Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, March 31, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. 2
11 r............
JacKionville, JacKion County, Oregon, Friday, March 31, 1905.
Noles Reqardinq the
Events That Lake i
and Near the County
I his the Only Paper.
Dry tier wo«xl for «wile by Chris Ulrich.
Billy Hutton was up from
WerIneMiuy evening.
Medford I
Trvk|MM« notice* on cioth «ent by mail
to any mid re»» for fl .00 a dozen.
Wm. Pracht, of Ashland, was among I
the county »cat visitors this week.
Fine watch repairing a ajiecialty al
Hickel'» jewelry shop, Jacksonville.
First class sugar riiue shakes in any
quantity al Nuuan Taylor Company.
A bran new line of ladies neckwear
light from New York, at Miss Chap­
Court reporter Calkins of .Ashland is
attending court this week in his official
Miss Marie Nickell, deputy county
recorder has been quite ill bill is now
much improve«!.
Heart Cedar posts in quantities to »uit
10 Hi I2%C apiece.
N l - nan T aylor C o .
Geo. W. Canning, deputy organizer
for tile Modern Woodmen of America,
was in town this week in the interests
of that lodge.
Ill the case of Carter vs. Wakeman
th« fury returned a verdict luexiay
evening in favor of the defendant».
However the ca»e was immediately ap-
|>eiled to the surpretn - court.
Quite a delegation from Gohl Hill have
lx en in town this week attending court
which is now nt session. A great many
of them w> re witness«-« iti some of the
cases now la-ing tried from that vicinity.
Mrs. E.J. Kubli gave a pleasant sur­
prise on her daughter-in-law, Mrs. K. K.
Kubli, of Portland, Monday evening.
Whist was the onier of the evening, ami
a very enjoyable evening it was. After
several hours of social, progressive whist, Short Paraqraphs Regarding Doings
at which Miss Jo. Orth succeeded in win-
Throuqhout the Lenqth and
ning highest honors ami Miss Ella Orth
Breadth of Jackson County as
the consolation, delicious refreshments I
were aerved to the guests who consisted
We Succeed In Capturinq Them.
of Mr. ami Mrs. C. L. Reacies, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Bowersox, Mr. ami Mrs: J. 8. Orth, Mr.
and Mr». I<ee W. Henry, Mr. ami Mrs. SOME ARE NEWSY: SOME ARE NOT
J. W. Robinson, Emil and Mollie Britt,
Miss Mary Wetterer, Mr. ami Mrs. E. T.
A frightful accident occurred on our
Furness, Miss Clara Rader, Mrs. Anna
streets Thursday afternoon about 3:30
Beach, M im » Josephine Orth, Miss Ella
Orth, Mrs. Mollie Kubli and Mrs. Mary o’clock resulting in the instant death of
little seven year old Carl Steiger It
Mrs. Allen T Rector and her daughter seems that his mother sent him from th«
Miss Re«-tor, of Chicago, who have spent house, which is not far from the scene of
the winterin Southern Calif, were visiting the accident, to hail the driver of the
in town the first of the week the guest« wagon ami deliver some message to lie
of Mrs. A. E Renmes, of whom they are
relatives. While here they visited the sent his father Mr. E. C. Steiger, who is
Opp mine above town, and «aw for the foreman at the Iowa Lumber Co’s mill,
first time, a quartz mill in operation. for which company the load of baled hay
They left Tuesday for Portland where i was bound. It was a heavy load, drawn
they will visit relatives for a short time.
by four horses, and when the little fellow-
F. C. Morrison, who. has been in the caught lip with it, he started to climb
countv jail for some time, held upon a upon the load by placing his foot upon
charge of l»eatirig Ills wife, was d.»charg­ the brake beam which was covered with
ed the first of the week, his wife not
mud ami very slippery. Several, includ­
appearing to pr«>gguXe him.
ing his mother who was looking out of
The grand jury tfow iti session in this the window, saw him fall beneath the
countv is composed
I A. W. Beetle, W.
W. Eddington, Polk Hull, I<ee Watkins, wheel and saw it pass over bis head
|. B. Welch, R. Oatman ami J. H. which was fearfully crushed. Neither
'-ff, i
the driver, Fre«l Christy „or Orren
: isrti io
The trout season opens tomorrow,* McDonald who «vas also on the load saw
April 1st, and anglers are 1o««king over the lad nor heard his outcry, hence
their fishing tackle with a view of getting no one is blamed for the accident. He
in early and avoiding tile rusk.
was removed at once to Conklin's under­
Miss Lrona Ulrich is visiting her sister taking establishment and his father sent
Mrs. Jas. Buckley, in the /Applegate, for. The funeral will take place at the
country this week.
residence Saturday at 2:00 o'clock, con
Frank Cameron, of Uniontown, was ducted by Rev. Armstrong.
in town several days the first of the
Carl was the youngest of four children
and a great favorite with all who knew
J. H. Whipple and wife of Woodville, him. The family have the sympathy of
were visiting relatives fiere this week. the entire community in their sudden
ami terrible bereavement.
Isn't your siilMcnption due?
Brief. Bree/y
Place at
Seat, By
Will Have Bakery.
J. H. Bornhohn, an '.Xpert baker from
San Francisco has decided to locate in
Jacksonville ami the rooms between
Furness, the Clother’s an«l Ed. Helm's
saloon are now being fitted up for
occupancy. The ol«l brick oven will be
rebuilt anti the place put in first class
shape ifi every respect. This is an en­
terprise that Jacksonville has stood in
need ot for some time.
are instantly relieved, ami perfectly heal­
ed, by Bucklin’s Arnica Salve. Riven­
bark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes: "I
burnt mv knee dreadfully; that it blister
ed all over. Bucklin’s Arnica Salve stop­
ped the pain, and healed it without a
scar.” Also heals all wounds and sores.
25 cents at City Drug Store.
We take your measure for tailor made
suits, cloths guaranteed, perfect or no
acceptance. Our Samples are the very
latest patterns. Call and see them.
N unan T aylor Co.
Call and Settle.
AU those knowing themselves inbebt-
ed to me will please call at my residence
ami settle with my wife at their earliest
Resp. Yours.
D r . F. R. B owersox .
In buying a cough medicine for child­
ren never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. There is no danger
from it amlwfrrt «*wl ways sure to follow
It is especially valuable for colds, croup
and whooping cough. For sale by City-
Drug Store.
The grand jury is now in session at
the court house.
The Yreka Journ d is now publishing
a sheriff s sals .iiotn-e ov< r a yard long
which states that the Blue Ledge Copper
mines will l>e sold on April 24th at Yreka
t<> satisfy a ju Igmeut of over fKiMHl. held
I m - T. J. Kenney of this place.
Elmer Lester, who recently sold his
interests III the Model confectionery, is
prep «ring to o|>en up in the same line of
business in the building next to T. J.
Kminev’s store which is owned by Peter
I livsch.
We have the nicest line
of Hand Tailored Clothes
for your wear that ever
came to Jacksonville.
Emil Britt who purchased the old
Broo ts residence on First Street some
time ago, is having it repapered and re­
painted inside and outside and put in
i.rst da»» >lta|ie for occupancy by Mr.
and Mr» C. Conklin who will move into
it shortly.
Elsewhere in this paper apjiears ail ad­
vertisement of the "Hooligan Restau
rant" which now occupies the new build­
ing on the first corner up from the depot.
A single trial will convince vou that it
is a good place to stop at when you are
Furness, the Clothier, hung out an ad­
vertising sign one day this week that at
tracted consi«lerable attention. 'Twasan
immense pair of trousers to the bottom
of which were attach« <1 a very small pair
for a three year old, and the cotiibii-a-
tion comprised "The long and the short
of it," a sign that was readable, even to
the most illiterate.
Dr. M. C. Findley of this city, and
Dr. F. R. Bowersox of Jacksonville will
leave tile first of April for New York,
where they will spend six weeks in post
graduate work. Dr. Findley, whois
recognized as one of the leading eve, ear
and throat specialtists of Southern Ore­
gon, will take up special work in his
line of practice, while Dr. Bowersox.
who has gained a high standing in ab­
dominal surgery, will take up special
work in that 1 tie.—Rogue River Courier.
$2.00 to