The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 11, 1908, Image 1

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F Mostly Head Paper in
Our Advertisers (Jet
the Real Heaulta . . .
i- i.'i...ii. i.vii..
I milium limn i
cono Ykaii, No. 471.
Price, B Cents.
lunicipal Water System Will Be Followed
by Lighting System
tract tun Be Made With the Oovcrnmont by tho City
for Water for Irrigation and INmcr I'ur-poscS'-Association
Not Ncccssury
system, ninl last the electric light lant.
It I maintained that there ia ulllrlrrit
owf r In tln cnnal In nci-niuplith all (
I, municipal wntel )lrm! Ami add-
u Ihia wlllhe a municipal electric
kit plant' thl I lln' riicram
Ipped out by Inn promoters of llm ,(,,., ,!,, (r t, , tiiat when
element lnf the ealeMiahnieiit ol llir
jirilrlptl ijili'lii n( Irrigation. Tint
I going If a mUr moe l iiT'
I, lithe mammr in which It ia l-wg
lhr.1 ia n t-rllerluii.
Jmlrr llm art id congrris ruvtllrir
tint ower la nael fur tin' purpose ol
pumping water for the Irrigating system
It will Intituling llivt trani when It
will Ihi lent nenled lm IikIiIi; during
llm Minti'r when I In-Unlit nit' miMt In
ilrmnnd, llir irriirallng ayati-ui will not
llir vMitlilMiiiiriit a( ll'" "'"icl'l jn in iuf, nml heme practically nil ol
Igatlon prttjeela, llir provision waal,0 .IIUI., ran he devoted to tlielightllig
If that tlif liortiitiiPiil would nl all I ,),!,
ca maintain ronln.l of the .outre of The llrat ateitlciollrig toward the ac-
ifilJy Tlul in the ease nl llm Ankeny mn.pii.bmrnt l audi a rr.ult be
M would lm aa lollowa: llm govern-, , . rt.,mtl.v ,..,,.1,,.. . .rminl bv
jatflt would liiitall Itit' jwr Ianl ami
mM deliver llm Malt-rat agivcii olnl;
awll tinilil Irate urn circuit- irr in
i city and the (iioiilclMllly ruiiM dr-
ir llm walerllaell. It cannot, how-
r, Irani tir aril llm final In any
on or ror,r.illoii, n n n
lint auppoaed io alblej
It ran lrn, sell or ttlaot nl llm
rar generated through the agency cl
ranal In any irriuii or coronation
tit period olnol tueiceed Irii years.
I for llir pure of preventing
would, then-font, In nllilr, alter
icily rnlPfFil Intocnntinrl will, llm
srnnirnt lm llm inlgnting ayalein, tu
ir.itrr liitna roiiliacl for tint supply
ol electric energy for llm operation
rity water ayatem ami electric light
it, till contract to Im renewed every
will nut If m-coiiary to fonu n mil-
Ipal water iim-is asaoclalinn nw at
aupafd tliiilff llm law It will
ilble for tliu city loentr lulu n
tract illicit with llm government,
binding every lot naner Jutl llm
as II tlmt lot owner indivldii-
algni-d a contract Hilli llm govern
It. Thla greatly Iraavna Ilia amount
'I ' of rk connected with tlm currying out
fllie iroKalllun.
Tlirn In tilick urcntfon will follow
yatfin of IrrlKAtlnn, which wa Ilia
Imp object llml raiiavtl IhU aiilUtlon.
en lliu Inilftllntlnn of a rlty water I lonulit mil.
tlin (oIIowIiik nutlri' nit out by llm Civ
lr IVilcmtloii.
At llm inertinc of tint Civic I'nlcra.
lion in. TburKlny Nliilit, tlm following
iiiMtlon will lii connlili'inl mnl ilia
cnrl t
ItctolrtM, That tliocillrnt ol Kliin
til Kall ahonlil incouiak'o ami try tu
tlabllilimi llnli'iriiili'Mt U'alrrHynlein.
