Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, December 02, 1904, Image 8

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    A Grand Success.
War Situation in Far East as Indica­
ted by Late Dispatches, Is Now
Nearing a Crisis and Everything
Points to Early Fall of Arthur.
A Japanese cavalryman who has been
captured by the Russians declares that
Gereral Kuroki is not dead, as has been
rumored among the Chinese.
Foreign reports of the fighting at Port
Arthur are accepted here very serouslv.
If the Japanese have taken 203-Meter
Hill as reported, commanding the whole
harbor, it is believed that the situation is
critical. Experts on Port Arthur topo­
graphy assert, however, that it is more
likely that the Japanese have occupied
some positions at the base of the hill, and
believe that owing to the concentrated
fire of the covered forts the Japanese will
find the top of the hill untenable if they
arrive there.
According to information on which has
reached the War Office, Field Marshal
Oyami's strength is much smaller than
heretofore believed, tending to confirm
the theory that a large force has been
withdraw to assist in storming Port Aur-
thur. This information is to the effect
that not much more than 150,000 men
are now confronting General Kuropatkin
but that the Japanese line are heavily
fortified in order to check any aggressive
movement which Kuropatkin might un
dertaKe long enough to enable the Jap­
anese to hurry up reinforcement by rail
from the peninsula.
According to a Tokio dispatch to the
Standard, there is an official rumor that
the Japanese have hauled large caliber
guns to the top of 203-Meter Hill, whence
their fire has a sweep of the whole har­
bor. Japanese here explain the great
importance of the capture of 203-Meter
Hill, which, besides giving command of
the harbor, will serve as a wide breach
made by the wedge the Japanese had
previously driven in between the Etz
group and the Russians’ last retreat in
the ravines of Laotie Mountain. They
declare that retreat to Laotie will be
effectually cut off, and it is not unlikely
that Laotie will be simultaneous!}* at­
tacked in the final assault. Desperate
fighting in proceeding daily, and the
losses are admitted to be excessive, but
the Japanese insist that Port Arthur must
fall within 21 days.
Will Increase Their force.
Henry Miller returned Thursday from
the Millionaire mine where he says
things are progressing in a most satis­
factory manner under the management
of Supt. J. E. Davidson. A crew is now
at work on a drift from the shaft at a
depth of about 130 feet where good pro­
gress is being made and good values en­
countered. It is the intention of the new
company, which has now come into com­
plete ownership of the property having
recently made their final payment, to
enlarge the bunk house and other neces­
sary quarters and put on a much larger
force thus hurrying the development of
the property at a much more satisfactory
rate than can be done with the present
The Rogue River Creamery, Medford,
wants your cream and guarantees to
meet any prices on an average paid by
any cream concern buying cream.
Gaddis Bros. C. E. Gaddis, business
The Thanksgiving ball, given here at
Orth's hall last Thursday evening was a I
grand success in every respect, as is all '
such undertakings of The Native Daugh­
ters of Jacksonville. There was a large
crowd present, many attending from
Medford and other neighboring towns,
while the music which was furnished by
Miller’s dance orchestra of Medford, was
said to be the very l>est. The supper |
was served in the I. O. O. F. banquet I
hall and was one of the most pleasing '
features of the evening la-ing one of those I
famous and sumptuous banquets for i !
which the local Native Daughters are ’
noted. Jane McCully Cabin, by whom 1 I
the ball was given cleared something .
over $50.00.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon
Nov 10,
Notice is hereby given that the tollowing
named settler has filed notice ot his intention to
make final proot in support ot his claim and
that »aid proof will l>e made tielore John S Orth
County Clerk, at his office at Jacksonville. Ore .
oil l-'rli JI. r.«i>
via It 1- No
Hofer, for the lot 3 ot Sec IM. T. 39 S K I W
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot
said land, via James Roell. Sr, James Kock
jr.. Dick Rock and John Beckner all of Apple­
gate, Oregon.
J. T. BaitMiKM,
11-13. 12-23
United Slates Land Office,
Roseburg Oregon October 3 1!*H.
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,” as extender! to
all the public land states by act ot Aug­
ust i UM.
Unite.! States I.mid Office Roacbuig. Oregon,
November, 11 KAM.
