JACKSONVILLE SENTINEL r Recent Weddings HOLIDAY GOODS Mr. A. M Schaeffer and Miss Olive Cummins, of Medford, were married at FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. the U. S. hotel parlors, in this city, on liV I.F.K W. HF.NKV, EDITOR. Wednesday afternoon of this week by Justice box. The contracting parties Entered in the poalofltce of Jacksonville, are both well and favorably known at Jackaon c ounty, Ott gon, a» «rcomkl»«» matlrr. Medford where they will continue to re­ side. We congratulate. IKHt'ED ON ,7ft .40 C lcmiiimo T kmms The Hrntinrl and the Weekly Oregonian will or «rut loonr addir«» tor f j a year The Senti­ nel give» the J>u kson county new» anti the ore KonUm give» the »tate, national anti world new», tini» a rentier I» able to cover the entire new» ¿ehi at al>out the price ol but one paprr. TaiAl. Hi asc airriox» The |a< kaonvillr Hvntinel will I h - »ent to any uddre»». at any poat office in the United Mule». lor four week« lor 10 cent». All »uliMiiptioii». tegular or trial, will la-prompt­ ly stopped at the date of expiration, unle»» a re­ newal i* received Friday, December 30, ’04 Tho way to build up your homo town I» to work for It, talk for it and patron- ho thoso in buttinosi thoro Toilet Sets, Ladies’ Hand Bags in genuine Seal and Walrus, Photo Albums, Scrap Books, Christmas Books, Latest Poems in Padded Leather Covers, Sterling Sil­ ver Ware, Fancy Clocks, Mr. Herman King and Miss Mary Margreiter, both popular and well-know n young jieople of this place, celebrated Christmas day by joining their fortunes “for lietter or for worse.” They joined the excursion party to San Francisco on Monday and exjrect to be gone ten or fifteen «lays enjoying their honeymoon in California. Mr. Vance Wolgamott ami Miss Em­ ma Oglesby were united in marriage last week. The groom is a most deserving young timberman of Talent and the bride is one of the popular young ladies of North Jacksonville. The young cou­ ple will make their home out near the Jackson County Lumber Co.'s mill where ’ Mr. Wolgamott is employed for the winter. a Ben'Clute, the effi ient foreman of the New York mine, located in Siskiyou .county, Calif, (now tiring operated by J. B. Scott and his associates), an excellent I young man, and Miss Lydia Pernoil, the jxipular ami accomplished daughter of Mrs. William Pernoil of Applegate, were married Christmas. They will make their future home in Siskiyou comity, Calif, for which place they departed Tuesday night. That their journey on : matrimonial seas will lie fraught with , happiness ami prosperity is the wish of | all.—Times. CITY DRUG STORE, JACKSONVILLE, SHERIFF’S SALE. AN EMERGENCY MEDICINE- For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamlrelain's Pain Balm. It sooth­ es the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but cauies the parts to heal in about one thiol the time required by the usual treatment. Sold by City Drug Store. H. L. White, Plaintiff, VS. Washing­ ton and California Mining and Milling Company, a corjoration, Defendants. By virtue of and execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Ore­ gon, for the county of Jackson, on the 2nd day of November, 1904, on a judg­ ment rendered in said Court ou the 24th day of October, 1904, in favor of H. L. White, Plaintiff, and against Washington and California Mining and Milling Co. Iiefendants, for the sum of two-hundred and fourteen and 35-100 dollars with in­ terest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 19th day of March, 1904, and all the costs of and upon this writ. Public notice is hereby given that on Saturday, December 16th, 1904, at the hour of 3 o'clock, p. m. of said day, in front of the court house in the town of Jacksonville, Oregon, I will in obedience to said execution, sell all right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described pro­ perty. the same being now held under attachment, to-wit: SW. % of Section 23, Township 36, S. R. 4 W. of W. M.'all in Jackson County, Oregon, to the highest bidder for lawful money of the United States of America. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon the 5th day of November 1904. J. M. R ader , Sheriff, Jackson County, Oregon. Nunan—Taylor Company have a new invoice of trunks, grips, valices and telescopes and persons fitting out for a journey will find it profitable to buy of this firm. Trv the Sentinel for three months. GOOD HOUSEKEEPINC A Homey Magazine—each month helpful practical and inspiring Full of fascinat­ ing features Beautifully illustrated. A million readers! >1.00 per year, io cents a copy A FREE sample copy to all requesting. Weareclosing out our stock of jew­ elry. Call and get our prices. C itv D rig S tore . H EA RT FLUTTERI NG. Undigested food and gas in the stom- i ach, located just below the heart, presses ' against it and causes heart jtalpitation. Our readers are asked to overlook the i When your heart troubles you ill that shortcomings of the Sentinel this week, ; wav take Herbine for a fews «lavs. You as Christmas comes but once a year and will soon l>e all light. 50c at City Drug Store, this ferl to the editor living away from the office from last Thursday until this lakes d Shot. Wednesday. We have boen working shorthanded and vet we succeeded in Wednesday evening as the Rogue getting this pa|>er out in only three days River Valley train was leaving the city which “isn't so slow.” of Medford on their return trip and yet in the suburbs of that place, somebody took a shot at the passenger coach which was loaded with people enroute to the Local Briefs | county seat. The bullet, if such it was, I came in at the lower coiner of one win- i dow just in front of a man and his wife I who occupied that seat, and went through Fine job work at the Sentinel Office. j and out at the opposite window, doing no damage except the breaking of the Jewelry at wholesale prices at City glass in the windows. Some of the pas­ Drug Store. sengers express it as their opinion that it The Fischer Co. is drawing quite good was only a buck shot from a sling shot in crowds at Medford this week. the hands of some mischievous boy, Ed. flay returned home today for a while others are of a different opinion visit with his parents Judge Day and wife. and declare that they diftinctly heard Mrs. Rose Hamlin the dancing teach­ the crack of the rifle. er who was here some time ago, has re­ turned from Grants Pass and is nowj in County Court Expenses for Nov Medford. W.T. Campbell who haslieeti employed at the Blue Ledge Copper mine for some County and Commn’s court time, was in town a few days this week, Circuit court............................. Justice court............................. returning today. Hickel, the Jacksonville jeweler, has Sheriff’s office.......................... some fine Waltham and Elgin watches, Clerk’s office............................ warranted for 20 years, and full gold cases Recorder’s office...................... that he will sell at a close margin of pro- Treasurer’s office..................... fiit. School Supt’s office.............. Mrs. C. M. Hendrix, who has been a Assessor’s office....................... resilient of Medford for the past several Tax rebate................................. months, died at the residence of T. W. Current expenses..................... Ling, in East Medford, on Friday morn­ Court house expense.............. ing, aged «7 years. Mrs. Hendrix was Care of poor.............................. the eldest sister of jeweler B. N. Butler. Bridges and roads................... The remains were shipped to Harrisburg, Election expense..................... Oregon, for interment.—Medford Mail. Ferries expense....................... J 120 8 31 333 250 115 83 ..... 83 158 9 223 27 190 1905 1061 Ki 20 00 65 33 00 65 33 33 33 50 70 00 40 78 60 66 AGENTS WANTED Goon Hot'SKKEEmro want» a »ubscrip- lioti representative in every city and town in the west. To those who will give all or a portion ol their time it offers attractive work and pay« exdeedingly liberal cum- mission« It'will pay you to investigate. A postal card will bring particulars. Write at once »3 aw to be the first in vour field. Wanted. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO Pacific Coast Office, 'i9 Columbian Builcing. San Francisco, Cal. AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR ALL THE OREGON. FAMILY I Special Representative in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established busi­ ness house of solid financial standing. Salary J21 weekly, with Expenses ad­ vanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position per­ manent. Address Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill.