The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 07, 1908, Image 1

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rMtffitly HJul l'npor In
.Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results . . .
f.Klmmitli FuIIh ....
CONI Yl.AH, No. '170.
Price, 5 Com.
foter Users Association Attorney Sues
for Annual Assessments
:tion is approved
rec Suits Aro Alrt-ndy filed
Instituted Aqainst forties Who Refuse to
Pay Delinquent Iws
, H.rimllh,tlmiiey (in the Klamalli
iter r"t ,aa.cisiinti, imoi iiur
i jolrnlnjf lor the. collection ! n-
niriita (mm iiirinlN'i til the a.ii-ln
Tin' pnllk ne litiiiiKlil B(t'll'it
M. I.lpton, Mia. I lance. U nml
la l'faini.llrl.1.
lit U Urn lli.l nlleiiipl "",n lli"'ltli
I court, to (nun 'lie . of il-lln
l.ii .&(. inula. Imt it la alatiil that
i . i. ....ii. -.-I.,
I hh . are I-
" " -
j prepared. Tin. -ll'"'ll'''"'-,..l1IK.j.,
with III ilrcialon nl tin illlrciora
llivir iifriit imitlnv, In tlnin
Mxtinll i( all aa.MainrliH. Tliimt
H. Imxr .IkibcI u ill..ltl.ui to V
MllllH.KlVr.ia.illllrl.nt llli.n In .ln1
.lull In rr. lirr nil nnllrr. nl a.
iiirt.l l.ati Iwriimllirly knoinl or
air .aitlr. (or any ira.on li,vi nli-
tlr tvl.linl In tnaki ialiirnt, anlta
I Imi lnutiglil at unci'.
It la m.lvtt'il tliat Mr. Ally "ill
' n .nit to lm lirouulit ncnlnat lilm
Sonlrr In Kixnliliii mi'''iliinltv I"
li.K cliatf" a Hint "ii''' "' "
imm nl tin Hrrvlf..
. . tin only way In ran irt tli mat
Mntilmnil. Ililia palil lln na.
lit on rl o( Ilia lmWlii, Imt It la
KoM-l In Ix'lila intriltlnli In ti'lil.i to
fan oil tlinlnlnniv.
Milor llrraM l )nii ki.nM,
ralnri J. I". Ili-nry iIih'hiI Into
gun In l'.xM, I'll Ui'ii Hiji'lcili', n.
lilti'liiiiaiiaa,"Hlint III.." Nn
bow. ll(,'rliiiri. 'Ili.ll'a
. . .. i i. ii .ii. .... i... I
ivil.atiliil It. Many J. rotlrr lina
liHslovcr n IiIuIiit Mirk- limn Com
J.yill.t, run! mi una ni linNiplnii.ton.
trylaynull tin lilaim on CI. II. tain
Nrxrr Irnlnril, newt inlnar! n
ll, limrr I. nt nny alrip. II )oil lin
ptlral, try It. I innrl. J. lirah Iron.
h. II. C, alriiiHtl nlf tin i.irn one
J, III DrcKnii StatP, ninl .l(icrdrl to
inn land Iraiiilcra, na a liarvr.trr vnta
iwlirat. No tralnliiKi no ii.UIiik "II
cliicknu uai I'lymmitli Hock or
awn U'Kliorn". NoiioImi; Jii.I wnt
iw nl llii'in In .MrNi'll Ulaml. ft lew
I nll, .Inliiv II. Mllincll to liia iirnvi,
ill aliiiHi-! nil o( ll.i'ln iii In n ual-
Klamatk Ftlli Fashion Shop
at board meeting
unci Severn I Other. Will Be
ly iinllitlc ll;lit; llmae ho not,
M na llllln .illtv Mllll ill. ll !! firm I
' " I
of the Inline iriMiil hi ilrllirrnnre.
