TT“ Society*« New Game. 9 Of Southern Work is progressing on the Greenback in the 12th level, which is HMM) feet, in depth. Seventy tons of ore is tx-ing disputed of daily in the thirty stamp and the ten-stamp mills of this mine, which nets its owner, W. M. Brevoort of New York, an average of £M),(MM) monthly. A |Hitmt will soon l>e applied for, surveys to that end having been completed re­ cently.—Glendale News. The Eureka mine on Soldier Creek which has been closed down for some tune on account of repairs, is now nearly ready for renewed operations, and it is expected that development work will la-gin on a larger scale than ever about the middle of December. This mine is owned by California capitalists, and is equipped with u ten-stamp mill.—Grants Pass Journal. Oregon A rich streak of ore was recently re­ ported at the Free and Easy mine on the Illinois river, near Kerby. This property, which recently came into the possession of the Siskiyou Mining Development Co., has an immense ore body, carrying values of fiotti fl to $5 a ton throughout its entire width, and its present owners are contemplating the building of a cyanide plant in order to work the base ores at a profit—Grants Pass Journal. Lester Boling of the Foots Creek Dred­ ger was in the city this week says the Oregon Mining Journal. He reports the Champlin Dredge as working night and day atxl employing some fifty men on the dredge itself atxl the wood fields. The Champlin Co., are also planning to in­ stall another dredge in the Foots Creek district if they can secure ground. "Trail” has taken society by storm. It is something new, something different. "Trail” as the name implies, is found- ! ed on a popular hunting sport, is played with fifty-three fine cards in four colors, representing a fox to lie chased and caught, aud four packs of hounds of thirteen each. "Trail” has constantly recurring inter­ est for players as they perfect their play­ ing from evening to evening, in marked contrast to certain recent bointrous games that bore the players at the end of an hour. With the one pack six other splendid, new, copyright games can be played. Two Educational games, and two games of Fun, making it suitable for all mem- l>ers of a family. "Trail” can lx had of dealers or sent post-paid, 75c. gilt edge, plain 50c. Rules for seven games free. COMBINATION CARD GAME CO. A tlantic , G a . furnished Hotel At A Bargain. At Newport, on Yaqina bay, the fam­ ous Oregon summer seaside resort that is destined to equal the great Newport resort on the Atlantic coast, a 13 room hotel, one block from the main busi­ ness section, fully furnished with good bedding, carpets, furniture, and kitchen fixtures, and the woodroom full of wood, is offered for sale at a bargain for cash, or will trade for land in Rogue River Valley. Title perfect, house, in good repair and supplied with hot and cold water on ower and upper floors, bath room, wood room, closets and all conveniencies of a modern boarding house The house is paying property and is only offered for sale by reason of the owner’s wife having asthma and not able to live in a low altitude. Full particulars by addressing the Sentinel office. GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT. ‘‘Some weeks ago during the severe The November number of "The Twen­ winter weather both my wife and myself tieth Century Home” is a superbly illus­ contracted server« cold» which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe trated magazine aixl its contents, for in­ with all its miserable symptoms.” says terest and variety, an- on a |>ar with the Mr. J. S. Eg lesion of Maple Landing, artistic side ot this new atxl popular per­ I Iowa "Knees and joints aching, mus­ iodical. Some prominent features are cles sore, head stopja-d up, eyes and nose running, with alternate sj>ells of chills "Some Fancy-Dress Balls in London,” and lever. We la-gan using Chamber "Electricity as an Aid to Housekeeping,” Iain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same "Women Who Toil,” atxl "The Homes with a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach How About Your Summer Vacation? of George Elliot.” This is nut taking I aixl Liver Tablets, and by its lilieral use Newport on Yaquina Bay is the ideal soon completely knocked out the grip.” intu account the fiction, which includes . These Tablets promote a healthy action seaside resort of the North Pacific Coast. a charmingly illustrated story by Flor- I of the bowels, liver aud kidneys which is Round trip tickets at greatly reduced 1 ence Wilkinson entitled "The Gipsy | always l>eneficial when the system is con­ rates on sale from all Southern Pacific Queen,” ns well as stories by Howard gested by a cold or attack of the grip. points in Oregon, on and after June 1st Ask Agents for further information and Markle Hoke, Tom Masson and Harriott For sale by City Drug Store. a handsomely illustrated souvenir book Prescott Spofford. "The Twentieth Cen­ let, or write to Edwin Stone, Manager C tury Home” is primarily a magazine for COUGHING SPELL CAUSED DEATH. ft B. R- R-. Albany Ore., or W. E. Co "Harry Duck well, aged 25 years, chok­ man, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland. women with large interests in life, who endeavor to make something of them-[ ed to death early yesterday morning at his home, in the presence of his wife Hickel, the Jacksonville jeweler, has selves, an I therefore it gives considerable and child. He contracted a slight cold attention to means of commercial activity a few days ago and paid but little atteti- full stock of spectacles and will fit the to your eye and liis prices are right. within and outside the home. This , lion to it. Yesterday morning he was month we note at least four articles of seized with a fit of coughing which con­ tinued for some time. His wife sent for this nature, "Why Women Fail In Busi­ a physician blit lie fore he could arrive, ness.” bv Elizabeth M. Gilmer; "Is Work another coughing spell came on and Inimical to Beauty?” by Mrs. Wilson Duckwell died from suffocation.—St. W S. Range No 8 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ag­ ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 4th day of January. 1906. He nnmes as witnesses: Frank K. Kincnrt of Oakland Oregon; Harry W Miller of Myrtle Creek Oregon and Joseph K. Randles and 'Wil­ liam T. Boyle l>oth of Ashland Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 4th day of Jnnunry, 1906. J. T. BRIDGES, 9-14 12-23 Register. First class sugar pine shakes in any quantity at Nunan-Taylor Company. GUARANTEED BICYCLE STORE REPAIR SHOP Recycles, Ramblers and other standard bicycles. Repairs made to bicycles sewing machines, gnns and all kinds of small machines. TED KELSO MEDFORD OREGON Bazaar Mrs. 0. Gibert, Miss Lila Sackett Ladies’ Goods and No* tions, Linen Good, Fancy Work, Silks, Lace. Material for all kinds of Fancy work and Laces. Orders taken for all kinds of Fancy Work. Fine Chinaware. Full Stock Fresh Confections FINE CABINET ==PHOTOS== $3.00 a Dozen UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Io Posing and Finishing my Pic- tyres cannot be excelled. Orders Filled Promptly. G. W. MACKEY Over Miller’s Hardware Store Medford, - - Oregon