The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 12, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Read Paper in
Klamath Folln ....
. H
Our Advertisers Get
tho lUil Rcaultn . . .
Second Ykar, No. 472.
TmcE, 6 Cents.
.Criminal Cases Receiving the Attention
of Judge and Jury
friends Help Celebrate Birth
day of Three Klamath
County Ladies
Mm, N. ft. .Mi r r ill hiii lliu linMi a In
nlioiil fori)' friend, r-'nlimlay i-wrilng
February H, nt her homo near .Mcrrllf,
Hhe was ainlalcdhy tlii Mlisel llllrlua
Doings of the Students At
tending the Institution
at Ashland .
und Calnhana, Hi occatiion being
birthday of Mm. Merrill, lr V.
Defense Present Argument I hat Horse in Question Was
Borrowed and Not Stolen Chicken Thief
Will Be Sentenced Tomorrow
Thniclilvncing til Jolili Wlllsrd, con
tided o( hlrlit ii alrallng, waa pottponcd
until tomorrow morning al ! o'clock.
Til rK that haa occupied the alien
Ellon ol the Court today I tlm Hula vi.
I Ji.lmxm, charged with atcnlliif
'horae (nun Henry Jackeou, In alallrig
he mif l'i tlit nry, Mr. Nnland, attnr.
Mey lor Ihoilclendeiil, stated Ihal lie
louM attempt In prnte that the piliii-
Ff. Millie Dorking I'll Jackann, lia.l been
told llil ho in accused ol giving wills-
Pkey In Ihe Indlsus, resulting In a light
Etwtwcrn IM CiiiitirrflrM ami Mutt
Itikren, nl hail i-ren aiivlaeti logo away
ilor a while and that he had hwrowed
the horse I mm r-krrn.w ho Ii a aon-ln-lew
fal Jackson, tu mwe to Klaiaath Fall
io ca possible arrest.
f) Tha flrat witness (or the Slate waa
Henry Jackeou. On tlirect eiamlnatlon
by Deputy IHatrlrt Attorney Hton te-tl-
ad that he. knew the prisoner, 10
Johnaon by the nstne id Jark Nevrll;
that ha had worked lor him black-
allli (or two month duilugtho haying
on laat year and that hn )uit work
out the Mm ol October: that cm Oct.
! ha lol oml hotte railed Spring-
rid with (our while feel. The horae
liseappearrd alout t o'clock at night.
i did not irilas tha home until H o.clock
nn next morning when I 'are hkeen
sked hliu ll hn had Mild one. I le sent two
lioya to the lleld lo look and then nt
Ive more to trace Small, He canio to
unauia and telephoned Sheriff Obeu-
thatn ol the ! and told the
horse wns her. Iln came nu tu the
Fall and gut hit horiHi.
On rum eaainlnatlon dy .ttncney
Motand tlm wllneaa swore that ha had a
nod nif mtiry hul could not nmrabn
(briber tha prisoner had ever naked
Mm (or money to buy n hnrtu; whether
i rauie In llnnama or Klamath Kalla
be Sunday before ho lost tho horse;
hethr he and hla wife led tho ranch
Iter the Falla on October I) and were, ec
compenled by tha prisoner an (ar a Ilia
; cross road that load to llonania. Ho
said that ho could not remember I he
DavUanilMra. i:..ll. Hall.
I.'aeh year the liloiurets nhd appro
piialely celebrate thu wasilon. Till
)rar they were to haw been entertained
liv Mrs. Davla. hut owlru- lo an arclilcnt
which prevented Miii. Merrill from' le.iv.
'irig home IhcgiiitN met with her.
