0 I w fte efalo. Moatly Keetl Paper In Klamath Fall .... Our A4vtrtiMra Ott th Beet Reeulta . . . BKOND Ykan. No. 4WJ. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1908. Pwck.1 VALLEY FILLING FAST FOR NAVAL SCHOOL RUN OVER BY WAGON SCHOOL IS MAIN HEIR ) ' 4 K 1 fbrmno Jt Many Settlers for Butte Valley Make Land Command Fair Price TWO MORE EXCURSIONS FROM THE EAST f irot On WW Arrfco at MaUfeol o tno 7th of tMo Moot ml Ik Not Ooo m Mawc 13th, aViog- ramTi MmaTrV laaaBMaaOanMnTB) Areoollag Ui !( etetrmtal ul W, K. Davie, ol Hroantll, abu ( In tto city latex, ilutl ' " ' '" tiling ap wllb etlllert, and larm leade la that Ulillr arecoinwe.Milr.g good Mr Davie et)t lUl litre te to to I wo iMt unnliiM Irom tto Kaet In Ihe future. Tto Aral lll arrWe n Ilia eevealii U thla moolli end about ll lHli U Marth, Hum ctoe ul bumeteekert III to brought In mec Ihe new line Mltia Merdoel Thla H"' U It mllee dltlent from llray. ihe pre- I terminal el Ihe rellree.1, and early U March tto rallr! eatttnay HI bin tto track laid aad Ike road I ep- I to that place. Alarm) fete toe been added to Ito trart latin ere and each day Ik ted latent reaching oat toward Uarrte la wirb pi ll will to rwmpteted by Ito rat of May. MUiior WAiutumis Tto'regettr raeuUdy dlrwtonofito Klamath Water Caere at held at Itolr -dace ttelerdey. Thuae la attendance were l i'reeldenl Alei Mania, Jr., Vita Free. O. A. Pleeraa, Director Hiirk,Meveoeoneed Wllllamt. J. V. Adam, end W. C. Imltoa war atoeat at TuU Uke altb rtegtneer Murpky, II, T. Andcrton aaa elek and I F. IWeroIl aaa unable to I preaeal. Only ilia regular routine cd baeineet aaa gun through and a few recommendallone lor fbe cootl Jura tion of tea Reclamation rtervlco paeeed. There lit aleata been a ttrong ow" alUoa among Ida meiabert agalnal ap propriating money lor edrertitlug Ilia roaaljr, Irul at lb uffra la balag con UattUjr Soot! altli laltaiaul Inquiry, l U Mtava4 ailhlng a III ! lo ba tinp im . . .. tjtgaaaa. iua arcraiarj naa aiaaT aaai miomI aaaaara to lb lattera, bol It i' baa bn loaixi vry unaiualattorjr aaJ alaMat lataaaalbl to rorar lh ground In alalia laltar ami aaaaar lull all lb liuaatlon aakad. rlguraa lo to obtain! on Um coal al a aawp Ul. ahUh aill obtain all lb latU la a axil compact ami ilannll abapa, r- garvllng U work anl laaJa ua4r lb pru(cl. TtowcouU to malUJ la r tpuoM to lnalrla auJ aoul4 to a gtaal alag la lima n4 aipaaaa, and bring goul raaalla to ntj land oaaar unJar Iba pr)ct, KEEPING I REPUMTIOftJ Mayor K. K. Hiraa aant Into lb vary vllala c4 Iba rllf gtTmanl. aartk larlr MartbOaM'a, laal nlgbl al taa apaclal raaallng cl lb clijr aaaaeil, ton In a mlliuat taaarb, aaUtaaaa la bla cbaractartallr, vlgotaaa ka4 aiannar to daclartd tbat Iba BMlboUt o raaalag lb taaaialaalltf vara not only abaulala Ml aaaolaUly laaHili to a ally f MaraaaalJ'a pta aartlaai. Ilaaaaaarar totlar flrapro tactlaa, tottM ateatrW Nght riraa4 raeatnaMnJaal a araiaai blcb obl bring orJar oat af aaa aaiallog cbaoa (a ttorily'abuokt. " W ar no longar a lllag," aabt taa '.. Wa .aaa . raaUli alrupuliUn proaartioo. Yat roaacil U atllt applying lb aalf atwtliailt Dial aara aaad laaaly yaara aga. II aill not