ITEMS OF INTEREST Pdrjqrjqhs Keqardinq the Doinqs in Ttmn. County. State and Na­ tion. Boiled Down to Suit the Taste of the Busy People. WHATEVER HAPPENED IS HERE Rock Drilling Contest. This Friday afternoon, the drilling contest is on at the A. A. C. grounds with the entries tor the team drilling I v Lockwood and Savage, Galice; Siiigo and Harrington, Grants Pass; Johns and Walter Murphy; and Sandry Bros., Gold Ray. The entries for the single hand contest are Tom Brinckerhoff,Galace; Joe Johns, Murphy; and Bert Savage. Galice. Word catne as the Courier went to press that the Galice won on ;16 incite s with Murphy second on 35‘i inches and Granite Hill ¿n 34 inches. Gohl Ray h id 25 inches in nine minutes when ore of the men failed by reason of a lame hand.—Rogue River Courier. Indian Relics Mr. W. A. Carter, the Gold Hill merchant has purchased an interesting collection of Indian relics from J. H. Ring of Sardine reek. Mr. Ring while prospecting last week near his ranch opened an Indian grave and besides the skeleton found a gray blanket, a U. S. ar.ny coat with brass butt« ns seventeen h «If dollar pieces of dates 1837 to 1847 Three Mexican Hollars of «late 1840 all loikng fresh and new on one side but discolored on the other, a great quantity oi beads variegated in color and all sizes, an old fashioned scilping knife and large beaver trap with a long chain wrapped around it. The coat and blanket were in fairly good state of preservation. Mr. Ring is now buisily engaged in hunting for more Indian graves and accompanying relics. Mr. Carter intends to send the collection to the Lewis and Clark Fair for exhibtion. — Grants Pass Herald. More Railrodd Talk. A railroad to the Blue Ledge Coppier property in the Upper Applegate Dis­ trict is again living talked of, anil the property is being investigated and ex­ amined with a view to a purchase, by­ Spokane parties. The railroad would | have an easy grade up the Applegate a distance of about 35 miles from Jacksonville to the property and its construction will be begun at an early dav if the sale is consummated. The property is at present owned largely by Spxjkane parties with Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford as manager. Dr. Reddy has be< n engaged in the work of development very steadily ever since 1 the bond, taken on it by l’airick Clark and others some two years ago, was surrendered. The parties who are ex­ amining the mine with a view to buying it, are old and experienced miners who have been engaged in the development I of some of the oldest coppier projx-rties in the west. The Blue Ledge Group is composed of some 350 locations or claims.—Oregon Mining Journal. in attendance was a small one owing to the fact that a baud concert whs in prog­ ress up town. The game was clean and MiHppy and quite free from errors. The battery work was far ahead of that of the game of the previous Sunday while the work in the field was also much improv- ed. The score by innings was as fol lows: Jacksonville, <1 0 I 2 0 0 (I () 13-7 Medford, (I I 0 0 3 0 0 <1 0 0-4 Hits—Off Miles 6, off Lester 7; struck out—by Miles >0, by Lester 13; hit by I I pitched ball by Miles 2. bv Lester 1; bases on tad Is—off Miles 1. Lester 5. Batteries, Miles and King; Lester and Barlow. A return game will be played on Neu- her an ms well at home, mid every dollar sent out of town hurts you as well as you merchant. Besides if you run shott you can get more without additinal cost, or if you have any left it «an Is- returned and get your money. Come hi and see my stock and get my prices. 1 can please you. C. W. C onki . in . Mrs. Frank Iluffer arrived from San Francisco Sunday «veiling. Weather Report For February. Following is the report of U S Volun­ teer Weather Observer E. Britt, for Jack­ sonville, for month of February,longitude 42 «leg IK mm west; latitude 123 «leg 5 min north. During the month there were 11 clear «lays, 7 partly clear days and 7 cloudy «lavs. Temperature—mean max. 56.67; mean min. 34.88; m- an 45.77. Max. 71 on 26th, mm. 17, on l.’ili; greatest daily range 33. Precipitation—Total for month, 1 08 inches. Greatest hi 24 hours, .47 inches on 19th. Total percipitation for season 15.41 inches; same for last seas« n. 29.22 inches. SILAS J. DAY CHAS. H. BASYE conduct a gene­ ral Blacksmith busi­ ness at the old CRQNEMiLLiR STAND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jacksonville Wins In a Walk. • • I'SITEI» STATI-.S COMMISSIONER Filings and final proof made on honirMrada and timber claims Corrrc ted plats showing all vacant lands NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Legal papers of all kinds made out Spec ial attention given to papers in settlement of estates. ABSTRACTER OF TITLES, Most complete set of abstract l»ooks in the county, Abstract» made promptly and ac­ curately. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Fine list of country ami town property for sale and rent. MONEY LOANED Warrants I»ought ami sold Collections made I axes paid Rents collected Prompt reply to all let tens Charges reasonable. REFERENCES; Hon. H. K. H.iniifl, judge of 1st judicial dis­ trict. and any Jacksonville busineaa man. 4ft Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. Wool sack« and twine, Little’s tinex- celled sheep dip, in drums and tins, Highest cash pine paid for wool and OKBQON mohair at Nunan-Taylor Co's. Office one block south of Courthouse JACKSONVILLE, Hotel for Sale. In a Rogue River town. Title perfect ami the opportunity for a profitable business. Building well located, in good repair and fully furnished. Six lots and a rich garden tract where all vegetables needed for the hotel can be raised and a i abund­ ance of fruit. Timber land tract of 12 acre 2’4 miles distant goes with property. All sold at a bargain and immediate pos session given. Good reason for -«-llmg. M. Calhoun, Phoenix, Oregon. THE COLONEL’S WATERLOO. Colon«-! John M. Fuller, of Honey Grov« , Texas, nearly met hit Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In it re« ent letter, he says: “1 was nearly «had, of these complaints, and, although 1 tried my familv dot'tor, lie 1 got a fiOc bottle of your great Elec'ric Bitter«, «which < tired me. I con­ sider tlx tn the I test medicine on earth, and thank God who gave vou the know­ ledge to make them.’' Sold, and guaran- teed to cure, D«s|a |>sa, Billiousness ami Kidney Disease, by J. W. Robinson. Vv JHEl'X'JL, Dream Vermifuge Ì MR« RtK< ÎHE GUARANTEED A THE CHILDREN’S FAVORIT . Mwaac or Mwvanom THt CtNUIHC FRtrtRtO ONLr ' Ballard-Snow Liniment BT, LOUin, MO. THE SHEEP=HERDER” De luiney’s New Oregon Story A charming story of the great range wars into which is interwoven the romantic episodes of acquiring tim­ ber lands and the advance­ ment of irrigation. Lumber at Low Prices. The Jacksonville base ball team went down to Medford last Sunday and“skun” that aggregation of balltossers to a fare- ye-well in a most exciting and closely contested ten-inning game. Quite a number of the faithful fans accompanied the team from this place, but the crowd Jackson County Lumber Company, having cut out their timber and prepar­ ed to move their mill have a large quantity af good building material in their yard that they will sell at bottom prices. Farmers will find this a good opportunity to purchase lumber at their own price. This production will aepear in the Oregon Senii-Wtekly Journal in seiial form. The Journal will be clubbed with the Jacksonville Sentinel, and the price of both papers will be only $2.00 per year. Subscribe at once and get this great Oregon story.