Hlg kihii'' Hltt nri: s'"- 'lirltlan
. Ik - . I . It . . I (I... la
racer. ...... i . r n . ,, ... , (ipn ,;,....,, , N, .,,, hy ,,,
A "w r"""-" 'r,,l! 0S,-V HMITI,.rlu.l W..MI.. II. made no .r..en-.;
n.riiilM.I tin, iii"iiH.iaMf.ln.Hii.ll.- ,,,.,,,, ,,
Inline, lit N.lcl.i. IMKI, Hint Fulton, At ... . ........... .....i,...
the iulnmiol, nml llh tint inniiry (.1
iJolmll. .Mitt nil uiirrriliiiui-iuniraaii.
, ,......,... ., ,,
.. .. . . ........ i
,', ,,.(, Hl,irp.)(l.l.r..lm',r ",,H' ".Niil-r; take I.I. mca-iiir,
,y arLimiilriliml. ImiUiicii llliMI ilflllrf)
imti aa ul.ira.i.l. All ilni.i U-lotr nil
liraara ntil lr;al. Yin, rrlly, n ma.lrr
atinki llki al.nlllil intlllit I'lilton, a
( it lt..iii nl InAkl.
,r, im l(ml a xUl,,lnty (
lliat oilier iiirmlirr nl'that Mriniiialilc
lluo.r. ulm tiaanirriril I'.'.OiMlat lintt,
tnt'oiniiln nflJ antiiL iii. Tim iinpto
trcdl mail nai In l-l nt llmtlinn dloor
.tolwliy Incknll. tt'iiit nnakuiinl from
pracflnl i. allrr iltlty wrll .loin,
a u.lly atiM-l nt tlir brtlaMr, anil Havinf
n toll ol lilll. nlaa)i I'racrlnl Tarty''
lirail, iirrrl lilm n'l wouM In only
lino.'. In thnltrnil to illacuvrr tint
Mr.oii?uo It waa trmilark in lint rim
to lilriitily lilm, Imt tlioiiM JihIkp llirri'
ni nt lint IIimo In tin Havinit Immllr.
l.' Sflrliiv' Nile. Mlkr.
Y a, iii iinliy ia crrtafnly, nt latt, ami
II ll.t liamla tliul iluo't ait-ui to
Irninl, ami tin I'llwi that
ilnii'l iiimii to iimvlcl, will rtnly l.olil
out, ilii't.. uill In ii'lolctnit caliint on or
nlxKit tint till ol .NnirmU'l, 11 ''. Ami.
il nut. lay tliolil.iiMiun Ila.riiiinn, ()(
.'oiuai In', iinii ii. n lld'tlmu In tlmlini
out lion, nml mi irl.alily onililn't iln It
nllrr In' liail toM u. lliat cilia mi
In. Hi aliulllil li.lMt tnM, Ihmi
dr Coilrt)oii. lln inaili n irnt to tint
i'. ri. rmnii ihhi nnj.'i
V. S. ftiinli lliat niiynin conlil nnilc-r
.lirl n rry ilia
"'"""' ' "V ..
aitrrcalili iin'ri-ilrnt
Pi'iiincinla. all )oii nrnl it tttirncp.
I(fiilli1icana, nil jiiii m-iil I. linn'. TIik
iiimnt atnti ol nflalr. will ilo tin real,
ami ii Cli'ti'lninl will count In trplarc n
ltlchard Kerna mid T. II. Ilunaaler
are in Iho city from Ilorrla,
Tim llnynl SelgliNira will glva a SI.
Valenlliiea' dance ut IlimiloriV ora
hoiii.t on 1'elirtiary lllli. The graml
maich will Ihi led hy lint ITnrralera and
M. W. A. mid ltn;nl XelijliUir (ennia.
"Extra Special"
With every Men's
Suit ordered Satur
day, February 8th
A Fancy Silk Veil.
New Spring Suit
ings to make Selec
tions from. .' .
