The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 08, 1908, Image 1

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iMoatly Read Paper in
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
; Klamath Fall ....
cond Yeah, No. '170.
Price, C Cents.
ams amUss! Bh (2I& 'HrV mWf BtV ' sVlmiT
wernment Irrigation System May Be
Secured for Klamath Tails
Wingate Is Doing Missionary
Work at Old Home in
Stale of Michigan
in Proposed Provide for the Organization of
Water lifter' Association on lines Similar
to Ihose of the Klamath Project
a City
flic meeting that It to I held In lli
ml House Itila cvviilni; lao( inorr tlian
Unary Intcieal In llix propln ol this
f, (or Ilia ivaaon it Involir sjtlaui
nemmnt irrigation lor the illy ol
Imnlli I 1 1 Tim Idea It ti'it n new
I, lull llil u III" first step In llm ill-
(Ion which it I lu I hoped Kill load
Rlha ultimata nmimpllshuiriil of tlir
rt Minjlit Ilia elimination nl Ilia
Ikrtiy canal ami the Installation ul a
tmmeiil system nl Irrigation lor ttii
met ulllilu the rlly.
bn a&iulird, a (oMi-r alto secuied along
liil hanks, a power plant Installed anil
water niiiiM-. onto mm il the hlllt. Tim
pruioltloii ! a feasible one and Ihoroal,
when dlatillmtrd throughout the rlly
will In tn small as In lip Infinitesimal,
There arn tho who, in favoring the
project ailvarini tin- argument lint them
will he n girat ileal nl surplus power,
llir ranal having a ritparlly ol between
!IimI :) horsepower. Tlic exrest
power, Ihey argue, ronld lw furnialiedat
ertoal ut I'll a term nl year In (actor-
', I Applegata, when r-orretar) nl thn, r na a for Ihelr ealab-
Iter rsnrs AaaKiatinii llrtt Under-
k lii accomplish ani'li a rraiilt, lull
i time was tint rllw for Ilia rapid
fttemenl olthe troposltlon. Tim An-
y ranal !! now become nuisance,
njrtl Engineer Murphy liaa at all
lieen willing In enlrrlaln any
MMllun (("III llir rltliens looking
lard the rioting upnl Ilia ranal, 1ml
Hi that proMlllon mint mum una
II Mill rata for Ilia right ! Ih own-
of water right. Tim government
r the illon llial tlin la ml lu bare-
trrtd by tlin nhimllng projwrty la nl
llclenl atun fo warrant tint demand
I Ihnimncra lake rnrr nl tlin water
fli" phitliin, however, tn linn Ilia
keny tanal into a rlly Irrigation
itl would rrmovv many nl Ilia nlwla-
I that lln In tlio tlio( tnaliy nl tlin
rr propmlllona. Tlin watrr ilgbta
lliliuianta hem. That such an I ml ilea
men I wonM I a sluing factor In In
ilurlng capital In mum tn llila city I
urv and the Mra lanna that should hava
the arrlous consideration nl tlin people
ol rlty.
11m mealing will hn railed In order at
Hn'rlork In tharmirl hoiita Ihltevanlng
amt rvrty irn-ity iiwimt nii'l iral.ltnt
ol tint rlly oiiitlil to I -a llir ra la ronililt r
tha (project, ll It oinathlng that It
vital tn tha IntairM ol Ilia rlly. .SliouM
lha iroila (lochia In turn th propoth
lion ilon n them am MVcral InillrliloaU)
who mi' rraily to rntrr Into negotiation
with lhot,iiprnmant rrlatlva lo taklagj
otrr Ilii- ranal lor lamur iurxiaa
1 1 lakrn rara n(, thn Kovornmvnt
mluiroil, an ampin tiiiiy nl wtr
I irrigation j.tiroe orcurr.1. Undtr
tting romlilinna tha watrr roniMiny
uM iniirli prrlrr aurli tiling, lor tha
Km that tho raplil growth ul the city
iy lorra tlirm at no ulatant day la n-
i to lurol'li watiT (or it ligation pur-
Day Mail Schedule
Arrnnllnt! tn llir naw arhitlllla liitiad
by Ilia matol1lia departinrnt lo go into
rllrrt Moinlav, Fehrnrary ID, Ilia mall
I will Irava Klamath Kalla in tho morning
at 10 ii'ilmk and nrrita hara alout 3
o'clork In Ihnnllrriinon. Tha now nr
iter pmvMr for a Irn hour rhnlula b
twarn hrroanil I'ukpgaiun. Tho mail
will lran tho lallrr plaro at ft a. In. A
notlro ol thia rhnnga la glvrn In anothrr
column liy thn Uirgnn and California
rmaK(V, Mil li., Jan, :ll, 1("0H, Til
llor KviiIiik IIthIJ. DrarHIr: I an
rlooa oiiu dollar (or w hlcli yon will plraaa
tvnd inn tho lli'iald at I aui hungry fur
rinwaftnin Klaimilh, I tipoct to tn
wilh yon in early apring,
Miihlgaii li now in Ihn grip of a mid
watn, though ll It thn (ltt of Ilia ara
tun, rru wralhrr pravallt,
I Hats anawrrrd many (inrutloriirfgard'
Irig tha Ural, aapoclally Oregon. lt
no limn lu telliiitj n Klamath, hioii lo
I tha itrralnit i-ounly in tha ttali-.