do. IWIor a know ll Iblarlly aill to atojgvr arapoailSaa Uan a ran baoxil. What bar gut o lii tight noa I lo part! a plan lot tba tyttaaatk bandllng of lb rily'a ImiIo. Tbar ar counltaaa matltra requiring aJJuM manl. W liava blgb laaaloa Irra im Kroot atrrat aJ proparly oanar ar pajlng an unuaually blgb rat lar Inturanr. W bar kydraata In auin apction thai ar no tolUr than ao mucb acrap Iron. Wbat II ar lobaaa Br In aocli Urrilorjr. Cooa Hay TUaaa. Mayor Mraa la a lor mar raaklanl of Ktemalli Valla and affording to raporta la making lb toat mayor Marabavid tar bad. lirakW To PatinJM J. V. Kimball atela that iba llmtor MMo. known m lh lDkagama tract, tolonglng lo lb Wyrbauaar Ooa. ptay, aill to patrollad thla aumatar aa a prolactloa agalnit lira. Tbla tract Uada from Odaaaa In lb Oaliloraia Una. (9 Don't Buy A Hat Until you tee our New Spring Unflf-All the New Browns and Pearlsft New Stylet of Brown and Black Derby. See Them KK K STORE Tit f Mkloa atop at P UaMitotMMft to i NoMat Fuaasaiaai oAaaiai 1801 IlfeMONtll John RtWf, St., rNt item HrW401aaRcCVM Sorrow MJ4iri HtpraaaaUliva llaalay baa an nounced tbat mi ar alml FrUtnuy 14 aa aisailnttiM vtll M coadactaa M lagan by Hivf . AUarraaa and avaate Kuykandall, opaa lo all raadUata freaa Ilia fltat aiMilninl dlMiUt aha A Ira appolatmaal to iba AnaapaUa Naval Acadamy, Uia lad daU U to aa Tb candidal making tba toat aaa' i lag la IU aiamlnaUoo, tout pbyalat aaa maalal, aill raeelre lUpraaaaatalN Haalay'a appolntaMol m midahlpama, aa4 Um tkrw Mil ton aUI to appaUM ad alutnataa la Iba ordar of rating. Tb toaiaaat man of UkarUa Mtg omalaad a CommareUI Club. TnaUnV llatioa fa U and about 40 mamtor bar alraady yataad, giving lb CI ok fund of 11090 lo atari alii. It la Ura lalanlloa to treat a building a aooa M ttw Clab la wall under way, and I lab ll altb rullaUt and up lo daw) Hlpat, Oeo, Mclntlraaam orar from Pakgg. ama raaurday to attitl In tb lata! of tka Mclntlt TraarperUIMB ii,. ii l-atl Toteday Jobu KatllB, tit., fall from bla wagon abll coming down ttukel mountain and atrack bla toad agaJaat a pit of" rockt, knocking blm jfKuaarioaa. Tb wagon, load! wltb a cpnl of wood, tan orer bit Uga, badly bratelag but not breaking Itom. Cbaa. Merrill, who wa bootleg for cattle, noticed Uw Um etandlng atill oa lb bllMd witbout a drlrer Hiding up to dlarotered tlie uncoorciooa body of Mr. RatllrT, and hurriedly diamounting, aoc aaaded In retiring blm. He at one eat for aid and tbe Injured maa wa takes to bla home, where to waa e- mined by Dr. Atei Halleraon. ll wm found that no bunee were broken, and aid from tb brute tuttalned and tbe abock Ibere waa itotblag aerioua. Mr. Katllff remembered only Ibal to Ml from tbe wagon. It la protobl thai Mr. Merrill diacbrered blm a lew mla u tea alter tbe an Meat Merrill Keeord. Lakeritw It to bare a flour mill. Tb bstlam tarn of that rity bate already eotorribed toll ol tbe etock aad taa farmer are taking the balance. Tm capital itock baa been placed at 410 ekarea at a par t alaa of IX each. ? fBBEnalBBBBl i&BwBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBvtr' 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl riBBBHfJaBBBBBBBm