I! a.H m Ti'"WM THE EVENING HERALD! I 4aUr. r.t Sanfer, br lit HeraM PuWWwTg Company W. . SMITH, tor MARSH LANDS 50 per cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's greatest Oregon's richest soil ABL .T bargains at 920 per acre and upwards. Itsy Terns. "-711T an.j. j ES:K assaara REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES BunscwrnoN ratks ;toiaaU.amr. . . 18.50 raau MxmoniM, . twi riMUs. . , . in row COUNTY CLKKK aanlk. . k .14 1 r. aasumii br mtW, . wit. . ,u I lictvlitr nnnonncv inytcli n raiuli .TSJ2,lI7l,JofoMHm.lnMlo1MM. the Itepubllcan nasaps, aata. or tttiwo, ticket, (or Countv Clerk, at Ihe coming ttliin Orwm rmrM that l.r any primary election. Hi icwHJlln iwtrr .Mil mall iikK i if liHASDr.S'UtUKl. iiumii tamnt rim In tM. 8I.L Uhwil w " --,".-,""". I mating an r&it Ihft re, .urL Minwif IW M Wbl tft. ail ntM ccfcll. "IIWe4Pta"fPWPSaPWIP FOR COUNTY TREASURE 1 hereby iinnotimv mv candidacy lor re-election to Ihe ortlco ol Cminly Treasurer on thn Hcpuhllcan ticket sub ject to Ihe decWlon n( the pilmatlcs oil April 17. J.. AI.VA I.KWIS. ISM stall mm aaalnrt sora mtma. aaM awiparr la mlTa br lh. r to wttvm la Mill or not. WEDNESDAY, KKIIIlUAKY IS, 1V0S. I hereby declare myx-U a candidate! I hereby declare tnwll camlittato hhr (or the nomination (or County Clerk mi for the nomination tt Comity Trensuier the Kepubllcatl ticket, subject to the le-1 on the Republican ticket, subject to llio rlikmot the wtetsatthe primary cleo- fou.Iderntkm o( the voters at tlio pil lion. C K. IVIap. (maiytlectlon. T. W. SfKI'lirXS. The two Philippine commission era, Benito Ijigardn and Pablo Ocampo, have taken th in the house of rcprcscntat FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR FOR COUNTY SHERIFF t heioby announce myself as a candl-; , (t,,)V ,. mJ . , ,., ...in .or inn iiu.niiiiiim on me iie,.iiuii . ,u, ... llllmIn.Ii.,11 .. .., t..,l,II.... F. J. Heney has received n to tal of $50,000 from the govern taent since he first accepted cm pioyment as land fraud prosecu tor in Oregon in 1903. .: .in tl-Li.t (or il.. i.iil.-.. .,l mr.rirf i,l 'Mini iie lor ine wire ki coroner ICir seats '' ' fr thn Shrrin of ,ci.rl ,r !:,,. Ai-.r. i. KI u.illi , KU,U, Comtv. Orroii. ou tli D. . .. klAinthrounty,iubjvl to the dec on',. .,,... ..,- . ., . , .. , ,. , "imaui .oiiiiii. wrefi.n, in n entativc. ' , ,,, ,, , ,.,; elrclloll. X:!,11' "' "" I ",,,", ,,clH' ,,",1,n ,u , "?,v" ' W II I141IVIX '"'" "'' l"l'-'y election. . the volet. t the primary election 11 ,U,tNUS ' MKKTK.WITIIIIOW. .M U. UOS. ved n to- ... i vAiti. wniTirM'i: mmmmwmmmmtmmmiimmmmmKmmmm DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES rOR COUNTY IMlRlff I rvioctliilly announc myaell M a ramll.Ute lor the ollU-e n( Hiarlttim III IVunoerallr ticket, atibjeol to Iho will ol (ho volcta al thn primary vletfllon, II.KT.dKU. IIIHIIOl1. I hereby announce uij-mII a ruiiilMal un the DrunH'ratlc ticket, lor the norjl nation lor fheilfl, lor the minliUiallott ol the voter, at the ptlmaty election. It. K. IIUNHAKKK. FOR COUNTY C9R0NU I n-ecl(iilly announce ni)ell ai a Minllilate (or the olllre ol Coroner ol in proral on KAHI. WHITI.OCK. 1 herebr ilccUte invtrll n caiutlJate lor the olttco u( iherilt lor the coniM-! ' lietehy annoviiice my can.ll.l..cv lor - eratloii i( the republican voter at tue , Aeweeor ol Klanmth County, .tilject to r0R COUNTY ASSESSOR primary elctom. ' ctlo., o( the Jlcpubllcau olrr. .1 , , b ,, , c,odM, II.S.OKIOsnY. 'the primary electlo.,,, April I., Ivjk I ,or ,;,,.. ,dr'Coun,r A,r Nuella. heb. J. a. !.ccl.i..i ol the oter. .1 ll,. primary I licrfbj nnnounci my ratxlMioy (r I ttie iiomitiAtluu of Sheriff o( KUniaili fVlMVlta ,ltltt..t .. tl... All.lH aI lt. ' ,-'tttj rMsjvv i." n tiiiia ! iiia.' - I0R DISTRICT ATTORNEY "If President Roosevelt would . t a Itll . i lf' roiaem wrun again nc wou.u j-o ,,.nim ,,,,, o...,; hereby announce iuy.