The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 06, 1908, Image 1

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I Mostly Hond Pupor In
Our Advertiseri (Jet
the Best Results . . .
Klamath Fnllu . . i .
tcoNii Ykaii, No. i(5'J.
Price, 5 Cents.
ivernment to Make
can for Improving forage
Crop Will Ho Studied to
Help Stock Industry
Tim (lovrlllliiriil daa planned a serlra
aclrutlttc trawling riperlmrnla mi
cml l Ide National Imril mime"
it fprllig and Summer la determine
!cr what rondltlonsandlnwhatnieu.
r lliuxt poitloiii ill Ilia rings wdlcd
ve been arilumly damaged Iiy utsr.
illiK may It tritnrrd to llirir lutturr
A great tlral til llm raiiKe land In Ide
Vl ! overgrstrd and docs not carry
luilrli stock at (orincrly. Tlie melliod
haiidllngytiKk, sttlciilrly sheep, la
rhapa more rnpuiitible lor Ihla condl.
ii than any older cauae. Hut al causes
deterioration ami all means lor Im-
vlng the forag" crop neil In ! alud-
I, lint llm range may I lirmiKlit Into
hot condition lomrrl thniuirratlt
niainl nl llm lltcrtork iudiialry
Tlio plan If in raiaiiliin experimental
illunaln set rial parts ul lite ruunlry.
obubly not mute ilian alt will be tried
tint, but tliry lll t so located as o
lire typical conditions. Tim experl
nil will be le-gun mi a amall scale, on
or alx-scre tracts. Iloth native ami
Id grasses will bellied, Imt It la !
ited tliat llm plan ol encouraging na-
c graaera will mrrt wild grralrr auc-
. .!... .1. I..... 1. .).-.. ..f ..ll.a.ut
Via mail um iiiiiiniiiciiimi hi ruiiiiBioi
In, at Irnal, in Ide I lock y Mountain
Ion, In tlii- Cail Itanur, with Idelr
tr ralnfull, i-nllivalrd irrataes art
is likely In play an lui)ltnt pait In
The ranges o( llm Nnrlhweil lian not
n o seriously damsgrd by otrrgrsi
aatdoaunf tho Snithwrtt, pcrdapa
um ol atirlor molitiira conditions
de nortlirrn part nl Ide cnunlry. Il
a lac I, liowetor, t tint unite nl Hu
ge nuppoit tliv dock wlilcli tliry did
tperly.aiiil rrtidlngexwrlmenla will
wforn be uinleitakrii In Dili section
tdo Lountry nlan.
lie lurtlmd nt iniiilltuK atotk la alao
tut .M.1.LI l . kl.ut.Ma..
'haows Idat stock do not waitn as mucb
wlisn unuatrlctrd in iholr movo-
snti as wden clonly herded. An ex-
rlmental paaluro was enclosed last
miner In Hie Itituah National Knrsl,
Oregon, willed will be a modul lor
n if
I ml 1
1 11 S
Mlaaitti rmlla Fathlon Skop
otdrrs next season, In Oils paature
sdeep wkiii Inrniil liHian wltdruila lirnb
rr In alillt (or tdemiclvea, Il la too
soon n tlmw priiltlvi I'oncliialoria from
Idla mpellinmit, Imt I he aheep did well
anil I here was n decided hiaaeningiu Hie
loaml lumtn lluiiiigli irainpllng. It
look a n though a gltcn nrra of ground
inn be nntd In carry it wry mucd
Uigi'r niiiiilxr nl atilmnl when Idsy
niu allowed lo gram lire (dan when
cloae lirrilril. Till (act, II ralabllalicJ,
will Ni i;l di-rldnl iiiHirtRiiro to attxk
Build Dams on Sican Marh
and Flood Many Acres of
Valuable Land
Arcm Jlnir o a illapaUli Irolii Hllver
Lake Umt, willed dill a lew year ago
were lliotigdl In liatnlM-viiritermlnstnl
in Idat iridoii, ale adtiinUlit anil trouble,
some In Ide Hlcan marali, wdlcd drains
Into llm Klniiiatli 'llieir ilains date
IIihuIcI llm rrclaliiiiil iimrali'landa nl
Ide X ' ininpniiy and davr rrndeml
da)lng mid paitillliiK dlllleult over
tdouraiida nl arrra. Trap.'rs do not
um'eal Idem, um lot; lo legal protection
and ide low price paid lor lliclr lte,
lienre Ide rapid llicrcate.