Congressman Havvley It Lay
ing the Foundation For
a Successful Career
lliirrrpntatli llnultiy, (.( Origin, I
"milking good." Ilr haa ahowii iliiiiniri
hla lirlcl niii'i'i In ('migira In U,
mull ..I ll.xilirlit Llml of Muff. If the'
l'iijili ul lit dlalricthnto Ihr good acme
In ii'tnrn lilm If I in after trim, thry will
(Sml nt (In end ul it fen? years tlmt they
haw nnrol thrMrnimrat rrpre.rnt.llvra
lion, tlii ciitlrti Weal.
Though uritr nliio.l In a Irglilative re
ncr, Mr llnnd-y I rapidly Ivarnli.g the
mpe. in Waahlni'loii, ami In laying n
kiiiiikI futimlalion Inr it aiiecrsifiil com
yt.:ni' I'Mccr. Iliillil lint iom to
WnOiliiKtnu with ii reputation , In waa
nut known a a a humorist; he was not
. .. .
heralded na n
boy orator" or "boy
wonder," lin wna not advertiaril am
(rink of any anrt. Ho was jual n plain,
In Conjtiria mi rontlniully liM.klti-j for
ni-vr material. They carefully scrutinlte
unit. If In' ! world nl.llr, ll.ry uatrli I. la
ilrrlo.iiirtit. Tlirti I nlnaja room (or
Pl inn. tlirit la ala)a n ilciuaml (or
l!'l iiirn: a nlnaya a ilrinaml (or
nrw Irailria, Hut Irailrr on not ilrvrl
opnl ill a fMfafon: tllry WOlfc lip In li!tl.
iilinn l.y ilrvn'ca. Tl.i'rycaol llir
Irailrr linn lirrn on .Mr llawlry, an.l
tlirlr Ural iniiirraloii i vriy (avorablr.
Willi all III moliTty. ltrirrwiilatlvo
llaulry lia.ilrniuiiitrattil a il.'lr'i.uiia
linn tu ci't lair tri'ntini'nt at tint Land
ol thorn with whom In ilr.iK. Hi i. not
Mt miklrat n. In alloH nthri In taka un
fair ailnli;t' ol not lor a minuiv.
Hi la nviily to .l.'al xi.aily will, rvrry
man, anil hi ilrmatul. that rirry man
ileal a fairly with linn.
A public meeting will be held in the Court
House, Saturday evening, February 8th, at 7 o'clock,
for the purpose of conferring with the Government
officials in regard to a proposition for the furnishing
by the Government of water for irrigation purposes
within the city of Klamath Falls. This is a matter
of vital ini)ortance to every property owner in the
city, its one of the greatest needs is cheap and suffi
cient water for irrigation of gardens and lawns.
Dunkards Are Planning To
Cngage In Hie Fruit
Aceordluu to. I. II, IliiUe, who recent
ly relumed from Dorria, tl.e IMinkard
nro planiiliiR In net out n one hundred
aeie Irncl In npplca thin aprini. It Ik
believed tliat the vicinity near ,MnrlKl
la urlli'iilnily adapted to tliv raWInt; nl
fruit. l,xH'iIinentH already tnado fully
ju.tlfy tlioait wno hold thii opinion nml
another year will in'iilnrnelinelfi planted
III fruit lleea. The contract la nlao
about to be let for the ceding of n tract
of 700 acres in wheat. Every Indica
tion point to the rapid settlement and
cultivation ot all land along the lice ol
tint new railroad,
Ready For Business ,
L. Alva Lewii hat already Mcartd
quarters (or lata repair dtpartmtnt.which
lain charge of Frank Upp. Space haa
btjen sacurod from tho Chltwood Drug
Co,, and that department will be run
ning aa usual hereafter. Mr. Lewis ha
removed all damaged good to hit resi
lience, ana a yet lias made no plan lor
the future except a stated above.
H.J, Winter and Dan Johnston llt
thl anornlng (or Poe Valley, where they
will spend a few day o huntings cougars.