Mr. mill Mia. N K Merrill undoubt-
oner did not aak him (or money at that . -,'IJr ' ' "neat home in Klamnlh
time. Ilnronld not lememher wjial he county, and llmre me ninny dlMlm-niili-awornlnnt
the picllmliiary eiamlim- " kiimIi who liai- vlaitnl tbla aeotlott,
lion and did mil remember taylna he. I"lda lhon w ho llvi. brio r.nn vouch
loaned the prixjinr n Imrao tn go tot'"'11" wmllallly ol ihelr rrceplion,
Ilonanra. Ho aald that the home waai 1'11" ' ''t Thll
not at Ma aon, lUlpli'a, plnre when he) woithy rcupl-, r.n r.-ultiif hnrd work
taller caae but una auie Ihat tkn rl
dlril, but admitted thai it wut l:t'it
thtra and uaeil by Italph moat of the
time, lie did not know nnylhlnt; about
th fight between Matt Skeen and VA.
Copperntld. Couldn't tell when fight
occurreil, muat have been while hw waa
In the Fall, but did not remember
coming here, lie did not warn the
prltonor to leave until the whlakey
affair waa aetlled. He ttxtlflcd (hat
Matt Skeen waa foreman of hla ranch
for abort time and that Matt had
taken thu bora to go to Illy and had
taken horaei on aeveral occailonn.
Dave Skeen wan the neat wllneaa.
Teallfledthaton the avrnitiKof Oetolier
1.1, the defendant came to Ma place
and paid him three dollar for board
due Mm and then Irft. He waa riding
a black mar which he, Skeen, had
old him and waa either leading nn
other home or the horao waa following
Mm. Did not rtcognUe the horae aa It
waa nearly dark. He denied any know,
ledge of Italph Jackaon claiming the
horae aa Ida own or of ualng it for
When court convened after dinner
the firat wineta called wai Mat Skeen.
Ho waa an admirablo witneia for the
atale and parried every (juration aaked
on rroaa uxamlnation In a manner that
would be creditable tu an attorney.
II defiled giving Johnaon iermlaaion
to take the horae from the reservation,
thla evidently being the main point on
which the ilefenae wa building up ita
W. C. Meaanar, of tha Mammoth
Uvary testified aa t Johnaon bringing
the horaa to tha atabloa; that ha noti
fied tho aherlfT that ho believed that
tho horae had been atolen and
during lhi in' lyiln)a, nn- nun tlnraM
among our m-ntiliti-il ritlrcn", nnl Imve
M-ttlril ilmui ti in, lb,, fritita of Ihelr
lalnir In tin ir old iv. Tlu-lr handaome
new Iioiiiii anrioiindlng building,
occupy uver i lght acn-a In tho riehent
HPCllon ol lli rotinly, cud tl.'t houn Ina
been liiriii'bi'd with the brl fninlture
obtainable nnd nil of tin- modem rou-tcnleiii-et
which lend to maki- hnine
life plca.nnt. A Ono atablo of driving
horn-npnildea(ur the convenience ol
1hi evening rtna pk-n-nntly ient
pla)ing vliit until II: 3), when one of
ihofi- aupiK'rn, for Hbirb .Mr. Merrill la
(union, ua arrvnl. Tin- Inblua ucia
Many Improvemenle are being made
at Hie normnl. Our minima will Ih-
greatly liiipiovl by the planting nf
lowera. We bnpi that every ornt Mho
It Itilrreat..-d In the normal will kindly
I-iii their nalatanm- in this work by
making literal offera ol planta and
bulbe. All aucb glfla will U gratefully
A ery Intereallngaa well aa inatroo
live rending waa given In chapel
Wednrtday morning by Mian Drrafffaty.
The aubject waa " The American Fleet"
and Itacrulae around Cape Horn loth
Pacific water.
Al a meeting of the Athletic Club
held Tneaday, February fourth, Robert
Wilcox wa elected captain ol the bate
ball team, Alphenn Cole captain of the
tract team end Harry tfalen manager of
both the baae hall and tract leadia.
Tho reboot waa pleaaanlly enlerlainrd
Monday morning by Mr. I'.obley who
gave aouie tery intereatlng icadinga
Irom "Kipling".
A regnlar mealing of the young
Women Chrlatalu Ateoclatkm wan held
Ve.loea.iy noon with Mia Amy Tucket
aa leader. Tlio aubjret dlactiMdd una
Miealoua. It it very encnoraglng toaeu
the Interval the girl are taking In the
Aaaociatlon and their carneat endeavor
for bringing new membcrr.
