JACKSONVILLE i Vol. 2 JacK»onville, JacKion County, Oregon, Friday, March 24. 1905- ITEMS OF INTEREST J I’drdgrjqhs Regarding the Doings in Iown. County. State and Nd- tlon. Boiled Down to Suit the lasle of the Busy People. WHAiLVIK HAPPENED IS HERE ) The Sentinel give* the mining new». / SENTINEL Rev. A. J. Armstrong officiated at the wedding of M. I,. Daily and Miss Effie Wei»« which took place Thursday morn­ ing at 9:00 o'clock at the residence of County Superintendent 1 1’ If. Daily, The contracting parties are well ami favorably known in the county i where they have hosts of friend«, '111«-, h-it at once for their stock farm just east of Medford amid showers of rice. Hon. W. D. Chamberlain, a leading citizen of Pendleton made S. P. Purity and other friends living at Medford and Jacksonville a visit Saturday, lie served Umatilla county ably as clerk for two terms ami also as a memlier of the late legislature say» the Southern Oregonian. Fred A. Coppie was in from the Apple­ Quite a decided change took place in gate valley todav. the weather last Monday when tile wii d Atty. Gm. Newbury visited Medfr.nl blew and it rained in torrents for several hours. Tuesday morning it was snow­ the first of the week. ing and some of it remains on the high A brail new line of hills vet. The tain is fully appreciated as it was badly needed. right troni New York, iiiau’a. The dance given at Gold Hill last Fri Learned, of the Boss Confectionery, is day evening is sai lhead salmon are said to be running up Rogue Rivir in great numbers and the small tributaries of that stream are full of them. The wife of Dr. J. Hinkle of Central Point ower, a p'ace visited Grant* Pass last Thursday. thirty horse power motor having lieen Hon. Theo. Cameron attended the installed there this week says the Mail. Good Roads convention at Grants Pass. The revival meeting at the M. E. W. E <)lm*ted has returned from his Church 11m developed quite an interest. The services will continue every evening trip to C dtforuia. except Saturday until further notice. Rev. Robert Ennis visited Medford All are cordially invited. Tuesday. During the absence of Dr. Bowersox in the East, his father in law, Dr. J. M. Kitchen, of Grants Pass, will look after his practice. Dr. Kitchen i< a physician of inmv years exjierience ami will please those who have occasion to call him. Presiding Elder M C. Wire gave four very satisfa torv sermons at the M. E. Church this week. The Quarterly Meet­ ing Wednesday night showed all de partments of the church work to be in an increasingly prosperous condition. A. J. Stevens, who owns and is operat­ ing the Jackson County I.umlier Co. mill located a couple of miles south of Jack­ sonville is putting in a lumber yard in Southwest Medford and several teams are hauling lumber from the mill to the vard. A new restaurant has been opened up this week in the brick formerly occupied bv the “Hooligan Restaurant,"by Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf and «laughters ami they are now ready to teed'the hungry, Tlie plac«- has been nicely furnished, and will doubtless be quite a popular eating place. The Danielson boys—W. O. and C. p.—have purchased * one-third interest in the Medford Foundry and Machine Shops, from Messers. Gault it Cook says the Mail. Although there has never been a great flourish of trumpets about this business, it has been increasing right along. Both the new partners sre me chanics, ami with the two older owners, makes four people in the company who are competent to do almost any kind of machine work. The Oregon Semi Weekly Journal, in addition to containing Paul De I.aney’s new serial story, “The Sheepherder,” is issued twice a week and is brim full of tiie cream of the news of the world. It lias decidedly the best market rcjxirts of any paper on the Pacific Coast. For the Citizen whose postoffice facilities do not justify a daily pajier, the Semi-Weekly Journal is the best investment in reading matter that can be made. For clubbing rates see the editor of this paper. A No. 46 The same time Mr. Grant had urgent business in Jacksonville, to which place he drove his fine team. He has not i been seen since by the people of Gold Paragraphs Regarding Doings Hill. Of course there were many rumors Throughout the Length and when he did not come back and people to think that there was something Breadth ot Jackson County as began wrong and were positive of that fact We Succeed In Capturing them. when the doors of the store were closed Friday an«l Mr. Welch began to haxe SOME AKE NEWSY: SOME AKE NOE the goods packeil for shipment. The goods were shipped away next -day, and Mr. Welch paid all bills against the firm. About the beginning of the year Harry Whether or not Mr. Grant will come Grant, a fine ap|iearing young gentleman back and pay his bills is another came to gold Hill seeking a building on question. His wife has turned over all ; the business side of the town in order to the household furniture and furnishings open up a gents furnishing store. After to the creditors. Young Grant neither two or three visits to the town from drank nor gamblefl while here and many Grants Pass, which place he ciaimed as i people are at a loss to understand his his headquarters, he deciding to begin strange disappearance. Nothing can be business and rented the Counts building learned from his wife or her people in re­ oil the south side, moving in a fine st«?ck gard to his whereabouts and it may be of clothing, boots and shoes, a:id gent's that he wili return toGold Hill. Mr. Grant furnishings. The firm of Welch and rather startled the residents of this staid Grant did not do a very large business in town during his eight weeks career and this out-of-the way place am! Mr. Grant furnished the climax, with his myster­ found time rather heavy on his hands, so ious disappearance.—Grants Pass Herald. found time to buy a fine team of horses and a nice buggy and other articles for Call and Settle which he did not always pay, but he was of a genial nature ami no one thought of All those knowing themselves indebt pressing for payment. He also found ed tp me will please call and pay up time to court one of Gold Hill’s foremost before the 25th of this month as I expect young ladies, Miss May Curry, to whom to start East about that time to be gone he was united in matrimony Febr. 24th several months, in Jacksonville. On the 1st of March he Resp. Yours. rented the McClendon building on the D r . F. R. B ovversox . other side of the town next to the Gold Hill bank and moved the stock over to A SAFE COUGH MEDICINE FOR the new location. He had the building CHILDREN. entirely renovated at the firm’s expen-e In buying a cough medicine for child­ bought shelving, counters, etc. for which ren never be afraid to buy Chamberlain’s he did not pay and opened with a fine Cough Remedy. There is no danger display of goods about the 10th of the from it and relief is always sure to follow It is especially valuable for colds, croup present month. Three or four days and whooping cough. For sale by City later Albert Welch of Portland appeared. I Drug Store. THE COUNTY NEWS