Tim llnanclal itepieMion hat aflfrlaal
all rliof the miliary, hut ronfldrnct
la Iwlng n-aloreil ami wa hellan lha vol
uma nl Imtlrif in HK)H will fall little
horl of thn year paal.
Now It tha tlmu for KUimlli to ll
th people of thn mld'lle ttatea what aim
Ima to otter them for nt lima Ilia thlt
they are IooLIiik for oiiielhlng lietler
and Klamath .no Mclhiir the Kixolt" If
aim will. I h.ivi renlltiil tint fact room
luce returning Kat. Data mat man
who have Willed Klamath within th
laal vear or two wnd ihey drrlaro there
la nothing ran hold It hark o-ice It hat
rail transportation, and that Klamath
Kalla U dratlnnl In U the aernnd rlly
of Orrgnn.
If that lx the opinion of ilrangera
whnarariurrrrtful huilneat tnrn, why
lioiild not Klamath Mow her horn lo
upin-rC? The whnln county I maan,
for what heueflta one aertlnn hrnrfila
tho w hole. Work at mill and the re
aultaln the next few yearn will mir
prlae the nath-rr.
Hoping to hear of tome good thing
for Klamath In tlin nnt few week, I
tt. A. W1NI8ATK.
Session Will Begin Monday in
Compliance With Order of
January 13
Circuit (Jnurt will rontenn next Mon
day, Aa thia la a atieclal term tailed hy
Jiiilgu Jtetimm, only tho- care mm.
liuned in th onltr itaunl January 13,
can hv triiil. All other rate which
liau lieen luought ulnre that date will
hw to go over imiIII thv regular June
Wmi. i'robahly tho ca which will at
tract thn ruott public atu-ntlon will b
the criminal ault of the Htate . Frank
Cnrpron and IVtar I'eteralelner. Kol
lowing I the lint of action at law nnd
tliita in equity to he trieil at thia term -
C. II. Wlthrow va I. A. Duffy.
F. J Howne v J. I). Carroll.
M. J. Ilogera va Hugh Itcftra.
Oregon and California Transportation
(,'ompany va.Klaniath I-akr Hail way Co.
J. C. Uulenlr el ol : J. M. Mclntlrr.
C. J. Swingle vt.Iaaar M. rihepard ami
Jamra II. Drlaudl.
Geo. V. Trefern va. Ifoheii . Hun
nel. Klamath Kalla l.lghi and Water Co.
. Archlo Maaon et al.
Ktalo of Oregon a. John Willard and
Dan McNamara.
.Stale of Orrgon n. Ia N. Johnitone.
hlatanf Orrxon r. Krnett Wolford.
Stale of On-gon va. Frank Corpron
nd Trier I'elertteiner.
MikaDooherand C. II
v. letter Kiikpatrick.
Nrhallock Daggett vf. p. I- Wright
Trillion for naturalization of Oesche
Marie Jantten.
Trillion for riaturalitalinn n( Shedh
A. Micharlten.
Petition for naturalisation df Nathan
iI II. Fennel!.
