami ollifin In IikiL mil Inr llir -;lrc-man.
On Hun. lay In-nn.l M.nlt HLun nml
aiiollifr Indian nl in Illy, ilntliii;
H.rliiKllrl.l nnd niinllur lnrn. 'ihry
.iciiiii ahltlry and drunk It oiiiiIiik
kniiiii. On Ihn Iriphn lull r-kirn nl lit.
Inlrntlnii nl lravliig- and i'oiiiIiik In KUm
alii lallt. lln-y nm l.nrk from Illy
ahont H nil In tin ft t-tilnv. Mi' 1'ild
rtkwi that h alihul hi' had n Iioim)
that ho iiiii' would tarry him In
Klamath Fall and ni luld "il
Aprlntfltrld aniild ml Inki'luin In KIjiii
alh I' lit Ihrm mi nn Ihmi" nn Jm t
mi'a ralirh that rnnld."
AUiul N u'rlirk hr nt.iili'l ui llic
rail rldini; Id nwri lnrn nid hadiiii
?'ilnullrld, nml uuivi-il l.rir nl it 7
"'lint In ihi' inoiiiln.' II.- tit tin
horx'i In llm Maiiimulh Ul !c and nl
lir Ki'ltllitf III, liMklluM al,t luik In
Ihr lal.!i' alum l,i av MIlrrrMiallork,
ll thuiichl that Ike M....- I n I tide.
I In mil In havi' him arir.tnl mi tin
whWkry ihaici'hiid ,'Ar .Mltihill nn
nhlrr lor III. hlilrn m that hi'imild C to
Ki'iin. Mr had llltrinliil In lidl I'ntl
Mlllf mI.iic Jarkion'o hurri' w mi
that hr iniild I'i'l II nhin ln lainn In
n n nlrflit, . HI li.-vl I.Minid that
MIIU ai nut ul loan.
On rrma rxamlualloii hr ilalrd thai
hr I'liiiincd hl nnnir whrn he unit nn
Ihr rr.rnntlnn, hi that Ida IncmU nnd
arialntrnancra auiild not know that
he aaa allllng tn auik lor an Indian.
He Mid that ho had danmtl In pi tu
I'ortlaml ami had nrwr tnld lhal ho in
tunded gnlng to Hacraun nln, , Irnl ol
a inrmnrandiim Uxik ullh ihr uddrrii
olJohriM. IIkIi, Sarrainrnln, Calif ,
a Introduced nirrldrncr. Tho all
oc! admitted that ho urotn tho name
Mil add re but aald that hn did K at
the Initanrc nl iiuo Hill .Smith, who
aaknl'lilm to rrn II thvru ua any mail
at thn Kalla orlii(llre nnd to forward It
(Concluded mi Inat puce)
low Grmln Stuff Never I nils
to Lead to Most Unsatis
factory Results
A innltn ahlch i-hniild rrcdvr the
moil rnrrfiil ntlimllnri nn thn part of
Ihn farinri In I ho matter nl wd cltc
lion Thn ulillrallnn id mil potato)
ami lout ktaln and -trail fur acedlnar pur.
l-iiii lit,. iln plnnllin- of low grail
(riitlj iii'mi aidih si I a ay trail
to uniallifactnry rriulla. In ulibrt the
aiiccrw bl any croi drpenda primarily
on thu thnraclrr nl tlietoeda employ,
Thn I rill ii-rn t nl N-nl (election la well
li'iwn hy cntmlderatlori of Ihn i!pvIoh
inrni nnd purli-rtlori of the aiigar IhcI,
Ihr ordinary Kirden li-t rnntalna from
In fi n'rrrnt of earn' ttiyar. Hy careful
clrriiqn mU from utcopllonally rich
U-i'U, Ihr xiKar i-ontuit nl llm average
l-rcl ilclhi'iul nl thn factory linn been
Incrraiiil to IT. In 111 r i-enl,aud iuilivl
dual hirtanii'liiuml Hltlm nitarciiitrnt
of na lut'li ii' '.i) 4 r rent,
llic l-iailc of -icl il,'!ii( lirnt upon
lt ltnlily or i-iurr in iierininatn and
Keclaniiition Services to Ask
for Same on Six Miles of
! south Branch Canal Forestry Association Will Hold First Public
Gathering in Portland
limber Supply Is ol Inestimable Value and the Maintenance
of the Lumbering Industry Is a Matter of
More Than Ordinary Importance
Within the nrx t day or lwondvcitl-c
ii. in In forhidi lor Ihn lint flvn nnd rim
hall nr ait mlli-anf Ihn Foiilh limnrli
canal will ! putilihrd. Tliu pl.nn nnd
ptriflratlnrn have nol an )?l hcn re
ceived Irom Wathmulon hy l'r&j'Cl
Kuglnerr .Murphy, hul nro ri4-clrd
dally and (nay teach heir tonitrlit. 'I he
Kri(inering .Vein ol Nw Yorkcontalni
n notice In Iti rurrant nuniher tlatiny
that hida wo-ild he aikrd lor thin nork
at once; thai contractor' would hare un
til tao o'clock on the nlternonn nf April
I In ahlch toauhmlt the rami-.