Ciiiigara ale lille nuincioiia in Ide
round country, ami lrniieiit litinta are
organlreil agatimt tliein, Tde atock
meli'a aaaoclalinn pajn n bounty of IU
ym eacd acalp taken williln Idelr range
Ih-cr arn unuaually scarcv, and (sw
lire kiinan lo daa dcoii killed In thla
ectloll Hits tramil.
Ready For BuHines
I.. Alt a I-eI lm alrcaily sccurol
liiartrra for dia n pair depart inont, which
la in cdaigoof Frank Upp. Nce ha
Irt-fii iviiiiiI from Hie Clillwotkl DruK
Co,, and Idat department will be run
liltig na iinint liPiraltcr. Mr. I-wla das
rcuiotiil all lUmageil rooiU to his resi
dence, ninl aa )et lias maile no plana lor
the fiitiiir i-ircpl a italril aliOTr,
Tde aclinol Uiy waa typically liuioan
wdo wtinderiM w!iy tde idings lie want
eil were nlwnya tde Itiluga that fremeJ
danleat to gel.
For aile ( hirhall dnirn full blooded
brown legdoni clilckena, Addiena I'.O.
Iloi 71. &-1I
Wixloiu Idat it daa taken a lifs time
lo put Into it inan'a deml ran la ilritsn
nut In a minute Iiy one little dimple.
(liil wanted, In leant Ide piintera
trnduatllm Herald otllce.
Wden a woman la rigdt it is a waste
of liino tonguo with hrr; when alie la
wrong II I equally useless.
A written guarantee with all watch
repairing? at Lewla', Present location
Chitwnod'a Drug Wore. I
Toting and phrasing fool low ieople ;
tnu niual allow grmda in rated ami hold
"Extra Special"
With every Men's
Suit ordered Satur
day, February 8th
we will vpvin
Give rJJDTi
A Fancy Silk Veat.
New Spring Suit-lngatomakeSelec-tlona
from. .. ..
Wealth and Beauty Lavished Here Should
Be Encouraged and Perpetuated
Natural Resource Await DevekOfiiefltRemainirH Game of
AH Kfiida Need Protection and the Depleted
Ranfea Should Be Restocked
Where a county aa large as ours )
easing so many undeveloped resource,
both for tdo seeker of wraltd tad of
pleasure, possessing healthy virile or
gsnltatlons for the development ami ex
ploitation of the same, struggling tike
"linunds in tdrlr leatdes" to be turned
loae lo Idelr woik, Il rosy not lie amirs
to )lnl out a few ndjecla not unworthy
nl Idelr pent up energies.
I will Iderefore wild your kind psr
million, put "Idem on Ide trail" ol
Nature In its lavlid preparation ol this
country as a lindltatlon and Irvaturs)
ttouso f jr man has created a wealth il
mountain with loretta and plains, with
marah and tangled giro, with crystal
lakes, pearling streams, grassy mead
ows and buihy hills, nearly all fairly
well stocked with fish and gams, for the)
use and pleasure ol man,
And yet her work In it was not
complete as though left (or man In tin
lid.eltdsr in whole or In part. Not In
creation, but in the alockiugol her pro.
serves with the animal life to wdlcd
they seem especially adapted.
The writer recently stood upon one of
the peaks of our western range ol moun
tains and saw as a vast laaorsma, al
most the entire county spread out be
(oie him; its rivers its plains, its moun
tain! with Idelr grren (uresis, and moat
wondrous ol all twenty lakes, more than
half ol Idem land locked. Most of Ideas
lakes, seemingly made specially to afford
sport aud.recrratinn (or the angler, were
tcnantleaa tn (ar as the tinny tribe was
concerned, Juat waiting as It were to be
stocked with rainbow trout, other as
Hwan lake, Aspen and Kound Lakes,
with their shallow vegitabln covered
bosom i, awnkjlng tde advent ol the cat
(lih and thn musical bull frog. The
vaat strctchea of tule and swamp that
should be the ideal homo of the musk
rat, have never known this cunning
house builder's skill. And lis former
drnitcna of tdo lurry skin are last dis
appearing wild no hope ol their ever
Mng replaced, unless hy the rautkrat.
In tho early aelitomeiil of thia county
the spring limo was resonant with the
calls nl the myriads ol water (owl, the
mating call ol the prairie cock, tho cur
lew and the plover, while the air waa
vibrant atevo tldit with the whirr of
wings as the lowls sought their nightly
(coding grounds or their roosts.
Today while we have a (air supply ol
water lowl still left, their numbers are
sadly decimated')))' Ida pot huulor and
the nest thief, but our upland birds, tdo
saga hen, the prairie hen, the cuilew
said plover, them remain a scattering
remnant ol sage hens only.