Tim Krtlcratloii ilcaltm lliu attcoilanra
ami rti-oiK-ration ol nil i-itlcm in ileal
Inc with till nml other linxirlant qnet
tliiiia kkiii to coiiio iii for nioiUlrratlon,
aninii ullmra Im'Iii, (tin nilvinalilllly of
MlablUliiiiK iiim wurka for boating anil
lltfhtlnK .iiihi-, the cHrrai:oi)ilritloii
ami llm mbllr Imli-tilcUnrat of Klamath
KalU anil how hrtt to ileal wilh il.
ilmry Cailrn, St-crstnry.
Homo llirio aro who btlloxr that thl
move It nn niilluii'ly one, for the rrarau
that II will amuta antai;oniini thai
woiilil lluitormiint until llm iropoalllon
waa Micci-atlnlly lamirhnl, whllr on tlm
other ham) lhr aru iIiomi who rantrml
thai tho lit nnil aurrat way to ncconi'
filial, tlio irmilla ruiiuhl l to lake llm
pcoplo Into tho nffalr ami lima cnlial
practically tin- cntlru h)iiiIkIoii, for It
la a well rrcoxnlicil fact that tnunlclal
ownarahlpol public utlllllr la a iuea
llon that iiiretn' tlm nnqiiallflMl anil
hearty tupporl of lliu oplo gonarally.
That thli iiueailon la gnltiK to be an
Important turn nt llm municipal election
In May la rrrtiiln. It will miiltmbtnlly
ovrrahnilow nil olhnr iamirl ami will ho
tho ono on which I ho rauiNtlgn will bo
You Want a Pair of Shoes
Fine Drew, Buii
nen Stylet, Outing
or Heavy Work
Shoci, You Can
Find Them at Thii
Store. .. .. ..
aBBBaaaW (al
Largest Stock in the County
Celebrated Walkover and Nap-a-tani
California Syndicate Negoti
ating With f. J. Bowne
of Bonanza
Circuit Court Busy With Crim
inal Cases-Chicken Case
first on Docket
I' J. Ilonmt, wlin rrturnoil to llonkn
ra Afotiitay, alnliil while hrf that he l with alwillnu rhlrkfiia Irruii
aerluuily i'onaIilirlng tho .rorxraltlri to. Arumliiiiii( una n tilal in tlm
give nn oil Irato o a jyndlcat of Cali
fornia oil m;i, who have a rrpreacnla'
live now In Itnimoza. 'Jluti- geiitleiuen
tlcalrj to avemu a Iraao on u larRe bo,ly
of UuJ anl preler accurlng audi from
otia imlhlilual where it la poaalble.
Thla ex i t eaint' here with grave doubt
aa to llm pimllillltr of r.mllng any Imll
cati'iiia ol nil, but nflrr aN-iiiling aeveral
.Inya In thu ilrlnlty of !onana lm
changnl hla inlnil un.l oniil nrgotla
atloua with Mr. Ilowim for a leaae on hla
Uli'l. The deal It almply unilrr ronalil
vralloti, but II Mr. Ibiniie conaenla to
give the leaae it la llm Intention of tb
Callfornlana to put tlow n a well 0O0U fret
ninl will no biml tlmiiiavUra in the con
tract. The iloiililiiigTlMimaaea are U
ItlnuInK to think that Iheiu la more In
llm oil iirnjioiitlon arnuml llc.naiifa Ihau
at Aral apN-arit mi Ihe aurfare ami II t rtinriecllor. wilh Hit-c-a-e ami k atati-1
Thu eat of John Wlllanl, rhamril
I'ranL !
ircuil I
court Ihii ufleruooii. The flrat wiun-aa
In the can- wai O. W. Moore, who atat
ol that he waa niktil by Wlllanl to go
nut ami ateal chlckena; that ho rcfuaeil;
that later Wlllanl returnl with chicle
ana in a aack.