We are hearing the eiy lat reporta
Irom the Young Men CbiUtlan Aaaocia
tlon. Tha leader Wednesday arc. Mr.
Cr-ly. The ubjct a "Faltli".
George Merman (mm Carfield, Waili-
Citizen Thinks The Limit Has Been Over
Reached Long Ago
(Concluded on last imge.)
wFm- lkAaLglai
gL I Jl A
Tailoring Co.
Tallon ;
You will uve yourself timt, troubU, worry and mwy
othtr diMomforto of "hopping around" if you will
ordtr your Spring suit or overcoat of ui. 800 new
Spring and Summer suitings to make selections from.
And we will refund your money with a smile if the
clothes don't fit and are- not satisfactory; Try us.'
Kluuth Talk f ataion Ibop
The Thursday night, February 13, meeting of
the Civic Federation promises to be an interesting
session, and every member should be present. Citi
zens, not members, who are in sympathy witli us,
are cordially invited to attend and become members.
With malice toward none we are striving to bring
about a better condition of society, upbuild and
beautify our town, and lend our aid to our officers in
the discharge of their duties. You may have some
thing to offer that will help us. Come and let us
reason together no politics-simply good citizen
ship is what we want. Everybody welcome that
favors same. G. W. WHITE, President.
Pungent Questions Are Asked Reqarding Present
Indebtedness of Klamath falls, Bat as
Usual no Hemedy Is Suggested
arrangements I.'. II. (' nderwood,
chairman. C. J. Martin, M.D. Wllliami,
Oacar fc'hho and V. I). Kmilh.
Tho plana of the connnlllco have not
been rfectrd but will include aomft
thing of a apeclal nature, which will be
approprlalM for tl.e celebration of Well
ington birthday, hcqurati for ln
vilAtlons can I made, of any memlier or
filed nilh the Invitation committee
uhlchcontittiof E. J. Murray, M. D.
WillUmaand Will Baldwin.
Hay Is Plentiful
Chaile llorlon has juai returned
(rout Yalnax. wbero be la wintering COO
head of Mock c.itlle. He ulo has 400
head at his hnme ranch. Mr. Ilortoa
state that there is no danger of his
running abort of hay this winter, al he
probobly will have 600 tone left over,
nhen be turns Ida stock out nn the
range. He will make hla final shipment
this aeaaonnl about 600 head of beet
oltle the latter part ol this month.
Mail Should Leave at Eight
I'.wtniasUr Murdoch, a aeon a he
J nni uoiitlcdof the change in tho mall
schedule, telegraphed tho department
Biking that the order U reconaidercd,
and advia ing that the mall leave here at
8 o'clock in the morning Instead of
waiting until 10 o'clock, lit- has not
received an answer tct. If the citizens
will support the poiliusiter In lit effort
to remedy tho present conditions, it un
doubtedly can be acotn;.llslicd.
simply loaded down with good thing,
and the Juatlco done tn tho meal would
have given pleaaurn to any hostess who
had provided a plentiful supply. It waa
Homvwhat nltor midnight when the
gucam reluctantly depaitml, and thu
many good wishes no alncerlly spoken,
must have made thu boat and hostel
renllrp thoilivp icipcct und honor in
which they lire held by their friend" and
Within two yc:m Mr. und Mr. Mer
rill will celebrate Ihelr (lolaVn Wcdlng.
A Wedding Dance
Friday evening tit thu lionin of Mr,
and. Mm. J. II. Allien occurred u wry
enjojulile ilniico given In honor nf Mr.
Autcn's wvddlug. The friends present
were Mines Belle Dennett, Ktla Nil,
Alice Nil, Alice Allen, Grace Allen
and Etna Meade, and Mews. Fred
Reed, Lawrenco Shaft, Cleo, Johnson,
Luther Oprman, Vornle Houaton and
Fred Kilts. The guests departed In lb
early hours ot the morning reporting a
good time.