Notice ia hereby given that I* F,Nwnyne whoae
poslufhi a.lrllr»» la Juckaonville Jackson county
Oregon has made application lor patent for the
lollowing described placer mining griniud situate
in Jackson county. Oregon in the Uuioutowu oi
Big Applegate Mining Diatrict ot aai.1 Jackson
county, aa lollowa, towlt
The weal halt ot the weat halt ot the south weal
quarter ol the south eaat quarter ot section 22.
township 39. Smith ot range three (.<) weal ot the
Willamette Meridian,consisting ol ten acre» ot
placer mining ground, »aid claim being known
aathc l.oty placet mining claim
The location ot thia claim la recorded in vulume
13 al page »17 of the record» ot mining claim» ol
»aid Jack »on county. Oregon
The adjoining claimantaarc none and there are
no adjoining claim».
Notice ia birther given that all tieraonaclaiinliig
adversely the mining ground, placer, vein» and
hale premiaeaor uuy itortion thereof hereinbefore
deacritied and relercil tool surveyed. platted or
herein applied tor. are hereby notified that unleaa
their adveracclaima are duly tiled acvoidiug io
law within the time prescribed by law with the
Register ol the United Blates Land Office at
Roseburg Douglas county Oregon, they w ill Ire
barred from any right of claim in »aid premises
and every part thereat by virtue ol the statues ol
the United States in auch case matte and provid
J. T. Hainan»
Nov. Ui I91M
United State» Land Office, Roseburg. Oieguii.
Novenilrer II. IHtH
Notice I» hereby given that P F Swayne
whose |M»»toffice addle»» in Jacksonville, Jar k «on
county alate ol Oregon, bua inaile uiiplli iillou lor
a patent to twenty <-*»•> acres ol placet mining
ground situated In the Big Applegate or Union
town Mining Diatrict ol Juckson county, alati
oi * »regoli
The east halt ol the aouth west quartet ol the
north-east quarter ol acction 2*. townahip - 9
south of tange three (3) weat, the same being
known a» the "Stai placer mining claim
The location ol thia claim I» recorded in vol
utile 13 at page 4ol the milling records ol Jack
aon county, »trite ol Oregon, and there are no
adjoining claims or adjoining claimant»
And notice ia further glieli that all |»er»on»
claiming adversely the mining ground, piai i r
veins and lode premises, or any |xulioti thereof
hcteinlielore de»ci ilieel aud referred to, or sul
veyed. platted or herein applied lor, arc hereby
notified that unleaa their adverse claim» are
duly tiled according to law within the time pre
». > il„ d by law with the K-gt»iei ol ilu I'nilcd
Slatea Land Office at Koacbutg III Dougla»
county. Oregon, they will la- Imrred from any
right of claim in said premises and every part
thereof by virtue ot the Statute« ol tile United
States in such case made and provided
J. T Baila.as,
Nov. IN.
MIMSG APRIL A110% SO. 152.
United state» Land office.
Roarburg Oregon. Oct. 4. I9UI.
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions ot the act ot Coiigre»» ol June 3rd.
1M7K entitled "Au Act lor the Sale ol Timber
I.anti» in the State» ot California. Oregon
Nevada and Waahmgton Territory.' a» extend­
ed Io all the public land »tale» by act ot.Auguat t, '
I »92
of Ashland County ol Jackson, alate of Oregon.
ha» thi» day filed in this office III» »worn »late-
menl No 61*17. lor the purchase ol the sE|< ol
2, III
Townahip No
South. Range No 3 west, and will offer proof
to »how that the land ought 1» more valuable
lor it» timber or atone than for agricultural
fiurposes and to eatablish hla claim to »aid land
irlore the Regi»ter and Receiver. U S laud office
at Roseburg Oregon on Friday, the 5th day of
January, I9U5
Hr name» aa witnesses Flank E Kincart
ot Oakland Oregon Harry W Miller ol Myrtle
Creek Oregon und Louis R Ulen ami John A I.
Shelly Isith ot Ashland, Oregon.
Any and all person» claiming adversely the
■hove described land» are requested to tile their
claim» in thia office on or before Mild 5th day ot
January IMIS
J T B siiw . is ,
9 14 12-23
t’lihrd Stale« I. mik I Office R om ’I hhk Orrfotl.
