Little Alice Elwood, the six-year-old ' daughter of Jeweler Elwood was run I over near the school house one day re­ cently by a surry in which were four prominent citizens of Jacksonville and driven by Geo. N. Lewis, says the Med- | ford Mail. However the little girl was not injured in the least by the mishap. I LOCAL HAPPENINGS Brief, Breezy Various Place at Seat, By Notes Regarding the tvents That Take and Near the County This the Only Paper. FURNISHINGS The application of F. K. Deuel, Will­ iam S. Crowell, Ernest V. Carter, Leo B llaskstis and Geo. \V. Dunn to organize the First National Bank of Medford, Or. with $25,000 capital, has lieeti approved by the Controller of the Currency. NEWS WHILE IT IS YET NEWSY FOR CENTLEMEN JUST RECEIVED A NICE NEW LINE OF SHOES, HATS, TIES, SVSPENDERS, IN FACT NEARLY EVERYTHING WORN BY MEN. NOBBY LINE FOR THE SPRING TRADE. INSPECT OUR STOCK Al. Learned has just reiceved a large shipment of big juicy oranges front Cal If you want a fancy vest see Furness ifornia which he is selling to his custo­ mers at prices that make them glad. the Clothier. Dry tier wood for sale bv Chris Ulrich. Daily it Elmer handle mining, fruit, ranch and timber lands. H you wish to sell, see them. If you wish to buy, see | them. Jesse McCall of Ashland was a recent visitor to our city. Home Cured Bacon and Hams 12,Sc lb by Nuuan Taylor Co. Dr. Kitchen, who will take I>r. Bower- Remember that the Se^ittuel is the big- *ox’» practice during his absence tit the gest piper of its size in Oregon. East, arrived here last Sunday. Learned, of the Boss Confectionery, is Largest ami best stock of fresh candies now serving “Hot Tamales” to his cus­ in Jacksonville at The Boss. All hottie tomers. made anti guaranteed pure. Trespass notices on cloth sent by to atty address for $1.00 a dozen. mail Stationery, the best in quality, the latest in style at prices that are right at the City Drug Store. • Fine watch repairing a specialty at Hickel’s jewelry shop, Jacksonville. Court adjourned from Thursday morn­ ing until Friday afternoon. First class sugar pine shakes in any quantity at Nunan-Taylor Company. Quartz and placer location blanks for A bran new line of ladies neckwear sale at the Sentinel Office. right from New York, at Miss Chap­ "Schillings Be->t” baking powder at man’s. Lester & Schulz. Heart Cedar posts in quantities to suit John Arnold, was up from Medford 10 & 12*jC apiece. Saturday. N una . n T aylor Co. Mr. Reuben Wright was in from Ruch The Ladies Birthday club met at the Friday. home of Mrs. A. E. Elmer last evening Daily & Elmer, the new real estate and as usual spent a most enjoyable firm. evening. Miss Marie Nickell has been danger­ A SAFE COUGH MEDICINE FOR otisly ill at her home in this city with CHILDREN. throat trouble but is reported somewhat In buying a cough medicine for child­ improve 1. ren never be afraid to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger, now Hawk, the harness and shoe from it and relief is always sure to follow has his shop in the Learned building op­ It is especially valuable fur colds, croup posite the U. S. hotel. Good work at and whooping cough. For sale by City reasonable prices. Drug Store. See our clubbing proposition Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, P. R. R. TIME CARD. done to give our readers a chance to read Paul De Laneys novel, “The Sheep- South-B' nd North-B nt! Stations. herder.” Train». Train». s. Steam rolled barley and barley •’•mi rolled at Chris Ulrich’s. ____ Barlev ,_____ »team rolled any day you bring a ton at $1.50 a ton. Also bran, Hour, corn, corn meal and graham. Messes. C. C. Beekman, T. J. William­ son and Theo. Cameron, prominent M..oiis irotn this place, attended a Ma­ sonic meeting at Ashland last week Thursday, and report a pleasant time. Jesse Applegate, a son of County Assessor I’e er Applegate, returned home last week from Corvallis where he has been attending the State Agricultural College for some time. He will resume Lis studies there in the fall. J. M. CRONEMILLER No 15 No 11 No 12 No If p.m s :M) IOJB I«v... ..Portland............ Ar 11 VO ..Salem........... 11:35 p.m 12 ..Albany.............. 8:1« am 1.15 2.«¿i ..Eugene........... 1 42 p in 4:» 10 IM 10 « 10:57 11:10 ,.Ro»cburx 5-50 13 ./¡rants Pass.. 11 1 t ..Gold Ilill 11:36 ..Central Point. 11:45 ......... .Medford........... ........ 11 .2» 11.« 12.02 12:12 .Phoenix ........... .Talent................ t <■» 4.31 10 10 5:23 4.50 4:2» 4 19 4.10 44« a m 7.4? ft 4P 4.40 3 ut pm 11:4ft 1 *».:w 5:04 4M 4 41 4:3f pm 12JJ-5 ii!5 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING A Homey Mngaiiue each mouth helpful practical and inspiring Fil l ul fascinat­ ing leatures. Beautifully illustrated A million reader»' $1.00 per year. 10 cents a copy. A FKF.K «ample copy to all rcjueatiug. AGENTS WANTED G ood HocsiacKKrivu want» a subscrip­ tion representative in every city and town in the west To ihoae who will give all or a portion of their lime it offers attractive work and pays exdeedingly htx-ral coin- rniMiuu« It will pay you to nvesligate A postal card will bring particulars. Write at once »> a* to l>e the first in your field. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO Pacific Coast office, .9 Columbian Huilcing. San Francisco, Cal AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR ALL FAMILY THE SILAS J. DAY Pau) De Laney has spent five years in traveling in Eastern Oregon, Washing­ ton, Idaho and California, and ha« seen every phase of life in this vast region. His first novel was “The Lord of the Desert,” which was inspired in his travels through this country. His second novel, and more popular than the first was the "Toilers of the Columbia,” but now he has written a better story still—a story that will live. It is a new feature in fiction. It deals with the great range wars, the timber land frauds, and the irrigation projects in all romatic spirit. See this paper about getting the storv. f THE COLONEL’S WATERLOO. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grovt , Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver nnd Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he say«: “I was nearly dead, of these complaints, and, although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I con­ sider them the best medicine on earth, anti thank God who gave volt the know­ ledge to make them.” Sold, nnd guaran­ teed to cure, Dyspeps'a, Billiottsness and Kidney Disease, by J. W. Robinson. Wool sacks and twine. Little*« unex­ celled sheep dip, in drum« and tins. Highest cash price paid for wool nnd OREGON mohair at Ntinnii-Taylor Co's. IACKSONVILLE, • • UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. Filing» ami filial proof made ou homewtead» and limber claim» Corrected pint» showing all vacant land». NOTARY PUBLIC ANU CONVEYANCER. Legal paper» of all kind» made out Special attention given to paper» in »cttlcment of estates. ABSTRACTER OF TITLES, Most complete set of abstract books in the county. Abstract» made promptly and ac­ curately. REAI. ESTATE AND I NSC RANCE. Fine list of country and town property lor sale and rent. MONEY LOANED. Warrants bought nnd «old. Collection« made faxes paid. Rent» collected. Prompt reply to all letters. Charges reasonable. REFERENCED The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal will soon Iregin the publication of a zrw newspaper novel by Paul De Laney an- titled " Die Sheeplterder.” In order to g've our readers a chance to read this s’ory, we have arranged an unprecedented low clubbing rate with the Journal. This paper and the Semi-Weekly Journal will be given one year, the two for $2.00. Call at this office at once and subscribe in order to get the first chapter of the story. This offer applies to old subscribers paying in advance as well as new oxes. Why patronize ag« nt« and semi your money away when you can do a« well at home, and every dollar sent out of town hurts you as well as you merchant. Besides if you run short you can get more without additinal cost, or if you have any left it can l»e returned »nd get your money. Come in and see my stock and get uty prices. 1 can please you. C. W. C onklin . Office one block south of Courthouse 12:55 Ashland ........... 4:24 3:3.5 J. P. True recently sold to w. c. 4:2« 12:03 12.20 .Montagne..... Green, two lots on the south of his pin p m residence in West Medford for a consid­ 5:10 1 50 11 50 .Sacramento ... eration of $450.00 upon which Mr. Gr«en 5:10 - • 7:55 Ar... San Francisco.. i.v 2 22 « Of. will soon erect a neat cottage, The deal Tickets sold to all points in the United States Hon. H. K. Hanna, judge of 1st judicial dis­ was made through the M. Bellinger sleeping car reservations made on application trict. and anv Jacksonville bu»ine»« man. Agency. Freight house open* at ham anil closes at 4:20 u. m. Buy Your Wall Paper al Home t’j •*» if- THE CHILDREN’S FAVORIT" BEWARE OF IMITATIOKC THE GENUIN« PREPARED OOLV I Ballard-Snow Liniment Co ST. LOUIS, MO. SCOTT M. WILCOX, Agent, —N CHAS. H. BASYE Will conduct a gene­ ral Blacksmith busi­ ness at the old GRQNEMILLER STAND Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED “THE SHEEP-HERDER De Laney’s New Oregon Story, A charming story of the great range wars into which is interwoven the romantic episodes of acquiring tim­ ber lands and the advance­ ment of irrigation. '1 his production will aepear in the Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal in seiial form. The Journal will be clubbed with the Jacksonville Sentinel, and the price of both papers will be only $2.00 per year. Subscribe at once and get this great Oregon story. ; j