Could not our Commercial and other
bodies procure several score ol (he pra
irie hen and partridge of the Middle
West, with perhaps a law Bob White
quail, and turn them loose under the
protection ol our game wardens to mul
tiply and restock our depleted rangssT
starely tba condition! nowt with the
large grain fields to glean and t)c straw
stack to (ted on In winter, otto condi
tions aaore favorable than ever before
(or upland birds,
Tba stoking 0I our swuipt and
marshes with the edible boll-frog would
add much to tho longing ol the newly
arrived MttUr (or familiar aula besides
their economic and cnmmrrclsl value.
It la perhaps too late to restock our
western ranges with the mountain
aheep, antelope and mule deer that hate
been swept away by tde rapacious and
cousclouslrss hide hunter and self-styled
sport, who fvand those animals here in
rountlea s thoutands years ago, but much
could laa done to protect the few mule
deer yet remaining, from rstinctlon.
Tde anteloe, being a plain's animal,
was Ids first to dlaappear, followej very
cloaely by the mountain aheep, less
numsrotia and less widely dlatriboled;
but Ksateni Klamath ami the more
mountainous parts of take County are
still Inhabited bv the remnants ol Ide
once mighty herds of mule deer.
, These deer, gregarious in tdair habits,
would collect In large dsrds In tde (all
ol the year and travel to the lower hills
and sag plains to winter. Olleu many
thousands would be in a single herd,
and when the heavy winter stortrs cov
ered their (coding grounds would keek
shelter Jo the deep rocky canyons where
tdeycould'escspe the storms ami tlsiaj
brush on which to lite. Taking ad
vantage nl this (act the hide hunters
would lollow them to. this canyon,
wdsnr. being trapped and unable to
vscaw, entire herds were ruthlessly
butchered, thslr skins only being taken
Aa an Illustration of the relentless
slaughter of these animals, it Is slated
that ono firm shipped from a small
Kaslern Oregon town in the spring ol
1890, two hundred and fifty t lousand
deer pelts, of this number twenty-five
hundred, or one tenth ol the number,
was furnished by one party ol two hnn
tere. v-
We have a (airly good game law, II it
was eolorced, but too many regard It M
a Joke to evade Its provisions and elaugh
Isr game regardless ol season or sex.
II our local organisations will by pre
cept and example seek to protect our
game, aid in restocking onr dspleted
preserves, secure our Congressional del-
rgallon's aid in having onr lake stocked
with the fish best suited to them, and
add to the wealth and attractiveness of
our great natural game and flsh pre
serves, they will merit and receive our
heartiest commendation and co-opera
lion. U. A. 8TEAIIKH.
Rules Governing the Series
of Basket-ball Games to
Begin Saturday
T. W. Zluiiueriuan, Dr. Leonard and
C. II. Underwood, tho committee se
lected to arrange the ssriss ol basket
ball games (or the Mong Cup announce
that on Baturday evening, at 0 o'clock
tho bookings will close (or team entries,
at which time all teams Intending to
compete lor tho cap will be expected to
present the names of their -teams and
players to Mr. Uoddrwood. Below Is
given tho condition! under which Mr.
Mong will award tho trophy.
The, competing teams will bo an
nounced in tho opera house on Saturday
tVMlDff. During the series ol garnet
Mr. Underwood will rsfsrse, and Or.
Leonard will umpire.
Tho oommlttoo baa requested Mr.
Moag to act with thorn, and It Ii under
stood that bo baa agreed t
-i. Tho contest shall bo open to all
who wish to enter, nrovldina tho teams
sro made up ami entered at tho onlng
rif Ihi lerlea.
.'. Hard hall name its plsyer
at tho tiiim ol filtering tdo contest.
.1. No d-aiii alisll dnte mom than
aeten member.
4. II lew than (our trams tntyr tde
tournament, tde heat three In the ahallJ
detrrmlna llm winner.
ft. K (our in morn team enter Ide
lattolti three alisll detrrmlne tdr
0. Tde final gsinei playel lit llm tail
two trams tdall do tde deal ttti, in three
or tin brat three In live, h ahull bo da
elded iijxin by tlm comuittleu nt the
opening ol Idu ntriea.
,. Alter tde cup daa been plated (or
and won (or tdree conxrcutlttf )riti or
sesitons it alisll m tornt-d over to and
become Ide properly o( tin- Klamatd
Falls lligd h'chool Athletic: Arxelntlon.
