The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1908, Image 1

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' V
LMoitly Koad Paper in
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Klamath FiiIIh ....
' 'jtt
Conu Yi:aii, No. 408.
Price, 5 Cents.
4 lawl'
rcmcn's Annual Ball Will Take Place on
Saint Patrick's Day
i Are Enthusiastic and Are Determined to Make the
Event a Success Both From a Social and
a financial Standpoint
lit Klamath Felli Hie dtpartuuut
i decided Id glte llit lr annual " Firs
t's Hall" m March ITlli.
l an ilji'iiinc-il meeting lirlJ lad
sing, committee! were apolnted on
allun, Hour ami arranguinta, and
fulled tu nuiimenrv work at onca
ng plana lor unn ul Ihe blggeat lalla
r liUrii In Ktamalli Fall. Tliu Ixijra
I full ul riillanlMiii over lliu i-ninlng
lualetelil antl nothing will lalt
lone to make llila crn a greater
al and financial aucrca llian Ilia one
git year.
tililra tlic riiliiif lit Iccenlly Old-
by llm rlty, Ihe leijra atithorliad
I purchase ol line iloirn tlilrta, to t
I lor out ol ilioir oii fund, Theae
ta aa aril at other eulpiniil will lw
ged with tho Imprint l the fire !
tltnt'lil ami are to lw uied by thabnya
hen on duty a firemen. Aluul
I ol the rubber coete wern brought In
i tagged, ami It l deilred that the
I without delay.
til WakeSeld waa elected lorruian of
i Company No. 2. Tho other rum
llta have not held their election )et.
i Baldwin wa given the contract lor
(lug In lliu bath tub ami colli.
Novel Advertising
i very unique adtcrllaing circular haa
received by thli olDro Irnm llm
nnierclal Club ol Kugene, entitled
lU-at Trniiip ( All," with an ac
aiamorid beneath, then "Eugene,
i County, Oregon," On Ilia Inalde
ba circular It printed a Hit ol Ku
'a attraction! ami advaulagee oa
i lor homeaeeaere. Tlieae am mi-
I In a email vnrelo on Ilia back
khich la printed! "IVrenual-Hon't
play poker wllh llila tleik. Ku-
I." Tim circular la llm alia ami
ol a ilu)lng canl. Hi a very
aut scheme.
aaloon, hail a preliminary bearing he
lms County Judge flrlfflth at 1 :30
o'clock tin allernoon. leuily Dlitrict
Attorney Mono apiwared lor the proas
cutlon, while II. W. Keeare rtireMntel
thn defendant.
A ilra ol not guilty waa entered by
the ilrlentn ami the contention made
that llir theft urn nut rniiimltted Irorn
an olllrr, aa charged in tho couiJalnt,
but lium the hall. Tho. Newton, C. t.
Wlllaon, Hen Smith ami Hlicrlfl Oben-
chain teatlflrd na wllnea.ea for the pro
vcotioti. Ai ii'iileleme wai put up, the
Jmlgn found Monro oer to the Circuit
Courl. Tl a amount o( bait haa not
brvu lliril )et,but will probably befAOO.
Held To Circuit Court
1'm. Monroe, who wa arrested y-
lay morning at Keno, on a charge ol
lllog two overcoat Irom Wlllaon'a
Ready Tor Business
I.. Aha l,wl tin atrraily secured
quarter lor hli reirdepartinent, which
li In charge nl Frank I'pp. Space haa
forii arrim-d Imiii the Cbltwuul Drug
Co., ami that ileparlment will ! run
ttlng aa uauai hereafter! Mr. lwla haa
reunited all damaged gnnde to lilf reel,
ilence, ami aa )rt hai made no plana lor
the IiiIiiii' except aa itatrd above.
KUiualli County bolictea In Jailing ila
"uiiileaiiable rlllrena." There are now
aoti'ii rniitlnml In the county boarding
liouac. Aa there arv only eight bed in
the Jail, a lew more addition will re
tilt In coiiipeltiny eoiuc ol the hoarder
to ataml up.
The County high hcoool Board haa or
dered tho high achool cloecd the remain
ilero(alhii week, aa a ptccautlonlary
nicaaiiii', on account ol the reporteJ ex
ioaurt ol amuo nl the acholara to the
caanol ecailet letrr.
hlicrlfl Obenchaln la thinking ol hav
ing n algn palntitl "Stamling Itooin
Only" lo bo put up over the jail iloor.
Mr, nii'l Mra. K. I. Cronemlllrr Ifive
In the morning lor Fort Klamath on a
vlilt with I.. C, Miemoro anil wlu,
K. II. Hall, the rial t-etate mail, led
thla afternoon on a builnen trip to Ho
uanu. Kor aili One-hall iloten lull bloalnl
brown Irgliorii chickvna. Adilrraa l'.O.