H.V. Gates Will Construct
Immense Power Plant
In Crook
II V. (Intra, o( IIIIMhiiii, prcriilrnt
n( tin' Klamath 1'alla Unlit A U'alrr
(.''jiiiiiny nml rMrrnl ollirr IIkIiIIiii:
plai.lN llirotitilibiit tlii' atatr, lina xitfii
out lliat lomlriii lion of an luunriiw
ainrr il.intat Ijiva Kalln, on tint lri
clintea, alx rnllra routli of lirnil, will In
gin In the rally aprinx. The plant h
l IxM-oniplrtril within a )rar. It lata
coat IW,UW ami will rio tin towna
of lirml, IjIiII.iw, Itiilmiiii'l ami Trior,
villi with u I'l-lioiir cnrirnt lor liichtln
alnl ollirr pilipuwa, '(In company i'i
(ret to arcuri' L.iOO liortriwcr at Ijiva
Ntitotlntiona lirtnorn Mr. Ilatca ami
H. ftnnlcy, n( lln liraoliutra Irritation
A Tower Company, which haa fllnl on
thrwatrr rixht ll.cri, am now nrxJrr
way. Tin company haa agri-rU U trana
(rr to Mr. liatra all tliu water nrcraaary
for the projrrt, ii'rrvlnic an amount
nrcraaary (or tin' ri-clarnatlon ol ita fry
rrtcilinn. ('. A. Jrnarn, who haa lcn rmployptl
on Klamalli I'alla nrip:i.'ia (or iwvrial
jrriua, lr.ixi'i lor Ijkcvlr in the u.orn
llij. Hi haa a.iTptttl a potitlon aa(nfr
man on tint I jil.e County Examiner, ami
beinsa Ko.,l p.lnl.r and al a kw.I
fellow he will tit into hi. nrw fill
rounding. llup.. an in
the city from lluttit t alley, when Mr.
lluchea la now eiiKaitr! in rlearlmc u
latio tract of tachnuli land, prrara
lory to putting In a crop of grain. They
wllletiirn to PorrU Monday.
Nick William and "Curly" Devi. I,
wltn have len onlernl to leave llo
nanxa, art .till there. Wllllama ia not
able lu leave jit, ami i ataiing
In look after him.
Publication Indicates Growth
and Prosperity of
Tho I11O7.OK Iteference and Buslneaa
llirectory (or Klamath County waa Is
sucil today. It I a long step lu advance
of the last issue and is a fair indication
ol the growth and prosperity tliat has
been tho portion of Ihia county during
the past two eara.
The directory U Iho work of the Klam
alli Itepuhlicnn and ia Iho largest book
ever printed In this county, being seventy-four
panes, In aires. The workman
ship 1 a splendid testimonial to the
mechanical perfection of the Republican
job department and the ability ol its
manager, D, I). Kendall and will un
doubtedly brine that olllce much bull
nen. The. tint part ol the directory ll made
up ol a aplendid write-up 0! the county
and lis resources, followed by a direct
ory ol tho residents ol the county. One
noteworthy feature of the publication is
the (fori that ha been inado to give
the street addres ol the resident of
thl city. Owing to the fact that the
hour are not numbered this taak waa
made the more difficult, and it 1 to be
hoped that when the nest directory 1
Harold Kilgore Is Victim of Accident in
- Wild Horse Round Up
Mishap Occurred Near the Grohs Ranch in LaflfeM VaNay
und the Injured Man Was Taken to Bonanza
lor Medical Freatmenl
lamed it will li-viTontaini-l tlirriin ttio
tticct numla'ra.tlicrouncil in tlm mean
time having made prnti'iorr theitlor.
