Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, March 24, 1905, Image 3

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Kutrml tn the poaloflc* of Jack m » ii ville,
J.ickaon County, Oregon, a* arcottd < la»» matter
Ht MM Mipr ion liatxa
One year
hi« months
Thrre mouths
C ijihhino T om ».
The Srutlnrl ami thr Weekly Oregonian will
<>r sent to one udilrraa lor f2 a year. The hruti-
nel gives the jack «on county urwi ami the Ore­
gonian givra I hr slate, national ami world nrws,
thus a iradrr la able to cover the entire news
held al about thr price »1 but one paper.
raiAL btmia atrrION» Thr Jacksonville Srntiuel
will I m - sent to any adrlirss, at any poatoAce in
thr Umtrd Mate», lot lour ■•erka lor III cents.
All subscriptions, tegular or trial, will I n -prompt­
ly atopprri at thr date of espiralion, unless a re­
newal is received.
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1905.
Take notice of our clubbing rate with
thcTwiee-a Week Portland Journal. The
t wo pa[>era for #2.00 a year. Paul Ih-
Lanev’a great Oregon story, “The Sheep­
herder” will lie published in the Journal
and you want to read it.
There are people, and lots of them,
who cannot see why on earth an editor
doesn’t make money on a small country
week I j* paper, and yet these same people
never once think of |>av'ing their own
subscription. Come, brace up and pay
your delinquent subscription to your lit­
tle home (taper.
Russia has at last decided that she has
had enough of war ami will sue for peace,
hoping that the victorious Japanese wdl
not dictate such harsh terms that she
cannot accept them without humiliating
her national dignity. Her splendid fleet
is at the Itottom of the sea ami her
shattered armies are fleeing north want to
Harbin to escafie the relentless Japanese
while she is having trouble in securing
funds with which to carry on the war,
hence what other course is possible for
her other than to ask for peace. Russia,
the tyrant nation is lieateu, and crushed
in Asia and by an enemy of less than
om-fifth her size ami ¡»pulation.
Russia is getting but little sympathy
from the nations of the world, even her
old friends, Erance and Germany seem
to lx* giving her the cold shoulder since
her recent reverses. No one has any
sMii|Mtthy for a big bully when a little
felllow whips him in a fight that he
himself has provoked.
A verv able and timely article appears
in last week's Grants Pass Courier re­
garding Southern Oregon song turds and
their wanton destruction by the “small
I toy" bv nieans of the deadly “bean
shooter” ami the 22 calibre rifle which
he uses with such telling effect on the
little feathered songsters, especially
those that winter in this country and
whose cheerful songs gladden the heart
of man throughout the entire year. Al­
though these birds are protected by law
it is quite a common practice among the
younger hoys of our town to hunt them
at this season of the year, and many a
boy returns home frequently with a half-
dozen or more meadow larks or robins
which are soon dressed, cooked and eat­
en and no serious thought is given the
At Grants Pass step« are living taken
to stop this evil practice and to proscute
the offenders. Similar steps should be
taken here and our song birds protected
as they should be. Offenders should be
warned, many of them are ignorant of
the law, ami upon a repetition of the
offense, should lie prosecuted to the full
extent of the law.
School t nlerldlnment.
The high school entertainment last
Saturday evening drew a large crowd to '
the hall, in fact fully as many as could
be accommodated. The entertainment
was exellent throughout and was well :
worth the time and expense of going.
The pupils that participated in the drills, ,
songs etc. showed both ability and good
Having moved into new
and greatly en­
“That Rascal Pat” was fully up to
expectations and was well put on by |
larged my stock I am bet­
Prof. Ereel and high school students. In |
ter able to please the public
a financial way it was also a success as
than ever. Come in and
la-tween 50. and #60. was realized from
look my stock over, even
the sale of seats. The program as i
though you do not buy.
rendered was as follows:
1— “Kind Hearts Ix>ve the Little Flow­
ers.” Nine girls. Intermediate de­
2— “The Burglars.” CAST: Josiah Green; |
Maria Green, bis wife; Kittie, the
housemaul and Toby, a negro.
3— “Moonlight,”
Neil Moret. ’
Frances Kenney.
4— “Dame Trot's Washing Day." Adar- |
el Elmer.
5— “Hello, Central, Give me Heaven.” .
Edith Haefs.
Pic tur os Framed and Furniture Repaired.
<1—“The Elf Chilil.” Nine pupils. In­
termediate <1<-(»art men t.
7—“1’ui a Shepherd of the Valley.”
Six girls.
H—Delsarte Children.
Eight pupils,
The Up-to-date House Furnisher and Undertaker
Primary department.
9— “She Didn't Want Much." Stella
10— “The Star Spangled Banner.” Eight
girls. Iniermediate department.
Lewis and C<ark Centennial.