TM l llil'firal hig pin nil Hoik the
S-rvlcr Ir going In do hrrr Ihi rar,
and la only a Mii.ill part of il. Thero it
rry rrain tn hrllrxt' lhal ihr IJenn
ranal will ho rnmplelril to Kino llil
)er and nlan anrk heguri on the Clear
akeilam. There arc n fewoUlnrlc in
the way of the Service relalite to puih
Ing work all along the line, hut In mi-
and rupnhlc h-piilaloi , lhal hn pergonal
iadpiailitaiKuuilh h-adiinr lui-n thiouiih-
out the flair villi cite hiimlaudlrii: nnd
llulliii'licr in Ihr H.ite, and that lie ia
fimllbr Willi II." m nil of this ilittricl,
I lvo Years in the Pen
I Jiiditn lU'inon thi morning pro-
notincod rcntt-ncc mi John Willard who
HHllll. aV Bfl V
Tailoring Co.
You will mv youmlf Uma, trouble, worry and many
othtr dUeomforU of "shopping around" if you will
order your Sprtaf suit or overcoat of us. 80Q new.
Spring andSunurraultirkfa to atako selections from.
And we will refund your money with a emtio if the
clothes don't tit and art not satisfactory. Try us.
mouth FalU fashion Ihop .
L Lts
ercnmlly iimn Hi purity or freedom from
(oii'Ikh preda
The Ksrmiuatiug wmcr ol a lecd may
Imronvcnirnlly leated hy placing a tlffl
nate immher nl arvda between tao layer
ol canton llniincl In an onllnary plate,
moiitrnlng tho llannel and inverting
another plate to prevent evaporation.
If kept In a warm place (70 to t), af.
tcr from -I In il day I ho germinating
iM'cda may lm counted and thn percent
ago di'termlned'
TluMllnlilynl lliuaeoili largely in
lluoncnl hy tho method" ol curing, age,
etc. Itocnrd aliow that only 3 per cent
of n Irn rnr old clover aenl germinated
a liuieaa l.'i Hr rent of n good ictil a III
grow. A l.ugo ncrrago ol Alberta wheat
whh a couiplclr lalluro Inat ear, dun to
wheat (H'ch from tho thrraihrr K'ing
unod for in'cl ln-forn it had properly
I'rciliulilv tin Kicalcit nmount ol
nduHi-mllnii neenrva in the mall grnai
kcciIh. Thn pnxi'iicn nt foreign tei'd
miw hn detrcli'd by pouring a mall
quantity ol the teed to be tutted on a
pieco ol whlto paper and examining
with a itnall magnifying glu.
Tho purity standards ol the V. .1,
require clover and alfalfa to bo W Per
cent pure with a germination nt 90
to 95 percent.
Cabbage and Kraut
Jim Straw wants to clot out what
Cabbageand Kraut lie hai Itft and of-fra'-Cabbaga
-at So ptr lb. la 60 lb. or
over and Kraut nt S6o pr gallon.
lUaldtnce, Wtit End Bridfty
TeUphon 833. 2-12-1 wk
WANTED A leconil band go, carl.
Apply at tbis ofllc, f
likely that the people of thi count) nro
nol going to atand in the way of the
rapid ronilruciion of the project.
Thero are a lew right ol way on lh
Kcnoand fioulh branch canala that
ought to be given to the government in
order to injurs the protccution ol this
work with rapidity, and in vlw ot thli
fact a movement i now on foot by the
water mora association ami other look
ing toward the removing otallimeitlom
that might in any way bn a had leap on
thn service.
One nf tho gratifying sign of the
time is tho disposition of all paitlea to
get together and put their shoulders to
the wheel and make thing hunt and II
this isponltrdinit alll lead to hut
one result uniualill(l good tor thn en
lire community.
As soon (v thn peciiicatinns nro re
ceived hy the. local olllce it will bo in a
position to give the (acts and the
Herald will be able to present them to
il reader within next few dayn.
For Joint Senator
I wish to state that I am a candidate
(or the Republican nomination tor Joint
Senator to represent the district con
sisting of Crook, Klamath and Lake
counties. II. I IIOLGATE,
llonania, Oregon.
Holgate Enters Race
In another column appears tho
announcement of H. L, Holgate, ot Bo
nania, oi candidate for the republican
nomination for Joint Senator. Mr.
Holgate lias a wide acquaintance In tho
country, and come into the race with
the promise of strong support. Hi
frieodsurialnhls bebalt that he has
UiquaUScations required In an efficient
nas found guilty of hurg.ilry by break
ing into nnd stealing chickeni from a
building owned by J-'rauk Armstrong.
He was given tno years in the state
penitentiary, and tho coits wero Award
ed against him. Judge Benton in pro
nouncing pentence, i talc.' that ho con
sidered tho punishment under the
clfciunilances rather were, but that
two years was tho minimum according
to the Matuto under which the charge
win made nnd tho cme tried.
Speaking of tho coming meeting of
the State forestry A'noelation to lie
held In Portland Febrorary 14, i'rot.
f jke of the Agricultural college says :
"This Hireling Is really the Oral pub
lic tnet'tliiK held by Ihr association
though it ii nioro than a year old, or
prha a it U beltrr to say, since it was
organized. We hare felt (or some time
that tho only way to get this forestry
proposition lieforo tho people properly
is to hold n series of public meetings at
which all those who are interested in
the subject may take part In the dis
cuIoh. ''Tho (or, it wealth ol thli state ii
immoiH. The lumber product nlone
liiiKlr.l at Ihi an I "i.i- Inlf t.II tt-.n
Half. An item ol gieitter alur In
nt- Mote It. an lhi Ii thn c innervation
i' vvaivr uppl) ; aldlr Ihr problem nt
lilttirr supply o( limhcr aid the main
tenance ol a (.'teat Industry employing
thousands .( indmtiluus citUena is ol
inettiiualilo v-ilm-.
"At the littoui nt the economic phase
nf th forrot problem tin the subject of
taxation anj it in the purpo of the
.iMtvlMiori to Ive tliis subjret (ree and
fair roniitdcratlnu with tho hope that
"mc J'l-l uud npiltablr lans hoklng to
llm rv'otir'llngol hurnt lands and cut
over lands my U-recur eil.
"Oilier equally Important questions
Till bo diicutcd at subsequent meeting.
The atsociation (lands (or tho protec
tion and preservation ot our forests and
tho dissemination of knowledge pertain
tug thereto. It has no other purpoeo
aid will devote its whole effort to the
en I that Oregon may not suffer from a
reckless devastion of its forests as wit
nested by Michigan, Wisconsin, Minne
sota and other of our eastern state.
" Wo would like to see this forest crop
economically harvested and still bare
tho land that Is more valuable (or the
production ol timber trees than other
crops. We want to see our water sbed
protected : we want the water (low ol
our streams maintained that the intense
agriculture ot the fotnre may be Insured
a success. Briefly wn hope to see the
establishment n( an enlightened forest
Attends the Fisherman that iaea
Fly Hooks, Spoon Baits, Rtels,
LinesSteel and Bamboo Rods.
They are constructed for scien
tific fUhind and no nutter how
unlklUed the flahenui i
wlU attend his efforts if he i
our tackle. .. .. .. , ..
Roberts & Hanks
Phone 173, iBuna Block
- ' - (
' V.