The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 10, 1908, Image 1

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    "ffH K ' !-$$
' 'tV
itly Head Paper in
Our Advertaers,'Get
the Bear Results . . .
imath Falld ....
i Year, No. 470.
Price, g Cents.
. . ;
kI River Friends and former Neighbors
Tender Farewell Banquet
rn Klamath Is Proud of One of It Former Residents
and Mr. and Mr. F. P. Croncmiller Arc
Guest of Honor at Reception
H. L. Holgate Alto Wants to
Be Joint Senator for
This District
id Mi' I'. I'. Cronoinlllvr were
hlg oallon l Fort Klamath
ly nlitlil. Mr. I'mnrmillrr ha
kiting friend In tlio Woo.! KUer
pprotlouato tila departure (or
w mainline hldiillcrf elver
lint nlllie.
Ir. ami Mt. Cronemlller have
warm ivrsonal friend", Kim
l nrri.loii In show the rriv(
li tin-) IkiM llirlr former neigh
It too n nt I I'fl vtccilloti u
( llorlUulttirr, In difCiiMlng tlio careol
fruit tice and vine. Hit in engaged In
ending mil Iim formula' Inr spraying
for tli fun J""' If, wooly nililt,
codling in hi 1 1 mul other thlngilhat prey
on the fruit crop til Oregon,
"Now It tlm lltim for winter tpraylng
mul It ought to I"' lour right way,"
he said, "Whom tin tree aro not
worth 'ra) lug tlir-y ilioold Ixcui down
land burned, mi a not lu remain limiting
;wa rnthii'laitlcally taken up """ ,of " v"iou I'1' '" "'"
Itliatiata stilillit lia !. aiitaiail It eta-ilsai
rvoiin ami arrangement wen ......., .,....,.
made for a hanuuel ami ,!.,- " "y nny mn naiw, , .-an jom
I urn opir oi ixl mver nil-.
lodnalhlng they alwajn go the
I .Saluida) afternoon the rril
gait louring li ami ly evening
Verylndy within a radio of .10
ero gathered at tlm big lull
ae stent wa to takn plim. Tlm
citato tint It wit tlir largett
In tlm hlttorr of tlm Kurt,
rone crowding carh other In
Ir congratulation! ami ilo lion
air mod tetpectrd rltllrri, Mr.
, Cronemlller were tiotli deeply
by tlir enthusiastic reception
jtheui anJ it will he with a tinge
(that tliry leave their host of
linations April IS
Ctli ami ICth examinations will
in Klamatb Fall to secure
from which tn All vacancies,
fmay occur. In t ha pniltion of
assistant engineers In the
Hon .Service. Applicants for
Atlon of Assistant Engineer
re hail at lent four years prnc-
rlence In engineering. A
training- In rolleg will be
twn )ear.
iry for assittant engineers is
r annum and upward, aad for
linear, 1720 am) upward.
II. I.. Ilolgato, of llunania. rituniad
Haturdsy riming from Corvallls, whore
ho ha been vliltlng his father who hat
been ulle III. Mr Mitigate states that
ho will enter tlm rain for tlio nurnlna
lion for Joint senator, illi friend hat
been strongly urging Mm for mime tluie,
and at lie hid partly promlied tiny frirl
justified In iniltling that he allow lilt
name to bo used.
Tlili will tnako thn senatorial contest
a threo cornoml fight, wlilrh la nrtcr a
tnmorl iialll nflir tlm rlrclloti. .c
coriling In alatrmciila of ItlcmU ol Ilia
thrro candlilatra, Ilolgato claim Crook
county, Will It I uro of LaVe, but tlio
frlcmli of Mfrryiiian are not troubled
with inodrtty. They claim Urook and
Klamalli and an orrn break In Ijko.
While all the ramliilale claim that
they doilre a clean, ipilei campaign, yt
ll I helieid that the wnatorlal contrt
will dfcloi Into one of the hotfrat
political flglilD nivr knoirn in Klamath
county. It U lilntnl that a xn a the
general public li let into the game there
will be Komethlng doing on all iie.
Merrill 1 1 cms
Time to Spray
1 'cm or iiit 'em down," aaya
1 Wllllniinnii nl thti State Hoard ' corner itth. and I'ine alriTtn.
Mr. T.J. Allen, of CortallU, arrltr.!
till week In take chaiint of the primary
ilrrt Jient of the Dale M-hool vlro Mia
Kate llilgliei, reilirned, who corn In
Mr. Albtu, of Ilutte rountv, I'al.. '
rlrcd In thlt city lt Thnraday, being
callet hembr the lllneia ol her brntber,
II. T. Aii'lereon. Mr. Anderann i re
imrlnl m being itlll very ill.
I'lcrce Comb rccelvrtl the following
Ulegrain from Hedding, Cal.i "Pierce
Coil, Meirill, Oregon! C. A. Cotab
roinmllti-ddiicldi'brre tnilay. Any tn
(oriiiatlon? V, I Inuiiou, Coroner. Mr.
Comb l well known here, being a
brother of, I'irrce nnd Krnl Comb.