( ai a camll break the 'solid south' beyond Arr"''"' UK- vwi.maktin. ,,iieon the HepubliMn iicket i..r the i nomlnatloi (or theoinceol Dlttrlct At- FOR STATE SENATOR toruey lor Ktainatli ami Ijtke ruiintir. I hereHlth announce in; fell a Mndl- utJecl to the ilecHlon o( the n.-r at j Joint eenator (rmn Klajiath, "' l""ury election. un the ll- electlon. j. i'. i.ki:. East End Meat Market CRIILIR ft STILTS, Proprietors Prime. Beef, Veal Mutton, Pork and Poultry r'reah and Cure.) Meata ami lUiunuc. of all kin.li. We handle our meata In thmno.t ii.otlrrn May Inrlrin. llncMMil uriMumllni. Try u.ninl vse mil H. lniM liappy to liavn you fur n ruitmurr. I'm l)ilirtTi the shadow of n doubt," is a statement often seen in the pa pers credited to men in different sections of the country. The chances are that he would break the entire north too. date (or take ami Cnok rountlr. publican ticket, .nbject to the ileeiflon of thn primary election, I.. ' WII.I.ITS. KHKD. II. Mil IX I OR COUNTY TREASURER I rr.K-clliilly announce myaell m a raiKliJate lor the office ol County Treta. uirr, on the Deiuooatlc ticket, lubject toilrcUion nl the otrra at the I'rlmary elrctiun. ci.aimhi. iiAfiumr. Incorporated November 28. 1000 Great interest was nroused in financial and political circles by the declaration of J udgc E. H. Gary, chairman of the United States Steel Corporation, that he FOR SCHOOL SUrRRINTENDKNT , r0R COUNTY CtRRK I l...ul.a ......w. ...... If .. Ii I.I.. ., i ., Vr. .a i lrirly aiimninr tuynU u a r rl . in iiih mill n i mil inr Jtniii i .i.iii r r I l.erthy aubmlt my name to the Jte-, c , . ' 'j.lale lor nominal ion in i.il.ce of County ' r""r " i..p..r.ii . ....... .. ., Ik...-...IU I vii I iii - a ( . ii'ei . -t-. e (oi publican voter, for joint aerator from , KUmath, Lake and Crook countiea at , the primary election to k held April 17, 1K 1 Having faithfully represented th' republican voter, at the primal) rlrc lion J. (I. SWAN. I oler. ut the primary elrctloii. W. A. HKI.'i:i.l.. favors the physical valuation of district in the In: elon of the legi. corporations and their investiga-'Utur': ""J ln the enatorhlph. tioa and control by the federal government. The button makers have start ed to work on Taft and Hughss, orjran and Johnson, nnd in a for thtf terra, been conceded to Klam ath, I ajrain aik for the favorable con sideration of the votera of thia Sena torial district, Iteapfctfully, UEO. H. MERKVnAN I letpecttully announce my cnndMncy (or te-eleclion on the llepubllcan llckrl to the elfin-ol County School Sii-iln-tendenl, .object to Iho wilt ol the ntei at the primary elrctlon. J. i. Wll.1 IT I election. .M. D. WILLIAMS. I FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR 1 hereby announcr. inVMrK a candidal!- verj" short time tho market will '" reflection t the office ( Contr' be flooded with the faces of f,'"fJ''f.''''Jttoti.econ.iderationni .vr5n.nf nwlti AaI. "'" """" irj i w.e primary lag- to John M. Calder, a Chica go manufacturer, tin; button i makers will not spend n cent on the likenesses of Fairbanks, Cun noo. Foraker, Knox or any other ' possible piece of presidential timber. G. Helming & Co. Fur Merchants AMrcas Manfefkld, Oregon, or KUfluta FaU. orrgon S30 Kenard I nlll m the nl.ne i.aard lor the arret nnd i-nlrtiii of paity or Aitlra I uhn roliU-l and Imriml my .lore on Ihe moriiliii; of January Ifih. . U Alva Ijimii. kJaaatli US ISiUk lajrart The KUmath i-'alU labile Library U oi wn every afternoon from 2 to C JO .'o'clock; and each venlng froan 6 JO lo j 10 o'clock. A cordial Invitation la ex tended lo all. Stateatent of Condition of Ihe Klamath County Bank Klaauth Falls, Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1907 RESOURCES Ixvans and Discount $340,530.80 Bonds and Sccuritien t 63,0254 Kl F-ntste, Uuildlnxit and ' Fixture. 