lie waa folloHiil by Charle Me'iier
whoalntnl that he waan barlemlrr in
llmOwl'iialooii ami that one etenlog In
November he piirchaaed a chicken from
Wlllanl giving him therefor n pint of
Frank I.. Atmatrong took the aland
ami alateil that there were eight chlck
ena atolen from hla barn on the evening
ol November II, nml that the leather
lm foiiml In llm rear of the aaloon were
Ihoau of a high grade ilymoiith rock
chicken which he believeil had bvn I
atolen from hi place. '
Kollowltic Mr. Arniationi'raiiie Das
McNamara, who waa alwi arrrated In
Mail Service Goes From Bad to Worse by
Government Change
Thrall Also Becomes I emporary .Storage Place for United
States Mail so I hat Fight Days Is Required
to Communicate With Portland
the Hoimh'ne got-a throiiKh ami tlm
leaaera carry nut their program there la
apt to be aome Ihely tiinca in the neigh
ImjiIkkiiI of the iiiftroa ol tlm upper
That the llowne tract la Ideally located
for an oil proioiilion ia admlttal by
etcryono who know nu) thing about oil
and It ia certain that II there la nil near
that be accomuipmiieil Willanl to a bara
on tlm mit aide of the riier; that Will
aril eulerrd the Fame, paa-e.1 nut to hla
lour deal rhlclena; that Willanl had
in hia ioaaealoii four chicken when he
emerged from the barn.
Tbea'.ate ietetl itacaaeat III la ioint
whn A ahoit rrceaa waa laken, nml aa
we go to prea the eianlnatiou of Wil-
III In progreaa.
Thla rate will be folkiwetl by the trial
llonanra thn Itowue tract will aland a n Ie N. Johnatone, charged with cat-
morn than llm average ahnw ( having
Ita ahareuf il.
(lur vntenllne' nm all re nml up to
ilate nt Winter'. i
Attorney 1.' I. Walaon of Poitland
repreaenteil tint Ciewnurau enmpany,
which concern iaone of the ilefendanta
and appellanta, while .1. C. Ilutenic ap
peared n altorney for llm plaintiff
and reajiomli-nt. Tlm aupieine court
will ptolxibly ih-iide the can: within the
lint mouth.
Business steadily Increasing
Aa mi indication ot the increase In
biitine," condition prevailing in thla
city, Ihat of fi. HeitL.eniirr, Jr.. ia a
fair example. When he renin! the
alore room in thu liepublican block he
lielicveil llint lm would have ample room
for aometlme to conic, but now he tinda
that hi bulnrR lm -ronii to audi pro-
portiona aa toilnnnud larger accommo-
datlona. lie hm therefor made arransc
tl atttltni, anil tlmn Mrlll Mima iIim! .... . ....
. --"""! - ... 7... jmeni" inr uie ete lion 01 an aililition on
criminal caaea, among which will lw tin
Mate a Corpmn and relertleiuer.
Ijtter Wlllanl waa found guilty anal
will be aentenced In the morning.
The Thursday night, February 13, meeting of
the Civic Federation promises to be an interesting
session, and every member should be present. Citi
zens, not members, who are in sympathy with us,
are cordially invited to attend and become members.
With malice toward none we are striving to .bring
about a better condition of society, upbuild and
beautify our town, and lend our aid to our officers in
the discharge of their duties. You may have some
thing to offer that will help us. Come and let us
reason together no politics simply good citizen
ship is what we want. Everybody welcome that
favors same. G. W. WHITE, President.
the rear ol hia store, which will bo used
aa a workshop nml a tore room. The
apace at pre'eut ued fortheae purpoeef
will be fitted up lor op'.lrat and tnnaic
depart nienl nnd will be In harmony
with the ri-at of hia i-atabUihment.
Dairy Merchant Sends in 285
Dozen in Last Saturday's
First off Series
The flrat of the aeriea of basket ball
gamea for the "Mong Cup" will be
played Saturday evening-. The follow
ing team have been entered for the
con teat:
White Star
Vernie Clift
Perry DeLap
Auatin Hayden
Virgil Noland
H. B. Kirkpatrick
0car Wright
W. I. Hedge, of Dairy, who recently
purchneed tint lalra' alnck of mcrchan-
diae, waa hi the illy Tueaday. Mr.
Sedge brought In S&ldoion oleggi which
lm aold In tho local inerclmnta, lie anya
tho Yoniia Valley lien are warkingover
lime theao line daya nnd they are turn
ing out clout to three hundred doicn of
rggN each week, Wl'h audi n recoul aa
thla tho, people of Yonna ought to feel
happy Rud keep humming the "lay of
the lien." Mr. Sedge if offering (or oale
his entire ilock of merchandise at actual
coat, alio hi buildings and lot. Ilia
reason (or this ia tho deslro ol Mr.