I'rank MrCornark, who wa,ln town
Kaluiilay (tntnl that tlio Urn did not
leave a Imard ol hi lioure iinbnrned,
althntigli a email building not over
twelve feet from (lie lnnie wa pard
which. In I now iK-ctipylng until tetnin
rary quarter are built. Aieoonn the
weather ermll in the apring be will
begin conitriiclugof aflno rt-Mdencr.
Now I tlio time to get omo nlca plat
laum photograph. The price will ur
rlMi you at III lliltao atudln.
Kiirnlnlioil and tinfurnUhrd room lor
hounekeeplng. Inqnlrvof II, K. I'elta,
Naf tzger Favors Organization
of Municipal Water Users'
v Association
Stock Beinq Turned Out on
the Range Much lartier
Than Usual
You Want a Pair of Shoes
Dretf, Buti
Stylei, Outing
Heavy Work
You, Can
Them at Thii
re. .. .
aim. frm
aLaaaaV. 1M
rgeit Stock in the County
Celebrated' Walkover and Nap-a-tani
Tho Merrill Itivonl lurniihi tl.n fob
lowing Interesting Item on the otock
iluatlou: ,
Jack llorton iaeil through Morrill
the tint oftho week with SOD head ol
the llorton beef cattle.
Catllo owner aro turning out their
tock. Wm. Dalton ba turned out a
A. II Nafttgor, preiident of tha
KUmalh Development company, ar
rival! in Ih clly .Saturday evening to
remain aaveral day. While tha oc
catUn of the praatnt vitit la limply a
matter of xpeclal buiineu, he eirjoct
to return later to inaugurate their plan
of work for the coming Maaon.
When aiktd aa to whether be waa
In favor of tha proposition to organize
a city water uaers aiaociation for tha
purpo of aupplying water to the city
property owner for-irrigation, Mr.
Natyzgtr aald: "I have heard aome
thisg about the prvpoiltion but do not
know juit what plan ! propoaed. We
cirtalnly need water to irrigate our
lawai and garden and our company li
ready to encourage any movement In
that direction. If there I any oppor
Unity to aecure a aupply of water for
this purpoae, it would be the graveat
miftake we could make aa a city, not
to take advantage of It before it la too
lata. I will make it a point toaea
what the government official! offer to
do and If it li a auitable plan I will ba
glf d tn co-opernta with the citizen."
Roll Has Been Turned Over to the Sheriff
Who Receives Moneys
Taxes to Be Collected litis Year Amount to $143,542.16
Whereas I hose Collected Last Year
Aggregated But SI04,r06.04
Mass Meeting Caned to Dis
cuss Gty Irrigation Is
Largely Attended
The announcement of the meeting to
dicut tha proposition to secure tvater
for Irrigation purpoae called out a big
gathering of city property owner at the
court house Saturday night. From the
large attendance and earnett dieruialoii.
It would appear that the citizcua are
wide awake to the advantages that
The Thursday night, February 13, meeting of
the Civic Federation promises to be an interesting
session, and every member should be present. Citi
zens, not members, who are in sympathy with us,
are cordially invit3d to attend and become members.
With malice toward none we are striving to bring
about a better condition of society, upbuild and
beautify our town, and lend our aid to our officers in
the discharge of their duties. You may have some
thing to offer that will help us. Come and let us
reason together no politics simply good citizen
ship is what we want. Everybody welcome that;
favors same. G. W. WHITE, President
thousand head on the Dry Lake range.
Other Mnckmrn are doing thn amo
thing. Tin art ion at thl timo ol tha
year should bo roru-ltialvo proof tn tho
climate knocker llmt Klimatli la not
uninhabitable because of ll severe
winter weather.
.nwl fierber started ten carload nl
beef catllo for Mnntaguu lat Wedne.
day. During tho week Mr. (icrber
bought olllert Harrows, N. ,S. Merrill,
Kd Cirdwe!!, J. K. Adinu, A. T. Un
gell, Fred Vope aad Mr. Terwllliger
over fc") head ol beef cattle. This cliari
out all tha bef cattle in thl, vicinity.
i i . ,
, Auction
Auction. To the public: Being de
shouol closing oat at once, we have
ilacldad to dlipoie ol the bilince ol our
took atiiucllon. The ula wilt con
tau,c Friday, January Slit, with J. M.
DawU aa auctioneer, and 'will contlnua
antll a very . article in our itora 'it sold,
taaltkina flktare. ate. Thl li not a
oattaln tale nor a taeie reduction la
Haee.-TU li tna.oaVring ot onr iteck to
tha people ot Klimath 'county' at your
priaaf. BemaaaBartha bic auction iae
tarii on rrlday, January 31. Qoodi
old in lot alio;- f rlvaU mUi aviry.
fraanfia. AaaiaaaUejy.aMwnoon
ana evening, uvJAUUKa JO,
would result from a perpetual
of water for Irrigation,
The meeting w a railed to order by
O. W. White and on motion I., F. Will,
its waa chosen chairman and J. O. Swan
secretary. Knglneer D. W. Murphy
v.m aaked to explain tho plan the Kec
lanmtlon lervlce lollowetl in supplying
cities with water. Mr.Murpliy stated
that tho icual procetluro ol the depart'
inent waa to enter into a contract to do
lir water at a slated point from which
the auoclatlon ol cltlieni agiefd to die
tribute it to the property owners'. He
called attention to tha fact that thtraaro
tone 40 water rigbti in the city, which
are entitled to one inch ol water each,
and that some arrangement would lue
to bo made to take car ol these.