Cabbage and Kraut
Jim' Straw want to cloee out what
Cabbage and Kraut he hat left and of..
fr'?Cb'tVge at He per lb. In 60 lb. or
ovtr)!aM "Kraut at 96o 'per gtUea.
KMleenee, Weit End Bridge.
Telephone B2Q."" 2-12-lwk
ington entered the seventh grade on
Tho pupils ol the eighth grade began
their work in manual training last Mon
day. Tho boys are taking wood work
and thu girl aro taking basketry and
other work in raffia.
Tho sixth and seventh grade begin
their manual training work next month.
A very interesting talk wa given in
chapel Friday morning by Iteverend
Goodheart on the subject Russian
Tho chapel'period Thursday mornrng
win rIumi user to the student (or tho
purjoo of holding a meeting of the
'Student liody." At a meeting ol the
executive committee held Wednesday
evening, Mr. Clara Corutn, the Vice
Preiidont, wa appointed a President,
Mr. II. II. DeArmond a Vice Presi
dent and Miss Emma Shtrwood at
An address on" The Opportunities ol
Young Amelcans" wa delivered by
Coloutl Sobletkl, Tuttday morning.
Next Dance on 22nd
The members ol the Twenty-One Club
held their regular business ueetlug last
evening, and It was decided to pott'pona
the e)ection ol oSIcer until' the nxt
meeting, It wa decided to hold the
next dance on the 22nd ot this month,
Washington's birthday. The following
committer wa appointed to make lull
Mules Bring Good Price
X. S. Merrill has sold ten head ot
young mules for 11500, The joungest
ha Juat been weaned and the oldest is
lest than three year.
D. of H. "High Jinks"
"High Jinks" at Degree ot Honor
Thursday night. All member specially
requested to be in attendance.
M arv E. Fish, C. of H."
EbiTon The Herald:
I notice In last night's (same that the
Civic Federation at ita meeting- Thars
nlght i going to discuts the city
finance. In the word of the prophet,
and in all sincerity, I mutt add, "the
Lord be praised." for if anything de
serves dlKustion it Is the city's
finance. In this connection I have a
few questions 1 would bke to ask
questions that, In my Judgment, ooght
to have the careful cxmsUetntlea of the
Civic Federation and every taxpayer In
the city:
I it not a fact that the '-frltianui
of the city I now $09,000 and
above the legal limit; and that tf the
city were enjoined by nay fcuanyer the
warrants laesed for thk excess amstmt
wou d not be worth the psr they are
wri ten on? I know there art tatne
who contend that they wetjld he, hat I
think if a careful pstsjsal -cisiona
of the State SrtM start is
made, several eWeMtsm -His(arty
one, which It practieaVy sjswtsW tolka
cosjUtleMBnvtJIswg-.Btt this alf
bo found in support of my essetetrtesa.
In addition to this, is not tha etty
paying-in caah-6 per cent interest an
the $10,000 bond that were given for
the water works? -This interest has
amounted to about 17,000 already.
I there not a provision in tha dty
charter that the city cannot contract a
debt in excess of S500 unless the same
la submitted to the voters? If so, then
why did it contract for the fire slam
system without following the provis
ion of the charter? Remember, I am
in favor of the system, bat am opposed
to thi violation of the city charter.
I am not going to pursue this coarse
further at thin time. I will be present
at the meeting- of the Federation and
ice what i said and done. If I were
able to express myself ia opsa meeting
. would do so, but since leaaaot I tarn
to you. The government of thk city
i about a near a failure as anything I
can conceive. There ia not a man who
would run his business as tha eoancil
it running the affairs of Klamath Falls.
There it neither common saaaa nor
Judgment used and unless tnanlhlas, ia
done to call a halt wa wlH asm ha
crying out, "Oh! Lord, deliver us."
Attend! the Fisherman that
Fly Hooka, Spoon Bain, Reela,
Line, Steel and Bomkoo Kofe
They are conttmcted for acki.
title flahlng and no natter haw
unikllUd the fathtraun acc
wiU attend hla effort! If be mm
our tackle. .. , , .. (,,
5c Hanks
Phone 173,Inuu Block
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