Purchased Roque River falls. Local Briefs Fir»t chia» augur pine nhiike« in any quantity at Nunan-Taylor Company. Will, Puhi’s little girl was quite aer- ioutly ill laat Friday with tunailitis but la now improving. I). Holla him aolrrty in went Medford to F. W. Gains, of Washington for $1100.00 who will take possession at once. The deal was made through the Bellinger Real Entate Agency. The capital stock of the First National Bank of Ashland has l>ecn increased from $25,000 to $50,000 owing to a won derful increase in the business of the lamk during the year. Surely Ashland is growing at a wonderful rate. Tlie regular session of the town Ixiard was held last week and the usual routine business transacted. Action in the Con­ dor Power & Water Co's petition for the privilege of setting ¡»des, ami stringing electric wires in the city limits was deferred. An effort is lieing made in Ashland, by the amendment of the city charter, to rid the town of “blind pigs" and thus make of it a really dry town, which, from the literature that was circulated through* out the county alxMit election time re garding conditions there, we sup|a>seass, which it undoubtedly will within the next few years with the development of the country, and the increase of travel to Crater Lake Park, and Klamath. Things Worn By Men. Society'« Sew Game. “Trail” has taken society by storm. It is something new, something different. “Trail” as the name implies, is found­ ed on a popular hunting sport, is played with fifty-three fine can's in four colors, representing a fox to lie chased and caught, and four packs of hounds of thirteen each. “Trail” has constantly recurring inter­ est for players as they perfect their play­ ing from evening to evening, in marked contrast to certain recent boistrousgames that bore the players at the end of an hour. With the one pack six other splendid, new, copyright games can lie played. Two Educational games, and two games of Fun, making it suitable for all mem­ bers of a family. “Trail” can be had of <. talers or sent post-paid, 75c. gilt edge, plain 50c. Rules for seven games free. COMBINATION CARD GAME CO. A tlantic , G a . f urmsked Hotel At A Bargain. At Newport, on Yaqina bay, the fam­ ous Oregon summer seaside resort that is destined to equal the great Newport resort on the Atlantic coast, a 13 room hotel, one block from the main busi­ ness section, fully furnished with good bedding, carpets, furniture, and kitchen fixtures, and the woodroom full of wood, is offered for sale at a bargain for cash, or will trade for land in Rogue River Valley. Title perfect, house, in good repair and supplied with hot and cold water on ower and upper floors, bath room, wood room, closets and all conveniences of a modern boarding house I The house is ¡laying property and is only 1 offered for sale by reason of the owner's I wife having asthma and not able to live in a low altitude. Full oarticulars by addressing the Sentinel office. Newport on Yaquina Bay is the ideal ] seaside resort of the North Pacific Coast. I Round trip tickets at greatly reduced J rates on sale from all Southern Pacific I points in Oregon, on and after June 1st. Ask Agents for further information and a handsomely illustrated souvenir book­ let, or write to Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany Ore., or W. E. Co­ man G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland. CHAS. H. BASYE The first of the week C. W. Conklin finished moving into his new quarters in the Orth brick which has been papered, jiainted and otherwise, repaired until it is now as fine a room as there is in the town. A new double door has been cut tietween the two large rooms, the show- windows put in first class condition and new gas lights installedjwhich makes it an ideal building for the large and increas­ ing furniture and undertaking business of Mr. Conklin’s, a business which he has built up steadily since coming here. You Can Furnish Your House With Better Goods For Less Money At Norris* Furni­ ture Store, two doors from p. o., Medford, Oregon, than at Any Other Store In Southern Oregon. Everything for the Kitchen, the Bed­ room and the Par­ lor. Come in and Examine My Stock. T. C. NORRIS, Medford, Ore. ---------------- --------------------------/ How About Your Summer Vacation? Furness, the Gents Furnisher, expects to get into his rooms in the Masonic block in the next few days and will open up at once with a beautiful line of ties suspenders ami other articles that are in­ dispensable to gentlemen. The line will lie a nice one from which to select suit­ able Christmas gifts for gentlemen. A Hickel, the Jacksonville jeweler, has a I little later he will have in stock a com­ plete line of Gent’s Furnishing Goods of full stock of spectacles and will fit them , to your eye and his prices are right. the liest values and the latest style». His stock has been ordered and imbraces the very best and most up-to-date. Don't neglect to see him as he will lie able to please you. If he hasn't it, he’ll get it for you. _________________ Moved Into New Quartes. -------------------------------------- THE Medford Bazaar Mrs. 0. Gibert, Miss Lila Sackett Ladies’ Goods and No­ tions, Linen Good, Fancy Work, Silks, Lace. Will conduct a gene­ ral Blacksmith busi­ ness at the old ORQNEMiLLER STAND Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. Frank Hull, the Art Studio man and landscape artist, of Medford, was in town Wednesday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Hull has but recently returned from trips to Crater I^ake and other scenic localities of Southern Ore­ gon and has a collection of Oregon views that is second to none in this section of GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT. the state. “Some weeks ago ate running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We liegati using Chamber caused the engineer to stop the train Iain’s Cough Remedy, aiding the same and remove the unconscious man. Bald with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use heads are sometimes most useful. soon completely knocked out the grip.” Racycles, Ramblers and Chas. Decker th« well-known mer­ These Tablets promote a healthy action chant and hotel keeper of Waldo, died of the bowels, liver ami kidneys which is other standard bicycles. on Monday at the hospital in Portland, always beneficial when the system is con­ Repairs made to bicycles gested by a cold or attack of the grip. where he had bein taken to be treated, For sale by City Drug Store. sewing machines, guns by expert«, for Brights Disease. Mr. and all kinds of small typewriters. Decker was one of the oldest residents machines. For sale or for rent. New and second of this county, ami in addition to his other interests, was mgaged in mine de­ hand. Cash or easy installments. All makes repaired or remodeled and work velopment in the Waldo district. The fully guaranteed. If von need a machine, laxly was brought back home for inter­ write us. J. E. Huxley, 82 Fourth St., Portland Oregon. ment.—Oregon Mining Journal. MEDFORD - OREGON SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BICYCLE STORE REPAIR SHOP TED KEL O Material for all kinds of Fancy work and Laces. Orders taken for all kinds of Fancy Work. Fine Chinaware. Full Stock Fresh Confections - FINE ■-------- CABINET ==PH0T0S== $3.00 a Dozen UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. In Posing and Finishing my Pic* tvres cannot be excelled. Filled Promptly. Orders G. W. MACKEY Over Miller’» Hardware Store Medford, - - Oregon