Sedge to go lo California, to rare for her
father, who was bereft ol his wile recently.
Outgoing Passengers
The following were outgoing passen
gers on the Bray host this morning:
0. 8. Obstterton, J. C. Marshall, E. 1'.
Mpfgsn, Oharles WalkorandE, Buckow
Seven.ntssengers arrived from .Pokes
ma last .night and thue are on the in-
comlngstage to-day.
Lake County Case of Four
Years Standing Before
Supreme Court
After four years litigation the right be
tween the Cliewaucan Land A Cattle
company, a aulialdiary to thellrm of Mil
ler and, California cattle klnga.aud
half hundreil settlers ol the rich (an.,
ing and graxlng Isuds along Silver creek
In tali) county for water rlgl.te, waa
argued at length before the itipreme
court at Halem.
Tho suit for the water rights wss orig
inally begun before Judge II. L. Benaon
in tho circuit court ol Lake county.
After a year and a halt ol stubborn
fighting (or the control ol the titer,
Judge Benson rendered n decUlon in
favor ol a maorlty ol the settlers and
against Ike Chewaucan company and
the remaining settlers. The case was
then appealed to the supreme court,
before which it has slnco been pending.
It Is thecontontion ol the Chewaucan
company, which owns a vast area of land
around the Pauline marsh, into which
Silver creek empties, that the settlers
along the river use up the water before
It reaches the' marsh, thereby leaving
their lands loan arid and unproductive
condition. " ,
Roy Walker
Burge Maaoo
Joe Ball
D. B. Kendall
Alex Shive
Geo. T. Pratt
T. W. Zimmermen
Hioh School
A. C. Yaden
G. K. Van Riper
Will Hum
Edwin Rolfe
Chas. F. DeLap
Will North
Howard Bogga
Uoy Fouch
Geo. DuFault
Fred Clift
It is said that the Crescents will rep-,
resent the athletic team of the Inland
Empire Club.
The null cr Ice for thla city haa nt
lait reached tlm limit. For the patt
year knlediiropic changes have been thu
order of the day, nnd no man knew from
ono day lo the next when he would 1
able lo receive ami aend out mail. Kach
change wemetl to lw for the worst, but
it remained for the goternment to inako
tho final dath into thu Held of error and
leave thia aectlon where It's mail la In n
plight far woree than ever before.
Monday morning a new icheduin wss
Inaugurated. When the Klamath Lake
railroad changed Ita achedute so that ita
trains left I'okc;ama In the evening at
Oo'clotk, the mall contractors asked
that their schedule N changed so they
might leave here at 7 o'clock in the
morning. After sufficient red tape had
been unwound the onler came from
Washington directing that the mall
leave Here at 10 o'clock in the morning
allowing a ten hour Khedulc to reach
I'okegaina. It waa assumed that a
change had been made in the departure
ol the train from I'okegama, bat not to,
the hour of leaving that station being S
o'clock, eight hours ntter the mail leaves
this city. Thiadid not allow of auflki
ent time for the stsge to reach Pokega
ma and the result Is that the mall re
mained their until Tuesday evening
twenty-four hours after It should have
left Ihat point.
For this departure on schedule lime
tho railroad company is not to blame,
for the reason II the Klamath Lake rail
road company does not make Its sched
ule, whether It carries the mall or not
it will be fined by the postofflce depart
ment. After reaching Thrall it remains there
ten hours, (or the mail going north, and
19 houra for the mail going south. The
result will be that over eight days will
be consumed In getting an answer ton
letter sent to Portland.
Thia Is a matter that tho Chamber of
Commerce ought to take Immediate
steps to rectify. It la quite evident that
the iKMtolIke department is too busy
(Concluded on last page)
Attends the Fisherman that uses
Fly Hooks. Spoon Baits. Rtcls.
Lines, steel and Bamboo Rods.
They are constructed for scien
tific ilshlnd and no matter how
unskilled the f lshermai success
will attend his efforts If he
our tackle. , , , , ,
Roberts & Hanks
Phone 173, Emma .Block
; -K
,V . . i.'