14,745.18 Cash and Sight Fxchange 1C6.247.60 $585,049.51 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully imid $100,000.00 Surplu untl Prollts 21,753.1 1 Due Other Hanks .'12.OO0.04 Deposits 431.295.46 S585.049.GI I, Alex Martin, Jr., I'a.hlcr of the al.ive tunu-.! bank, iki aolrmnly awrar that the aUire state- ment I true to the beat of my knowI.la-v ami hellr ( ALKX MAKTIN, Jl(., Cathlrr. MubacrlUd and sworn to before rue ILL Clhdsy of January, 1WH. JSralf C II. WiTitaiiu. Notary I'ublle far Orrxuri OFFICERS AIJUtMARTIN E4R.REAMES ALEX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS - President VlccPrcsldcnt Cashier Ass't Cashier Pioneer Bank of Kltintth Basin i It is quite time that a new style in wills should appear. The old style has been to make wills as full of holes as a sieve for tho lawyers to fight about. It now seems to be the growing practice to have one's will subjected to expert ante-mortem examination and criticism. The idea is for the testator to assume that he is dead and to discover by an inde pendent expert examination dur his life what is likely to happen to his will after his death. 1 We believe thst the patriotic alogaaof the whole people of of this nation should be "Every child in a garden, every mother in a homecraft and Individual industrial independence for every worker in a home of his own on the land;" and that until he has a home that the chief inspiration and concentrated purpose of every wage worker should b to "Getsn acre and live on it." We belive that tho slums and tenements and congested ceaterslof population in the cities are a savagely deteriorating so cial, moral and political influence, and that a great public move ment should be organized, and the whole power of the nation and the states .exerted for the betterment of J'all conditions of rural life, andlto create and up buQd centers ."social and civic Mf iaCcouRtry'and subruban towns andlyillages, where every fsmily.s'nslf have its Homecraft. and where trade f and industry shall be'so firmly anchored that they'cannot be drawn into the ccauMtdal maelstrom that is bow steadily sweeping industry sad humanity into the vortex of the great cities. -From the creed and platform of the Home-erofters. The Land Where Things Grow ! i 1 1 I JlV ' i I .,' 'UTi.J lvT" Vs- w PH A FM Rn--a,H -r: eraaaaVtrpforr-j' ... ui .. -- ,, V CUirI'Pa- -.- ini I V J '-& Vt r aaeLi "' '" ' ' v .j rp"" r-"" " i ' ' W rzmD T ' li""" I ! ; IV'' Nvv-' j I 1 -'' ' ' ,es Inn. . i A " :v " ', N. I ' I M, ',' t' " , , v v.. .".': Buy Lots in Mills Addition Wkea Decldlag Upoa a Hoate or Making an Invesuaent Toa Should Choose the Best Opportunity Ii Knocking at Your Door ray one-fifth Cash $310 per Month Until paid np and yon can own Choice property Mills Addition Lota Are the Bargain Buys of KUmath Falls Particular attention is called to the -location with ref erence o the Yard location of the California Northeast ern Railway, Depot location, the Macadam Road, Main Canal, and soil and physical situation that moan good streets, splendid lawns, unfailing water supply for irri gation, and easy accessibility. ' v . It Is Tour Chance to Make Money Call and make inquiry of A drive over Mills Addition Struts will cost you nothing l?ut a few moments time and ciiirirtcayouof its advantages K- w if it it flfta-MrM Mai aaiahni 'But Tout Coawaay ' B.1MM Itraak Ward. Csat.O.c.Aaplaiate, Miss Kttl McCMUjr. FRANK LAND ON THE LAND IN KLAMATH LAND!! UP