Itos 74. o-ll
(llil wanleil, lo learn Ilia printer
trade at tho UoralJolIlce.
Chamber of Commerce DoeK
Not Tavor Merginy With
Inland Empire Club
C, i llogim apK-nrnl U(oie the
Chaiiilmr ol Coiiimuria lail ceuliig, ui
repreaentatln ol Ihn Inlaiiil l.'iuplrv
Club, lo prvannt their proXiiillon for
the ronaollilatlon ol the two Ixxllea. On
motion ol Abol Atly Iho Cliamhor tie
clJwl to lake action on the matter and
vlcr-1'retlilrnt Dunbar, whowai preilJ.
Ing, Invited a illrciiailonol the mbject.
Judgu lUtdwIii, Attorney Ktone, K. II,
Hall, (. W. While and othera ni ondc
with many ilrong arguincnta, moat ol
which Were opxted to the comol Ida
lion. It aeerued to li the feeling
among tho membcri preaent that the
ChamWr ol Commerce could much
more effectively work for the intereali
of tlili acction by retaining (heir idvrii.
ly ai a aepvrate organliatiou. (Ireat re
lulla ha been arcomplithrd In the
put and it la Mlim-d thai their mot'
haa Juat brgtin
Hitiineipieialoiia wire in f.unrof unit
ing with tin- Kuipln, I'luli In aharlng
the aame iiiartera, hut the leiillment
aeemrd lo pretail that the two xyttn
hould remain H-parati- and i-ach carry
out their own pdrliculnr unrk, A com
mittee ronalalliig of IMn-ll, Hlnfle and
llildwlii waa aipr,lnlel lo confer with
tho Club lo mako arrangement for
room a and rrort nt nt-tt mei-ling.
Delca;ates to National Dem
ocratic Convention will be
Urged to Come Here
I'orlland huiiiieaa men lutn detcrm
Ined In make n united ami moat erithu
almlle tlliitt In nfiin- from lliu Trana
Continental I'aiK'ngvr Aaioclllon a
prcial rate thiough to 1'ortland and
oilier point In the raclfirNorthweit for
ilelrgatea and tilhcr who will attend
the National Democratic t'onenllon to
lw held In lliu rnrlroiolla ol Colorado
neit July. Title waa llm topic of a
meeting held at lliu parlori of the I'ort
laud Yommercliit Club Friday night, and
letter were forwarded Saturday lo the
meeting of the paaaenger agenla now In
aenion at Coronadu Uracil, California.
The round-trip ratc-a that will be in
togue Irom 1'ortland and other Oregon
point to Dener will make It eaiy toor
ganltu a pirty ol reprerenlative buiineu
men Irom all part of the Ktatu and tend
them on a x-clil train to Deover, where
an eitraordlnary effort will be made to
convince the delegate in attendance
upon thn contention of the apecial at
traction of the Oregon climate during
the hot eraaoii.
J. F. Kimball and Jauie Alle'i left
)eilerday for I.-ikeview in the Intcreat
of the NVeyeiliaeuier Ijind Company.
l-awyer K ana la now located in hit
new olflce in the Jlurdock building.
Merrill Furnishes Another Criminal Case
for Special Term of Court
"Extra Special"
With every Men's
Suit ordered tatar
diy. February 8th
A Fancy Silk Vest.
New Spring Suit
ings to make Selec
tions from. .. ..
:'' aHaHaHataalBM' 'al.l.l.lH
1" JatwalwBlwBlwBHaBiSBaH
m?r -fmmwRi HbHbIIbIIbIIbIIbIIbIIbB
TaaaifalLlallallallallallallallai " lH
aaSalBBBBBBBBBB " JKIJiIbIBBBBBBBBBBBBH'-'i! '"iail.ll.ll.ll.ll.ll.ll.ll.lH
H. M. Cuke who wjll oppose Fulton for nomination for Senator.
Lisfcey, Known as a "Badmaa," Is Confuted in the CotMty
Jail Awaiting Trial and His Victim, Ira
McCall, Is Disfigured for Life
Buy a Home
Adjoining the new fair ground ; two and
one-hall acre or more, beat ol garden
laid. Two and one-half acraa ii miuI
to twenty Iota 60x135 feet. II timet are
goon or txui you can alwaya make n
good living Irom It. I'rice reasonable,
and term a eaay. See
U JACOHS, Owner.
Government Will Bring Suit
Against Si P. for forfeit
ure of Grants
Final preparation n)v bring mado for
tho liiitltntion ol aulta ngiilntt thn South
ern racltlo railroad tor tho loilclture of
III intinenio land graul In Oregon, In
volving property vitlniatod all the way
Irom 130,000)00 to fOO',000,000 In value
and compriiing wmo ol the flneit tim
ber land in the State.
Several month ago the department ol
luetic began gathering evidence tor tali
litigation, and epeolal representative
were eeot to Oregon tor the purpoie ol
earahlag tie nrcordi and procuring de
ecriptlon ol all lande Mid by the rail
road coaapaay eUce tho original grant.