-The raaulnuer oi toe atoning wm
pent in gtnaral ,dle union ot the ur
Ject, avory apeakar itrongly urging that
action bo taken in securing waur. Maj
or Worden aaidthit ha wal the owner ot
over ISO) loti whlchTbewai wllliag to
algn up it thn gotarnnant would f Ornish
tto wafer. On notion a conmittao ot
tare coaaUtlng ot C. E .Worden, . I.
AWHf4to,.a4Q. W. White wai ap
poialed to ooafer with tho goveraamnt
olUclal and report at 11 iulcquent
meeting In ho railed liythc prcideril.
The Oddfellow held n big eion
rnitnrilay night, when idey conferred
the second degree. There are four a
pliiatious in for degreex, commencing
the first Hireling in tlm month.'
This i the tint day of the special
term of Circuit Court and the jurors
and witnesses are coming in. Most of
the day has been taken up in prelimin
ary work and arguments.
Charles I.amlert of Ilonanta
of the Klamath Fsll-J.alccwev stage
line ha been in thin city alnro Saturday
looking alter the ImtlncM at thii end of
the line.
Mr. and Mr. I.etli Gcrber camo in
from lngell lalley yeilerday, where
they were ralh-d by the lltnesa of Mr.
lierber's rather, whom tbey report very
much iraprnrd.
W. II. McCluro left yetterday for
Dnrri whero ho will probably engage in
the meat limine?, if arrangements can
be made luaecnrr thcoli hop at that
FREE Wa hare a lot of old news
papers at tha Herald office, which our
reader! are welcome to If they will come
and gat tbom at once.
W. II. Maaon is being urged for
Central Committeeman on the Republi
can ticket and it is reported that he
haa consented to run.
The teacher examination for tate
and county paper will be held by Sup
erintendent Wight at the public school
building commencing ednetday.
John W. and Jamea L. Logue. W. P.
Sodgo and J. R. Welsh, are Dairy resi
dents who aro here today.
W. S. Worden, right ol way agent for
tha Southern Pacific, arrived home Sat
urday tor a short vitit.
Joe Hettinger, of Bonanxa, i regis
tered at the American Hotel
If your pipes freeze up, call on Zim. !
The collection of taxe for 1907 ha
commenced. The tag roll waa lamed
oter lo the sheriff thl morning and he
and Deputy Delap aro busy making out
receipts for tlicne who have lent their
tixej In by mail.
The roll thij ear ahow an assessed
valuation of 7. 6A2.M0 a agiinit '
(m,0o for 100C, or an increase ol nearly
one nnd one half million dollars. The
taxe to bo collected are $M3,M.lO ae
asralntt I IOt,IO(UM for 19C0, and are
clanified a follow: (late, county,
school and other tax, 1108,968.01 ; city
tax, t,M8.72; road tax, tlO,OI4.07 and
(peclal school tax, lf,9U.3l.
First of Series
The first of the series of basket ball
game for the "Moog Cup" wiU be
played Saturday evening. The fallow
ing tams have been entered for the
Whits Star
Perry OaLap
Virgil Nolaad
H. B. Kirkpatriek
Oscar Wright
Roy Walker '
Burge Mason
Joe Ball
D. B. Kendall
Alex Shive
Geo. T. Pratt
T. W. Zimmerman
Hich School
A. C Yaden
G. K. Van Riper
Will Hum
Edwin Rolfe
Chaa. F. DeLap
Will North
Howard Bogg
Roy Foueh
Geo. DuFauIt
Fred CUf t
It It Mid that the Creeeenta will rep
reient the athletic team of tho Inland
Empire Club.
District Attorney W. J. Moon ar
rived from Lakeviow Saturday aionlat
to attend tha ipecial UraaofCireott
Court, which convened today. Mr.
Moore Mid he did not think bo would
be a candidate for re-election.
J. M. Emery ii down froea Fort
Klamath. Mr. Emory haa with htaa
aaveral marten aad fox akiae, whiok
were taken from animals ho trapped ia
the northern part of tho county. They
are all handsome specimens of fur.
Attends the Fisherman that
Fly Hooka, Spooa Baits, Reels,
Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rods
They are connected for sden
tiflc fishing and no Mutter how
unskilled the f lsherun siccaas
WIU attend his efforts If hei
our tackle. .. .. . ..
Roberts & Hanks
Phone 173,1mm Block
I' " H
I. '4
j, t $ ffi
leteammaaaaBA "f ' "wj
1 H3? I
it.i ifi