R. Oolong as basket hall edall be
played In Klamatd Kals tin- trophy
sdall be awarded (or Idla rpoit. but
wdsn basket-ball erases to eiit an aid
letle sport the committee shall davo tho
right to Oder tde cup lor any older ath
letic nr played In Klniiiatli Falls.
'.I. The winner and defender of the
cup shall de required to accept a chal
lenge (or the rup (root any tram not en
tered in tlm tournament' hut iliall not
lm required to play morn than two
games wild the challenging tesra.
10. Any team which hssheld the cup
and loat II shall dave the right to play
(or It again under tde conditions in
rule 9,
11. Tde defender iliall not Iw required
to pay any rxpeuies Incurred by the
12. Tde net rri-rirtaahnll ! elt-en as
determined by Ide committee, to yither
the town's chsrlty the I'uulic Library or
Klamath Falls High School Athletic As
sociation. 13. L'nlris the roinmitteecan suggest
a moresultabla place, the cup shall re
main nn exhibition at Hellkemper'a
Jewelry Htorc until Anally turned over
to the Klamath Falls High School Asso
4s. Whether the. cup tie won by a
team or individual sufficient money
alisll be tiV'en frr.rn :do gross receipts to
pay Mr. Ifeilkemper for an artistic en
graving of the dalo anuiiame of the win
nlng team or individual.
16. Any team or individual not a real
dent of Klamath Falls, upon winning
the cup shall ol course have the name
and date engraved as in Rule 14, but
under no circumstances shall the cup be
removed from Klamath Falls.
The committee shall be composed ol
T. . Zimmerman, Dr. W. A. Leonard
and C. H. Underwood.
10. Upon tba retirement of one or
mora member from the committee the
remaining members shall choose his
17. The cup shall not be awarded (or
any game or games not arranged (or by
tb committee.
18. No money shall be taken (rom
the gate receipts to pay the expenses or
salary of any player contesting (or the
cup. Ms. ano Mas. Wm. V. Mono.
Bouania has two girl basket ball
teams, and they ar road v to challenM
the world. It would make a nice in.
teresting gtmo II arrangements could bo
made to have them meet one of the
Klamath Falls teams.
s 1
Phone 173,
Woods Uses Weapon
on Williams
Undesirable Elemeat WW Se
Forced to Leave Town
as Result of Scraa
In a fight at U o'clock last night at
Bonrnia between Bill Woods and Mick
Williams, the latter received a tavtra
scalp wound, either (rom being hit on
the bead with a revolver, or from a
soft nosed bullet.
According to reports there has been
trouble (or some time between Mr.
Woods on onr aide and Nkk William
and "Curlcy" Dctol on tb other. Wil
Hams is known as a prise fighter and bo
end "Curley" hat been baaging
around Bonaata (or some UsM, doing
nothing but picking a fight wbMr
opportunity offend. Both partis ar
known hr and at LakavUw.
It is said that Woods wsnt oat to bis
liarri and waa followed by William aad
Derol when the quarrel waa started.
Tb fight occurred o3tido ol Us barn
and was witnessed by Jim Ooaa aad
Claud Clopton. Tb reports dlStr aa
to th dstalls o( what hsppeawd daring
the scrap, but aa a roswlt WDIIsm lo
nursing a sore bead, which, Dr. Patter
son give as hi oplnloa, waa eaal by
a soft nose bullet. Others claim that
Woals struck Williams with U rMl
ver, tb hammer causing tho wosusd oo
tb bead, also discharging tho gam. Vo
arrests nav been mad b4 It U 'paid I
that Dtvol has left town and that Wil
liams has been ordered to do o.
In talking with a promlsMt
man ol Bonansa over tb
question was asked II any arrU bad
been mad. The answsr waa "No, Ifcoy
cannot arrest William, aa it wo tho
other man who nasd tb gas." From
this we would conclnd that th omU
msni is not very strong against tho ac
tion ol Woods.
roe county araviToa
I hereby aanooao mysell a
(or re-election to th oaeooof Coemty.
Surveyor, subject to tho consljwstwsi of
tba Itepubllcan voter at tho prlaMry
elecUon. M. D. WILLIAMS.
$50 Reward
I will y th abov raward for tho
arrest and conviction ol party or parti
who robbed and burned my toro Um
morning o( January 18th.
L. AivaLavu.
the FUherauH that
Fly Hooka, Spooa Balta, Raala.
Llnea, Steel nd Bamboo Koda.
They arc conatructad for aelaa
title flahlag aad no Matter how
uwakllUd the flahcnaaa aaccaaa
wlU attend all efforta If ha
oar tackle. .. . . ,
& Hanks
Inuua Block
..v Y".v. ""f-