With thli preliminary IntormaUoa in
band, tho department le now ready to
begin eult.
(Concluded on hurt w). -
Bourne and U'Ren Want To
Control Oregon To Make
the Former "It"
To dominate and control the Oregon
delegation in Congreta la the height ol
Senator llourne'a ambition ; to become
dictator I hi chief hope and aim. That
ho cannot dominate the preient delega
tion haa been demomtratvd ; therefore
the delegation muit be altered to permit
ol tho accomplishment cl hi purpose.
It ie a bold undertaking, but it I the
only course which Bourne can puriue
II he hope to gratify hie ambition. Thla
ia the course he hae decided upon.
Though he outwardly prof friend
ship for Senator Fulton, and has said
he favored Fulton'e re-election, Senator
Bourne Is now aetually working to bring
about Senator Fulton'e defeat, and no
oaeknowetbls better than Fulton. Not
Wlthjrttdtdiag htatooferelot! ol friendship
lor the two Home member, HenatoY
Iloarne it equally determined to bring
about a chanire In the lower branch ol
Congre, though In the Cuming cam
paign he may concentrate hit effort In
hut one dlitrict. Bourne wants Fal
lon' (calp because Fulton I today the
recognltcd leader ol the delegation, and
the majority I with Fulton. A long
a Fulton remain In the Senate Uourne
will be junior Senator. Strange a It
may seem, Mr. Uourne baa a bitter dik
tat I e tor the prefix "Junior," though he
fondly retain tho "Jr." at thr nd ol
hi name.
Senator Bourne believe that Ifepre
tentative Elli 1 closely allied with
Senator Fulton, and regard him a un
friendly. For that reason lie would
pick some other man tor Congreieman
from the Second Dlitrict.
A to the First Dialrict, Bourne I un
decided, lie cannot charge that Uaw
leria "(landing in" with Fnltoc, for
Ilawley haa displayed the utmost inde
pendence, aud baa ehown himtelf made
uf (tout (tuff. He ia for what he be
lieve to be right. He haa formed no
binding alliance, though he dor stand
with Fulton and Ellis on the Dlitrict
Attorneyship, because be heltete they
are right and he I eat titled Bourne Is
wrong. Nevrrthclet. Ilawley' abso
lute Independence l galling to Bourne,
lor he ha known lor some week that
Ilawley can never be dominated or driv
en. He is not sufficiently pliant to suit
the junior Senator. Yet the lituation
in the Firit District ! not such as to
render It altogether expedient to bring
forward a candidate against Ilawley at
this lime. That right way be put over
lor the future.
ConaUble Slate, of Merrill, arrived In
tbe city at 2 o'clock Ibis loralng, hav
ing in coatody Fred Mikey, whom he
turned over to Sheriff Obenchain for
safe keeping at the county jail. Llakey
was convicted ol mayhem on tbe person
of Ira McCall, and waa placed uader
S00 bonds by Justice Bhortgea. to
await tbe con eningot tbe Circuit Coart.
Liikey Is what I known as a "bad
man" and has been causing consldsrable
trouble la the vicinity ef Men III. Tbe
dsy before his Ut crime be waa re
leased from a 10 day'a eeateaee la the
Merrill jaU far beating up eoea In
diana. '
The people of our neighboring town
are considerably worked op over the af
fair and expression are freely ghreei la
favor ol a long term in tbe pealtewUary.
In the fight which took ptaoo betweeei
the two men, McCall bad owe of hie
ears bitte i completely off, and be will bo
left disfigured for life. Both me) are
reported to be ol a rather qa
aatore. This is the east
has chewed an ear off of a i
Would HdpReMM
Klamath Fall I liable to have a rash
ol carpenters to this place If the follow
ing letter I 'any Indication of the im
prenlon prevailing on the oaUlde la re
gard 'to tbe reault of the recent Are.
"To Chief ot Fire Department:
Dear Sir: Ael have had aa offer of
a job as house builder, would thaak yoa
very much It you would please write
and let me know tbe extent of tbe are
you had there sometime ago. Thaakiag
you lor auy Information you asight give
me, I remain
You re respectfully,
George Bower, connected with' tbe
Mong Dramatic Company, left tale
morning tor hie home la Ohio, being
called there by a telegram anaoaaeiag
the seriou illness of hie another. Mr.
Bowers expect to return to Klasaath
Falls by April.
Attends the Fisherman that
Fly Hook, Spooa Baitf , Rsels,
Unci, Heel awl Bamboo Rod.
Thty eue.coMtnctsjd for aclttu
title flatlB ukl bo aatttr how
owtackic. .. .. .. .. .. -
Jtoberts & Hanki
".8t . '
1 fci.vw.l
Phone 173, buu Block
j -t. flat