Nuvrmltrr II. 11*»I
Notice 1« hereby given that !• F
wh<»AT powloflice a<l<irr«a i« Jat kooiivHle. jackwon
c*ounty, Oregon I imm mode application for •* pat
ent for forty (i<») hc re«i of placer mining ground
«itiitttr hi tile Uniontown or Illg Applegate Mm
let of Jn< U m »11 County, .state of Oregon
and deM.*i 11 »cd aw follow» tow it
The north camlquutter <>f the north wrM quarter
of Mi llon 77 Town dlip 39 wnith of range three
(3) wr*t of the Willumettr Meridian the *uam«' I m -
mg known a« the
Murphy'* placer milling
The locution ot thin mine in recorded in volume
•'»of the Mining Kecordn of Mild Jackaon. county
Oregon nt page »i»* thereof
The adjoining claimant« are none and there are
no adioialag < laiaii
An<( notice m further given that all per noun
claiming adversely the mining ground, placer
vein« «nd lode premier«, or any portion theieol
hereinbefore dr«cril*ed and referred to. or «urvry
rd platted or herein applied tor. are hereby not
ifie<! that mile«« their advqrn« claim» are duly
file«! according to law within the time pr<*«crH»ed
bylaw with the Regmtcr of the t'nitrd State«
l.aml <>ffn< al Ko<M buig IhniglM« County. Ore
gon they will I m - barred from any right of <1uim
ill «mid pfeminen Mild every |Mift thereof try virtue
of the ntatute« of the Cuitrd state« in «tick cmm
made and provided
J T H miixs K m .
Nov. IA.
of Ashland, county of Jackson, state
of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 6457 for the
purchase of the Lots 3 and 4, e
sw'4 of
of section No. 6 in Township No. 41 s,
Range No 3 w mid will otter proof to
show that the land sought it more valu­
able for its timlrer or »tone than for ag­
ricultural purposes and to establish his
I have in my hands at the present time a large num­
claim to »aid land before the Register
and Receiver United States Land Office.
ber of Bargains m FARM, FRUIT and GARDEN
Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 27th
LANDS, and TOWN 1’Rol’ERTY, in different
day of December, 11104.
He names as witnesses; Frank E.
parts of Rogue River Willey. My commissions arc
Kincart of Oakland. Oregon; Harry W.
reasonable thus giving advantage to both seller and
Miller of Myrtle Creek, Oregon: Max W.
buyer. I can furnish any kind of property that a
Luckenback of Medford Oregon; Solo­
mon A. Landes, of Ashland, Oregon.
nevA settler may desire.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the alxive described lands are requested
by pipe, 2 grxxl barria, 215 acre» of choice land
to file their claims in this office on or be­ NO. I 1H acres choice fruit lainl I !4 mile, from
in cultivation grxxl for all kindsol gram io
I'rice per acre
fore said 27th day of December 11)04.
or 10 acres would produce grxxl alfalfa
NO. 2 106 acre« J4 mile west of Fhoetiix; it can
1» one of the liest farm« m the valley, 2M
J. T. B ridges ,
lie aolii in small tracts to anil customer» Price
miles from Phoenix
Price per acre.,
f.3 , <»>
ranginx from t3 > to (to |>er acre accordinx to
NO. 18 IK'acre« »i miles from Medford g<xxi
That are Fresh and of
Best Quality.
A Good Selection of the
Best Quality and Styles.
the best in Ladies’
Gentlemens’ fine wear
a Specialty in Miners’
Loggers’ Shoes.
Full Line of Gentlemens’
Orders taken for Suits
and fits guaranteed.
Full line of Sundrirs of
various kinds.
J.M.C ronem ller .
The Sentinel gives the mining news.
g f. acres all in fineyounx liearinx orch­
ard The fine»t fruit in the country
To lie
sold at a bargain. Near ackaotiville.
NO. 8
acres on Roxyann
Some timber
mid a bix spring; fine for stock and fruit
NO. 9 «'acres on a creek: new land and can
lie tiought at reasonable figure».
NO. 10 1» > ■" acres, mor. or les», 3UU acres
Rogue River bottom land, all fenced, good
house, bnrn and other buildings. The balance,
about 2-'i0 acres, good for timber and pasture.
Thi» place is situated on Rogue River, near
Laud is of fine quality Price, per
acre...................................................................... |2 ■
NO. //— 1» a tract of l i2D acre», all fcuced, 1200
acres gixxi alfalfa land, a stream running
through it of 1-Vi miner'» inches of water with
which the whole 12IM) acre» can lie irrigated.