ThoaihrrllaincpatmiMi!" o( tin dl
rectory l iuile rxlrn.irp, and wrll It
might It, dr not only ia lt uond ml
t,rrli.iiiic iiu'iliiim hut alio ii It n mir
ror of romlitiona lit-ro and f Ira Hurts who
a copy o( tin. piihlicatlon mutt be
lmprt-l with the entcrprix. num
Wand charcclrrof the hualnraa cUb
liahmcnta of tho county,
SH'c!al arraiiKcmrnta an Ir-int; made
for tin circulation o( tin illrertnty in
Itl.i' ptliiripal IniMia iK-turrii Kran-
rf lltilwi.l. ami that Una ira
fe.a 11 111 I-. .,.l.l..lll .. .l( .ml. .aM.
lure will l prialiirilvi- d( murh "ood
tfo- Munc.
The diri-cliiiv en.tain. u complete
(oldrr imp of Klainith Kails, the county
I hereby derlaie myKll a candidate
(or the nomination (or Count,' Aaietanr
on tin Jtenioeratio ticket, aubject to the
decialnii of the voters at the primary
election. J. T. I.EK.
for school suriRDrriNDDrr
I liu'oby announce inyacK a candidate
(or the nomination (or County School
Superintendent, (or the consideration ol
republican voter, at the primary elec
tion. J. G. SWAN.
It is unden too. I that the Fire Depait
tnent will aik (or the receipts from the
basket ball games. The Tublic library
officials also think they could ue the
money to good advantage.
Capt. Ivan I). Applci;ate arrived .lu
the city latt evening from his home In
Oakland, Cat. Mr. Applegate will re
main here a short time looking after his
aheep interests.
A new basket lull haa been purchased
(or use during the series of games (or the
MongCup. This ball will he, given to
the winner nl tho series.
Guy M.Ingram, head ot the Forest
Service at Lakeview, passed through
the city last evening on bis way to the
Look tn Winters' window and see tho
smallest watch made In America. '
Phone 173,
(Herald Special Hrrvice);
lioT.iMiA.Feb. 7. ATery serietu ac
cident occurred to Harold Kilgore but
evrnlnp. Mr. Kilgere with a number
n( other men were rounding up horte
about Smiles south o( the Orohs ranch
In Kanrll Valley, when they ran upoa
what I. known a. the "wild bunch" of
hotrea. In the cl.ase the horse which
Kilgore was riding becoming exhausted
(rll and threw the rider on a pile of
rocks, dislocating his wrist, badly lac
erating his (ace and causing internal
Injuries. One the largest cut la an
extenalvo gash over the right eye.
He waa picked up unconscious, and
Frank (irohs, aecuring a wagon from
the ranch brought hint to Bonania.driv
Ing all night. Dr. 1'atteraon dreessd the
wounds, but the extent ol the Internal
injurie- have not lfn ascertained at)
More Proof of Oil
L f-incc the organization o( tl.e eoaapany
here to prospect (or oil, there fcaa kaaai
rveral representatives (rom the oataMst
sent hero tn make private investigation
One of there parties ia in the county
now from liakrrsfleld, Cal. In Sfaak
ing with a business man of Bonaaaa, be
fnlly agrreil w ith the report and state
ments made by Mr. Pirns. He said,
however, that It would take a well-or
ganired company with considerable cap
ital In order to sink welt and bmlld pip)
Dog Poisoner Aajaim
Evidence that the dog poisoner haa
begun work again this year haa been
reported. "Kip," the fine ngUa
pointer, belonging to L. A. Gregory.
was taken sick this morning, with every
Indication of poison, and it waa only
alter several hour of work that the
life of the animal waa eared. It will be
reniomlwml that last year there waa a
big lou of valuablo dog from aosae nay
known person distributing polaonsd
the Fisherman that
NFly Hooks, S;.jon Balta, Rctto,
Lines, Steel and Bamboo Roda.
They are conatrncted for scien
tific fishing and no matter how
unakiUed the fisherman i
will attend his efforts If he i
our tackle. .. .. .. ..
& Hanks
Emma Block
. ;l
' 4l
' "v, &-kI
T. .'1 .-
. in V
"I . - AllLlllj
' 7 VI.''