LOCAL HAPPENINGS Brief. Breezy Various Place at Seat, By Notes Reqardinq the Events That Take and Near the County This the Only Paper. NEWSY New line of toys at the Boss. at Bybee Springs from Jacksonville. Kt.Ss.o35 Xmas services will lie held by Rev. Robt. Tweed on Christmas morning ut the Presbyterian church at ll o'clock. Lorn Adams and Chas Brown are still working at the P. H. 11 art h mine on Schiefflein gulch, doing considerable development work. RYAN’S Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Gale i and Mrs. C. L. Rennies drove down i last Friday from Jacksonville and i spent a few hours with relatives on the Birdseye farm. Toys of all kinds at Lester & Shulz’a. Elmer Carter familiarly known All descriptions of mechanical toys at “Todd”it home from the army. He has Lester & Shulz's. been in the Philippines and numerous Lon Wimer, of Talent, was here Thurs­ other parts during the past three years and has been raised in rank since join­ day a witness in the ‘‘tin can” case. ing the 2nd Oregon volunteers. Call on Lester and Schulz and examine The question of having a bridge across their nice line of Christmas goods. Rogue river just opposite town is again Frank H. Hull, the photographer took revived ami much discussed. The need several views of the new Opp mill yes of such a structure is and has been for terday. many years a great drawback for Wood- Mr. Bellinger,one of Medford’s hust­ ville and the whole vicinity which ling real estate dealers, was in town much of it. within sight of town, Wednesday. reach town from the opposite side of river only a few rods from the depot one Agent Wilcox, of the Southern Pacific, must, if going with a vehicle of any sort was up from Medford Wednesday and go around by Rock Point which makes made this office a pleasant call. a trip of over 24 miles. With a little Judge L. R. Webster, formerly circuit effort on the part of a nutnl>er of the judge here, but now of Portland, is here citizens we believe that the county this week as attorney in the famous“tin would furnish us w ith this much needed can” case. bridge. Our town is certainly lively this week and presents a hautling and thrifty appearance, largely due to attendance at the Circuit Court now in session. Born to the wife of Louis Eaton, who resides a few miles south of Jaeksonv.lle on Wednesday Dec. 14, a baby girl. Mother and daughter doing nicely. Some people have an idea in their head that Frank H. Hull, the Art Studio man, is in partnership with G. W. Mack­ ey, at Medford but Frank says such is not the case.he is in partnership with no one. Joe Morcom and family arrived here Tuesday from Grants Pass where he has been employed in the Greenback mine. He will be an employee at the new Opp quartz mill which is now ready to start up. F. W. Broback, who formerly resided at Medford, is in town this week as a witness in the “tin can” case that is attracting so much attention. He built the hen house over the spot where the boys dug up the can containing the #7,000 in gold coin. F. E. Willett, who has just completed the big quartz mill near town, left yes­ terday for his home at Grants Pass where he will remain for a time at least, and take a much needed rest. He has been steadily at work for along time having taken this job immediately after finish­ ing the big Granite Hill mill near Grants Pass, which was fully as large a job as the one just finished. Mr. Willett is certainly a first class mill man and understands his business from A to Z besides having a happy faculty of getting along smoothly with his men. He made many friends during his stay in Jackson­ ville. Woodville Whispers. Mrs. Hair of Grants Pass came up last Thursday to visit for several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hair. Wm. Shoemake and brother Edward, formerly of this vicinity have located a homestead on upper Birdseye creek. Quality of Goods, Selec­ tion of Stock, and Reason- ableness of Price factors always considered in dealings with customers so that they may he satis­ fied with their purchases JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE TRANSEER HARNESS AND CHAS. DUNFORD journal MONEY ro* SOYS Bays et osw to» every Urje •r «mall. m O m Oregon covn* e»rn mcney. and earn tt easily Mibnf THE DAILY and SUNDAY JOUR­ NAL. No money a requirad lomsO 4 34 a in 7:45 5 40 » 16 4 40 1 42 3 ul g 10 |3 ............. Grant* I'«**........ IJ II Gold llill 11 .36 .............Central Point. 11:4-5 ......... Medford................... 11 at 11 3M 12.02 ............. Phoenix ................. 12:12 ........... Talent.......................... 1 10 4.00 4 41 4 ut pm 12X5 4:25 12:55 ........... Ashland........................ 4:2» ............. Montagne................... 3 35 12:03 1 21 I2.20 • m ft 10 8:56 1 H. C. MACKEY SHOE I fray ¡ng and heavy team work. Light ex/tress t ra ns ferret!. Prompt delivery to al! parts of the city Í. am 5:10 i ............. Sacramento ............ 1 fit 7 M Ar..... San Francinco f.v 2 11 p m I IJ :M) M.06 Tickets sold to all points in the United States. Sleeping car reservations made on application. Freight house opens at Kam and closes at 4:20 p. tn. SCOTT M. Wil.COX, Agent, Photo Gallery SHOP All Kinds Of Harness Work Done Prompt­ ly. Fine Shoe Work A Specialty. Prices Reasonable. W. R. Hawk, Proprietor SOUTHERN ORECON STATE NORMAL New buildings; Well equipped gymnasium; Am­ ple and beautiful grounds; Up to date training de­ partment; Wholesome in­ fluences morally and social­ ly; 1 lealthful surroundings: Expenses nominal; Gradu­ ates of this school com­ mand from $45 to $«5 per month. *‘I was much affected with sciatica,’ writes Ed C. Nud, Towaville, Sedgwick Co., Kan., “going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain. I was induced Second Floor, Adkins Block, For Catalogue Address to try Ballard’s Snow Liniment, which opposite Postoffice. relieved me. I used three 50c bottles. C. H. THOMA« It is the greatest liniment I ever used; SecrsUry of the Board or Medford - Ore have recommended it to a number of per­ B. F. MULKEY sons; all express themselves as being Proaident benefited by it. I now walk without Fine Photography a Specialty. crutches, able to perform a great deal of A miii . ano ... O hkoon Special attention given to posing light labor on the farm. ” 25c, 50c. $1.00. of children. Jill work guaran> Sold by City Drug Store. teed. Prices reasonable. Reduced Rules to St. louis Exposition. Geo. Estell. the accomodating clerk in W. V. Jones’store, who has been quite The Rogue River Creamery, Medford, Essie Wilson and Janies Cantrall pass­ wants your cream and guarantees to ed through town Thursday enroute to the sick for a few days is around again. meet any prices on an average paid by Little Applegate country where they will Mr. L. Stone and family’ passed through any cream concern buying cream. assist in some road work that is being Bros. C. E. Gaddis, business town the other day on their way home Gaddis manager. done near the Crump place. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell round trip tickets nt greatly reduced rates to St. Louis and Chicago account the St. Louis Exposition on the following dates: June Hi, 1?, JM: July ], 2, 3: Aug «, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7: October 3 4 5.