BBBVSBBBBBBBBm BHtMBBS gg rJOaaaaaTgaaaatgmBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaV BBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ Senator Fulton, who U Reported u Aceueing Heney of Being a Maliidoui Liar LooturflAhffHcltli Mayor Hlabop called a meeting of Iba Khool board and principal, Saturday to ronaider acllou In regard lo tbe reee of earlet lerer. Tb laatoaatora war aakad lo prohibit any child wlio had be came aipoaad, from atttadlag etsool. There are no new caaea bat It wm eoruld red toat lo lake "ry precaution for Iba beaJUi of tbe city. Carrtf of Tho-Aa I with lo Ibank all tbe (rieada who rendered audi kindly aaallUoce and ymthy during Iba aickneea and death of my mottor. AHU1IKC. IIK.NUNi:. K. of P. AUmUon All member of Klamath lxlge, No. W, are requetted to to preeenl al lb regular meeting tonight. Ily ordar ol C. C. IX RATt IINATOR 'I harawlUi annouoc myteli a candt data lor Joint tanalor Irom Klamath, Lake and Crook countlee oa lh It publican ticket, tubjeel lo Ilia dKlalon ol lb primary elecllou. I..F.WILUTS. nMOMRrnruMaWui I hereby aaaounc my candidacy for w ekctloa to tto ofaoe of County TTeaMtar m taa MpubliMi tlekat Mb WtieUtdaWaiof Ik niiatarWa oa AMU 17. L. ALVA LXWI8. ' MeooirnBBVvr I iMfetwallT aaaoaatfyaU M a MaUMawfortmioaVaof fHetrlfloa taa rajatoiratlc Uakat, aubject to tto wlU of NEWS FROM MERRILL Uvt NoUo of Sootborii IUmi Ath MotfOpoM f fOfal too Rocoro II. C. Andereon le reported quite Ul at kit borne near thla city. Dr. Merry maa of Klamath Fallt la la attendaaca. k'rad McKeadree, manager of the Ba nana Creamery Co., wm In Met rill Toeaday on hit weekly cream gathering vlail. C. Uwanton drora SM brml of beat cattle from ttie "Merrill feeding ground to market tbl waek. Joe Stukel wm la charge. Frank Oraybael ha ranted lb atore- rooiu in Ilia Keeord black aad la putting In bla large ttock ol cured meat and Urd. MARRIKU-Iu thla city, Tbureday nlgbl, by Juatlc ol lb feac Adam Sckorlgan, Miaa Beeaie Walker ol Ua gelt valley,. and Oerar Campbell ol Klamath (alia. Taa craamtry move, wltb Or. AUx ralMnoa aad Guy Merrill at tb helm, U being Tigoroualy oarried on. Tbea gaatl aaa aUUtbat tbe proepecUara rary aattarlng. rarrr Murphy, tbe nutllag ioramao al CbuKhklU'i Dry Lak raaca, tu ioUcbaalBeMiBMarrUlthUwMk. H tall lively talet of tba atoek troaUM la tatetaaUoa. ArtlelM ol laoorporatloa for Dm Mat liaa Amjuamaat Clak. wltb baaiqtkw km la tkl eky. trara tbla wak ilai wltb Iba aeratary at luta aaa tba The Late Joseph Conger Leaves Fortune for Educational Purposes , MINOR HEIRS ARE MENTIONED IN WILL Moooy ea-Meathtd to Sdasol Dralr ict lo to Bo lovootoal io lotorotit aMMriotj SoaMitioo aMNl Prifadool lo to Wowoio io Toct deal whereby Ibe Aubrey plaea, (ormer ly totoagiag lo blm, toeomee tba prop erty ol Kicbard Andereon, recently of Mlawarl. Coatlderalloa $MC0. Tto city Jail hat now a regular board er la tto paraoM of Fred LUkey. Mr. liakey laat Wedaeeday night proceeded to lay out four or Are half-breed In tto moat approved etyl of lb manly art. He wm takaa la charge by Marehal Slate aad brought tolor Recorder Andereoa, who aaareeed him 30 and eottj. Ae timet are alow and Liakey did not bare hit check book bandy to decided lo lay It oat at tbe rate of S per day. GOVUNMCNI IS INTfJtE STEO Engineer Murpby, of tbe Reclama tion Service, ku returned from Merrill, where be lareetigated Use work being doa by Frank Adam and W.C.Dal loa, toward tba flail ag at aa opening to drala Tele lake. Mr. Murphy Mated tbat be wm la perfect accord with tba work being attempted by then gaatla- fcfl, to would rieimmanl te tto De partmeat ibM a tknrnagti aad complete Inraatlgatioa to made. No action coaiil to takaa nalaae It wm ordered by taa fbrvie. ' Mr. Adama, bo la la tba city, teid tliat tba work wm magieaalaa very lalaHnrily. Oa opening baa toea made to a depth of 10 feet below tba aw teca of tba Uke, tb rough which a atraaaa of about 100 lacbee of water It coallaaally flowing aad diMppaar- log la tto ground. Work wUl to coa- tlaaed aaUl they either flad a perma- at outlet or tbat tba opening te blocked. It te known tbat tba ground la tba vicinity ol tba Lava Bed te of a boaey-comb natare and according to Mr. Adama, tto water will dUappaar Ibroagb any bote dag la tba groaad within 150 yard of the lower end of lb lake. Tbe will of tto late Jowph wm filed for probata tbte Tto eeUle coatiete of praperty aad et tlaadiag notee to Iba ralaa af aaarly 116,000. J. W.SlrmaM and CD. Wat- eon ar named m eaecalora af tba at, aitboat toad, aad ar alberiaai a all and coavtrt into maaey all Iba property, without aa ordar baa ttw Court. Tto wUl read! I give aad bteaalh la my atelar, Ketarah Beakee, of Vlaitaam, lad., tka om of 9(09, aad to my griaafl Mr. May Willaea, wife of Cbaa. D. Wllteoa.ai Klamatb Farte. Oat aaai oftaeOaadaUmybMiikill mmfla mrm faralure. "I ajaaaad toqwaatb all tbaiaat, raaV dae) itaviaaW of my rotate la ttw elected ami craalmed arattan al dtetrtet9a.la goa, aad ttotr raeaatM la ever, m trafMM M aa umaM I tbaaag aadbaaafll of tba aaM diatrkt, U IbeMlaviag i If: T4waaMkiiiilMamma.aaaam Uto bald te traat by aw tawai af Diiaaana, ami by ttw teafmreji'hv retted la lateraat baartagi tba iatoreetartetegtl Uaajatb aaaaty, O of tba aid beard af UFalU.aattbo BMBMomaBaaaiaftli bnibtobaam 1i?ra. T.J.AIleaof Corvallte arrivai la taa city teal evening. Mr. Altea la on tor way to Merrill, where ah te a a gaged la teach at the Oele eehool. jtodeeignaled aad kaewa m Iba iaramb Conger raad." The will teaMaa flay tomtor IS, ltW. "Codicil laaamacb m ay ateter, tarab Bectoa bM dted abm ttw atabtegj of mywULIcaaeal iba bataaat aad I give, device aad baaaaetto allaiy blaafl retetioaa, ladadlag tba foartb aagtMat nlatiaaablpaadaoarwia, ttw aaat al at each." H.A. Brattala, af Patotey, bM aa. MQoMtal klaaaalf aa ejaMnrUajlai sb Um Repabllcaa Uakat for Jeiat ttva. Aayetbe toe ao Klamatb Coaaty will bava aa data for tbte ofltee, baiag aatteiad wltb the Saaalorahlp. GOOD LUCK Attend! the nritcraa. that OUR FISHING TACKLE Fly Hoota, gpooa Btltt. KMbi, UaMaaflMlaail Tkt j are coanttiactoi for i t1flCfltiallUd.rO wmatteItiaoffotlaiflMWM OWtaKklt. . . . , .. Roberts & Hanks iaml Pao-ve 171, bait Btak a I iae tfMn at taa fiary aiaotlaa,- OwatirOaart. B. ax. OSO. I0F. 0. W. OatoM tbU wMk eloMd tba t !-" f A - ', W av-a. t laapf'vspv.V'a