Mary J. Jolinaon .Charlr Jobaaon.
J. D. Carroll, rt al va. F. J. Rowne.
J. W. Wright . W. J. Mil:, rt al.
May D. Zaerly va. Charlnn D. Zv-
Kva H. Uryanl va. Theoilore J.llryant.
Mark L. Ititrna ot al va. Kugene I-
llopkina et a).
Political Jobs Are No Attraction for the
Prosperous Klamath Rancher
Oafy One Rural Republican and But One Suburban Democrat
Appear Among the Twenty-one Announced
Candidates for County Offices
,aimiaeuitnlfortho-c pre-eni. Out of Ittenty-onecandldatejInKlam.
The dance of tun Twent Onu rluh alh County who havnao far announced
air Ucomliig more o, e;nh tiin: thrroarlu-a on tint llepnhllcan and Dem
and the iiicrabera of thi. ..rwnnallon jocrallc tickets, nineteen are realdenl
areilewrvingof innrt, ,rai- lor the) of Klamath Fall.. Of the Iwo from the
manner In wliirli thev Invo so Is n Iiepuhllcan and tL.t
I fully rnaintalnetl tint rtamllne ot the other a Democrat, the latter living so
I Club and the popularity of . fnnr- clna tn the city, hoaever.thathe mleht
' wrll m consldeird a tulmrhan rtsldent.
There are two ery pUualhlo rratoni
gi;cn for Dili state of affair. One 1
that under the direct primary law the
candidate from the thinly tettlrd dls-
Hamilton a m wm. under him I tricta doe not feel that he ha an equal
Cmmitt Selects Assistants
It. A. L'mmit lm appointed K. North
aa assistant ixlin.n-liT nml Mr. John
nhenhe takr thi-nltlm. The Irxitlnn
DuarnUrry ,,.;,.,. -, tcmnUt ,(,., t
preenl,haliig Invii h-aw.1 In the Gov
eminent for thai purport-.
Mr. Kminilt will piubably not takr
odice until the llrst of thn month a Mr.
M unlock ha ntfered to run the ofllcn
until that time. This will mean a great
raving of wcrlc for both men a otherw Ire
there would bn a double set ol report
lobe made out. Mr.'Mnrdock ha D(-.
getteil thai the assistant enter the office
al nr.rn nnd has offered to assist
him with tho work. Mr. North will
enter thn office Monuay and by the flrtt
of the montlr thing will be In such
bape that there will be no inconven-
lenrr to the pitroni. '
iTho plan pioied it that a city water
r association lw formed, city lot!
gned up, Just tho aame m In Ilia cat
I Ihe Klamath 1'rojrct. Kach lot will
lentltlnl Inn water right, tha same
i coat thn pro rata of the entire coat
I thn project. The Ankitny canal Mould j
Tho many Hibernian on the Upper
tko yestenlay afteroou in joyed the
aunihine of the Kpring day, but had
poor luck catching lish. Nine men
flailed for several hour and lucceeded
In patching one trout about 12 Inches
A public meeting will be held in the Court
House, Saturday evening, February 8th, at 7 o'clock,
for the purpose of conferring with the Government
officials in regard to a proposition for the furnishing
by the Government of water for irrigation purposes
within the city of Klamath Falls. This is a matter
of vital importance to every property owner in the
city, as one of the greatest needs is cheap and suffi
cient water ior irrigation of gardens and lawns.
If You Want a Pair of Shoes
Fine DrcM, Buii
neii Stylet, Outing
or Heavy Work
Shoci, You Can
Find Them at Thii
Store. .. .. ..
faaaaaW laA
Largest Stock In the County
Celebrated Walkover and Nap-a-tani
Jacobs tMMi in oMiua
Service, will bu held in the several '"wB iowim gron.d lor a
churchea of Klamath Kalla tomorrow a 'W "tore building to bo tun! hy L.
follow: . Jacob ol hUmath Fall, In which he
lace a large atock ol general raer-
Chriatlan Science Society Itagula;
aervicra will Ihi held at Klamath Con-
chandlse In tho near future. The mer-
aervatory of Music tomorrow morning ' rantUe bualnaat la alright but at Ilia
at 11 a. m. present time we want farmers, men who
will settle on tho land In our valleya and
aay tn the government, "We want
irrigation" nnd that la what will make
j the go eminent get amove on quicker
j than anything else. Donania Kulletin.