The other 32b acre» in higher ground, w hich
is well »ituated for resorvoir» and feed ground.
Thi» tract is situated in Klamath comity,
aliout 20 miles from Klamath Fall», a county­
road running by it and a railroad now within
miles and tiuilding rapidly towards
it and i» certain to pa»» near by it or cross it
in the near future A grxxl farm house mill
barn and corrals on the place. One of the
best tMirgmns in Southern Oregon
Price per
acre....................................................................... $10 00
NO. 13 -V» acres, hou»e and 2 Imrn», 12 acre»
Ixittom land, the balance. 13 acres, nil gtxid
land, tf-mile from depot; 12 acres under ditch
at the head of the ditch Price.................. fTa'iOO
NO. 16 1 * ' acres on Butte creek 25 acres in
cultivation. 25 acres to put in; all fenced, lair
buildings, ackson county. A bargain
NO. 17 261 acre», all fenced, good 5-r<xmi
hoiiM-, gixxi spring, water conveyed to houne
NO. 12 —10 «ere» mile from railroad town.
Grxxl orchard land, all cleared mid 2 acres to
five-year-old orchard. No buildings. Well
7 feet deep in a spring that supplies water
for considerable irrigation. Is a great bar­
gain........................................................... ... fl ,000
NO 3
acres 10 acres in cultivation, A
acres in alfalfa. 5 acre-» in orchard, bill mice ol
the 10 acres grxxl farming lanrl. about 31 acr< »
in young tint tier principally fit and laurel
water to irrigate garden mitt most of the alfalfa
garden, grapes, Ix-tries and r.thet fruits
grxxl house, barn anti other outbuildings,
on r on ti tv load 2 tn ill-» from town
house, 2 1strn»; Bsi acres in cultivation price
|x-r acre................................
fj • m
NO. 19 13* acte« on Rrigue River Ko acre* of
as grxxl land as any man could wish for
improvements. Thirty acres of it could be
made ready for the plow with 1 » day* lalxii
I’tn <•
NO. 20 Hon«e and 3 lot» in Phoenix, lot»
isixl-si each, grxxl house well finished
NO. 26
Hou»<- and 2 lots in l'hoenix. lots are
60x120 feet each.
NO. 30
IB acre» well improverl, house Imru
ami other rmt building»: one hall in young
ordhard; near Phoenix. Price
NO. 34 1
acres of it fine plow
laud; all well watered by hue creek and
springs Large |xirt under cultivation mid
all under fence Will lx- sold in tracts to suit
purchasers Convenient to market and in
grxxl neighborhood.
NO. 39 -’S acres,
mile from Medford
Grxxl garden lanrl Grxxl Ixix house
NO. 40 «• acre», r>n a creek affording plenty
of gixxi water grxxl soil and fruit land; 3 acres
in alfalfa; grxxl building»; near Khrxil and
other advantages. <1501 >. one half cash, bal­
ance on time. 1» a big bargain.
NO. 41 WOO acres of choic r lanrl »elected in
an early day
Will lie »ohl in tracts to suit,
and will make a dozen or 20 fine farms. This
i» an opportunity to secure a home in the
best part of the Rogue River valley.
NO. 43 1,1 acres ol unimproved land Has
some grxxl fir, pine ntnl oak
Most of hind
can In- easily cleared; gixxi soil, plenty of
water; J4 mile from ix-hooi and church
mile» from Bybee bridge.
Per acre...... $10.00
NO. 4 !'■! «ere fruit farm apples, pears.
tx-aciies anil prunes all bearing
Two inlli-a
from town on fine road GoixT I ioiim , batn,
fruit dryer, walet system by gasoline engine
Team, tools. Ix-ea, etc all for
NO. 5 I i acres I miles front town on main
All under cultivation ami first class
fruit or alfalfa lanrl. Grxxl house, liatti ami
Mtnnll orchard....................................................$I,2I»>
NO. 7
70 acres :ui acres under cultivation.
11 ar tea in nlfnlfa 30 acre» Ixiltom land,
grxxl 5 rrxim house, small bam. water piped
to the lion«»- from lolrl, soft water spring,
on county road, Jui kxonvlllt to Gold Hill.