11— “The Tradesmen.” Twelve boys.
scope is assured to the
Primary Department.
Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap- Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition
12— “Invitation“ A la Value,
Weber iuville, Conn., says: “Chamberlain's, to be held at Portland, Oregon, from
Donald Colvig.
Pain Balm is the champion of all lini­ June 1st to October 15, 1905, by President
13— “Juvenile Opinion," Henry Haef-. ments. The past year I was troubled a Roosevelt’s approval of the act of Cong­
14— “The Joy of Life." Eight girls, , great deal with rheumatism in my shoul­ ress making an appropriation for the Ex­
der. After trying several cures the position, and his invitation to foreign
Intermediate de[>artment.
15— “A Catnip Tea."
Manlie Hards. ’ storekeeper here recommended this re­ countries to participate Portland's Expo­
medy and it completely cured me.” ' sition will represent a total outlay of over
IB—“Little Mothers.” Six girls. Pri­ There is no u.e of anyone suffering from #5,(XM>,000. Though covering 405 acres
mary department.
that painful ailment when this liniment of land and natural lake, it will be com­
17—“Good Bye Liza Jane,” Vance Col­ can l>e obtained for a small sum. One . pact in form, and the average person will
application gives prompt relief and its be able to ‘ee and comprehend it all in a
continued use for a short time will pro­ few days at moderate cost. The cream of
duce a permanent cure. For sale by the foreign and don estic exhibits to be
made at St. Louis this year will be trans­
City Drug Store.
ferred to Portland at the close of the
Pat McNoggertv. (a good-natured but
Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
blundering Irish Servant.)
A. O. Freel.
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan. to Portland and installed in building to be
Major Puffjacket, (an officer on half
Elmer Haefs. writes, My husband lav sick for three specially erected. This exhibit will be
Charles Livingston, (poor but ambitious) months. The doctors said he had quick worth #800,000. In addition Portlaid
Ephriam Wilson. ccnsnniption. We procured a bottle of will have many features which will not be
Laura, (neice to Puffjacket; in love with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured seen at St. Louis, such as exhibit demon­
Della Wilson. him. That was six years ago and since strating the life, customs and industries
then we have always kept a bottle in the of China, Japan, Hawaii, Siberia, Russia,
Nancy (her maid, in love with Pat.)
Nettie Crooks. house. We cannot do without it. For Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, the Phil­
coughs and colds it has no equal. For ippines and India.
The Lewis and Clark Centennial will
The Oregon Pioneer Association will sale by City Drug Store.
be tlie first international exposition under
meet in Portland June 15th.
Government patronage ever held on the
Pacific Coast. It w ill be in every way a
I have been suffering for the past few­ Western exposition. The railroads will
When your ship of health strikes the years with a severe attack of rheuma­ make low rates from Missouri and Miss­
hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu- | tism and found that Ballard’s Snow Lini­ issippi river points to Portland, and ex­
nioiiia, etc., you are lost, if you don’t get ment was the only thing that gave me ceptionally low rates will be in effect be­
help from Dr. King's New Discovery for satisfaction and tended to alleviate my tween Portland and the Rocky Mountain
Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Tal­ pains. March 24. 02: John C. Degnan, region.
ladega Springs, Ala., writes: “I had been Kinsman, Ills. For sale by City Drug
very ill with Pneumonia, under the care i Store.
of two doctors, but was getting no better
1.................. "
• ■
when I began to take Dr. King's New
If you have occasion to visit tliecounty
Discovery. The first dose gave relief, seat and dont know where to stop, in­
and one bottle cured me.” Sure cure for quire for the Taylor House where you I
Filings and final proofs for homesteads
sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. can secure first class beds and meals by I
and timber claims made.
For sale by J. W. Robinson.
the day or week. Transient trade solicit- ■
edand all treated right.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the county of Jackson.
In the matter of the Estate of Henry
Weydermati, deceased. Order ap­
pointing day for final settlement, etc.
Emil Britt the executor of the estate of
Henry Weydermann, deceased, having |
rendered ami presented for settlement,
ami filed in this Court his final account
of his administration of said Estate.
IT is ordered . That Wednesday the
12th day of April, A. D. 1905, being a
dav of a subsequent term of said Court,
towit: of the April term thereof A. D.
19(15 at 10:00 o’clock a. tn. of said day.be
and the same is hereby appointed for the
settlement of said account, and that no­
tice of said settlement be published in
the Jackson ville Sentinel, a newspaper
published in Jacksonville, Oregon, as
often as once a week for four successive
weeks prior to said day of settlement.
Done in open Court this 8th day of
March, A. D. 1905. G ko . W. D unn ,
County Judge.
We carry a full and well-
assorted line of Fine Sta­
tionery, Perfumery, Toilet
Soaps, Sponges, Blank
Books, Magazines, School
Supplies and DRUGGS,
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