ItaplUt Service Kunday School 10
a.m. Treachlng U ft. in. II. Y. I'. V.
7 p. in, Treachlng 7 :U0 p. m,
ItKV. J. II. niUFFITH, l'aator.
Methodist Servirea Sunday School al
10 a. ui. Treachlng 11 a, nt.
Kpworlh League, 7 p. in.
Treadling, 7:4ft p. m. Subject, ol
urmont "Alwaya In the Balance."
REV. P. C0NKLIN, Paitor.
Presbyterian Church-Bible School at
10 a. in. Morning wonblp at U o'clock.
Rubjactol morning aermon: "A Fat
iaafor Souli."
0. E. prayer matting at 6:20' p. m.
iabjeetj "Mlnliterlng to the Btrangen
1 Worthlp at 7:30 o'clook. Bubjert,
"Tba Condemnation ol the World."
Moaniayevaalng lecture oa Monday
evening at 7 sift. Subject, "Greek and
Beaan InluMwei and PreBaratlon for
the. Ooaolng ot the Meealah." Prayer
UMtlog on "Wednaaday evening at 7 :90.
All are, weleome to every tervlce o
tbecbureh. "'
RIV. GEO, T. PRATT, Patter.
Club Entertains Again
The Tw enty One Club gave one ol lu
popular dance laet evening, and it waa
on ol the moat largely attended of any
Siren by thii organization (or some
im. Tha evening wai an ideal one (or
dancing and the gueali ot the Club en
joyed themMlvea thoroughly. The
daaelngWinmltteo bad deoorated the
ball beautifully, evergreen, flower, red
and white ribbon and Japanese lantern
altering largely into the decoration.
Kach oi the ladle wu preeented with a
caiemtlona,! aouveuir ol the ocomIob.,
One of the innovation of the evening
Ma U allotlsg olall the extra dance
w tha ladle choke, with the mult that
It'afordeda gteat deal of pltaaeat
I reapectiully announce myself as a
candidate for the office of County Treas
urer, on the Democratic ticket, subject
to decision of the voters at tho Primary
election .
roa coOfTnr clxrk
1 hereby announce uiytelf a a candi
date (or nomination to office ol County
Clerk aubject to action of Democratic
voter at the primary election.
W. S. Worden and A. II. Xafliger are
eipocted to arrive from San Francisco
today, the latter (or a few day's business
Look In Winters' window and sen the
smallest watch made in America.
show with I lie man from the city. Of
course there I tin blame attached to aa
many randldalea from this city trying
for an entice a may with, a one man
hat the tame right a another 'to became
a candidate. The connty should not
charge thia city with wantloK all Ike of
fires, for if they refine to enter candi
dates, thev are the only one to blame.
The other reason advanced, and which
probably i the correct one, U that the
farmers of Klamath county are o pros
perout and so busy with money making,
that they havo no deslro or time to
bother with a political office. No owner
of 100 acres ol valuable (arm land in this
county can afford to neglect his land and
homo (or a measly two year term In of
fice, especially thote under the Govern
ment irrigation project, who find that
their entire time Is taken up in prepar
ing their land to receive the water when
it is turned on. Tho return from the
land far exceed the highest remunera
tion paid to any office holder.
Ready for Busiaaagi
I.. Ala Lewis ha already secured
quarters for his repair depart meat, which
I in charge of Frank Upp. Space baa
lieen secured from the Chit wood Drag
Co., and that department will be ran
nlng at usual hereafter. Mr. Lewis hat
removed all damaged good to hit resi
dence, and as yet has made no plan for
the Intiiro except at atated above.
Practice for "The Crucifixion" under
tho leadership ol T. W. Zimmerman it
progressing very satisfactorily.
Attends the Fisherman that uses
Fly Hooks, gpooa Baits. Reals,
Lines, Steel and Bamboo Rods.
They are constructed for scien
tific fishing and no matter how.
untkilled the fisherman raccesf
will attead his efforts If he nsts
our tackle. .. .. ,. .
Roberts & Hanks
Phone 173, Emma Block
S HrlKi"'